Installing MySQL, Apache, PHP, and Perl on Mac OS X Using the XAMPPIntegrated PackageTo install XAMPP on Mac OS X, visit the XAMPP homepage (, follow the link to “XAMPP for Mac OS X and download the installer package.
The installer package is in the StuffIt Expander (
.sitx) format. If you get a screen of garbled text in your browser when trying to download it, press the back button to seethe download link—for example,
Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the link. From the menu that appears, select the entry that says Download Linked File (for Safari),
Save Link As (for Firefox, or Download Link to Disk (for Internet Explorer).
Once the StuffIt archive is downloaded, double-click on it to extract
the installation package, and then double-click on the installation package to start the XAMPP installation program. When the decompression program finishes, you should find the installation program saved in the same directory as the downloaded file, or on your
Desktop. This installation
program has a name like xampp-macosx-0.5.pkg. Running this and accepting the default settings will install XAMPP to the
/Applications/xampp/directory, with the MySQL datafiles located in the
/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/var/mysql directory.
If there is already a running MySQL or Apache
server running on your system, XAMPP
may complain during startup. If this happens, shut these down before trying to start
XAMPP again. To switch off the
default installation of Apache, go to the System Preferences Window and click on Sharing. If the Personal Web Sharing entry has a check- mark next to it, uncheck it to stop the Apache web server.
You can start XAMPP by typing
sudo /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/mampp startNow that the server’s running, tighten up the
security settings by typing sudo /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/mampp securityand follow the prompts to add a password to your MySQL server.
The XAMPP installation has PHP configured with the register_globals setting turned on. You should disable this old, insecure
feature open the file /Applications/xampp/etc/php.ini and look for the line register_globals = On. Change the value Onto Off, save the file, and quit the editor. The new setting will be in
effect after you restart yourApache server.
You can also manually set the MySQL server root password as follows
sudo /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin/mysqladmin \Share with your friends: