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Limitations of Sovereignty

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SS1 Government
Limitations of Sovereignty

  1. The Supremacy of the Constitution: In the modern political system or Practice, no single individual or group of individuals is regarded as being too powerful or above the laws of the state no matter the position of authority occupied. In some modern states especially federal states where the constitution is said to be supreme, certain constitutional provisions tend to limit the powers of the government. Such constitutional limitations include fundamental human rights, the power of popular recall, judicial review, rule of law and the principle of separation of powers.

  2. Public Opinion: Both domestic and international public opinions have their impact on the domestic policies of a state. Thus, people's opinion through organised demonstrations, strikes, rioting and/or referendum can undermine the sovereignty of a state and force the government to revert its decisions and actions on state policies.

  3. Type or System of Government: The system or type of government that operates in a state goes a long way to determine the level or degree of sovereignty exercised by the government. For instance, the level of sovereignty is very high in unitary states than states with federal and confederal structures.

  4. Membership of International Organisations: The interdependence of sovereign states within the international community requires that every state register or affiliate herself with one international Organization or another for socio-political and economic reasons. For this reason, member states are expected to comply with the decisions and regulations of these international organisations even when such decisions and regulations affect and undermine their internal and external sovereignty. Examples of these international organization are ECOWAS, AU, OPEC, NATO, UNO, etc.

  5. Pressure Groups: The activities of pressure or interest groups as check an unpopular decisions and policies of government of a state may force such government to revert its decisions of reform its policies in line with the demands of the pressure groups. This is an obvious limitation on the sovereignty of the state as exercised by the government.

  6. International Laws and Treaties: For the sake of peace and harmony within the world community, sovereign states are not only made to recognize international laws and treaties but also comply with their terms and conditions. This tends to limit and undermine sovereignty of states.

  7. Foreign Aids: Many poor nation-states do get foreign help in terms of military, economic and technical assistance from the financially developed and industrialized states of the world. In return, these dependent states consciously or unconsciously mortgage their sovereignty to the dictates of their donor countries or financiers.


1. Name and explain two basic concepts of government.

2. Outline the forms of Power available in any one West African State.

3. Enumerate the ways by which a government can acquire Authority.

4. List and explain five (5) types of Authority.

5. Describe any four (4) differences between Power and Authority.

6. Define sovereignty

7. List some factors that can promote legitimacy

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