International baccalaureate organization

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International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information


Students will be assessed in a number of ways using many different tools. These assessments may include informal discussions with the teacher and other students, problem-solving, completion of projects, reporting the results of a group investigation, and using other talents (drawing, signing, or writing) to express or demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. In addition, students will be assessed periodically using assessments provided by Fulton County and practice CRCT questions to monitor their readiness to succeed on the CRCT. Student work will be graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Assessment Criteria, which will be provided in the form of assessment rubrics.

  1. Vertical Alignment

Each science unit will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to understand the connection between science and their other subjects.

  1. Resources

  2. Glencoe Life Science textbook (CD-ROM available), Computer lab and mobile computer carts

8th Grade IRR Physical Science

Mrs. McQuade

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.


  1. Be respectful.

  2. Be attentive.

  3. Come prepared with necessary materials.

  4. Arrive on time to class.

Discipline Guidelines:

In order to maintain an environment conducive to learning, students must follow classroom expectations. The teacher may use a combination of the following methods of behavior management: verbal warning, silent lunch, loss of break, parent contacts, detention, conferences which may include the parent, teacher, and/or administrator, and the development of a behavior management plan. All Behavior Implementation Plans developed in the IEP will be followed.

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Your student’s academic performance in 8th grade will determine his/her placement in high school. Middle school students in grade 8 must have a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, reading/foreign language and one of the following: a combination of grades in the connections segment or the physical education/health connections segment. (FCBOE Policy IHE)

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words. The same penalty applies for students who allow their work to be copied or plagiarized.

Grading Policy

Class Work: 30% Assessments: 30%

Labs/Projects: 30% Homework: 10%

Assignments- Assignments should be completed at the time they are given and turned in by the specified due date. Failure to do so will result in the student losing his/her break and/or being referred to the PASS program.

Provision for Improving Grades-Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Absences-It is the student’s responsibility to ask the teacher for work missed do to an absence. Upon returning to school, a student has one day for every day absent to make up work. Full credit will be given for work made up within the allotted time. If a student is absent and misses a class lab, the student will need to make arrangements to make up that lab before or after school.

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact you if we have any concerns.


Parent Signatures

Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Course Description

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to transition from elementary physical science standards to high school physical science standards (see Fulton County System-wide Science Vertical Instructional Framework). The course is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.

Aims and Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Use appropriate scientific tools to observe, record, organize, analyze, interpret, write, and present the results of scientific investigations clearly and accurately.

  • Examine the scientific view of the nature of matter including their properties, types, forms, movement, and changes.

  • Recognize that there are more than 100 elements on the Periodic Table grouped according to their properties.

  • Explain the forms, transformation, transfer, and conservation of energy.

  • Demonstrate and determine the relationships between forces, mass, and motion of objects

  • Demonstrate the effects of simple machines on work.

  • Identify the characteristics of waves, including mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and describe their behavior in different medium/surfaces.

  • Recognize that every object exerts gravitational force on other object(s) proportional to their respective masses and relative distances.

  • Investigate and explain that electric circuits and magnets can exert mutual forces on each other. Describe the applications of these forces.


Semester I

Semester II

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Characteristics of Matter

Simple Machines

Force and Motion




International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information

The Middle Years Program (MYP) will be an integral part of our study of Physical Science. This will include journal writing, hands on inquiry based labs, exploring the Areas of Interaction (Approaches to Learning, Community and Service, Homo Faber, Health and Social and Environment) and investigating our learner profiles. Students will be assessed in a variety of ways. These assessments may include informal discussions with the teacher and other students, completion of lab activity/report, reporting the results of a group investigation and using other talents (drawing, writing, acting) to express or demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. Physical Science units will be explored with other academic disciplines so that students will see the connectedness between academic subjects. We will also relate our studies to the global community.


Prentice Hall Explorer: Physical Science (text)

Computer lab and mobile computer carts, Science Lab Equipment (varies based on lab topic)

8th Grade Physical Science

Ms. Macke Room 112 404 843-7710

Mrs. McQuade

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.


