The OSUTI project is put forward by a consortium of six partners: LAPP, LPSC, INAC/SBT, LAPTh ILL, and LSM. Its leader is Dr Jean Karyotakis who is director of LAPP. LAPP, founded in 1976, is a joint lab (UMR) of “Université de Savoie / CNRS-IN2P3” since 1995. Based in Annecy-le-Vieux, LAPP benefits from the proximity of CERN.
The report of the AERES, following the evaluation of the laboratory in February 2010, reported a « well structured research program…well organized, very competent and motivated technical services ». The AERES awarded LAPP with an A+ mark.
Dr Jean Karyotakis and the LAPP make the proof of its dynamism as well as its will to coordinate and work in collaboration with very high level research projects. The laboratory is based on scientific excellence of the highest level, both in LHC physics, gravitational waves detection, cosmology and astrophysics, based on participation in international research programs ATLAS, LHCb, OPERA, VIRGO, AMS, HESSII and CTA. The laboratory also uses an interdisciplinary approach (mechanics, electronics, computing, what is now the basis of mechatronics) in line with the expectations of the last call Equipex where Dr Jean Karyotakis and LAPP submitted an ambitious project entitled “HoMe” “Hosting Mechatronics Projects”. These previous achievements, coupled with the skills of the scientific and technical teams, place the LAPP at the cutting edge for the future which is totally in agreement with the Labex call.
The lab, which now employs nearly 444148 people (41 permanent physicists, 81 engineers and technicians, 21 students and post docs and about 5 visitors), can build on strengths and opportunities that will enable it to carry out the OSUTI project, in collaboration with the other partners. More specifically on the coordinator’s experience, we can notice its:
Scientific Quality Production: Dr J.Karyotakis has participated in the past to outstanding experiments, NA3, L3 at LEP, BaBar at SLAC, and has published more than 650 physics papers to international physics revues.
Ability to manage ambitious projects: For the BaBar experiment (1994-2005), Dr J.Karyotakis served as a group leader for the LAPP team, and as the responsible for all the French groups participating to the experiment. From 1999 to 2002 he served as ‘Technical Coordinator’ for the whole experiment, forming with the spokesperson the management team for more than 600 physicists, from about 50 institutes from 10 countries. In 2001 BaBar published the 1st evidence for CP violation in the B system.
Experience of the pooling of resources: As laboratory director Dr J.Karyotakis increased the external resources (not originating from CNRS) of the laboratory from 5% of the total budget to 25%. This was achieved by answering calls to EU, ANR, Region Rhone Alpes, Conseil General, and Minister of foreign affairs. In the past he participated to the FP6 European project EUROTeV, as Work package coordinator, and scientific responsible for the CNRS, bringing significant resources to France and allowing the involved laboratories to participate successfully to the next calls, EUCARD and AIDA of FP7.
Supervision: Dr J.Karyotakis has supervised 7 PhD thesis in the past and has been member of many thesis juries. Using project funds he earned, he had hired about 10 engineers and post docs, and half of them got a permanent position to CNRS at the end of their temporary contract.
An international recognition: Dr J.Karyotakis served as member of the LHCC committee form 2000-2004, is member of the scientific advisory committee of NIKHEF, member of the Restricted European Committee for Future Accelerators, and is member of many review committees in Europe and USA. Finally he was awarded by the Joliot Curie prize of the French physical society, in 2001.
N’est ce pas plutôt à mettre dans l’intro ? Support of the PRES de Grenoble, University of Savoie, University Joseph Fourier, CNRS and CEA: the LAPP laboratory is positioned in perfect harmony with the objectives of the IN2P3 (Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules CNRS) defining the global French strategy for the discipline.
The University of Savoie, member of the PRES de Grenoble, aspires to develop a high level education and promote excellent research in connection with the socio-economic world. The university strategy is built around few themes and among them ”Physics to Mechatronics” establishing a real link between fundamental science and innovation supported by the competitivity pole “Arves Industries”. Therefore the OSUTI Labex is a strategic element for the University development for the future.
