Initiation Into Hermetics

Control of the Magnetic Fluid – Deductive Method

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6. Control of the Magnetic Fluid – Deductive Method

The process concerning the control of the magnetic fluid is similar to the deductive method of handling the electric fluid, described in the foregoing exercise, with the difference that instead of the fire, the water element will play its part. Accumulate the water element dynamically in your body, which you imagine to be hollow. You may breath through the lungs or the pores or both together, or let imagination play its role. Although you will perceive the wetness and coolness during this accumulation, focus your attention on the skin of the body. In the beginning and as a result of an extremely strong dynamization, the sensation of this fluid will produce a sort of paralyzing effect until you get accustomed to it.
If you manage to increase the accumulation to the peak, gradually dissolve the water element together with the magnetic fluid into the universe by means of the imagination. This is the end of this exercise.
You ought to master all four methods so well as to be able to perform each method in a few moments with your imagination, and to produce the magnetic or electric fluid inductively.
You will accomplish this by frequent and indefatigable training. Be very attentive, because controlling these two fluids is very important, since everything will be within your reach with the help of these two universal powers, no matter in which sphere the magician wishes to exercise his influence. In the beginning these exercises have to be performed with the eyes closed, later on with open eyes, without any regard for the situation one happens to be in. It is important to know that in all four methods the magician will be inclined to strain the

muscles or hold the breath, which ought to be avoided. These exercises must be performed in a calm and unconcerned way and should not be noticed by anyone.
The magician will find out now that the inductive method serves to direct a power from the universe to the inside, viz., into his body, soul and spirit, whereas the deductive method is destined to send off a fluid from the inside to the outside. If the magician has gained experience in the four methods, he can extend the exercise as follows: while following the inductive method, increase the electric fluid to the highest point and allow the external fire element to dissolve into nothingness, he can hold the electric fluid with its tension power and the respective fire element inside his body. When he has kept this fluid for a long time, then he may allow it to flow gradually back into the universe. The magician can operate in the same manner with the magnetic fluid. Do not advance before both the methods quoted here have been mastered very well.
The methods of controlling the electric and magnetic fluids described here are a kind of preliminary exercises, and as soon as they have become familiar, you may pass on to the capital method concerning the mastery of the electromagnetic fluid, which I will describe in the following chapter.
Consider the following analogies: head and chest correspond to the electric fluid, abdomen and thighs and feet to the magnetic fluid. Now the magician’s task will be to load the feet and abdomen up to the pit of the stomach with the magnetic fluid, and the head, neck and chest with the electric fluid in the manner previously described. He must be able to load both these fluids dynamically, one after the other in the two regions of his body to such a degree that he gets the sensation as if he were about to burst. After a prolonged period of exercises,
he will be able to retain both fluids. Having arrived at this point, he presses the electric fluid into the right breast with the help of his imagination, forming a hollow around the heart region, but he does not load the left breast at all. This done, he withdraws the accumulated magnetic fluid from the lower region of his body and stores it via the left breast in the left hand. The left hand now is magnetic and possesses an astringent cooling radiation. Proceed in the same way with the right hand by accumulating the electric fluid from the upper region via the right breast into the hand, which thereby becomes electric. One can feel the expansive hot electric energy in the whole hand, but mostly in the fingertips. Provided that there is no personal use for both powers, one dissolves them, letting them fly free from the hands into the universe.
By managing these exercises perfectly, one has become master of the electromagnetic fluid,
viz., master of two universal powers with the help of which one can achieve practically anything. Blessed will be the magician’s electric and magnetic hands, which will be of potential value and may become a real blessing for mankind!

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