REFERENCE BOOKS 1 Automotive Mechanics – Crouse / Anglin 2 Automobile Engineering by Dr Kirpal Singh Viva Questions 1. What is the functioning of a clutch?Discuss various factors affecting the torque transmissions in a clutch 2. Explain the working of multi plate dry clutch 3. What are the essential properties required fora clutch facing materials 4. Explain in detail various causes of clutch troubles. How can these be remedied 5. Compare the hydraulic and mechanical methods of operating clutches 6. Where and why we use multi plate clutches 7. Discuss the constructional features of a clutch plate 8. Describe semi and fully centrifugal clutches 9. With the help of a suitable diagram, describe the constructional features of a diaphragm type spring clutch 10. Derive mathematical expressions for the torque transmitted in a multiplate clutch with n no of plates 11. Compare dry and wet type of friction clutches. 12. Why are the clutch friction plates perforated 13. What is the need of a clutch in an automobile 14. Why do we have springs in clutch friction plates 15. What are the functions of a damper springs in a clutch driving disc