4.Description of the existing 4.1.Presentation of the partners 4.1.1Partner 1 Coordinator : PRES DE GRENOBLE
A compléter par Yannis avec les éléments envoyés par le PRES
4.1.2Partner 2: LAPP 4.1.3Research and innovation
The Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules is very actively involved in several large international collaborations working on accelerators (ATLAS, CMS, LHCb at the LHC at CERN, BaBar at SLAC in California) to study matter anti-matter asymmetry, to search for the elusive Higgs boson, to explain the origin of particle mass, investigating the makeup of dark matter or the existence of extra dimensions of space. The laboratory also contributes to the search for appearance in a beam produced at CERN with the OPERA experiment at Gran Sasso in Italy. Other LAPP teams collaborate in experiments studying signals from the cosmos. AMS aims at precisely measure the flux and nature of cosmic rays; this might reveal signs of anti-matter and dark matter in the universe. This information will complement measurements by HESS and the future CTA of high energy emitted by cosmic sources. Detecting gravitational waves is the challenge that the VIRGO experiment near Pisa strives to meet. The location of the laboratory, 50km from CERN, and the presence of the theory lab LAPTh in the same premises, makes the LAPP campus an ideal and very attractive place for people willing to contribute to particle and astroparticle physics. An international center for high energy physics and astroparticle physics (CIPHEA) is running since 5 years now allowing more than 10 senior internationally known visitors to work on all themes accessible with LHC, and coach young students and researchers.
AERES assessment: grade A+, In its report of July 2010 the AERES underlines:
The scientific and technological excellence of the laboratory, the originality and quality of the research: “The research program of the lab is of top level quality. The proximity of CERN brings to Annecy very brilliant people. The Technical Services are well organized, very competent and motivated. A robust technical R&D program keeps the Technical Services at the technology forefront.”
International collaboration and good position: “All activities at LAPP are of international level. LAPP has a strong participation in the LHC experiments and collaborates with the R&D for future accelerators and detectors, still at CERN”
Concrete results of the research activity and socio-economic partnerships: “LAPP is of extreme importance for the region of Annecy-le-Vieux and for the local University of Savoie. LAPP is heavily involved to the University and entertains an excellent relationship with the local authorities. The construction in collaboration with the “University of Savoie”, of a new laboratory dedicated to R&D on advanced mechanics, microelectronics and controls, “ La maison de la Mécatronique” [...] can give important contributions to the University Campus and to the local economy.”
Ability to recruit high level scientists, post-docs and students particularly from abroad: “Among the PhD students working at LAPP six are from abroad, one from Grenoble, three from Lyon, one from Paris and two from other provinces.”
The laboratory publishes about 85 scientific and technical papers per year to international magazines requiring peer review. The best papers are cited about 250 times after few years. Physicists and research engineers give about 30 talks per year to international conferences. International workshops, collaboration meetings and other scientific events are regularly organized at LAPP.
Assessment of the researches
Particle Physics on colliders :
Particle interactions, searches for new phenomena and flavour physics
Astroparticle physics :
Gravitational waves, Dark matter, Cosmology, Sources of gamma rays and charged particles
Neutrino Physics and oscillations
Accelerator instrumentation
Scientific and technical results
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UA1 : Search for W and Z bosons and top quark at SppS.
ALEPH, L3 : Extensive study of the Z decays, consolidation of the Standard Model, searches for new particles and b flavour physics at LEP
ATLAS, LHCb : Searches for new particles, and new physics at LHC, symmetry breaking mechanism and Higgs searches, dark matter, exploration for extra-dimensions, flavour physics
PEPII (Stanford Linear Accelerator) Extensive study of B meson decays, CKM mechanism, measuring of the unitarity triangle angles.
Particle detectors design, construction and commissioning
ATLAS : New construction techniques for the Liquid Argon calorimeter. 12 LAr modules built, tested and installed.
L3 : BGO crystals development and machining techniques. Composite material light mechanical structure built to support ~11000 crystals. First R&D on PbWO crystals for CMS.
LHCb : Heavy mechanics development to support and move the 4 calorimeters.
Future Linear Collider : New detection techniques based on large surface micromegas chambers for a Hadron calorimeter
Electronics and DAQ: Conceptual designs and realization of complex electronics systems and DAQ architectures
Computing: Setting up a TIER2 center (MUST) for the LHC experiments
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Design, construction, commissioning and operation of detectors (vacuum towers, detection system and data acquisition system)
Significant contributions to analysis software development and data analysis.
In charge of some of the major upgrades of the detector to the Virgo+ configuration
Responsible for the construction of sub-systems of the upgraded detector, Advanced Virgo
Designs and construction of the particle Id based on aerogel counters and the ECAL
Significant contributions to the software reconstruction for the gamma-ray detection and exploration of the corresponding physics cases through Monte Carlo simulation methods.
The HESS experiment :(Descartes prize)
Building the auto-focus and the automated camera unloading mechanism for the 5th telescope
Significant contribution in statistical data analysis methods improving background rejection power and resolutions.
