The faculty of writing at a distance between living persons may be interpreted in this manner too. Supposing a skilled magician has exteriorized his mental and his astral hand with the help of imagination by thinking of the hand as being somewhere else where a piece of paper
and a pencil are prepared, his mental and his astral hand can seize the partner’s hand at any distance and give normal messages. It is even possible to transfer the magician’s correct handwriting by this experiment. Adepts call this particular feat “writing at distance between living persons”.
If the magician has gained a certain mastery in exteriorizing his hands and feet, objects can be transferred in the same way. In a later chapter I am going to describe how to make an object invisible. The magician will notice that he cannot hear with his physical ears
or see with his physical eyes, nor will he perceive anything at all that happens near him while exteriorizing his eyes or ears outside his body, even if he kept his eyes open. As for
the exteriorization of a limb, say the hand,
it will remain lifeless, cataleptic until the mental or astral limb has been reconnected with the body.
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