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27. The Tafas incident has been discussed by nearly all of Lawrence's many biographers. John Mack in his Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, A Prince of Our Disorder ( Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1976, pp. 234-240), found no direct evidence that Lawrence took a personal hand in the killing. On the contrary, according to eyewitness accounts that Mack includes in his explanation of the


incident, Lawrence tried to stop the Arab fury for revenge; Robert Bolt, "Clues to the Legend of Lawrence," New York Times Magazine ( 25 February 1962): 16.

28. Paul Fussell, The Great War and Modern Memory ( New York: Oxford University Press, 1976), pp. 272-274, 289.

29. To explain his version of Lawrence, Bolt wrote an article for the New York Times Sunday Magazine entitled "Clues to the Legend of Lawrence" ( 25 February 1962). His "evidence" that Lawrence was a homosexual sadist is circumstantial at best.

30. "Brother Rejects Lawrence Film," New York Times, 5 January 1963: 1.

31. Murray Schumach, "Lawrence of Arabia Producer Defends Film Story of Hero," New York Times, 26 January 1963: 5.

32. Gary Crowdus, "Lawrence of Arabia: The Cinematic (Re)writing of History," Cineaste 17, no. 2 ( 1989): 14-21.

33. Bodleian Library, Lawrence, p. 93; letter to Barbara Cole from David Lean of 17 December 1962, cited in Morris and Raskin, p. 176.

34. Columbia Pictures Corporation, Columbia Pictures Presents the Sam Spiegel-David Lean Production of Lawrence of Arabia ( 1963).

35. Detroit News, 20 June 1963; Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 3 April 1963.

36. Columbia Pictures, Columbia Pictures Presents, p. 15; Bodleian Library, Lawrence, p. 89; "How to Be Sheik on the Sand", McCall's Magazine 90, no. 9 ( June 1963): 96-103.

37. Life ( 21 June 1963): 41.

38. T. E. Notes: A T. E. Lawrence Newsletter, 2, no. 2 ( February 1991): 8, 2, no. 3 ( March 91)): 4-5; Frederic Holladay, "Lawrence of Arabia/and the First Issue of Hejaz," Stamps, A Weekly Magazine of Philately 50, no. 10 ( 10 March 1945): 338-339; Philip O'Brien, "T. E. Lawrence: The Man and the Printed Word," Sweet Briar College Library Gazette 22, no. 1 (Spring 1988): 2.

39. Two of these books are Paxton Davis Ned ( New York: Athenaeum, 1978), and Richard Ebert Lawrence of Arabia ( Milwaukee, Wis.: Raintree, 1979).

40. Dell Comics, Desert War! Arab Revolt! The Unbelievable Story of Lawrence of Arabia, No. 12-426-308 ( 1963); Larry Siegel, "Flawrence of Arabia," MAD Magazine ( April 1964): 43-48. In D. H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover, Connie compares the gamekeeper Mellors to Lawrence.

41. Bodleian Library, Lawrence, p. 91.

42. Richard Zoglin, "Forward into the Past," Time 139, no. 9 ( 2 March 1992): 69.

43. Russell Baker, "The Oasis Crowd," New York Times, 25 August 1990: 25; various manifestations of these "Desert Chic" postcards are produced by the American Postcard Company.

44. Marshall Fishwick, "Heroic Style in America," in Ray Browne, ed., Heroes of Popular Culture ( Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1972), p. 11.



1. See, for example, "Colonel Lawrence and the Hedjaz," Current History 11, no. 2 ( November 1919): 328-330; "How Young English Archaeologist Captured Damascus," Literary Digest 63 ( 27 December 1919): 58, 60.

2. Irving Howe, "Lawrence, the Anti-Hero Hero," Stanford Today 1 (Summer 1962): 1-5; "T. E. Lawrence: The Problem of Heroism," Hudson Review 15, no. 3 (Autumn 1962): 333-364.

3. Stephen Tabachnick, "The T. E. Lawrence Revival in English Studies," Research Studies 44, no. 3 ( September 1976): 190, 192.

4. Herbert Read, A Coat of Many Colours ( London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1956), p. 24.

5. See, for instance, Albert Cook, "Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Turns and Counter-Turns," in Jeffrey Meyers, ed., T. E. Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend ( New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), pp. 87-109.

