Derivatives of the germ layers
Development of the placenta and placenta membranes.
Study Task
What laboratory procedures can be used to determine the developmental status of an embryo or fetus? i.e. PT test, amniocentesis, chorionic villi sampling, etc.
How can embryonic/ fetal age as well as the expected date of delivery (EDD) be determined?
What are the stages of pregnancy and the associated changes in women? E.g. hormonal variations, mammary gland enlargement, enhanced vascularizations, seizure of the reproductive cycles, abdominal protrusion.
What are Safe Period, Menacre, implantation bleeding, and middle pain?
Can you simply list the following:
Events of the First Week of Human Development
Events of the Second Week of Human Development .
Events of the Third Week of Human Development
Events of the Fourth to Eighth Weeks of Human Development .
Events of the Ninth Week to Birth: The Fetal Period
Haanen, C. and Vermes, I. (1996): Apoptosis: programmed cell death in fetal development. Eur. Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol; 64(1):129 - 133