Israeli Innovation Automotive Industry Israel's leading technology companies U. S. Automotive Roadshow 2015

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Nooly was founded on a vision of building the perfect weather tool that will inform the Nooly users of the exact time and place the weather will impact their life. Navigation is all about the fastest and safest way to transport a user from point “A” to “B”. Driving in the snow, driving in the rain, driving in icy condition or driving within a hailstorm can have serous implication for the commuting user. It is necessary for any good navigation system to include the exact weather condition a user will encounter along their path and at his destination. Nooly presents a patented solution that

offers a number of features that enable GPS navigation providers to use minute-by-minute accurate weather conditions when providing service, subsequently with improved user value and increased safety


Nooly Micro Weather

Noveto Systems’ mission is to provide a new dimension in human-machine interface between users and consumer-electronic sound-emitting media devices. The company's current core-competency is vocal communication, where we create a virtual vocal conduit between the user and an equipped device. Noveto’s unique technology allows for the transmission of focused, vocal-band sound waves, to a designated point in space. This is achieved without any intermediate hardware such as a wired or wireless earpiece. Transmission of sound beams is directed only to the user's ears or sideways to the user - creating 3D immersive sound effects. The system consists of hardware components combined with sophisticated DSP module and governing software (driver).

HMI/Audio Active Noise Cancellation

Noveto Systems Ltd.

NovoSpeech developed new algorithms, to improve existing ones and to “import” algorithms from other disciplines — all resulting in a proprietary, robust, computation-efficient, speaker-independent ASR engine with extraordinary recognition accuracy rates.

HMI/Voice recognition

Novospeech Ltd.

NXT is a startup company that develops a new, innovative smartphone app that enables users to transform their driving time into a more productive, efficient and pleasant experience. The Israeli driver spends between 0.5 to 2 hours driving every day! When spending so much time on the road, we find ourselves disconnected. NXT is about driving in a connected digital world. No need for expensive hardware or a fancy car – just your smartphone. NXT Android app turns any vehicle into a connected car via voice/touch/remote controlled mobile-platform, offering drivers an array of utilities to complement their driving experience


NXT Drive

*acquired, but operates separately

Established in 2006, Oree is the pioneer of LED-based planar lighting. Oree’s innovative technology opens up a completely new category for LED illumination: Planar LED Lighting. Oree’s patented technology enables the conversion of LED "point sources” to a planar, thin and uniform illuminating surface without sacrificing efficiency, light quality or cost

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