platto = {n} 1. plate, dish, platter; {also:} saucer, etc.; 2. dish (= food prepared in a particular way); 3. course (= part of a meal served at one time)
platy- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] platy-, plat- (= flat) {Hence:} phthelminthe etc.; platycephale etc.
platy-cephale = {adj} [Med., Anthropol.] flatheaded, platycephalic, platycephalous {Hence:} platycephalia
platycephalia (-ía) = {n} [Med., Anthropol.] platycephaly, flat-headedness
platy-pode (-ípode) = {adj} 1. [Med.] flatfooted; 2. [Zool.] platypodous {Hence:} platypodia
platypodia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] flatfoot, platypodia
platy-rrhin = {adj} [Zool., Anthropol.] platyrrhine {Hence:} platyrrhinos
platyrrhinos = {npl} [Zool.] Platyrrhina, platyrrhine monkeys
platy-ure = {adj} [Zool.] flat-tailed, platurous
plauder [plaud-/plaus-] = {v} to applaud {Hence:} plausibile &; applauder &
plaus- see plauder
plausibile = {adj} plausible (= reasonable, acceptable) {Hence:} plausibilitate
plausibilitate = {n} plausibility, plausibleness
-ple = {adj} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} multiple etc.; centuple etc.; duple etc.; simple etc.; triple etc.
plebe = {n} plebs (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. common people, populace) {Hence:} plebeie-plebeismo, plebeitate, plebeizar, plebeio; plebiscito etc.
plebeie (-bé-) = {adj} plebeian (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. common, vulgar)
plebeio (-bé-) = {n} plebeian (1. [Rom. Hist.]; 2. member of the populace)
plebeizar = {v} to plebeianize, render plebeian
plebeismo (-ízmo) = {n} plebeianism (1. plebeian character; 2. plebeian style or expression)
plebeitate = {n} plebeianism (= plebeian character)
plebiscitari = {adj} plebiscitary
plebi-scito = {n} plebiscite {Hence:} plebiscitari
plect- [plect-/plex-] = {v} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} plexo; perplexe &; complect- &
plectro = {n} pick, plectrum
pleg- = {n} [occurring in compounds] pleg-, plego- (1. blow, stroke; 2. [Med.] stroke (of paralysis, etc.)) {Hence:} hemiplegia etc.
pleiade (-í-] = {n} Pleiad (1. one of the Pleiades; 2. [Lit.]); pleiades [Astron.] Pleiades
pleist- [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} pleistocen etc.
pleisto-cen = {adj} [Geol.] Pleistocene {Hence:} pleistoceno
pleistoceno = {n} [Geol.] Pleistocene
plen = {adj} full; a plen manos by handfuls {Hence:} plenitude; plenari; plenar-replenar &, terrapleno etc.; plenipotentia etc.; plenilunio etc.; plenilunar etc.
plenar = {v} to fill (= to make full)
plenari = {adj} plenary
pleni-lunar = {adj} of the full moon, plenilunar, plenilunary
pleni-lunio = {n} full moon, plenilune
pleni-potentia = {n} full power, plenipotence {Hence:} plenipotentiari; plenipotentiario
plenipotentiari = {adj} plenipotentiary
plenipotentiario = {n} plenipotentiary (= plenipotentiary envoy or ambassador)
plenitude = {n} plenitude (1. fullness; 2. abundance)
pleonas- = {v} [occurring in derivatives] pleonas- (= to be superfluous) {Hence:} oleonasmo; pleonasto; pleonastic
pleonasmo = {n} pleonasm
pleonastic = {adj} pleonastic
pleonasto = {n} [Mineral.] pleonaste, ceylonite
-pler = {v} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} compler &; depler &; expler &; impler &; repler &; suppler &
plesi- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] plesio-, plesi- (= near, close) {Hence:} plesiosauro etc. ...
plesio-sauro = {n} [Paleontol.] plesiosaurus, plesiosaur
pleura = {n} [Anat.] pleura {Hence:} pleuritis-pleuritic; pleural; pleuropneumonia etc.
pleural = {adj} pleural
pleuritic = {adj} pleuritic
pleuritis (-ítis) = {n} [Med.] pleurisy
pleuro-pneumonia (-ía) = {n} [Med.] pleuropneumonia
plex- see plect-
plexo = {n} plexus
pli- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] pli-, plio- (= more) {Hence:} pliocen etc. ...
