Maine Revised Statutes Title 10: commerce and trade table of Contents Part general provisions 8


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No action brought by a labor organization under this chapter shall be settled, dismissed or disposed of without the approval of the court. [1973, c. 551, (NEW).]


1973, c. 551, (NEW).


Sections 3266, 3267 and 3268 shall not apply to: [1973, c. 551, (NEW).]

1Buildings.  Any building designed for occupancy by not more than 4 families and its appurtenances;

[ 1973, c. 551, (NEW) .]

2Claims.  Any claim or a portion of a claim which does not meet the time requirements of sections 3253 and 3256.

[ 1973, c. 551, (NEW) .]


1973, c. 551, (NEW).

Chapter 605: CANNED GOODS


Whoever furnishes corn or other grain or fruit for canning or preservation otherwise has a lien on such preserved article and all with which it may have been mingled for its value when delivered, including the cans and other vessels containing the same and the cases, for 30 days after the same has been delivered and until it has been shipped on board a vessel or laden in a car, which lien may be enforced by attachment within that time.

Chapter 606: POTATO LIEN LAW

§3321. PURPOSE

The Legislature finds that the potato industry has a substantial and unique effect on the economy of the entire State and Aroostook County in particular. A large number of people in Maine are directly or indirectly dependent upon the potato industry. In the recent past, a number of potato producers have been very adversely affected by the failure of processors of potatoes to compensate producers for the raw product contracted and delivered to the processor. As a result, some producers have been forced out of business as a way of life and as a means of earning a livelihood. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]

The Legislature intends through this legislation to provide producers of potatoes with a limited guarantee of payment for the raw product contracted by and delivered to a processor. This legislation is designed to afford limited protection for producers and thereby promote the general welfare of the State which is dependent upon the potato industry and the producer. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following words shall have the following meanings. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]

1Commissioner.  "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry.

[ 1979, c. 731, §19 (AMD); 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §6 (REV) .]

2Farm product or raw product.  "Farm product or raw product" shall mean potatoes.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]

3Finished product.  "Finished product" shall mean any manufactured or processed form of potatoes.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]

4Inventory.  "Inventory" has the same meaning as defined in Title 11, section 9-1102, subsection (48).

[ 1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §6 (AMD); 1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §30 (AFF) .]

5Processor.  "Processor" means any person other than a consumer who purchases or contracts to purchase potatoes for processing or manufacturing which changes the physical form that the raw product possessed when harvested. The effects of the following operations shall be considered as changing the physical form possessed by such raw products when harvested: Chopping, slicing, cutting, dicing, mashing, removing skin or peel, frying or otherwise cooking, freezing, canning, dehydrating or comparable methods of preparation for marketing in what is generally considered to be a processed form.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]


1975, c. 725, (NEW). 1999, c. 699, §D6 (AMD). 1999, c. 699, §D30 (AFF). 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §6 (REV).


Every producer of potatoes which the producer grows, harvests and sells to any processor under contract, express or implied, has a lien upon such product and upon all processed or manufactured forms of potatoes for his labor, care and expense in growing and harvesting the raw product. The producer's lien attached to the finished product shall be the full extent of the agreed price, if any, or the unpaid balance of the agreed price of the raw product delivered to the processor. If there is no agreed price or a method for determining it which is agreed upon, the extent of the lien shall be the full value of the raw product as of the date of delivery and shall be determined by the commissioner upon notice and opportunity for a hearing, provided in a manner consistent with the provisions as to adjudicatory proceedings of the Maine Administrative Procedure Act. [1977, c. 694, §190 (AMD).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW). 1977, c. 694, §190 (AMD).


Except as herein provided, the producer lien, attached to the finished product manufactured or processed by a processor shall take effect immediately upon notification by a producer within 10 business days from the date specified in the contract, express or implied, for payment of insufficient or no payment to the producer for the raw product delivered to the processor. If the producer fails to notify the commissioner within the time period specified in this section or if the commissioner, following an investigation finds that there is no evidence of insufficient payment or no payment to a producer, the lien established in this chapter shall not be in effect. [1977, c. 1, §1 (AMD).]

