Introduction to Virtual Device Drivers

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mov ax, 0007h ; Get_Memory_Info

call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] ; service entry point passed to

; real-mode initialization procedure

Retrieves information about computer memory.


mov ax, 0001h ; Get_Next_Profile_String

call dword ptr [_ServiceEntry] ; service entry point passed to

; real-mode initialization procedure

Retrieves the address of a null-terminated string representing the next value for a specified setting in the SYSTEM.INI file. This service is used by virtual devices that have multiple entries with the same setting name. Uses EAX, EDX, ES, Flags.

If the carry flag is clear, the ES:DX register pair contains the address of a null-terminated string representing the next value of the requested setting. Otherwise, the ES:DX contents are undefined, and no more matching entries are found.


Must be 0001h.


Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the setting to search for.


Contains an address that was previously retrieved using the Get_Profile_String or Get_Next_Profile_String service.

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