plica = {n} 1. fold, pleat; 2. [Pathol.] plica, Polish plait
plicante 1. ppr of plicar; 2. {adj} pliant, pliable
plicar = {v} 1. to fold, pleat; 2. to bend (= to cause to bend); plicar se to bend, yield {Hence:} plica; plicante; plicatura; applicar &; complicar &; displicar &; explicar &; implicar &; replicar &
plicatura = {n} plication, plicature
-plice = {adj} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} duplice etc.; multiplice etc.; simplice etc.; quadruplicar etc.
plio-cen = {adj} [Geol.] Pliocene {Hence:} plioceno
plioceno = {n} [Geol.] Pliocene
plorar = {v} to cry, weep {Hence:} deplorar &; implorar &
[plu] = {adv} (= plus) {Hence:} plutosto etc.
pluche [F] = {n} plush
pluma = {n} feather; peso pluma [Sports] featherweight {Hence:} plumage; plumula; plumose; plumar; implumar; displumar
plumage (-aje) = {n} plumage
plumar = {v} to pluck (poultry)
plumbagine = {n} black lead, graphite
plumbar = {v} I. to plumb (1. to weight with lead; 2. to test by a plumb line); II. [Dent.] to fill (a tooth)
plumbee = {adj} plumbeous, lead
plumberia (-ía) = {n} 1. plumbing; 2. plumber's shop
plumbero = {n} plumber
plumbic = {adj} plumbic; {also:} [Chem.]
plumbifere = {adj} plumbiferous
plumbo = {n} lead (1. the metal "lead"; 2. bullets, shot); a plumbo plumb, vertical {Hence:} plumbagine; plumbero; plumberia; plumbee; plumbic; plumbifere; plumbar
plumose = {adj} feathered, feathery, plumose
plumpudding [A] = {n} plum pudding
plumula = {n} plumule (1. [Bot.]; 2. little feather)
plural = {adj} plural (1. more than one; pertaining to more than one; 2. [Gram.]); numero plural [Gram.] plural number plural {n} [Gram.] plural {Hence:} pluralismo; pluralista; pluralitate; pluralizar
pluralizar = {v} to pluralize
pluralismo = {n} [Philos.] pluralism
pluralista = {n} [Philos.] pluralist
pluralitate = {n} plurality (1. state of being plural; 2. majority; 3. [Elections])
plure = {adj} several {Hence:} plural &; [plurime]-[plurimo]; plurinomial etc.
plures (plú-) = {pron} several
pluri-locular = {adj} [Bot., Zool.] plurilocular
[plurimel (plú-) = {adj} 1. much; 2. many
[plurimo] (plú-) = {adv} 1. much, exceedingly; 2. for the most part, commonly, usually
pluri-nominal = {adj} plurinominal
plus 1. more; 2. plus; plus belle (que) more beautiful (than); plus grande (que) greater, bigger (than); plus de (vinti annos) more than, over, above (twenty years); le plus belle the most beautiful; le plus grande the greatest, biggest; (le) plus (the) most (as in "what pleased me (the) most"); de plus furthermore, besides; de plus in plus more and more; in plus furthermore, in addition, also; (tres) plus (quatro) (three) plus (four); al plus at (the) best; plus o minus more or less; non ... plus no more, not any more (1. nothing more; 2. no longer); plus (de) (moneta, etc.) more (money, etc.) {Hence:} plus-valor etc.; plusquamperfecto etc.
plus-quam-perfecto = {n} pluperfect
plus-valor = {n} [Econ.] surplus value
pluto- = {n} [occurring in compounds] pluto- (= wealth); Pluto [Gr. Mythol.] Plutus {Hence:} plutologo etc.; plutonomia etc.; plutocrate etc.; plutocratic etc.
