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Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam (SMA Islam) PB Soedirman

Cijantung – Jakarta Timur

Status Akreditasi : Disamakan

Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 24 Cijantung, Jakarta 13770, Telp. 8400387. Ext. 124

e- mail : ympbs66@hotmail.com , website : members tripod.com/yasma 66/index.htm


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 2 Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 1 Februari 2011

Kelas/Program : XI / IPA-IPS Waktu : 90 menit

Semester : 2 (Dua) Tahun Pel : 2010/2011



Sekolah Menengah Atas Islam (SMA Islam) PB Soedirman

Cijantung – Jakarta Timur

Status Akreditasi : Disamakan

Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 24 Cijantung, Jakarta 13770, Telp. 8400387. Ext. 124

e- mail : ympbs66@hotmail.com , website : members tripod.com/yasma 66/index.htm


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 2 Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 1 Desember 2010

Kelas/Program : XI / IPA-IPS Waktu : 90 menit

Semester : 1 (Satu) Tahun Pel : 2010/2011


Instruction : Choose the correct answer A or B.


1. Growing flowers ……… her hobby. is are

2. The subjects you will be studying in this course ………. is are

listed in the syllabus..

3. Massachusetts and Connecticut ………….. located is are

in New England.

4. Only the black widow spider, of all the spiders in the

USA …………. caused death among human beings. has have

5. Oranges, tomatoes, fresh strawberries, cabbage and

green lettuce ……………. rich in vitamin C. is are

6. The teacher and the student …………… on that point. agree agrees

7. Each student in the sixth grade class …………….. to do has have

a science project.

8. Making pies, reading and gardening …………………….. is are

Mrs. Reed’s hobbies.

9. Where …………… your parents live ? does do

10. Why …….. Kartiko and Wahyu late for the test ? was were

Instruction : Choose the correct answer A or B.


1. Some of the fruit in this bowl ……… rotten. is are

2. Half of the students in this class ………………. from Arabic- is are

speaking countries.

3. A lot of my friends ………………. here. is are

4. Half of this money ………… to you. belongs belong

5. One of my best friends ……………… coming to visit me is are

next month.

6. Each of the boys in the class …………… his own has have


7. One of the chief materials in bones and teeth ………… is are


8. …………….. all of the children have their books ? Does Do

9. Why ……….. some of the students excused from the was were

test ?

10. Why ……….. one of students excused from the was were

test ?


Instruction : Choose the correct answer A or B.

1. There ……………. any letters in the mail for isn’t aren’t

you today.

2. There ……………….. a lot of problems in the world. is are

3. There …………….. a fly in this room. is are

4. There ……… over 600,000 kinds of insects in the world. is are

5. There ……………. a green pen on Savira’s desk. is are

6. There …… a blue pen and a yellow notebook on Ayu’s desk. is are

7. Why ……… there a hospital close to those villages ? isn’t aren’t

8. How many kinds of birds ……….. there in the world ? is are

9. There …………. some money in his pocket. is are

10. There ………………. some books on the shelf. is are


Instruction : Choose the correct answer A, B, C, D, or E in brackets.

1. Dwiki had already left when we ………………there.

A. get B. got C. had got D. are getting E. gets

2. After the guests …………….., I went to bed.

A. had left B. leave C. leaves D. will leave E. are leaving

3. He had been a newspaper reporter before he ………….. a businessman.

A. become B. becomes C. became D. had become E. has become

4. I felt a little better after I ……………… the medicine.

A. take B. takes C. had taken D. have taken E. took

5. It was raining hard, but when class was over, the rain ………………….

A. stop B. stops C. stopped D. has stopped E. had stopped

6. I had never seen any of Picasso’s paintings before I ………… the art museum.

A. visited B. visits C. visit D. have visited E. had visited

7. The children ……………. asleep when we got home late.

A. have fallen B. had fallen C. has fallen D. fall E. falls

8. I was late. The teacher ………….. a quiz when I got to the class.

A. gives B. has given C. had given D. give E. will give

9. I almost missed my plane. All of the other passengers had already boarded when

I ……………... there.

A. get B. got C. have got D. had got E. gets

10. After Tasya had graduated from the university, she ……………………… to look for a job.

A. tries B. try C. tried D. had tried E. has tried


Instruction : Read the following text and then choose the best answer A, B,

C, D, or E based on the text.

Government should solve the problem of using formaldehyde in food. As the country’s food and drug monitoring offices across the archipelago found that formaldehyde is being used in food such as tofu, fresh noodles, and sea food. Many producers of those products wonder that they are going to bankrupt because they lost their customers since the media announced that issue. Most of the producers of meat ball are home industry. Though they do not use formaldehyde in their products, their customers are afraid to eat their products. This situation will affect their income.

It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde as it is the cheapest preservative but the government has to solve this problem in order to ensure that people eat healthy food and small businesses survive. It is not fair to treat all tofu, salted fish, fresh noodles as containing formaldehyde. How will small business survive ? It would be counter productive to the government’s own efforts to encourage small and medium business.

So there must be a research into cheap, safe and alternative preservatives in order to avoid using formaldehyde in food.

1. What type of the text is used by the writer ?

A. report B. descriptive C. discussion D. explanation E. exposition

2. The organization of the text above is ……………….

A. General statement, Explanation 1, Explanation 2, Explanation 3

B. Identification, Description

C. Issue, Arguments for and against for , Conclusion / Recommendation

D. General Classification , Description

E. Thesis, Arguments, Reiteration

3. The communicative purpose of this text is ………………..

A. To inform about using formaldehyde in food

B. To describe the formaldehyde to the readers

C. To entertain the readers with the story of formaldehyde

D. To present two points of view about using formaldehyde in food

E. To persuade the readers and government to solve the problem of using

formaldehyde in food

4. What problem has been discussed in the text ?

A. the cheapest preservative

B. Tofu, fresh noodles and sea food

C. Using formaldehyde in food

D. small and medium businesses

E. the country’s food and drug monitoring offices

5. Which is not an arguments given by the writer ?

A. Many producers of those products wonder that they are going to

bankrupt because they lost their customers since the media announced

that issue.

