Journal of Latin American Studies (2006)

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1[1] Reed, The Caste War of Yucatan, 56.

2[2] Chenaut, Migrantes y Aventureros en la Frontera Sur, 38.

3[3] Bray, Merino Pérez, et al. ‘Mexico’s Community Forest’, 672.

4[4] Konrad, ‘Capitalismo y Trabajo’, 501-502.

5[5] The research on which this paper is based was supported by the ESRC/AHRB programme ‘Cultures of Consumption’. The fieldwork was undertaken between 2002 and 2004.

6[6] Ramos Diaz, ‘La Bonanza del Chicle’, 172-193.

7[7] Ibid., 9-13.

8[8] See Stanfield, Red rubber, bleeding trees.

9[9] Konrad, ‘Capitalism on the Tropical-Forest Frontier’, 156-158.

10[10] Lapointe, Los Mayas Rebeldes de Yucatán, 148-240; Konrad, ‘Capitalism on the Tropical-Forest Frontier’, 149.

11[11] Reed, The Caste War of Yucatan, 287.

12[12] Villa Rojas, Los Elejidos de Dios, Page 120.

13[13] AGN Section 3a 906. Exp 33 No. foja 3. Ref. Contrabando y Explotación del Chicle Seal: April 8th 1907, Ministry of Government. Signed by Delegate of the Sub secretary of Government. Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

14[14] Ramos Diaz, ‘La Bonanza del Chicle’, 172-193.

15[15] Acereto, ‘Evolución Hitórica de de las Relaciones Políticas entre México y Yucatán’.

16[16] Turner, México Bárbaro, 126-128.

17[17] Villa Rojas, Los Elejidos de Dios, 124.

18[18] Reed, The Caste War of Yucatan, 309.

19[19] Archivo General Amado Aguirre. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas de UNAM. Folio 579. Ref. Concesión Ramoneda. Signed Juan de D. Rodriguez May 20th 1927, Payo Obispo, Addressed to the President. Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

20[20] Gonzalez Durán, La Rebelion de los Mayas, 40-41.

21[21] Jaramillo Botero, La Historia Oral de los Mayas de Quintana Roo, 76-77

22[22] González Durán, La Rebelion de los Mayas, 40-41.

23[23] There had been cooperatives functioning previous to the Cárdenas’ project. There was the Carrillo Puerto and General May initiative of 1922. In 1931, Siurob launched an initiative to replace May’s in 1927. Beteta gave account of a cooperative being established in Xhoaxhoben in 1929: . “ [This] is not a real cooperative… it functions as a sales agency that charges no commissions” ( Beteta , Tierra del Chicle, 49)

24[24] Rosado Vega, Un Pueblo y Un Hombre, 377 –378.

25[25] Villa Rojas, Los Elejidos de Dios, 202.

26[26] Encyclopaedia of Quintana Roo, Vol III, 101.

27[27] Rosado Vega, Un Pueblo y Un Hombre, 352.

28[28] Ibid., 351.

29[29] González Durán, La Rebelion de los Mayas, 54-55.

30[30] Interview November 2003, State Archives, Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

31[31] Interview with Isidro Quiterio Escalante, November 2003, State Archives, Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

32[32] Interview,Tulúm, December 2003. Pablo Canche is a former chiclero from mid 1930s to the late 1990s and a member of the Cruzob cult as well.

33[33] Interview with a former permisionario (chewing gum contractor) during mid1950s to the late 1960s, Valladolid.

34[34] Interview with a former chiclero, Tihosuco, Quintana Roo, December 2003.

35[35] Interview, Tulúm, December 2003.

36[36] In State Archives Quintana Roo. ‘Federación de Cooperativas de Q. Roo’, Files of 1959. Document: Annex to doc No. 261. From: Presidente de la la Coop José B. Uc To: Javier Arjona Palma, Gerente General, Federacion de Cooperativas de Q.Roo.

37[37] Martín del Campo, Chicle: Los Artistas del Machete, 52.

38[38] de Vries, Chicle Commercialization, 23-24.

39[39] Interview, November 2003, Plan Piloto Chiclero, Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

40[40] Interview, November 2003. Señor, Quintana Roo.

41[41] Interview, November 2003, Secretary of PFSCA, Chetumal, Quintana Roo,

42[42] Interview, November 2003, SEMARNAT, Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

43[43] Interview, November 2003, Chetumal, Quintana Roo.

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Reed, Nelson A. The Caste War of Yucatán. 2nd ed. California: Standford University

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Cultures of Consumption, and ESRC-AHRC Research Programme

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Working Paper No: 24

Date: June 2005

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