J. J. Vallino Ecosystems Center

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The routine GA  (Carroll, 1996)§ uses a genetic algorithm to locate the global optimum. Genetic algorithms locate optima by simulating natural selection as follows. Initialization begins by generating a random population of individuals that each represents a unique parameter set, k. The fitness (i.e., µ §) of each individual is determined, and the fittest (i.e., smallest µ §) are used to generate the next population of individuals in a manor analogous to gene crossover and mutation. The algorithm terminates after a specified number of generations have occurred.

All optimization routines started with the same initial guess for k (Table 1), except for routines GLOBAL and GA, which randomly select initial conditions. This initial guess produced a value of 39430 for the objective function (Eq. 4).
Mesocosm state and measurement models

Below is a description of the model developed for the mesocosm experiment. Because of our focus on dissolved organic matter (DOM), processes involving DOM production and consumption are represented in greater detail than is typically found in pelagic food web models (e.g., Fasham et al., 1990)§. See Table 1 in main text for description of parameters.

State equations

State vector

µ § (A6)
Autotroph balance

µ § (A7)

Heterotroph balance

µ § (A8)

Bacteria balance

µ § (A9)

Dissolved inorganic nitrogen balance

µ § (A10)

Dissolved labile organic carbon balance

µ § (A11)

Dissolved labile organic nitrogen balance

µ § (A12)

Dissolved refractory organic carbon balance

µ § (A13)

Dissolved refractory organic nitrogen balance

µ § (A14)

Detrital carbon balance

µ § (A15)

Detrital nitrogen balance

µ § (A16)

Autotroph growth equations. Autotrophs are limited by both DIN and light availability (Fasham et al., 1990)§, excrete fEA fraction of net primary productivity as DOM, respiration is growth associated, and mortality is a function of DIN availability.
µ § (A17)

µ § (A18)

µ § (A19)

µ § (A20)

µ § (A21)

µ § (A22)

Bacterial growth equations. Bacteria (osmotrophs) consume DOM and immobilize or remineralize DIN as a function of the N content of DOM. Bacteria will respire all DOC as total N availability goes to zero. Bacterial mortality is a function of DOC (i.e., energy) availability and respiration is growth associated.
µ § (A23)

µ § (A24)

µ § (A25)

µ § (A26)

µ § (A27)

Heterotroph growth equations. Heterotrophs consume both autotrophs and bacteria using modified Holling type III growth kinetics (Holling, 1965)§. Heterotrophic growth can be either C or N limited, but when C limited, the excess N is excreted as ammonium. Mortality is a function of food availability.

µ § (A28)

µ § (A29)

µ § (A30)

µ § (A31)

µ § (A32)

µ § (A33)

µ § (A34)
Measurement model

Here we detail the mapping from state space to observation space, or formally:

µ § (A35)

Measurement vector:

µ § (A36)

Dissolved organic carbon (ƒÝM C)

µ § (A37)

Particulate organic carbon (ƒÝM C)

µ § (A38)

Particulate organic nitrogen (ƒÝM N)

µ § (A39)

Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (ƒÝM N)

µ § (A40)

Chlorophyll a (ƒÝg l-1)

µ § (A41)

Net primary productivity at depth zI (ƒÝM C d-1)

µ § (A42)

where zI is the depth at which the incubation was performed.

Bacterial productivity (ƒÝM C d-1)

µ § (A43)

Light extinction coefficient (m-1)

µ § (A39)

Numerical integration and quadrature

The routines DDRIV3 and DQAGP from the SLATEC library (Vandevender and Haskell, 1982)§ were used for numerical integration of the differential equations and numerical quadrature of the objective function (Eq. 4), respectively. DDRIV3 employs an error controlled adjustable time-step and dynamically selects either Adams’ method (for non-stiff equations) or Gear’s method (for stiff equations). Because of the spiky nature of the residual vector (Fig. 3c) driving Eqs. 4, 7 and 8, both integration and quadrature routines were forced to evaluate the functions at times corresponding to observations, ti, to insure that the numerical solution did not step over the residual correction term.

