5. RESULTS Everyone at daybreak has 24 hours to budget between gainful employment, domestic chores and other social activities, for example handling children schooling, entertainment, shopping etc [59]. There are two central concepts in time budget, which are the space time path and the space-time prism. Figure 3 illustrates a space- time path among activity locations or stations in two-dimensional space and time, with time represented by the z-axis orthogonal to the plane. Note that the path is vertical when the individual is stationary at an activity location and becomes more horizontal when he/she is moving through space. The slope of the path is a function of the apparent movement velocity, i. e, the trading of time for space allowed by the available transportation resources within that environment. Cylinders represent the activity stations in Fig. 3: the length of each cylinder with respect to the z-axis indicating its availability in time [71].