  1. Treat all RCS staff, students, and guests with respect, honesty and courtesy

  2. Come to class prepared everyday.

  3. Follow directions the FIRST time.

  4. Student interruption of instructional time is prohibited.

  5. Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.


1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Silent Lunch and/or loss of break time

3rd Offense- Grade level after school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

4th Offense- After school Detention (return with Parent Signature*)

5th Offense- Office Referral

*Failure to return forms signed by a parent will result in a higher consequence

Severe Offense- results in an immediate office referral

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Your student’s academic performance in 8th grade will determine his/her placement in high school. Middle school students in grade 8 must have a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, reading/foreign language and one of the following: a combination of grades in the connections segment or the physical education/health connections segment. (FCBOE Policy IHE)

Grading Policy

Assessments = 30%

Lab Reports = 25%

Class Work = 20%

Homework = 15%

Presentations = 10%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words. The same penalty applies for students who allow their work to be copied or plagiarized.

Assignments- Assignments should be completed at the time they are given and turned in by the specified due date. Failure to do so will result in the student losing his/her break and/or being referred to the PASS program.
Students may receive extra help before or after school by appointment.

Late Work- Points will be deducted as follows:

1 day late: -15 points

2 days late: -30 points

3 days late: -50 points

4+ days late: no credit given

A late work form must be attached in order to receive credit for work submitted after the due date.


It is the student’s responsibility to complete a Make-Up Work Request when returning to school from an absence. Ms. Macke will return the Request and missed assignments within 24 hours. The due date will be written on the Request. Make-Up Work turned in after the due date is subject to late work penalties. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in make-up assignments. Ms. Macke will not ask for the work; completed work must be attached to the Work Request form.

Recovery Policy:

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies: A two-pocket folder OR a binder with pockets, loose-leaf paper (notebook paper), pen or pencil, science textbook, and passport (agenda)

Classroom supplies: Please bring one of the following for classroom use – cleaning wipes, hand sanitizer, or liquid soap. These items will be available for student use throughout the year.

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact (Your name) if we have any concerns.


Parent Signatures

Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Course Outline for Physical Science

Ms. Macke/Mrs. McQuade, Room 112
Course Description

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to transition from elementary physical science standards to high school physical science standards (see Fulton County System-wide Science Vertical Instructional Framework). The course is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.

  1. Aims and Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Use appropriate scientific tools to observe, record, organize, analyze, interpret, write, and present the results of scientific investigations clearly and accurately.

  • Examine the scientific view of the nature of matter including their properties, types, forms, movement, and changes.

  • Recognize that there are more than 100 elements on the Periodic Table grouped according to their properties.

  • Explain the forms, transformation, transfer, and conservation of energy.

  • Demonstrate and determine the relationships between forces, mass, and motion of objects

  • Demonstrate the effects of simple machines on work.

  • Identify the characteristics of waves, including mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and describe their behavior in different medium/surfaces.

  • Recognize that every object exerts gravitational force on other object(s) proportional to their respective masses and relative distances.

  • Investigate and explain that electric circuits and magnets can exert mutual forces on each other. Describe the applications of these forces.

  1. Topics

Semester I

Semester II

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Characteristics of Matter

Simple Machines

Force and Motion




III. International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information

Students will be assessed in a number of ways using many different tools. These assessments may include informal discussions, problem-solving, completion of projects, reporting the results of a group investigation, and using other talents to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. In addition, students will be assessed periodically using assessments provided by Fulton County and practice CRCT questions to monitor their readiness to succeed on the CRCT.

IV. Vertical Alignment
Each science unit will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to understand the connection between science and their other subjects.
V. Resources
Prentice Hall Explorer: Physical Science (text)

Computer lab and mobile computer carts

Science Lab Equipment (varies based on lab topic)

8th Grade Advanced Physical Science

Ms. Cassidy Room 247 404-843-7710

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.


