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YEAR = 1999,

PAGES = "604--632"



AUTHOR = "S. Hart and S. Modica and D. Schmeidler",

TITLE = "A Neo Bayesian Foundation of the Maxmin Value for

Two-Parson Zero-Sum Games",

JOURNAL = {International Journal of Game Theory},

VOLUME = 23,

YEAR = 1994,

PAGES = "347--358"


AUTHOR = "F. J. Anscombe and R.J. Aumann",

TITLE = "A Definition of Subjective Probability",

JOURNAL = {Annals of Mathematical Statistics},

VOLUME = 34,

YEAR = 1963,

PAGES = "199--205"



AUTHOR = "G. Owen",

TITLE = "Game Theory (2nd Ed.)",

PUBLISHER = "Academic Press",

YEAR = 1982



AUTHOR = "D. Kreps",

TITLE = "Notes on the Theory of Choice",

PUBLISHER = "Westview press",

YEAR = 1988



AUTHOR = "D. Kreps",

TITLE = "A Course in Microeconomic Theory",

PUBLISHER = "Princeton University Press",

YEAR = 1990



AUTHOR = "A. Mas-Colell and M.D. Whinston and J.R. Green",

TITLE = "Microeconomic Theory",

PUBLISHER = "Oxford University Press",

YEAR = 1995



AUTHOR = "J. Greenberg",

TITLE = {The Theory of Social Situations; An Alternative

Game-Theoretic Approach},

PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",

YEAR = 1990



AUTHOR = "D. Fudenberg and J. Tirole",

TITLE = "Game Theory",


YEAR = 1991



AUTHOR = "D. Fudenberg and D. Levine",

TITLE = "The theory of learning in games",


YEAR = 1998


AUTHOR = "R. B. Myerson",

TITLE = "Game Theory",

PUBLISHER = "Harvard University Press",

CITY = {Cambridge, Massachisetts},

YEAR = 1991



AUTHOR = "M.J. Osborne and A. Rubinstein",

TITLE = "A Course in Game Theory",


YEAR = 1994



AUTHOR = "R.~D. Luce and H. Raiffa",

TITLE = "Games and Decisions- Introduction and Critical Survey",

PUBLISHER = "John Wiley and Sons",

YEAR = 1957


AUTHOR = "T. Schelling",

TITLE = "The Strategy of Conflict",

PUBLISHER = "Harvard University Press",

YEAR = 1980



AUTHOR = "W. Weidlich and G. Haag",

TITLE = "Concepts and Models of a Quantitative Sociology; The Dynamics

of Interacting Populations",

PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",

YEAR = 1983


AUTHOR = "D. McDermott",

TITLE = "A critque of Pure Reason",

INSTITUTION = "Dept. of Computer Science, Yale University",

YEAR = 1986,


MONTH = "June"


AUTHOR = "A.G. Barto and S.J. Bradtke and S.P. Singh",

TITLE = "Real-time Learning and Control using Asynchronous Dynamic


INSTITUTION = "Computer and Information Science,

University of Massachusetts at Amherst",

YEAR = 1991,

NUMBER = "91--57"



AUTHOR = "J. Halpern and Y. Moses",

TITLE = "Knowledge and Common Knowledge in a Distributed Environment",


YEAR = 1984,

NUMBER = "RJ 4421"


AUTHOR = "A.~K. Chandra and D.~C. Kozen and L.~J. Stockmeyer",

TITLE = "Alternation",

JOURNAL = jacm,

VOLUME = 28,

YEAR = 1981,

PAGES = "114--133"


AUTHOR = "M. N. Huhns and D. M. Bridgeland",

TITLE = "Multiagent Truth Maintenance",

JOURNAL = "IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics",

VOLUME = 21,


YEAR = 1991,

PAGES = "1437--1445"



AUTHOR = "J. Doyle",

TITLE = "{A Society of Mind: Multiple Perspectives, Reasoned Assumptions,

and Virtual Copies}",

BOOKTITLE = ijcai83,

YEAR = 1983,



AUTHOR = "J. Doyle",

TITLE = "{Reasoned Assumptions and Pareto Optimality}",

BOOKTITLE = ijcai85,

YEAR = 1985,




AUTHOR = "J. Doyle and M.P. Wellman",

TITLE = "{Impediments to Universal Preference-Based Default Theories}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 1st conference on principles of knowledge

