Reference Books 1 Automotive Mechanics - Crouse/Anglin 2 Automobile Engineering - Dr Kirpal Singh Viva Questions 1 What is the principle of automotive brake 2 What do the brakes do to the energy as they stop a moving car 3 What are the primary and secondary brakes 4 Why brakes with more than 80% efficiency are not used in automobiles 5 What is fading of brakes 6 On what factors does the force of adherion between the road wheels and the road depends 7 How does skidding takes place 8 What is leading shoe 9 What is the difference between power assisted and power operated brakes 10 What is the advantage of a two shoe trailing brake 11 Name important components of a disc brake 12 What is the advantage of a swinging caliper type disc brake 13 Name important components of a drum brake 14 What is a split hydraulic brake system 15 What is the function of a metering valve in the braking system 16 What are the main constituents of a braking fluid 17 What are the advantages of hydraulic brakes over mechanical brakes 18 What is the purpose of brake shoe adjuster 19 Explain clearly requirements of automobile brake 20 Discuss in detail the braking system employed in case of Maruti 800 cars 21 What is tandem master cylinder. Define. 22 Describe the principles of various techniques employed to prevent skidding 23 Draw a neat sketch showing the linkage to operate brake master cylinder 24 What are the advantages of using split brake system 25 What are the essential characteristics required of a good braking fluid.