pluto-crate (-ó-) = {n} plutocrat
pluto-cratia (-ía) = {n} plutocracy
pluto-cratic = {adj} plutocratic
plutologia (-ía) = {n} plutology
plutologic = {adj} plutological
pluto-logo (-ólogo) = {n} plutologist {Hence:} plutologia; plutologic
Pluton = {npr} [Class. Mythol.; Astron.] Pluto {Hence:} plutonismo; plutonista; plutonic; plutonie-plutonium
plutonic = {adj} [Geol.] plutonic
plutonie = {adj} Plutonian
plutonismo = {n} [Geol.] plutonism
plutonista = {n} [Geol.] plutonist, plutonian
plutonium (-tó-) = {n} [Chem.] plutonium
pluto-nomia (-ía) = {n} plutonomy
plutonomic = {n} plutonomic
[plu-tosto] = {adv} (= plus tosto)
pluver = {v} to rain {Hence:} pluvia-pluviero, pluvial, pluviose, pluviometro etc., parapluvia etc.; impluv-impluvio
pluvia = {n} rain; tempore de pluvia rainy weather
pluvial = {adj} rainy, pluvial; aqua pluvial rain water pluvial {n} pluvial (= long ecclesiastic cloak)
pluviero = {n} [Ornith.] plover
pluvio-metro (-ómetro) = {n} pluviometer
pluviose = {adj} rainy, pluvious; tempore pluviose rainy weather; station pluviose rainy season
pneu = {n} (pneumatic) tire
pneuma [-ma/-mat-] = {n} 1. wind, breath; 2. spirit, soul; 3. [Medieval Mus.] neume {Hence:} pneumatic-pneumatico; pneumatica; pneumatometro etc.; pneumatologia etc.
pneumat- see pneuma
pneumatic = {adj} pneumatic (1. as in "pneumatic tire"; 2. spiritual)
pneumatica = {n} pneumatics
pneumatico = {n} (pneumatic) tire
pneumato-logia (-ía) = {n} pneumatology (= doctrine of spirits or spiritual beings) {Hence:} pneumatologic
pneumatologic = {adj} pneumatological
pneumato-metro (-ómetro) = {n} pneumatometer
pneumo- see pneumono-
pneumonia (-ía) = {n} pneumonia
pneumonic = {adj} pneumonic
pneumono- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] pneumono- (= lung) {Hence:} pneumonia-bronchopneumonia etc.; pneumonic; pneumonotherapia etc.; pneumorrhagia etc.; pmeumothorace etc.
pneumono-therapia (-ía) = {n} pneumonotherapy
pneumo-rrhagia (-ía) = {n} pneumorrhagia
pneumo-thorace = {n} pneumothorax
[poc] = {adj} 1. little (not much); 2. few (not many) (= pauc) {Hence:} poco (1); poco (2)
[poco] = {pron} -; un poco (de) a little; poco a poco little by little; in poco shortly, before long (= pauc) [poco] {adv} little (= to a small degree) (= pauc)
pod- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] pod- (= foot) {Hence:} podio-lycopodio etc., pseudopodio etc.; podagra etc.; podometro etc.; antipode &; arthropode etc.; cephalopodo etc.; myriapode etc.
pod-agra = {n} [Pathol.] podagra
podical = {adj} podical
podice (pó-) = {n} podex, buttocks {Hence:} podical
podio = {n} [Rom. Hist.] podium; -podio -podium, -pod (= little foot)
podo-metro (-ómetro) = {n} podometer, pedometer
poema = {n} poem
poesia (-ía) = {n} poetry
poeta = {n} poet {Hence:} poetastro; poetessa; poetic; poetica; poetizar
poetastro = {n} versifier, poetaster
poetessa = {n} poetess
poetic = {adj} poetic; poetical; licentia poetic poetic license; arte poetic poetics
poetica = {n} poetics
poetizar = {v} 1. to versify; 2. to poetize (as in "to poetize the lives of the poor")
pogrom [R] = {n} pogrom
poilu [F] = {n} poilu
pointer [A] = {n} [Dogs] pointer
*pois 1. {adv} afterwards, thereafter; 2. {conj} for; pois que as, since, because
*pois que {conj} because, since, for (followed by verbal phrase)
poker [A] = {n} [Cards] poker
-pol- [occurring in compounds] -pol- (= to sell) {Hence:} monopolio etc. ...
polac = {adj} Polish {Hence:} polaco
polaco = {n} Pole
polar = {adj} polar
polari-metro (-rí-) = {n} polarimeter
polarizar = {v} to polarize
polarization = {n} polarization
polarizator = {n} polarizer
polari-scopio = {n} polariscope
polaritate = {n} polarity
-pole = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -polis (= city) {Hence:} -polita &; acropole etc.; metropole etc.; Constantinopole etc.; necropole etc.; Neapole etc.; Tripole etc.