Follow directions the FIRST time.

Student interruption of instructional time is prohibited.

Keep body parts and objects to yourself.

No harassment- including but not limited to profanity, inappropriate gestures, teasing, or bullying.

Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.

Treat all RCS staff, students, and guests with respect, honesty and courtesy.


1st Offense- Verbal Warning

2nd Offense- Silent Lunch and/or loss of break time

3rd Offense- Grade level after school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

4th Offense- After school Detention

(return with Parent Signature*)

5th Offense- Office Referral

*Failure to return forms signed by a parent will result in a higher consequence

Consequences start over each semester.

Severe Offense- results in an immediate office referral

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C = 79-70

B = 89-80 F = 69- 0

Your student’s academic performance in 8th grade will determine his/her placement in high school. Middle school students in grade 8 must have a passing grade in language arts, mathematics, social studies, science, reading/foreign language and one of the following: a combination of grades in the connections segment or the physical education/health connections segment. (FCBOE Policy IHE)

Assessments = 35%

Daily Class Work = 30%

Lab Reports = 25%

Homework = 10%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words. The same penalty applies for students who allow their work to be copied or plagiarized.

Assignments- Assignments should be completed at the time they are given and turned in by the specified due date. Failure to do so will result in the student losing his/her break and/or being referred to the PASS program.
Students may receive extra help before or after school by appointment.

Late Work- Points will be deducted from each late assignment as follows:

1 day late: -15 points

2 days late: -30 points

3 days late: -50 points

4+ days late: no credit given

A late work form (available in the classroom) must be attached in order to receive credit for work submitted after the due date.


It is the student’s responsibility to complete a Make-Up Work Request when returning to school from an absence. Ms. Cassidy will return the Request and missed assignments within 24 hours. The due date will be written on the Request. Make-Up Work turned in after the due date is subject to late work penalties. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and turn in make-up assignments. Ms. Cassidy will not ask for the work; completed work must be attached to the Work Request form.

Recovery Policy:

  1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade will be allowed when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  2. Teachers will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • Spiral Notebook (8.5 x 11, 200+page) - Pencil and pen (blue/black ink only) -Glue Stick

  • Composition notebook (for lab reports) - Passport (formerly Agenda)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my notebook at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact Ms. Cassidy if we have any concerns.


Parent Signature

Phone Number: ______________________

Parent Email Address: _________________________

Course Outline

Advanced Physical Science

Ms. Jennifer Cassidy, Room 247

  1. Course Description

The 8th Grade Physical Science curriculum provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills to transition from elementary physical science standards to high school physical science standards (see Fulton County System-wide Science Vertical Instructional Framework). The course is designed to provide students with an introductory overview of the common concepts in physical science including but not limited to the nature of matter, laws of conservation of matter and energy, motion, forces, and energy transformation. These concepts are investigated through observing, collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and presenting, results of scientific investigations and fieldwork designed for students to develop the appropriate skills in science as inquiry.

  1. Aims and Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Use appropriate scientific tools to observe, record, organize, analyze, interpret, write, and present the results of scientific investigations clearly and accurately.

  • Examine the scientific view of the nature of matter including their properties, types, forms, movement, and changes.

  • Recognize that there are more than 100 elements on the Periodic Table grouped according to their properties.

  • Explain the forms, transformation, transfer, and conservation of energy.

  • Demonstrate and determine the relationships between forces, mass, and motion of objects

  • Demonstrate the effects of simple machines on work.

  • Identify the characteristics of waves, including mechanical and electromagnetic waves, and describe their behavior in different medium/surfaces.

  • Recognize that every object exerts gravitational force on other object(s) proportional to their respective masses and relative distances.

  • Investigate and explain that electric circuits and magnets can exert mutual forces on each other. Describe the applications of these forces.