representation and reasoning",

YEAR = 1989



AUTHOR = "J. Doyle and M.P. Wellman",

TITLE = "{Preferential Semantics for Goals}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of the 2nd conference on principles of knowledge

representation and reasoning",

YEAR = 1991


AUTHOR = "J. McCarthy and P. Hayes",

TITLE = "{Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of

Artificial Intelligence}",

JOURNAL = "Machine Intelligence",


YEAR = 1969,




AUTHOR = "P. Hayes",

TITLE = "{The Second Naive Physics Manifesto}",

EDITOR = "J. Hobbs and R. Moore",

BOOKTITLE = "Formal Theories of the Common-Sense World",

PUBLISHER = "Ablex Publishing Corporation",

YEAR = 1985



AUTHOR = "P. Hayes",

TITLE = "{Naive Physics 1: Ontology For Liquids}",

EDITOR = "J. Hobbs and R. Moore",

BOOKTITLE = "Formal Theories of the Common-Sense World",

PUBLISHER = "Ablex Publishing Corporation",

YEAR = 1985


AUTHOR = "John Mayrand Smith",

TITLE = "{Evolution and the Theory of Games}",

PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",

YEAR = 1982


AUTHOR= "I. Palacios-Huerta and O. Volij",

TITLE = "The Measurement of Intellectual Influence",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 2004,

VOLUME = 73,




AUTHOR= "R. B. Myerson",

TITLE = "Multistage Games with Communication",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1986,

VOLUME = 54,


PAGES = "323--358"


AUTHOR= "F. Forges",

TITLE = "An Approach to Communication Equilibrium",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1986,

VOLUME = 54,


PAGES = "1375--1385"


AUTHOR= "D. Fudenberg and D.K. Levine",

TITLE = "Self-Confirming Equilibrium",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1993,

VOLUME = 61,


PAGES = "523--545"


AUTHOR= "R.J. Aumann",

TITLE = "Subjectivity and Correlation in Randomized Strategies",

JOURNAL = "Journal of Mathematical Economics",

YEAR = 1974,


PAGES = "67--96"



AUTHOR= "R.J. Aumann",

TITLE = "On the Non-Transferable Utility VAlue: A Comment on the

\large{R}\small{oth}-\large{S}\small{haper} examples",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1985,

VOLUME = 53,


PAGES = "667-677",


AUTHOR= "A. E. Roth",

TITLE = "Values for Games Without Side Payments: Some Difficulties

with Current Concepts",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1980,

VOLUME = 48,


PAGES = "457--465",



AUTHOR= "J.F. Nash",

TITLE = "Equilibrium Points in N-Person Games",

JOURNAL = "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the

United States of America",

YEAR = 1950,

VOLUME = 36,

PAGES = "48--49"



AUTHOR= "I. Gilboa and A. Matsui",

TITLE = "Social Stability and Equilibrium",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1991,

VOLUME = 59,


PAGES = "859--867"


AUTHOR= "G. Ellison",

TITLE = "Learning, Local Interaction, and Coordination",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1993,

VOLUME = 61,


PAGES = "1047--1071"



AUTHOR = "M. Kandori and G. Mailath and R. Rob",

TITLE ="{Learning, Mutation and Long Equilibria in Games}",

NOTE = "Mimeo. University of Pennsylvania, 1991",

YEAR = 1991


AUTHOR="M. Kandori and G. Mailath and R. Rob",

TITLE = "Learning, mutation, and long-term equilibrium",

JOURNAL = "Econometrica",

YEAR = 1993,

VOLUME = 61,

PAGES = "27--56"


AUTHOR = "D. Fudenburg and D. Kreps",

TITLE = "Lectures on learning and equilibrium

in strategic-form games",

NOTE = "CORE lecture notes",

YEAR = 1990



AUTHOR = "M. Kandori and R. Rob",

TITLE ="{Evolution of Equilibria in the Long Run: A General Theory and


NOTE = "Mimeo. University of Pennsylvania, 1991",

YEAR = 1991



AUTHOR ="Ronen Brafman and Moshe Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Active reinforcement, its design, and implementation}",

NOTE = "Submitted"



AUTHOR ="R. Kinderman and S. L. Snell" ,

TITLE = "Markov Random Fields and their Applications",

YEAR = 1980,

PUBLISHER = "American Mathematical Society"


AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and Y. Shoham",

TITLE = "{Belief as Defeasible Knowledge}",


YEAR = 1989


AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Artificial Social Systems Part I: Basic Principles}",

