International business transactions

Menendez v. Saks and Co. (2

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OUTLINE International Business Transactions
Menendez v. Saks and Co. (2nd Cir. 1973)

  • A Cuban currency regulation required all exporters who rec’d payments in a foreign currency to deliver the currency within three days to Cuban Currency Stabilization Fund for exchange into pesos.

  • Castro expropriates leading cigar export companies without compensation. Cuban shareholders fled to US and bring suit against importers for sums due for shipments made.

  • Under terms of contract between Cuban cigar co and American importer, payment is made in US dollars not Cuban pesos. Payment to be made either to the Cuban exporter, to a NY bank acting as the exporter’s collecting agent, or to the order of the Cuban exporter and/or the NY collecting bank.

  • (“payable to the order of” means that person to whom the check is payable may endorse the check and order payment to be made to someone else)

    • Govt said Cuban shareholders in US don’t get money for two reasons.

      • Court should reject arguments and have American companies pay US dollars to Cuban company through Cuban central bank and not to shareholders.

      • law applicable to contract is Cuban law and Cuban law says Cuban company, not shareholders have right to money
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