  1. Topics

Semester I

Semester II

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Lab Safety and Science Skills (integrated into all topics)

Characteristics of Matter

Simple Machines

Force and Motion




International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Information


Students will be assessed in a number of ways using many different tools. These assessments may include informal discussions with the teacher and other students, problem-solving, completion of projects, reporting the results of a group investigation, and using other talents (drawing, signing, or writing) to express or demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. In addition, students will be assessed periodically using assessments provided by Fulton County and practice CRCT questions to monitor their readiness to succeed on the CRCT. Student work will be graded using the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Assessment Criteria, which will be provided in the form of assessment rubrics.

  1. Vertical Alignment

Each science unit will be coordinated with other academic disciplines in order for students to understand the connection between science and their other subjects.

  1. Resources

Prentice Hall Explorer: Physical Science (text)

Computer lab and mobile computer carts

6th Grade Keyboarding

Ms. Gunner Room # 212 Phone 404-843-7710

This course is designed to enhance keyboarding skills, computer application skills, and business skills using a variety of software while participating in various activities and projects.


  • Follow directions the FIRST time their given.

  • Be in class on time with materials ready to learn.

  • Respect yourself and others with integrity and courtesy.

  • Use appropriate languange: avoid profanity and innappropriate gestures.

  • Raise your hand for permission to speak.

  • Stay on task to complete all assignments.

  • Follow all Fulton County Schools rules regarding technology use.


The SILENT 3 card rule:

The teacher will quietly hand a card to a student immediately after a violation of a procedure or classroom rule.

  • 1st Offense-Yellow Card: Warning

  • 2nd Offense- Red Card: Stop

  • 3rd Offense- Green Card: See teacher after class for a consequence. (1st consequence -Silent lunch, 2nd consequence -teacher detention, 3rd consequence -office referral). Each student given a consequence will get a fresh new start each day with the cards; however, their consequence will move to the next level.

  • Severe behavior: Immediate Office Referral

*The 3 card rule helps to avoid the following: disrupting teacher instruction and/or any verbal responses that may become disrespectful or cause conflict. Students may request further explanation after class.

Policies and Procedures

Grading Scale

A = 100-90 C= 79-70

B= 89-90 F= 69-0

Grading Policy

Daily Assignments 25% Quizzes 10%

Tests 15% Keyboarding Skills 25%

Class Projects 25%

Academic Integrity- All students will follow the Ridgeview Charter School Honor Code. Anyone who copies, cheats, plagiarizes or does not complete his or her own work on any assignment or test will receive a zero and will not be allowed to make up the grade. All work must be in the student’s own words.

Assignments-Most all computer assignments will be completed in class using classroom specific software. All keyboarding skills assignments must be monitored by the teacher. If a student is unable to finish their work they must see Ms. Gunner and make arrangements to complete the assignment with me in my room, before or after school or during their break. Failure to do so will result in the student losing their break and/or working through the PASS program.


Progress Reports/ Report Card are sent home every nine weeks. All Progress Reports and Report Cards sent home must be returned the next day with a a parent signature. The teacher will contact the parent if the student continues inadequate work after progress report.

Absences-It is the students responsibility to ask for any work missed due to absence from class. Ms. Gunner will be available each Monday after school from 3:30-4:45 and each morning before school for additional support.

Provision for Improving Grades

  1. Parent/student may request, special arrangements and/or assignments on an individual basis for extenuating circumstances.

  2. The teacher will provide opportunities to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade when all work required to date has been completed and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

  3. The teacher will determine when and how students may improve their grades.

Daily Supplies

  • Pencil/Pen

  • Notebook paper

Additional Materials

  • Passport (formerly called Agenda)

I have read and understand all the policies and procedures. I agree to keep this page in my journal at all times for reference.


Student Signature Date ____/____/_______

We have read all the policies and procedures. We understand our student’s responsibilities and know how to contact (Your name) if we have any concerns.


Parent Signatures

Phone Number: ______________________

Do you have computer access? Y or N

Parent Email Address: _________________________

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