6. Bertram Rota, "Lawrence of Arabia and Seven Pillars of Wisdom," Texas Quarterly (Autumn 1962): 34-45; Gordan Mills, "T. E. Lawrence as a Writer," Texas Quarterly (Autumn 1962): 46-53; Howe, "T. E. Lawrence: The Problem of Heroism." Published monographs include Douglas Orgill, Lawrence ( 1973); John Mack , A Prince of Our Disorder ( 1976); Jill M. Phillips, T. E. Lawrence ( 1977); Stephen Tabachnick, T. E. Lawrence ( 1978); and Thomas J. O'Donnell The Confessions of T. E. Lawrence ( 1979). Dissertations include Thomas J. O'Donnell , "The Dichotomy of Self in T. E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom," University of Illinois, 1970; Stephen Tabachnick, "T. E. Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom as a Work of Art," University of Connecticut, 1971; John Saul Friedman , "The Challenge of Destiny: A Comparison of T. E. Lawrence's and Andre Malraux's Adventure Tales," New York University, 1974; Stephen Hobson King, "British Successor States in the Postwar Middle East," Claremont Graduate School, 1978; John Alexander Hamilton, "The Epics of the Lone Will: A Study of Travels in Arabia Deserta and Seven Pillars," Harvard University, 1979.

7. Essay collections from the 1980s are Stephen Tabachnick, ed., The T. E. Lawrence Puzzle ( Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1984) and Meyers, ed., T. E. Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend. Dissertations during this decade include Robert Warde, "T. E. Lawrence: A Critical Study," Harvard University, 1987; and Victoria Carchidi, "Creation Out of the Void: The Making of a Hero, an Epic, a World, T. E. Lawrence," University of Pennsylvania, 1987. American publications in the 1990s include Malcolm Dennis Allen, The Medievalism of Lawrence of Arabia ( University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1991), Harold Orlans , ed., T. E. Lawrence, Strange Man of Letters ( Teaneck, N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1993), and "The Many Lives of T. E. Lawrence: A Symposium," in Biography 16, no. 3 (Summer 1993).

8. Jeremy Wilson, Lawrence of Arabia: The Authorized Biography of T. E. Lawrence ( New York: Athenaeum, 1990), p. 3.


9. Phillip Knightley, "Desert Warriors: Why Are We in Saudi Arabia? Blame Lawrence," M Inc. ( November 1990): 78-85.

10. John Mack, A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T. E. Lawrence ( Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1976), p. xxviii.

11. Manes Sperber, "False Situations" ( 1955), in The Achilles Heel (Port Washington, NY: Kennikat Press, 1971), p. 204.

12. Sartre referred to Lawrence in his Paris 28 October 1945 Club Maintenant lecture "L'Existentialisme est-il un humanisme?", but the passage was suppressed in the published text, Ecrits de Sartre, Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka, eds., ( Paris: Gallimard, 1970), p. 131.

13. A. W. Lawrence, Editor's Postscript to T. E. Lawrence by His Friends ( London: Jonathan Cape, 1937), p. 586.

14. Martin Green, Dreams of Adventure, Deeds of Empire ( New York: Basic Books, 1979), p. 3.

15. Robert Wohl, The Generation of 1914 ( Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1979), p. 85.

16. David Garnett citing Lawrence's mother, in T. E. Lawrence, The Letters of T. E. Lawrence ( New York: Doubleday, Doran, & Co., 1934), p. 294.

17. Quoted in David Garnett, ed., Selected Letters of T. E. Lawrence ( London: World Books, 1941), p. 80.

18. V. S. Pritchett, The Living Novel and Later Interpretations ( New York: Vintage, 1967), p. 289; Stephen Spender, The Struggle of the Modern ( Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963).

19. Dennis Brown, The Modernist Self in Twentieth-Century English Literature: A Study in Self-Fragmentation ( London: Macmillan Press, 1989), p. 1.

20. Jean Beraud-Villars, T. E. Lawrence ( New York: Dell, Sloan & Pearce, 1959), pp. 294-95.

21. T. J. Jackson Lears, No Place of Grace: Antimodernism and the Transformation of American Culture 1880-1920 ( New York: Pantheon Books, 1981), p. xiii.