B. It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde as it is the

cheapest preservative

C. It is not fair to treat all tofu, salted fish, fresh noodles as containing


D. Most of the producers of meat ball are home industry.

E. The problem of using formaldehyde in food was found by the country’s

food and drug monitoring offices

6. Government should solve the problem of using formaldehyde in food.

The underlined words means …………

A. antiseptic B. formalin C. boric

D. salt E. drug

7. What is the writer’s suggestion ?

A. It would be counter productive to the government’s own efforts to

encourage small and medium business

B. It would be counter productive to the efforts to encourage small and

medium business

C. There must be a research into cheap, safe and alternative preservatives

D. Ensure the people eat healthy food.

E. Don’t eat products using formaldehyde

8. “ It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde as it is …”

It in this sentence refers to ……………

A. formaldehyde B. producers C. the cheapest preservatives

D. the government E. this problem

9. “ So there must be a research into cheap, safe and alternative … “

What is the OPPOSITE of the underlined word ?

A. comfortable B. dangerous C. expensive

D. complicated E. profitable

10. This situation will affect their income. The SYNONYM of affect is ……………

A. influence B. cause C. make D. decrease E. minimize

I. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences..

Example : Arlingga live in Depok. lives

Irma writing on the white board right now. is writing

1. Dirga and setiadi doesn’t like milk.  …………………….

They never drinks it.  ………………………

2. Do you a student ?  ………………

3. Hurairah doesn’t speaks Spanish.  ……………………

He speak English.  …………………….

4. What do you reading right now ?  ……………………..

4. Keiko don’t need a car.  ………………………….

She have a motor cycle.  …………………..

5. Arlingga isn’t know French.  ………………………

II. Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Simple Present Tense

or the Present Continuous Tense.

Example : Hendro ( like ) likes tea, but he (not, like) doesn’t like coffee.

Look ! The cat ( climb ) is climbing the tree.
1. Shhhhhh ! Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep ) ………………………………..

2. Labiba (know) ………………………. Trio, but she (not, know) ……………………….…………. Adsanov.

3. Nindya and Adnya ( want) ………………………………….. to stay home tonight.

They (not, want) …………………………………………….…….. to go to a movie.

4. Tegar ( be, not) …………. hungry. He (not, want ) …………………………………..a sandwich.

5. Right now, Rajif (sit) …………………………………………… beside Najwa.

6. Mr. Smith (not, drink) …………………………… coffee, but Mr. Jones (drink) ……………………..….

three cups every day.

7. Excuse me, but you (stand) ………………………………………………. on my foot.

8. Where ( you / go ) …………………………………………………… ? It’s only five o’clock !

9. Don’t forget to take your umbrella. I (rain) ………………………………………………………….. now.

10. Nuril never ( help ) …………………………………….. her mother at home.

III. Change the following positive sentences into interrogatives and negatives.

Example : The teacher writes on the white board every day.

( ? ) Does the teacher write on the white board every day ?

( - ) The teacher doesn’t write on the white board every day.

1. Mr. Aang Darsono has a mustache.

( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. My parents live in Tangerang.

( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. It rains a lot in December.

( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

( - ) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. The teacher is explaining the lesson.

( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

( - ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

5. The children are playing football in the back yard.

( ? ) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

( - ) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

I. Change the following sentences to the simple past tense

Example : Tom gets some mail every day. Tom got some mail yesterday.
1. They go downtown every day. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. We have lunch every day. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. I see my friends every day. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Hanif sits in the last row every day. …………………………………………………………………………………….

5. Rayi sleep for eight hours every night. ………………………………………………………………………………..

II. Complete the sentences with : was, were, or did.

Example : I did not go to work yesterday. I was sick, so I stayed home.
1. A : …………………………..… Mr. Edwin in his office yesterday ?

B : Yes.

2. A : ………………..…………….. you see him about your problem ?

B : Yes. He answered all my questions. He ………………………… very helpful.

3. A : Where ……………………………….….. you yesterday ?

B : I ………………….……………… at the zoo.

4. A : …………………………. you enjoy it ?

B : Yes, but the weather ……………………. very hot.

5. A : Most of the animals ……………………… in their cages. The sun …………………… too hot

for them, too.

B : I think, they ………………… not want to be outside in the hot sun.

Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. Use the Simple Past Tense or

The Past Continuous Tense.

Example : I was walking down the street when it (begin) began to rain.

Jasmine ( ask ) asked many questions yesterday.
1. When I (call) ………………………….. Sabrina last night, she was watching TV.

2. My brother and sister (argue) …………………………………. about something when I walked

into the room.

3. Wibisono ( write ) …………………………a letter to his friend a week ago.

4. I (drive) …………………………………………. when suddenly I saw a car in my lane.

5. While Adam ( study ) ………………………………………….., someone knocked the door.

6. Galuh ( visit )…………………………… her grandmother yesterday.

7. Rizky met his old friend while he ( cross) ……………………….. the street.

8. Anggi ( get up ) ……………………………………. late yesterday morning.

9. Isfan ( eat ) ………………………… a sandwich last night.

10. Aji ( wear ) ………………………………….. a rain coat yesterday.
Read the text below carefully and then answer the questions based on the text.

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