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20250225 PhD Thesis Randa plagiarism

Methods Approach

Measurements of surface displacements are essential for monitoring and understanding crustal deformations associated with geophysical phenomena. These measurements have been widely utilized to analyze natural phenomena such as earthquakes, magmatic flow in volcanic systems, landslides, glacial movement, and groundwater extraction. The Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) is one method of measuring surface displacements.
Differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) has gained popularity as a way to track surface displacements over the past 20 years. With centimeter-level accuracy, InSAR provides surface displacement maps with a 5-20-meter resolution. Academics have studied previously inaccessible locations thanks to the approach, which offers almost global coverage and does not require ground surveys. Most remote-sensing satellites have polar orbits that make two observations: one when the spacecraft travels from north to south (descending) and the other when it travels from south to north (ascending). The vertical and east (or west) displacement components are the most sensitive to the two displacement projections, except near polar data.
The displacement map comprises a one-dimensional projection of surface displacement fields along the satellite line of sight (LOS). It is not possible to obtain three-dimensional displacement maps from single interferogram maps. It is complex and challenging to investigate systems DInSAR whose primary direction is close to the north-south or whose north-south displacement components are highly informative. The San Andreas and the Dead Sea fault systems are two examples. There are several disadvantages of DInSAR, including one-dimensional measurement, air noise, a low signal-to-noise ratio, and sparse temporal coverage. Satellite and instrument designs have solved the first three limitations, but updating the hardware architecture to accommodate the fourth is difficult. Measurements in the along-track (azimuth) direction can thus provide the additional information required to span the entire 3D surface displacement field. Multiple-aperture SAR interferometry (MAI) has made this possible. The basic theory of MAI proposed by Bechor and Zebker is that the along-track displacement may be measured with an azimuth split beam. In addition, this improves the ability to simulate surface deformations (Bechor and Zebker 2006, Jo et al. 2015). The InSAR method for crustal deformation in various regions has been well documented. The studies include:

  1. Measuring ground displacements from SAR amplitude images: application to the Landers earthquake (Remi Michel and Avouac, 1999)

  2. The complete (3-D) surface displacement field in the epicentral area of the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine earthquake in California from space geodetic observations (Fialko et al., 2001).

  3. Resolving three-dimensional surface displacements from InSAR measurements(Hu et al., 2014).

  4. The 3-D surface deformation, Co-seismic fault slip and after-slip of the 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu earthquake, Tibet, China (Guohong Zhang et al., 2016).

  5. Retrieving Precise Three-Dimensional Deformation on the 2014 M6.0 South Napa Earthquake by Joint Inversion of Multi-Sensor SAR(Min-Jeong Jo et al., 2017).

Accurately measuring surface displacements brought on by the seismic cycle requires several conditions. The first is geographic and temporal coverage because earthquakes can happen in expected and unexpected places, such as on well-known faults along plate boundaries. These are a few examples of previously unmapped faults (Langbein et al., 2005; Wald et al., 1991). InSAR measurement's biggest and most significant advantage is that it now has a monthly sampling rate and offers global coverage. The spatial sizes of the processes we are interested in range from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers. Only those that can be efficiently sampled over months can be studied. That effectively removes seismic waves and contains various cumulative displacements: coseismic, post-seismic, some transients, and inter-seismic. These processes produce surface displacements ranging from millimeters to meters. Precision is the second requirement for measuring surface displacements associated with the seismic cycle. It is an interferogram that can vary from one centimeter to several meters. It can achieve sub-centimeter accuracy when the displacement accumulation rate is high enough to permit repeated sampling and time-series InSAR (Ferretti et al., 2001; Smith and Sandwell, 2003).
Numerous studies employing seismic and geodetic data have focused on the source features of earthquakes, e.g. (Barnhart et al. 2018, Feng et al. 2018, Nissen et al. 2019). This work has extracted three-dimensional displacement projection maps with centimeter-level accuracy from each InSAR pair. According to the tectonic context, the fault type and the process that causes the displacement vary. The different orientations of tectonic systems result in surface displacements in all directions. Inversions show that the observed coseismic InSAR 3D displacements can be explained by oblique (thrust + dextral) slip occurring down-dip of the coseismic peak slip area, despite unavoidable epistemic uncertainties related to fault parameterization, inversion regulation, data selection, and so on. Measurements of coseismic displacements and inversion regulation caused by the 2017 Mw 7.3 Sarpol Zahab earthquake are generally consistent with previous studies.

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