Code to generate derivatives of µ § and µ § with respect to x(t;k) and p for the adjoint method (Eqs. 7 and 8) was symbolically derived using ADIFOR 2.0 (Bischof et al., 1992)§ from the source code of and µ §, respectively. The LINPACK singular value decomposition (SVD) routine DSVDC (Dongarra et al., 1979)§ was used to examine the maximum and minimum singular values of the normalized Hessian matrix (Eq. 28).
Acknowledgements: The mesocosm data is a crucial component of this manuscript and would not have been possible with out the expertise and long hours contributed by Chuck Hopkinson, Linda Deegan, Anne Giblin, John Hobbie, Hap Garritt, Jane Tucker, Michele Bahr and Ishi Buffam. The detailed comments provided by three anonymous reviewers are greatly appreciated. This work was partially supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (OCE-9214461 and OCE-9726921) and the Lakian Foundation.

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Table 1. Parameters governing the growth dynamics of the mesocosm food web model described in the Appendix. Also given are the lower and upper bounds on parameters, the initial guess, k(0), and the best solution, k* (see text).

ParameterDescriptionµ §k(0)k*µ §Maximum specific uptake rate of OCL by bacteria0.01 - 505.049.9 d-1kOBHalf saturation constant for OCL consumption by B 0.01 - 1001.048.8 ƒÝMµ §Maximum growth efficiency of bacteria0.01 - 10.700.804ƒâZC:N ratio of heterotrophs3 - 86.64.72 at.µ §Growth efficiency of heterotrophs0.01 - 10.50.151µ §Maximum specific feeding rate of heterotrophs 0.1 - 101.03.20 d-1kZHalf saturation constant for A and B consumption by Z 0.1 - 20010.0200. ƒÝMmZMaximum mortality rate of heterotrophs0 - 100.10.033 d-1µ §Maximum specific fixation rate of autotrophs 0.1 - 202.05.43 d-1kNAHalf saturation constant for N uptake by A0.1 - 501.00.101 ƒÝMµ §Growth efficiency of autotrophs0.1 - 10.80.998fEAFraction of net production excreted0 - 10.10.564ƒâAC:N ratio of autotrophs4 - 206.610.8 at.ƒâEAC:N ratio of exudate3 ¨C 10510.043200. at.mAMaximum mortality rate of autotrophs0 - 100.10.674 d-1ƒÑP-I slope 10-3 - 0.090.00540.0890 m2 s d-1 ƒÝE-1kwLight extinction coefficient of water0.1 - 100.350.935 m-1kpLight extinction coefficient of POC10-5 - 10.0030.00428 m-1 ƒÝM CƒØILight attenuation at sea-air interface0.5 - 10.7310.731h Depth of mesocosm bag1.8 - mfLEAFraction of exudate that is labile0 - 10.80.999fDLFraction of detritus that is labile0 - 10.80.331dDLDecomposition rate of detritus0 - 500.149.6 d-1dRLDecomposition rate of OCR and ONR0 - 0.50.0010.128 d-1kNBHalf saturation constant of N uptake by B0.01 - 501.049.1 ƒÝMcchlaCarbon to chlorophyll a ratio0.1 - 104.23.76 ƒÝmol C (ƒÝg chl a)-1kdLight extinction coefficient of OCR10-6 - 10.00251.58 x 10-5 m-1 ƒÝM CƒâBC:N ratio of bacteria3 - 74.53.57 at.mBMaximum mortality rate of bacteria0 - 500.148.4 d-1µ §Light intensity at surface of water (driver var.)NA(Fig. 1)(Fig. 1) ƒÝE m-2 s-1A(t0)Initial autotrophs concentration0.1 - 105.04.29 ƒÝM CZ(t0)Initial zooplankton concentration0.1 - 301.028.5 ƒÝM CN(t0)Initial DIN concentration20 - 10046.546.5 ƒÝM NOCL(t0)Initial labile DOC concentration1 - 300100.0101 ƒÝM CONL(t0)Initial labile DON concentration10-3 - 2010.016.8 ƒÝM NOCR(t0)Initial refractory DOC concentration100 - 500350.0359 ƒÝM CONR(t0)Initial refractory DON concentration0.1 - 1000.350.158 ƒÝM NDC(t0)Initial detrital carbon concentration10-3 - 505.02.35 ƒÝM CDN(t0)Initial detrital nitrogen concentration0.01 - 100.100.834 ƒÝM NB(t0)Initial bacteria concentration0.1 - 151.00.102 ƒÝM CTable 2. Relative and absolute standard errors associated with the measured variables, y(ti) for the mesocosm experiment. See Eq. 20.

y(ti)Rel. Error

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