that they have continued to propagate the problem. Now, we have been told that the Greys "have been here for thousands of years" According to the Andromedans, however, the Greys got herein Because of
their ability to time travel, it looks like they have been here thousands of years - they can go backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of any race.
You can alter any event. That's exactly what they have done. They are not the only ones who have done this. There is also a group from Sirius B who have also done this. It took me along time to understand why it was that they wanted to do this. The bottom line is that they wanted to control us. We have things that they want. We have the benefit of having been on 11th density, which means that we have covered a very large area of spiritual evolvement - which is why our range of emotion is so large. They want that information. Not only that, but with the new frequency coming in and third density
beginning to implode on itself, the Greys are trying to save their race. According to Moraney, there are only 2000 real Greys left -- all the rest are clones - organic robots. They do not carry a spiritual essence. Folks, we are talking about a technology thousands of years ahead of where we are now.
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