22. Elie Kedourie, England and the Middle East: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire 1914-1921 ( London: Bowes & Bowes, 1956), pp. 88, 105.

23. David Fromkin, "The Importance of T. E. Lawrence," New Criterion 10, no. 1 ( September 1991): 95.

24. Kedourie, England and the Middle East ( 1956); Suleiman Mousa, T. E. Lawrence: An Arab View ( London: Oxford University Press, 1966); Edward Said, Orientalism ( New York: Pantheon Books, 1978).


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Selected Bibliography


Ageili Omar. "What Lawrence Wished for Thomas." Dorset, the County Magazine 96 ( 1981): 16.
Anderegg Michael A. "Lawrence of Arabia: The Man, the Myth, the Movie." Michigan Quarterly Review 21, no. 2 (Spring 1982): 281-301.
Arnold Gary. "The Return of the Big Picture." Washington Times, 17 March 1989: El, E8.
Atlee Benge. "The Bridge at Tel-el-Shehab." American Boy Adventure Stories. New York: Sun Dial Press, 1928. 17-45.
Baker Russell. "The Oasis Crowd." New York Times, 25 August 1990: 25.
Barea Arturo. "Not Spain But Hemingway." Horizon 3 ( May 1941): 350-361.
Bent Silas. "Lindbergh and the Press." Outlook ( April 1932): 212-214, 240.

Berton Joseph A. and Fred D. Crawford. "How Well Did Lowell Thomas Know Lawrence of Arabia?" Unpublished essay, 1995.

Bessie Alvah. "Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls." New Masses 37 ( 5 November 1940): 25-29.
Blackmur R. P. "The Everlasting Effort: A Citation of T. E. Lawrence." The Expense of Greatness. New York: Arrow Editions, 1940. 1-36.
Bolt Robert. "Clues to the Legend of Lawrence." New York Times Magazine, 25 February 1962: 16-17, 45, 48, 50.
"Book Costs $150 a Copy." New York Times, 16 February 1926: 18.
Bott Capt. Alan, M.C.R.A.F. "A Yankee Captures London." Lowell Thomas, the Stranger Everybody Knows. Ed. Norman Bowen. New York: Doubleday, 1968. 30-36.
Bowden Ann. "The T. E. Lawrence Collection at the University of Texas." Texas Quarterly 5 (Autumn 1962): 54-62.
Bowen Elizabeth. "Lawrence of Arabia." Show ( December 1962): 66-69, 132.
"Brother Rejects Lawrence Film." New York Times, 5 January 1963: 1.
Bryan C. D. "Operation Desert Storm." New Republic, 11 March 1991: 20-28.
Burton Percy. "From Sherlock Holmes to T. E. Lawrence." Adventures among Immortals. Ed. Lowell Thomas. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1937.
-----. "How I Discovered Lowell Thomas." Landmark 1 ( October 1919): 636-38.
Canby Henry S. "Lawrence After Arabia." Saturday Review of Literature ( 21 November 1936): 5-7.
-----. "The Last Great Puritan." 1936. Seven Year's Harvest. Port Washington, NY: Kennekat Press, 1966. 40-46.
Cook Albert. "Seven Pillars of Wisdom: Turns and Counter-Turns." T. E. Lawrence: Soldier, Writer, Legend. Ed. Jeffrey Meyers. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. 87-109.
Cowley Malcolm. "Road to Damascus." New Republic 84, no. 1088 ( 9 October 1935): 248-49.
Crawford Fred D. "Richard Aldington, Lowell Thomas and the Ethics of Biography." T. E. Notes 3, No. 9 ( November 1992): 1-6.

-----. "Richard Aldington's Biography of Lawrence of Arabia." Richard Aldington Reappraisals. Ed. Charles Doyle. Victoria, British Columbia: University of Victoria Press, 1990. 60-80.

