Organization: A Fundação Alexandre de Gusmão (FUNAG) (Brazil)
Description from website (
“Linked to the Foreign Office, Funag is a public foundation with its headquarters in Brasilia and responsible for promoting research and co-operation in the area of international relations. For this, amongst other work, it promotes cultural and educational activities and carries out studies and research on international relations; it publicizes Brazilian foreign policy in general terms and contributes towards the formation in Brazil of public opinion that is sensitive to the problems of international relationships.
Funag carries on its activities by means of its own organizations - the Institute for Research in International Relations with offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and a nucleus of support in Recife - and establishes partnerships with universities, research centres and national and international financing bodies with the aim of publishing books and holding seminars, conferences, talks and exhibitions on subjects related to international relations and Brazilian foreign policy. Its main objective is to stimulate national academic consideration of matters concerning Brazilian diplomacy whilst contributing in parallel to the creation of public awareness in relation to the major contemporary international issues.”
Organization: Fundación Kine, Cultural and Educational (Argentina)
Description from website (
“Is a nongovernmental organization founded in 2003 in Argentina to promote social inclusion, culture and education of children, adolescents and young people using the audiovisual language as expressive tool.
Objetivos Objectives
- Posicionar la cultura como motor de las estrategias de desarrollo, dando cuenta de su contribución al fortalecimiento social e individual de niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes. - Place the culture as an engine of development strategies, taking into account its contribution to individual and social empowerment of children, adolescents and youth.
- Contribuir al desarrollo de experiencias de aprendizaje que promuevan la expresión de sus propios puntos de vista, con libertad, autonomía y capacidad de decisión, estimulando la creatividad, la diversidad expresiva y el pensamiento crítico. - Contribute to the development of learning experiences that promote the expression of their views with freedom, autonomy and decision making, stimulate creativity, diversity of expression and critical thinking.
- Sensibilizar en valores humanos y en el ejercicio de una ciudadanía socialmente responsable. - Raising awareness on human values and the pursuit of a socially responsible citizenship.”
Organization: Fundación PROEIB Andes (Bolivia)
Description from website (
“The Foundation for Education in Contexts of multilingualism and multiculturalism (FUNPROEIB ANDES) is an international civil organization, based in Bolivia, which was newly created socio-implemented projects that benefit, consistent with its system of goals and objectives, primarily to indigenous peoples and organizations.
Our mission is to help improve the quality of life of indigenous peoples through education that is socially relevant and culturally and linguistically relevant. Para lograrlo apostamos por una educación intercultural bilingüe de calidad que atraviese los distintos niveles y modalidades de los sistemas educativos de América Latina. To achieve this we focus on intercultural bilingual education quality across the different levels and types of education systems in Latin America.”
Organization: Fundación de Expresión Intercultural, Educativa y Ambiental – FUNDAEXPRESIÓN (Columbia)
Description from website (
“FUNDAEXPRESIÓN is a Colombian non-profit organisation founded in 1999 to promote participatory educational and investigation work within local communities. Its aims are to empower marginalised groups of society towards achieving improved living conditions, social organisation and conservation of their environmental and cultural heritage. FUNDAEXPRESIÓN has been recognised at regional and national level for its innovative work with peasant farmers, indigenous communities, micro-enterprises, school teachers, youth and women groups.”
Organization: Fundación Pachamama (Ecuador)
Description from website (
“Fundación Pachamama, through its accompanying political, technical and financial support to the peoples and nationalities Amazon tries to respond to the real needs and interests of them. Apoya propuestas políticas innovadoras que promueven nuevos modelos de desarrollo en la Amazonía y la Región Andina con énfasis en el reconocimiento y respeto para los derechos colectivos de los Pueblos Indígenas y los derechos de la naturaleza. Supports innovative policy proposals that promote new patterns of development in Amazonia and the Andean region with emphasis on recognition and respect for collective rights of indigenous peoples and the rights of nature.”
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