polea (-éa) = {n} pulley
polem- = {n} [occurring in derivatives] polem- (= war) {Hence:} polemic; polemica; polemizar-polemista
polemic = {adj} polemic, polemical
polemica = {n} 1. polemic (= controversial argument); 2. polemics
polemizar = {v} to dispute (aggressively)
polemista = {n} controversialist, polemicist
policia (-ía) = {n} police (1. the whole system of internal regulation of a state or community; 2. police force); agente de policia policeman, police officer {Hence:} policiero; policiari; policiar
policiar = {v} to police (= to maintain law and order in)
policiari = {adj} police (as in "police regulations")
policiero = {n} policeman
polimento = {n} polish (1. act of polishing; 2. smoothness, luster)
polir = {v} to polish (1. to make smooth and shiny; 2. to refine) {Hence:} polimento; politor; politura; polite &; dispolir
-polis = {n} [occurring in compounds] {Hence:} Indianapolis etc.
polissa = {n} policy (as in "insurance policy"); polissa de cargamento bill of lading
-polita = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} politic-impolitic; politico; politica-geopolitica etc.; cosmopolita etc.
Politburo [R] = {n} Politburo
polite I. pp of polir; II. {adj} polite (1. refined, elegant; 2. civil, courteous) {Hence:} politessa; impolite-impolitessa
politessa = {n} politeness
politic = {adj} 1. political; 2. politic; le corpore politic the body politic; economia politic political economy
politica = {n} 1. politics; 2. policy (= planned course of action)
politico = {n} politician
politor = {n} polisher (1. one who polishes; 2. polishing tool)
politura = {n} 1. (act of) polishing; 2. gloss, luster
polka [Polish] = {n} polka
polkar = {v} to polka
pollice (pól-) = {n} 1. thumb; {also:} [Anat., Zool.] pollex; 2. [Meas.] inch
polline = {n} [Bot.] pollen {Hence:} pollinosis; pollinic; pollinifere; pollinizar-pollinization
pollinic = {adj} [Bot.] pollinic; tubo pollinic pollen tube
pollinifere = {adj} polliniferous
pollinizar = {v} [Bot.] to pollinate, pollinize
pollinization = {n} [Bot.] pollinization
pollinosis (-ósis) = {n} [Med.] pollinosis, hay fever
polluer [-lu-/-lut-] = {v} to pollute (1. to soil, make filthy; 2. to make unclean morally, ceremonially, etc.) {Hence:} pollution
pollut- see polluer
pollution = {n} pollution; {also:} [Med.]
Pollux (pól-) = {npr} Pollux (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
polo (1) = {n} pole (as in "North Pole", "magnetic pole," etc.); polo nord North Pole; polo sud South Pole {Hence:} polar-polaritate, polarizar-polarization, polarizator, dispolarizar-dispolansation, polarimetro etc., bipolar etc.; circumpolar
polo (2) [Balti] = {n} [Sports] polo
polon- see Polonia
polonaise [F] = {n} polonaise (1. [Clothing]; 2. [Dancing]; 3. [Mus.])
polonese = {adj} Polish polonese {n} 1. Pole; 2. Polish (language)
Polonia = {npr} Poland {Hence:} polonium; polonese
polonium (-ló-) = {n} [Chem.] polonium
poltergeist [G] = {n} poltergeist
poltron = {n} poltroon {Hence:} poltroneria
poltroneria (-ía) = {n} poltroonery
poly- = {adj} [occurring in compounds] poly- (= many, much, several) {Hence:} polysynthese etc.; Polynesia etc.; polytheismo etc.; polytheista etc.; polytechnic etc.; polygon etc.; polyphone etc.; polyandre etc.; polygame etc.; polysyllabe etc.; polynomie etc.
poly-andre = {adj} polyandrous {Hence:} polyandria
polyandria (-ía) = {n} polyandry (1. Anthropol.]; 2. [Bot.])
