Control Factions to Synthesize "Racial Problems" to Distract Population Val: And these "racial problems" will be deliberately instigated by factions within the government of the United States in order to produce instability, in order to encourage the population to give up freedom for control. Alex: Absolutely, because the idea of "racial problems" will mask all their other transgressions and screw-ups, basically. Val: All the drug dealing, etc. Alex: Of course. You can blame it on somebody else or just create a scenario that gets everybody's attention away from what is really going on behind the scenes. They are very good at this. I think that is going to happen. I also see a very severe "correction" in the stock market, and I know that they have predicted food shortages, but I think they were off by a year. I think its going to be this summer in 1997. I really do. What I really feel at the same time, Val, is that a lot of people are going to be dealing with betrayal. Val: In terms of realizing how factions within the government have betrayed the nation for so many years? Alex: Yes. I think that the people are going to realize that they have really placed their faith in the wrong place fora longtime, and I think the people are going to be overwhelmed with how to get out of it and fix it. You know, when you add into this the paradigms of extraterrestrials and the truth about most of the world's religions being archaic dogmatic systems created by a priesthood... Val: It's one hell of a wakeup call. (11 of 21) [9/18/2000 6:39:22 PM]