Sherry interaction when distant students are hesitant to ask questions or partici- pate in discussions.
Willis (1993) describes the strategies which are effective in distance learning: Namely, developing appropriate methods of feedback and rein- forcement, optimizing content and pace, adapting to different student learning styles, using case studies and examples which are relevant
to the target audience, being concise, supplementing courseware with print infor- mation, and personalizing instruction.
The variety of available media, too, presents a formidable research problem. One cannot compare print-based
independent study courses, elec- tronic projects on the Internet, classroom BBS postings, audioconferences,
and live,
two-way interactive television, and expect that these comparisons will be valid. To add to this dilemma, media selection is often a question of media assignment. Teachers and site facilitators need training in those technologies which they are expected to use (Sherry & Morse, 1994).
One important aspect of media selection is that though more than one medium may deliver the same message effectively, different media present different learning stimuli and accept different types of student responses.
Willis (1992) stresses that teachers should analyze the strengths and weak- nesses of the various possible approaches to delivering instruction. He also suggests that teachers integrate a variety of delivery systems into their courses for interactivity and feedback. Grabowski (1991) states that media attributes may inherently determine how message design strategies are ul- timately implemented, especially regarding the manner in which they ei- ther facilitate or detract from the message (p. 205).
McNabb (1994) notes that more experimental studies are needed
in the area of media selection, where researchers can compare the effectiveness of different technologies which deliver similar content to similar audiences. It would be useful to analyze the content of a learning module, the goals of the students, teacher, and the school itself, implement
some different tech- nologies, and determine what factors influence successful delivery.
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