poly-atomic = {adj} [Chem.] polyatomic
poly-chete = {adj} [Zool.] polychaetous {Hence:} polychetos
polychetos = {npl} [Zool.] Polychaeta
poly-chromatic = {adj} polychromatic
poly-chrome = {adj} polychrome
poly-game (-lí-) = {adj} polygamous; {also:} [Bot.] {Hence:} polygamia-polygamic; polygamo
polygamia (-ía) = {n} polygamy
polygamic = {adj} polygamic
polygamo (-lí-) = {n} polygamist
poly-glotte = {adj} polyglot {Hence:} polyglotto
polyglotto = {n} polyglot
poly-gon = {adj} polygonal {Hence:} polygono-polygonal
polygonal = {adj} polygonal
polygono = {n} polygon
poly-hedre = {adj} [Math.] polyhedral {Hence:} polyhedro
polyhedro = {n} [Math.] polyhedron
poly-mere = {adj} [Chem.] polymeric, polymerous {Hence:} polymeria; polymerizar-polymerization; polymero
polymeria (-ía) = {n} [Chem.] polymerism, polymerization
polymerizar = {v} [Chem.] to polymerize
polymerization = {n} [Chem.] polymerization, polymerism
polymero (-ímero) = {n} [Chem.] polymer
Poly-nesia = {npr} Polynesia {Hence:} polynesian-polynesiano
polynesian = {adj} Polynesian
polynesiano = {n} Polynesian
poly-nomie = {adj} [Alg.] polynomial {Hence:} polynomio
polynomio = {n} [Alg.] polynomial
poly-phone = {adj} polyphonic; {also:} [Mus., Phonet.] {Hence:} polyphonia; polyphonic
polyphonia (-ía) = {n} polyphony; {also:} [Mus., Phonet.]
polyphonic = {adj} polyphonic; {also:} [Mus., Phonet.]
polypo (pó-) = {n} polyp, polypus (1. [Zool.]; 2. [Med.]) {Hence:} machopolypo etc.
poly-syllabe (-sí-) = {adj} polysyllabic {Hence:} pollysyllabo
polysyllabo (-sí-) = {n} polysyllable
poly-synthese (-íntese) = {n} polysynthesis
poly-synthetic = {adj} polysynthetic; {also:} [Philol.]
poly-technic = {adj} polytechnic {Hence:} polytechnico
polytechnico = {n} polytechnic (school)
poly-theismo (-teízmo) = {n} polytheism
poly-theista (-teísta) = {n} polytheist
pomacee = {adj} pomaceous (= bearing pomes or pomelike fruits)
pomada = {n} pomade {Hence:} pomadar
pomadar = {v} to pomade
pomeran = {adj} Pomeranian {Hence:} Pomerania; pomerano
Pomerania = {npr} Pomerania
pomerano = {n} Pomeranian (= inhabitant of Pomerania)
pomi-cultor = {n} pomiculturist
pomi-cultura = {n} pomiculture
pomifere = {adj} pomiferous
pomi-forme = {adj} pomiform
pomo = {n} 1. pome; {also:} apple; 2. pommel (as in "pommel of a sword"); pomo de Adam Adam's apple; pomo de discordia apple of discord {Hence:} pomada &; Pomona; pomacee; pomifere; pomicultura etc; pomiforme etc; pomologia etc
pomo-logia (-ía) = {n} pomology {Hence:} pomologic; pomologista
pomologic = {adj} pomological
pomologista = {n} pomologist
Pomona = {npr} [Rom Relig] Pomona
pompa = {n} pomp, splendor {Hence:} pompose
pompelmus (-mús) = {n} grapefruit (1. fruit of the grapefruit tree; 2. grapefruit tree)
pompon [F] = {n} pompon
pompose = {adj} stately, grand
poncho [H] = {n} poncho
ponder- = {n} [occurring in derivatives and compounds] {Hence:} ponderal; ponderose-ponderositate; ponderar-ponderabile-ponderabilitate, imponderabile-imponderabilitate, ponderation, preponderar &, equiponderar etc
ponderabile = {adj} ponderable
ponderabilitate = {n} ponderability
ponderal = {adj} pertaining to weight, ponderal
ponderar = {v} to ponder (= to weigh in one's mind)
ponderation = {n} (act of) pondering
ponderose = {adj} weighty, heavy, ponderous
ponderositate = {n} weightiness, heaviness, ponderosity
pone-minas (-mí-) = {n} mine layer
poner [pon-/posit-/post-] = {v} to put, place, lay, etc; poner se a (facer) to begin to (do), to start (doing); le sol se pone the sun sets; poner del sol sunset {Hence:} position; positive &; positura; posticie; postura &; posto-postar (1); posta &; anteponer &; apponer &; componer &; contraponer &; deponer &; disponer &; exponer &; imponer &; interponer &; juxtaponer &; opponer &; postponer &; preponer &; proponer &; superponer &; supponer &; transponer &; poneminas etc
pontar = {v} to bridge, build a bridge over
