akasa with his imagination. Then he interrupts
the connection with his volt, stopping thinking of it at that very moment, forgetting it and paying attention to other matters.
The volting quoted here is one of the most powerful operations that the magician is able to accomplish in his
present state of development, for now he has succeeded in mastering himself as well as other people. The cause he transferred with his volt into akasa will do its effect, and it is of no importance at all
whether it concerns the mental, astral or material plane. The magician will certainly appreciate this great and responsible opportunity, and accomplish only noble deeds for his own benefit and that of his fellow creatures for whom he dares to undertake this operation.
The magician who walked on the path of hardships up to this very point has balanced his karma with his troublesome exercises which were more than asceticism so far that it will do him no more harm. The magician is no longer subject to the
ordinary influences of destiny;
he became master of his fate and nothing but Divine Providence in its highest aspect can influence his will.
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