IV. Results and partnerships v.31.01.2023-LB comments
COMPONENT 4. LESSONS LEARNED IDENTIFIED, MONITORED AND ASSESSED OUTCOME G. AWARENESS-RAISED, LESSONS LEARNED AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGED Output G1. Awareness raising approaches and plans developed and implemented This FSP envisages the development of a strategy for communication and dissemination at national, provincial, and cantonal level through different means for raising awareness on general public, with special focus on women, youth, and other vulnerable groups.
Through this Output the project aims to raise awareness of at least 3,000 (1,500 women and 1,500 men).
The following activities will be implemented to achieve Output G1:
a) Case Study Reports developed: the project will document activities, results and lessons-learned in individual case study reports. This will result in at least six (6) reports linked to the pilot activities within Output B2, B3, D1, D2 and D3 and will include failures and successes of the activities undertaken. These documents will be disseminated among key stakeholders and will be also published in the Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIE) platform developed under Output G3.
b) Communication Strategy: this FSP will design and implement a national communication campaign to raise awareness on risks and damages to health and the environment due to exposure to hazardous chemicals, which will include specific activities and communicational resources for mass dissemination. This campaign will be of particular interest for the promotion and raising awareness on the reduction of the use of plastics as well as an improvement in the management of their waste.
This campaign aims to raise awareness on stakeholders, project beneficiaries, public and especially women, youth, and other vulnerable groups. Gender considerations will be taken into account in the design and implementation of this strategy, to guarantee awareness of targeted audience in terms of gender mainstreaming in chemicals management within the scope of this project.
The design of this National Communication Strategy will include the different Communication activities identified within Outputs in previous Components.
b) Implement the Stakeholder Engagement Plan detailed in Annex X and briefly described in following section “Stakeholder Engagement”, including youth and other vulnerable groups.
c) Implement the Gender Action Plan detailed in Annex X and briefly described in following section “Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” for gender mainstreaming and raising awareness at different levels of related key targeted groups.
Output G2. M&E and adaptive management in response to necessities and results from the MTR and final findings with lessons learned applied The project results as outlined in the Project Results Framework (Section V), will be monitored periodically during implementation to ensure that the project effectively achieves its results. The results of the monitoring will be reported in an intermediate and final evaluation and the lessons learned captured will be integrated in the project through adaptive feedback management. Project-level monitoring and evaluation will be undertaken in compliance with UNDP requirements as outlined in the UNDP POPP and UNDP Evaluation Policy.
As a standard practice for every UNDP project, continuous monitoring of FSP results and achievements will be ensured, while the application of adaptive management of the project after conclusion of the Mid-Term Review (MTR) will be warranted. The Project Management Unit (see Section VII on Governance and Management arrangements for detailed information) will design the project´s M&E system and be responsible for implementing the project´s M&E Plan (see Section VI below), including the Project´s Inception Workshop, annual planning workshops and Project Implementation Reports (PIRs).
The following activities will be implemented to achieve Output G2:
1. Development of Project's Inception Workshop.
2. Monitoring:
Project Results Framework (outcome indicators, GEF Core Indicators, baseline and annual target indicators).
Project Risk Matrix, Environmental and Social Framework/Social Environmental Screening Procedures (ESMF/SESP), SESA, the Gender Analysis and Action Plan, and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
3. Holding Project Steering Meetings.
4. Carrying out “Mid-Term Review” (MTR): The MTR will be carried out after the second submission of the PIR; it will assess the progress of each project activity and attainment of the project’s indicators presented in the Project Results Framework (Section V of the ProDoc) and Multiyear Work Plan (Annex 4). This review will also consider one Gender Assessment of project impact completed as part of MTR and the disbursement of financial resources and co-financing provided by project partners, and it will monitor and assess administrative aspects for the execution of the project. The MTR will also inform the adaptive management of the project and improve its implementation as a remainder of the project’s duration.
5. Carrying out Terminal Evaluation (TE): The TE aims to evaluate whether all planned project activities have been developed, resources granted by the GEF have been disbursed and spent in line with GEF and UNDP policies and rules, following activities as set out in this Project Document. The TE will also extract and identify lessons learned, how to disseminate them most efficiently and make recommendations to ensure that project results are sustainable.
Output G3. Knowledge management system for best practices and communication platform at national level established. The project will design and implement a permanent knowledge and information exchange (KIE) platform at national level where all the knowledge generated during project implementation will be available and shared. Main findings, all lessons learned, best practices and project experiences will be gathered. All information will be captured in user-friendly means to share, disseminate, and update communication materials integrating the corresponding gender-related challenges. This platform will make use of social media to disseminate materials and schedule presentations among selected audiences of key stakeholders and will produce quarterly reports.
The platform will be a useful tool for key stakeholders from the private and public sector, including decision makers, to easily access valuable information to improve their activities and take well informed decisions.