INSTITUTION = "Weizmann Institute",

YEAR = 1990,

NUMBER = "CS90-12"



AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{On Formal Aspects of Artificial Social Systems}",

INSTITUTION = "Weizmann Institute",

YEAR = 1991,

NUMBER = "CS91--01"



AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Artificial Social Systems}",

JOURNAL = {Computers and Artificial Intelligence},

VOLUME = {14},

NUMBER = {6},

PAGES = {533--562},

YEAR = 1995



AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{On Computational Aspects of Artificial Social Systems}",

BOOKTITLE={the Proceedings of the Eleventh Workshop on Distributed

Artificial Intelligence},


YEAR = 1992



AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Off-Line Reasoning for On-Line Efficiency}",


YEAR = 1993


AUTHOR = "Y. Moses and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Off-Line Reasoning for On-Line Efficiency: Knowledge Bases}",

JOURNAL={Artificial Intelligence},



YEAR = 1996}

AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{The Reliable Control of Rational Agents}",

NOTE = "Tech. report, Technion (in preparation)",

YEAR = 1994


AUTHOR = "Noa E. Kfir-Dahav and Moshe Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{Multi-Agent Belief Revision}",

BOOKTITLE={Proceedings of the 6th conference on theoretical aspects

of rationality and knowledge (TARK)},

YEAR = 1996


AUTHOR = "Noa E. Kfir-Dahav",

TITLE = "{Multi-Agent Belief Revision}",

NOTE = "MSc. Thesis, Technion (in preparation)",

YEAR = 1996



AUTHOR = "H. Levesque",

TITLE = "{Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}",

JOURNAL = "Ann. Rev. Comput. Sci",


YEAR = 1986,

PAGES = "255--287"



AUTHOR = "R. A. Brooks",

TITLE = "{A Robust Layered Control System for a Mobile Robot}",

JOURNAL = "IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation",


YEAR = 1986,

PAGES = "14--23"



AUTHOR ="Roscoe Pound" ,

TITLE = "Social Control Through Law",

YEAR = 1946,




AUTHOR = "J. Rosenschein",

TITLE = "Rational Interaction: Cooperation among

Intelligent Agents",

SCHOOL = "Stanford University",

YEAR = 1985,

MONTH = "October"



AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "Efficient Representation and Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems",

SCHOOL = "Weizmann Institute, Israel",

YEAR = 1991



AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham",

TITLE = "Reasoning About Change: Time and Causation from the Standpoint

of Artificial Intelligence",

SCHOOL = "Yale University",

YEAR = 1986,

MONTH = "December"



AUTHOR= "T.K Sellis",

TITLE = "Multiple-Query Optimization",

JOURNAL = "ACM Transactions on Database Systems",

YEAR = 1988,

VOLUME = 13,


PAGES = "23--52"



AUTHOR = "A. delVal and Y. Shoham",

TITLE ="{Deriving Properties of Belief Update from Theories of Action}",

BOOKTITLE = aaai92,

YEAR = 1992,

PAGES = "584--589"



AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham",

TITLE = "{Varieties of Context}",

BOOKTITLE = "Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theories of


PUBLISHER = "Academic Press, San Diego and London",

YEAR = 1991



AUTHOR = "J. McCarthy",

TITLE ="{Notes on Formalizing Context}",

BOOKTITLE = ijcai93,

YEAR = 1993,

PAGES = "555--560"


AUTHOR = "Yoav Shoham",

TITLE = "{Agent Oriented Programming}",

INSTITUTION = "Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University",

YEAR = 1990,

NUMBER = "STAN-CS-1335-90"



AUTHOR = "R. Brafman and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Belief Ascription and Mental Level Modeling}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Principles

of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",

YEAR = 1994,

PAGES = "87--98"



AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Stable Social Laws and Qualitative Equilibiria for

Risk-Averse Agents}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Principles

of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",

YEAR = 1996



AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Stable Social Laws and Qualitative Equilibiria}",

NOTE = {Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 102},

YEAR = 1998


AUTHOR = "R. Brafman and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Modeling Agents as Qualitative Decision-Makers}",

JOURNAL = {Artificial Intelligence},




AUTHOR = "C. Boutilier",

TITLE ="{Toward a Logic for Qualitative Decision Theory}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Principles

of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",

YEAR = 1994,

PAGES = "75--86"


AUTHOR = "S.W. Tan and J. Pearl",

TITLE ="{Specification and Evaluation of Preferences under Uncertainty}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 4th International Conference on Principles

of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",

YEAR = 1994,

PAGES = "530--539"


