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MPEG-4 1.1MPEG-4 AFX Profiling (joint with the SNHC and Systems subgroups)

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1.1MPEG-4 AFX Profiling (joint with the SNHC and Systems subgroups)

11922 Proposal of AFX Profile - Simple 3D Compression Profiles, Mahnjin Han, Jeong-Hwan Ahn, Tae-Joon Park, on behalf of Mobile 3D Standardization Forum in Korea

This meeting addressed the issue of integrating AFX tools in the MPEG-4 profiling framework in order clear interoperability points are provide to the industry. First, it was reaffirmed that profiles and levels are essential to provide interoperability at acceptable complexity for all application domains. It was also reminded that MPEG-4 considers 7 profiling dimensions: Visual, Audio, Graphics, Scene graph, Object descriptor, MPEG-J and Text.

Following the discussions started at the last meeting and the proposal made in m11922 which shows that there is support by industry, it was agreed to:

  • Create of a new Profile Dimension called 3D Compression

  • Create the necessary 3D Compression Object Types, Profiles and Levels, notably the Simple 3D Compression profile including SNHC tools related to 3D compression and also AFX tools as defined in N7062.

The 3D Compression Object Types, Profiles and Levels can be used in a stand alone stream or fitted in the MPEG-4 Architecture. It is expected that the object types, profiles and levels included in the MPEG-2/4 Profiles under Consideration document (N7062) may further progress in terms of specification at the next meeting.

1.2MPEG-4 Laser (joint with Systems)

11945 LaseR Profiling, Jean-Claude Dufourd, Olivier Avaro

During the week, there were two major issues related to Laser:

  • Requirements – Regarding Laser Requirements, the requirements in the existing Laser Requirements document were reviewed and new requirements added. All changes have been made by consensus reaching a much better document. A new version of the Laser Requirements document has been issued (N7072).

  • Profiling – Following the presentation of m11945, it was decided to create to Laser profiles (Mini and Full) in the context of the Scene Graph profiling dimension; these profiles were included in the MPEG-2/4 Profiles under Consideration document (N7062). The Laser Mini profile provides basic functionalities mapping the SVG 1.2 specification. In order to progress as fast as possible at the next meeting with the specification of Laser profiles, the Requirements subgroup issued a resolution asking NBs to express their opinion on the progress of these profiles at next meeting.

1.3Font Format Representation (joint with Systems)

Regarding this issue, it was decided to create an AHG with the task to produce a document which should contain a proposed draft of an ISO standard based on the OpenType specification 1.4 with endorsement by the copyright holders by 2005-06-01. The AHG should also review ISO/IEC 14496-18 which already references OpenType 1.4 as an external reference to ensure it contains the proper references in a future update, and provide MPEG with a development plan on how to progress the specification within MPEG.


Perceptual Audio Descriptors (joint with Audio)
12021 Use-Cases for Perceptual Attributes for Commercial Music

12024 Draft for evaluation procedures for Perceptual Attribute descriptors

Following the discussion at the last meeting, which led to the inclusion on a new requirement in the MPEG-7 Requirements document, addressing Perceptual Audio Attributes, it was concluded that the following actions should be pursued:

  • Confirm industry support for the provided functionality

  • Check relation and integration with existing MPEG-7 tools, notably the Affective DS

  • Evaluate performance through core experiments

Procedural Texture DS (joint with MDS, Systems, Video, Audio)

11953 ProceduralTexture Description Scheme, Alberto Castillo, Francisco Morán, José M. Martínez, Michael Steliaros

This document proposes a ProceduralTexture DS which describes a procedural texture by extending the StillRegion DS using a set of data to specify the perceptual characterization of a texture in terms of a fractal “plasma”. The proposal is based on the ProceduralTexture node from MPEG-4 Part 11. It was concluded that the following actions should be pursued:

MPEG-7 Joint (joint with MDS, Systems, Video, Audio)

11969 A Proposal for Media Albuming Hints Description, Sang-Kyun Kim, Seungji Yang, Yong Man Ro, Ji-Yeun Kim

Regarding this contribution, it was agreed that it provides a desired functionality which can already be provided with existing MPEG-7 tools. In order for this new tool to be included in the MPEG-7 specification, it is essential that evidence is brought showing advantages notably that:

  • It can provide the functionality with significant additional performance

  • It can provide the functionality with much less complexity.

11901 Content-based Search Framework, Wo Chang

This contribution proposed a so-called Content-based Search Framework. Following the discussion, it was decided to create an AHG with the tasks to define the objectives and architecture for the content-based search framework, to identify essential modules for the content-based search framework, and to explore and define standard interfaces between those modules.

11809 AHG on JPSearch Liaison for JPSearch Project

This document reports the activities regarding the liaison of MPEG with JPEG on the JPSearch project. JPEG declares as highly possible to adopt MPEG-7 as their metadata of choice in JPSearch after clarification regarding MPEG-7 IPR conditions. JPSearch targets the standardization of “technologies associated with an image searching system. The standard, which will include multiple parts, is expected to cover many different parts of that entire system, focusing on the interchange of data between components of the system.”

11874 MPEG-7: a Contribution to Understand the Present and Plan the Future, Fernando Pereira

The purpose of this contribution was stated to be creating a discussion on the current status quo of the MPEG-7 standard and try to identify actions which may improve its adoption by the industry Reviewing of MPEG-7 exploitation status. The contribution identified blockages to the adoption of the MPEG-7 standard which were classified as strategic, technical, and licensing. Also opportunities for the adoption of the MPEG-7 standard were identified, notably MAFs, converging services. The discussion was very lively and positive and some relevant issues were mentioned, notably:

  • Need to address end-to-end services and description of services

  • Understand the needs of the Korean DMB system case which seems to be a great opportunity for the deployment of MPEG-7

  • Need to make the Call for Patents by profile and not for the full specification at once

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