Operation Deep Freeze Planetary Manipulation Program Now, we've all heard of a world government. It's not just a group of bankers and politicians. In order to have some teeth and to make the governments do want they want, and to be able to control and manipulate governments and world events, they have to have another organization. This organization, from what I have been told by Moraney, started originally in the CIA, shortly after it became the CIA in the s. This operation, which exists today, is called Operation Deep Freeze. The way it works is that members of the CIA, FBI, NSA, KGB and Mossad are "declared dead", given false identities and put into active service in the capacity that they can go to any country, having total anonymity, do what they want and they can't be touched. They are outside all laws. In 1988, according to Moraney, there were 12,310 of these people. Today, there are over 26,000 of them. What brought this whole thing up is that the lecture I did last Saturday, a gentleman brought up something about a mark on the palm of the hand. So, I took that information and went to Moraney. I said, "Well, what about this. Well, I opened up a can of worms. I had no idea. Anyway, this group is called Deep Freeze. It's called that because they're all supposed to be "dead" but they're not, and it is these individuals that basically run messages back and forth between world governments. In other words, messages on what to do, when to start a war, when not to start a war, when to bomb, when to kidnap, etc. It is also this same group that is in charge of the doubles and clones. Now, folks, some of this might be really hard for you to understand, or to even relate to. I'm just hereto offer the information. I don't have a problem with this information. I'm just telling you where I'm coming from. Now, I'll start and I'm going to have to give you specific times, dates and background information so that you can go back and try to prove it wrong. Okay I asked for specific information because I know that on the "believability scale" this is pretty tough. Again, this information is what the Zenetaens (race from Andromeda) have provided me with. http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/chapter7.html (32 of 48) [9/18/2000 6:39:32 PM]