Crowdus Gary. "Lawrence of Arabia: The Cinematic (Re)writing of History." Cineaste 17. 2 ( 1989): 14-21.
-----, and Alan Farrand. "Restoring Lawrence: An Interview with Robert Harris." Cineaste 17, no. 2 ( 1989): 22-23.
Crowther Bosley. "Screen: A Desert Warfare Spectacle." New York Times, 17 December 1962, Western edition: 5.
Eby Cecil D. "The Real Robert Jordan." American Literature 38 ( November 1966): 380-386.
Farago Ladislas. "No Nazi Revolt in the Desert." Asia ( April 1940): 176.
Fishwick Marshall. "Heroic Style in America." Heroes of Popular Culture. Ed. Ray B. Browne. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1972. 9-25.
Freese Arthur S. "The Man Who Has Been Everywhere." Modern Maturity 16 ( August-September 1973): 11-14.
Fromkin David. "The Importance of T. E. Lawrence." New Criterion 10, no. 1 ( September 1991): 86-98.
Gallagher Robert S. "Good Evening Everybody: An Interview with Lowell Thomas." American Heritage ( August/September 1980): 33-45.
Gilliatt Penelope. "Blood, Sand and a Dozen Lawrences." Sunday Observer, 11 December 1962: 26.
Gooch G. P., and Harold Temperly, eds. "Lord Kitchener's Conversation with Emir Abdulla on February 5, 1914, and Its Aftermath." British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914. 10, no. 2 Appendix IV. London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1926- 1938. 826-832.
Gore Russell. "Troubadour of the Heroes of To-Day." Detroit News, 30 December 1928: 9.
Green Fitzhugh. "A Little of What the World Thought of Lindbergh." In Charles A. Lindbergh . We/The Famous Flier's Own Story of His Life and His Transatlantic Flight, Together with His Views on the Future of Aviation. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1927. 233-318.
Hambride Gove. "He Was with Lawrence in Arabia." Lowell Thomas, the Stranger Everybody Knows. Ed. Norman Bowen. New York: Doubleday, 1968. 37-47.
Hansen Harry. "The Forgotten Men of Versailles." The Aspirin Age 1919-1941. Ed. Isabel Leighton. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1949. 1-33.
Hemingway Ernest. "Homage to Switzerland." Scribner's Magazine 93, no. 4 ( April 1933): 204-208.
-----. "Ernest Hemingway Talks of Work and War." Writers and Writing. Ed. Robert Van Gelder. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1946.
Hodson Joel. "Robert Jordan Revisited: Hemingway's Debt to T. E. Lawrence." Hemingway Review 10, no. 2 (Spring 1991): 2-16.
-----. "Who Wrote Lawrence of Arabia?: Sam Spiegel and David Lean's Denial of Credit to a Blacklisted Screenwriter." Cineaste 20, no. 4 (Fall 1994): 12-18.
Holladay Frederic. "Lawrence of Arabia/and the First Issue of Hejaz." Stamps, A Weekly Magazine of Philately 50, no. 10 ( 10 March 1945): 338-339.
"How to Be Sheik on the Sand." McCall's Magazine 90, no. 9 ( June 1963): 96-103.
"How Young English Archaeologist Captured Damascus." Literary Digest 63 ( 27 December 1919): 58, 60.
Howe Irving. "Lawrence, the Anti-Hero Hero." Stanford Today 1 (Summer 1962): 1-5.
-----. "T. E. Lawrence: The Problem of Heroism." Hudson Review 15. no. 3 (Autumn 1962): 333-364.
"Interview with Michael Wilson." Positif 64/ 65 ( 1964): 94.
Kauffman Stanley. "A Passion in the Desert." The New Republic ( 12 January 1963): 26-28.
Knightley Phillip. "Desert Warriors: Why Are We in Saudi Arabia? Blame Lawrence." M. Inc. ( November 1990): 78-85.
Kuhn Ferdinand Jr. "Lawrence to Have Simple Funeral/Churchill Says 'Empire Has Suffered No Greater Blow for Years'." New York Times, 20 May 1935: 1.
"Last of the Crusaders." Philadelphia Enquirer, 2 March 1920: 3.
"Lawrence Alias Shaw." New Statesman, 30 ( 19 November 1927): 178.
"Lawrence: Lies or Legends?" Newsweek 43 ( 15 February 1954): 100.
"Lawrence of Arabia--Venture in Debunking." Newsweek 43 ( 8 February 1954): 88.
Lawrence T. E. "Fomenting Revolt in Arabia." World's Work ( February 1927): 369-392.
-----. "With Lawrence's Guerrillas." World's Work ( April 1927): 643-663.
Lord Louis E. Review of The Odyssey. Classical Review 28. no. 7 ( April 1933): 533-536.
Lydon Cindy Arkelyan. "American Images of the Arabs." MidEast: A Middle East-North African Review 9, no. 3 ( May-June 1969): 3-14.
Lyman Lauren D. "America Shocked by Exile Forced on Lindberghs/England to Guard Arrival." New York Times, 24 December 1935: 1-3.
-----. "Press Sees Nation 'Shamed' in Lindbergh Exile." New York Times, 24 December 1935: 2.
McDonnell Denis, ed. T. E. Notes: A T. E. Lawrence Newsletter 2, no. 2 ( February 1991): 8; 2, no. 3 ( March 1991): 4-5.
Mack John. "T. E. Lawrence: A Study in Heroism and Conflict." American Journal of Psychiatry 125 ( February 1969): 1083-1092.
Maddocks Melvin. "Lawrence of Arabia as Screen Biography." Christian Science Monitor, 20 December 1962: 6.
Malraux André. "Lawrence and the Demon of the Absolute." Hudson Review 8, no. 4 (Winter 1956): 519-532.
Mann Arthur E. "Lawrence of Arabia Fights Soviet in India." New York World, 27 September 1928: 5-6.
Martin B. K. "Ezra Pound and T. E. Lawrence: 74/444: 472." Paideuma 6, no. 2 (Fall 1977): 167-173.
"Michael Wilson on 'Arabia'; Another Ex-Blacklistee." Variety 220, no. 8 ( 19 October 1960): 1.
"Mike Wilson Cops 'Arabia' Credit." Variety 223, no. 6 ( 1 January 1964): 19.
Mills Gordan. "T. E. Lawrence as a Writer." Texas Quarterly 5 (Autumn 1962): 46-53.
"Mr. Lowell Thomas's Travelogues." Landmark 1 ( October 1919): 623-624.
Murray A. T. Book Review. Classical Philology 28, no. 3 ( July 1933): 225-227.
"Nelson Doubleday Adds to Lawrence Legends; Will Publish Noted Seven Pillars of Wisdom." New York World-Telegram, 7 August 1935.