ponte = {n} I. bridge (1. "bridge over a river, etc"; 2. [Dent]; 3. "bridge of a musical instrument"); II. [Naut] deck; ponte del asinos [Math] asses' bridge, pons asinorum; jectar un ponte to throw a bridge; capite del ponte [Mil] bridgehead; ponte levatori drawbridge {Hence:} pontero; ponton &; pontar
pontero = {n} bridgekeeper
pontifical = {adj} pontifical pontifical {n} [RCCh] pontifical (= book containing the offices, or forms for rites, etc)
pontificar = {v} to pontificate (1. to officiate as a pontiff; 2. to act, speak, with pomposity)
pontificato = {n} pontificate
pontifice (-ífice) = {n} pontiff {Hence:} pontificato; pontifical; pontificar
ponton = {n} pontoon {Hence:} pontonero
pontonero = {n} pontonier
pony [A] = {n} pony (as in "Shetland pony")
pope = {n} [Orthodox Ch] pope, papa, papas
poplo = {n} poplar; poplo blanc white poplar; poplo nigre black poplar; poplo pyramidal Lombardy poplar; poplo tremule trembling poplar, aspen
populaceo = {n} populace
popular = {adj} popular (1. people's; 2. favored by the people) popular {v} to people, populate; {also:} to stock (with animals or plants)
popularizar = {v} to popularize
popularization = {n} popularization
popularitate = {n} popularity
population = {n} population
populalor = {n} populator
populo (pó-) = {n} people (1. race, nation; 2. "common people"); populo minute, populo basse lower classes {Hence:} populaceo; popular (1)-popularitate, impopular-impopularitate, popularizar-popularization; populose; popular (2)-population, populator; depopular &; dispopular &
populose = {adj} populous
[por] = {prep} for (1. not against; 2. in place of, in exchange or return for; por (+inf) in order to; partir por (Paris) to leave or set out for (Paris); (= pro) {Hence:} porque etc
porca = {n} sow (= female pig)
porcellana = {n} 1. porcelain, china; 2. porcelain shell, cowrie {Hence:} porcellanite; porcellanari; porcellanero
porcellanari = {adj} porcelain (= of or made of porcelain)
porcellanero = {n} porcelain maker or dealer
porcellanite = {n} [Mineral] porcelanite
porch- see porco
porcheria (-ía) = {n} 1. pork shop; 2. mess, dirty business; {also:} dirty language or joke, etc
porchero = {n} swineherd
porchiera = {n} pigsty
porcin = {adj} porcine (1. of swine; 2. swinish)
porco = {n} 1. pig, hog; 2. pork; porcos swine; porco de India guinea pig {Hence:} porchero; porcheria; porcheira; porcin; porcospino etc; porca
porco-spino = {n} porcupine
porifere = {adj} [Zool] poriferous
poriferos (-íferos) = {npl} [Zool] Porifera
porn- = {n} [occurring in compounds] porno- (= harlot) {Hence:} pornographo etc; pornocratia etc
porno-cratia (-ía) = {n} pornocracy
pornographia (-ía) = {n} pornography
pornographic = {adj} pornographic
porno-grapho (-ógrapho) = {n} pornographer {Hence:} pornographia; pornographic
poro = {n} pore (as in "the pores of the sweat glands") {Hence:} porose-porositate; porifere-poriferos
porose = {adj} porous
porositate = {n} porosity (= state of being porous)
porphyric = {adj} porphyritic
porphyro (pór-) = {n} porphyry {Hence:} porphyric; porphyroide
porphyroide = {n} [Petrography] porphyroid
[por-que] = {conj/adv} 1. why (= for what reason); 2. because (= proque)
porracee = {adj} porraceous
porro = {n} leek {Hence:} porracee
porta = {n} 1. doorway, gateway; 2. door, gate {Hence:} portero; portiera; portico; portal
porta-aeroplanos (-plános) = {n} (aircraft) carrier
portabile = {adj} portable
portal = {n} portal
porta-folio = {n} 1. pocketbook, wallet; 2. portfolio (= case for documents, prints, etc); {also:} brief case
porta-mantello = {n} 1. traveling bag; 2. (coat) hanger
porta-moneta = {n} purse (= bag, receptacle, etc, for money)
porta-penna = {n} penholder
portar = {v} to bear, carry {Hence:} porto &; portabile; portator; portata; apportar; comportar &; deportar &; exportar &; importar &; reportar &; supportar &; transportar &; portamoneta etc; portaaeroplanos etc
portata = {n} litter (as in "the litter of a sow")
portator = {n} 1. [RR] porter; 2. bearer, carrier; titulo al portator bearer bond; pagabile al portator payable to bearer; portator de germines or bacillos (germ) carrier
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