AUTHOR = "R. Brafman and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Towards Action Prediction using a Mental-Level Model}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 14th International Joint Conference on

Artificial Intelligence",

YEAR = 1995,

PAGES = "210--2016"



AUTHOR = "R. Brafman and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{R-max -- A General Polynomial Time Algorithm for

Near-Optimal Reinforcement Learning}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 17th International Joint Conference on

Artificial Intelligence",

YEAR = 2001,

PAGES = "953--958"


AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Rational Competitive Analysis}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 17th International Joint Conference on

Artificial Intelligence",

YEAR = 2001,

PAGES = "1067--1072"


AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Emergent Conventions in Multi-Agent Systems: initial experimental

results and observations}",

BOOKTITLE = "Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Principles

of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning",

YEAR = 1992,

PAGES = "225--231"



AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Co-Learning and the Evolution of Social Activity}",

INSTITUTION = "Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford University",

YEAR = 1994,

NUMBER = "STAN-CS-TR-94-1511"



AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE = "{On the Synthesis of Useful Social Laws for Artificial Agent Societies}",

BOOKTITLE = aaai92,

YEAR = 1992,

PAGES = "276--281"


AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Traffic Laws for Mobile Robots}",

NOTE = "Proc. of the 1st Conference on AI planning systems (AIPS-92)",

YEAR = 1992



AUTHOR = "Dov Monderer and Moshe Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Asymptotically Optimal Multi-Object Auctions for Risk-Averse


NOTE = "Working paper, Technion",

YEAR = 2000



AUTHOR = "R. Holzman and N. Kfir-Dahav and D. Monderer and

M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Bundling Equilibrium in Combinatorial Auctions}",

JOURNAL={ Games and Economic Behavior},



YEAR = 2004


Author = "R. Holzman and D. Monderer",

title="{Characterization of ex post equilibrium in

the VCG combinatorial auctions}",

note ="Game and Economic Bahavior, to appear. Working Paper, Technion,",




AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Social Laws for Artificial Agent Societies: Off-line Design}",

JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence",

VOLUME = 73,

YEAR = 1995


AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Competive Safety Analyis: robust decision-making in

multi-agent systems}",

JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research",

VOLUME = 17,


YEAR = 2002


AUTHOR = "D. Fitoussi and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Choosing Social Laws

for Multi-Agent Systems: Minimality and Simplicity}",

JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence",

VOLUME = 119,



YEAR = 2000



AUTHOR = "C. Boutilier and T. Dean and S. Hanks",

TITLE ="{Decision Theoretic Planning: Structural Assumptions

and Computational Leverage}",

JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research",

VOLUME = 11,

YEAR = 1999,




AUTHOR = "Y. Shoham and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On the Emergence of Social Conventions: Modeling, Analysis,

and Simulations}",

JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence",





AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Convention Evolution in Organizations and Markets}",

JOURNAL = "Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory",






AUTHOR = "N.R. Jennings",

TITLE ="{Controlling Coopeartive Problem Solving in Industrial

Multi-Agent Systems Using Joint Intentions}",

JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence",

VOLUME = 74,


YEAR = 1995


AUTHOR = "P.R. Cohen and H.J. Levesque",

TITLE ="{Teamwork}",

JOURNAL = "Nous",

VOLUME = 25,


YEAR = 1991



TITLE ="{Making Believers out of Computers}",

AUTHOR = "H.J. Levesque",

JOURNAL = "Artificial Intelligence",

VOLUME = 30,

YEAR = 1986



TITLE ="{The Knowledge Level}",

AUTHOR = "A. Newell",

JOURNAL = "AI Magazine",

Pages = {1--20},

YEAR = 1980



AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Computational Social Laws for Dynamic Non-Homogeneous Social


JOURNAL = {Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence},


pages ={379--390},

YEAR = 1995



AUTHOR = "Andrea Schaerf and Yoav Shoham and Moshe Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{Adaptive Load Balancing: A Study in Multi-Agent Learning}",

JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)",


YEAR = 1995


AUTHOR = "M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Planning while Execution in Stationary Environments}",

JOURNAL = "Experimental and Theoretical Artificial IntelligenceI",


PAGES= {37--50},

YEAR =1997



AUTHOR = "S. Safra and M. Tennenholtz",

TITLE ="{On Planning while Learning}",

JOURNAL = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research",


YEAR = 1994,

PAGES = "111--129"



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