"News of the English-Speaking Union." Landmark 1 ( December 1919): 804-805.

Notopoulous James A. "The Tragic and the Epic in T. E. Lawrence." Yale Review 54, no. 3 (Spring 1965): 331-345.
O'Brien Philip. "T. E. Lawrence: The Man and the Printed Word." Sweet Briar College Library Gazette 22, no. 1 (Spring 1988): 1-5.
-----. "Questions and Answers." T. E. Notes: A T. E. Lawrence Newsletter 4 ( November 1990): 4.
Opfermann Susanne. "A Laying of Ghosts: G. A. Custer and T. E. Lawrence in For Whom the Bell Tolls." Amerikastudien (American Studies) 32, no. 4 ( September 1987): 453-465.
Pattullo George. "The Second Elder Gives Battle." Saturday Evening Post 91, no. 43 ( April 26, 1919): 2-3, 71, 73-74.
Pughe J. M. "Lawrence of Arabia Talks (Exclusive)/Bitter Cry: 'I Want to Be Left Alone.'" News Chronicle, 11 May 1934: 1.
"Reviewer's Scoop." Time 28, no. 24 ( 14 December 1936): 91.
Robb David. "Battle of Giants Involving Screenplay for 'Lawrence of Arabia'-Michael Wilson and the British Screen Writers Guild Vs. Robert Bolt (Who Got the Credit) David Lean and Sam Spiegel." Variety ( 25 October 1988): 20, 52.
Rolfe Edwin. "The Secret Fighters." New Masses 33 ( 14 November 1939): 12-14.
Rota Bertram. "Lawrence of Arabia and Seven Pillars of Wisdom." Texas Quarterly 5 (Autumn 1962): 34-45.
Sarris Andrew. "Sand Gets in Your Eyes, or the Sheik of Araby." The Village Voice 8, no. 9 ( 20 December 1962): 16-17.
Scheurer Philip K. "Lawrence Film Opens with Fanfare." Los Angeles Times, 21 December 1962: 2.
Schumach Murray . "Lawrence of Arabia Producer Defends Film Story of Hero." New York Times, 26 January 1963: 5.
Shaheen Mohammad. "Pound and T. E. Lawrence: Two Self-Crowned Laureates of the Time." Paideuma 17, no. 2-3 (Fall-Winter 1988): 223-238.
Shaw Bernard. "The Latest from Colonel Lawrence." Spectator Literary Supplement ( 12 March 1927): 429.