Significant contributions in data analysis of galactic sources and candidate sites of dark matter overdensity regions
Development of novels ICT technologies and software for the data management and data pipelines for the future CTA observatory through the CTACG- CTA Computing Grid project
Development of automated system for active dynamic stabilization of telescopes structures
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Bugey experiment : Neutrino oscillation searches with a nuclear reactor
Nomad experiment Set limits on oscillation parameters on the WANF neutrino beam at CERN
CHOOZ sets the first limit still valid on the mixing angle 13
OPERA experiment Design and construction (brick automated manipulators) and data analysis.
First observation of a appearance candidate from neutrino oscillation
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Projects ATF2, CTF3 and future projects like ILC and CLIC :
Stabilization below 1nm of a final focus magnet mock-up.
R&D on sub-nanometre vibration: simulation, measurement and control.
Innovative front end electronics for beam position monitors reducing the cost by 3.
Commissioning on the ATF2 accelerator aiming to produce low emmitance and requiring nanometre stabilization
Simulation of the beam size of the ATF2
Factual Elements
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Discovery of the W and Z bosons; Nobel 1986
Precise electroweak measurements constraining the Standard Model, best limits on Higgs and SUSY particles
Discovery of the CP violation for the B mesons, (Nobel 2009) B and flavour physics, discovery of new particles
390 published papers since 2005
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HESS : First TeV gamma ray sky survey with high sensitivity (> 100 sources discovered and publications on Nature and Science as well)
80 published papers since 2005
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12 published papers since 2005
40 scientific publications and 6 international conferences contributions
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2 published papers since 2005
Xx Conference contributions
Development of a feedback algorithm to dump vibrations
Researcher or Professor of very high level or potential
JJ. Blaising
F. Marion
Corps grade
Electroweak measurement, search for SUSY particles
QCD and, Neutrino Physics
Electroweak measurements, search for new particles, CP violation
Gravitational Waves
Physics Gravitational waves detection
Search for SUSY particles, Dark matter and anti-matter searches
Flavour and electroweak measurements
Calorimeter instrumentation, symmetry breaking mechanisms
Thèse d’état
Thèse d’état
Thèse d’état
Distinction and prize
CNRS Bronze medal 2000
Joliot Curie prize
CNRS Bronze medal 1998
Prix Thibaud and Palmes academiques
CNRS Bronze medal 2008
Number of published papers the last 4 years
Ex-Director of the physics division at CERN
Member of the OPERA executive committee
BaBar Technical Coordinator
RECFA member, former LHCC member
LAPP director
Compact binary coalescence Coordinator
Ex-Virgo spokesperson
Project leader of the ECAL electronics for the AMS-II experiment
CKM Fitter coordinator
Project leader of the ATLAS LAr calorimeter
Other researchers with very high potential:
MN. Minard, DR1 : Légion d’Honneur, LHCb Calorimeter Project leader,
D.Decamp professor and ex-Savoie University vice-president
R.Kosakowski professor and ex-Savoie University vice-president
J.Colas (DRCE1), director of the EGO consortium managing the Virgo experiment
Available equipments and infrastructures
LAPP infra-structures
Type of equipment
Automation and Robotics laboratory
Design, construction and test of automation systems.
Mechanical department with simulation software, machining and soldering tools, large assembling hall
Conceptual design, construction and test of particle detectors
Electronics test bench laboratories
Design and test of electronics systems and ASICS
Optics laboratory
Light detection calibration bench, optical cavity tests
Photodetection laboratory
Characterization and tests of photodetectors (will be created with HoMe Equipex)
“Maison de la Méca-tronique”
Type of equipment
Computing Mesocenter TIER 2 for the LHC experiments
Grid and analysis facility for LHC, scientific computing for the Savoie University (exist in LAPP and will be moved in “Maison de la Mécatronique” under construction)
Vibration control laboratory
Sub nanometer vibration measurements and control (exist in LAPP and will be moved in “Maison de la Mécatronique” under construction)
3D Electronic laboratory
Signals reading for the detectors of new generation (will be developed with HoMe Equipex)
Assembling hall
Assembly of scientific instruments
Computer Assisted Teleoperation laboratory
Replacement of futur detectors under irradiated environment (will be created with HoMe Equipex)
The above infrastructure is hosted actually in the LAPP campus premises. A new building (‘Maison de la Mecatronique’) of 3000m2 located inside the campus should begin construction before the end of 2010 and will host a new computing center, an assembling hall, and 4 large laboratories dedicated to mechatronics. The building delivery is planned early 2012. Part of the equipment for these facilities is requested within the HoMe Equipex project.
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