Why is it a good rule Make agreements you can keep…and keep them It’s better to be a CM. Constrained maximizing is moral. Therefore, it’s better to be moral. Justification (why is this away of understanding morality) 1. Those who make agreements they can keep and keep them (CMs) will besought out for joint ventures. 2. Those sought out for joint ventures will have larger opportunity sets (more to choose from). 3. Those with larger opportunity sets will have larger expected utility. (because you have choices, you can choose the best option) 4. Therefore, it is rational to make agreements one can keep and keep them because doing so is the most effective means to one’s end. (the end is o maximize utility.) You take actions that you expect will maximize your utility. 5. And if keeping one’s agreements is moral, then it is rational to be moral (agreements constitute society and makes life livable)