-----. "This Man Lawrence." World's Work ( April 1927): 636-638.

Sheean Vincent . "T. E. Lawrence--A Revelation and a Miracle." New York Herald Tribune Books, 29 September 1935: 1-2.
Siegel Larry. "Flawrence of Arabia." MAD ( April 1964): 43-48.
Sperber Manes. "False Situations." 1955. The Achilles Heel. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1971. 175-204.
Strumsky Simon. "The Manipulation of Islam." New York Times Book Reviews ( 12 October 1924): 4.
Tabachnick Stephen. "T. E. Lawrence and Moby Dick." Research Studies 44, no. 1 ( March 1976): 1-12.
-----. "The T. E. Lawrence Revival in English Studies." Research Studies 44, no. 3 ( September 1976): 190-198.
Thomas Lowell. "Thomas Lawrence-Prince of Mecca." Asia 19, no. 9 ( September 1919): 819-829.
-----. "War in the Land of the Arabian Nights." Asia 19, no. 10 ( October 1919): 998-1004, 1013-1026.
-----. "The Matinee Idol of Arabia." Asia 19, no. 12 ( December 1919): 1205-1213.
-----. "The Uncrowned King of Arabia, Colonel T. E. Lawrence." Strand Magazine 1 ( January-April 1920): 40-53, 141-153, 251-261, 330-338.
-----. "The Soul of the Arabian Revolution." Asia 20. 3 ( April 1920): 259-266.
-----. "King Hussein and His Arabian Knights." Asia 20, no. 4 ( May 1920): 400-410.
-----. "The Trojan Horse Enters Damascus." Asia 20, no. 5 ( June 1920): 517-525.
-----. "A Bedouin Battle Cry in a City of Ghosts." Asia 20, no. 6 ( July 1920): 596-605.
-----. "Thomas Lawrence The Man." Asia 20, no. 7 ( August 1920): 670-676.
-----. "Lawrence of Arabia: Who He Was and What He Did." World's Work ( February 1927): 362-368.
-----. "How Lawrence Helped to Frame the Greatest Hoax Since the Trojan Horse." World's Work ( April 1927): 639-642.

-----. "Hell in the Holy Land." Liberty ( I August 1936): 38-44.

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-----. "Lawrence of Arabia: A Biographical Enquiry." Middle East Journal 9, no. 2 (Spring 1955): 197-198.
-----. Introduction. Brian Gardner. Allenby of Arabia: Lawrence's General. New York: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1966. xi-xxvi.
-----. "I Remember Lawrence of Arabia/But Not as the Man in the Movie." TV Guide ( 27 January 1973): 19-21.
-----. "Letter to the Editor." Michigan Quarterly Review 21, no. 2 (Spring 1982): 301-302.
Van Mark Doren. Review of Seven Pillars of Wisdom. Nation 141 ( 6 November 1935): 545.
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Zoglin Richard. "Forward into the Past." Time 139, no. 9 ( 2 March 1992): 68-69.


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Beraud-Villars Jean. T. E. Lawrence. New York: Dell, Sloan & Pearce, 1959.
Bergonzi Bernard. The Myth of Modernism and Twentieth Century Literature. Sussex: Harvester Press, 1986.
Bessie Alvah. Inquisition in Eden. New York: Macmillan Co., 1965.
-----. Men In Battle. New York: Pinnacle Books, 1977.
Blythe Ronald. The Age of Illusion: England in the Twenties and Thirties 19191940. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1964.
Bodleian Library. T. E. Lawrence: The Legend and the Man. Oxford, 1988.

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