1Notice of lien.  All producer liens against the inventories of all potato processors in this State shall be filed with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry and shall be deemed public information for the purposes of this chapter.

[ 1979, c. 731, §19 (AMD); 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §5 (REV) .]


1975, c. 725, (NEW). 1977, c. 1, §1 (AMD). 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §5 (REV).


The producer's lien is a preferred lien attached to the finished product in inventory and to the proceeds thereof to the full extent of the price of the raw product delivered to the processor and shall be preferred to all other liens, claims or encumbrances except for the liens or security interests of financial institutions chartered by the Federal Government or by any state of the United States, including, without limitation, trust companies, commercial banks, savings banks and savings and loan associations, and commercial finance companies and other institutional lenders, granted upon the inventory of a processor and all proceeds and products thereof to secure existing and future loans, advances and all other indebtedness of the processor to financial institutions, as described when such liens are granted to such financial institutions prior to notification by the producer to the commissioner of insufficient or no payment for the product delivered to the processor. [1977, c. 1, §2 (RPR).]

If any financial institution described in this section shall foreclose upon its lien, the proceeds realized after foreclosure shall be applied first to satisfy all producers' liens having priority over the lien of the financial institution and then to satisfy the lien of the financial institution. The balance of the proceeds, if any, shall be remitted to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry or his designee for distribution to producers having liens approved by the commissioner under section 3324 in the order of their priority. Any surplus remaining thereafter shall be remitted to the processor. [1979, c. 731, §19 (AMD); 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §6 (REV).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW). 1977, c. 1, §2 (RPR). 2011, c. 657, Pt. W, §6 (REV).


Except as herein provided in section 3324, the lien of a producer shall remain in effect until the producer receives payment that satisfies the total claim of the producer against the processor. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


This chapter does not impair or affect the right of any claimant that possesses a lien to maintain a personal action to recover such debt against a processor, either in an action to foreclose his lien or in a separate action. He is not required to state in his affidavit to procure an attachment that his demand is not secured by a lien. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]

1Collections credited to claims.  The judgment, if any, which is obtained by the plaintiff in such personal action, or personal judgment which is obtained in such lien action, does not impair or merge any lien right or claim which is held by such plaintiff. Any money which is collected on the judgment shall be credited on the amount of such lien or claims in any action which is brought to enforce the lien or in any action which is filed pursuant to this chapter by the commissioner.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]

2Posting of bonds.  In an action that is filed by any such lien claimant, the defendant processor may file with the court in which the action is pending a surety bond which is approved by such court in an amount that is sufficient to cover the demand of plaintiff's complaint, including the costs, whereupon the court may order the release of a portion or the whole of any product or processed product upon which the lien of plaintiff has attached.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]

3Presentation of evidence to court.  Such processor may also, on motion duly noticed, introduce evidence to the court before whom any such action is pending to the effect that he has sufficient security or money on deposit with the commissioner to protect the lien or other rights of plaintiff. If he does so, the court may order the release of a portion or the whole or such product upon which the lien of plaintiff is attached and deny to plaintiff any recovery in such action. Such action by the court does not prejudice any other rights or remedies which are possessed by the plaintiff.

[ 1975, c. 725, (NEW) .]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


The plaintiff in an action which is brought to foreclose any of the liens which are provided for in this chapter may, in a proper case, and upon proper allegations, secure an injunction against the processor to restrain the doing of any acts on the part of such processor which are designed to or which would, in effect, remove any processed product in his possession or under his control and upon which valid liens exist, beyond the process of the court, to plaintiff's injury. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


If in a court proceeding to foreclose such lien it is found and determined by the court that there is no cash, bond or other deposit as security for the payment of any of the lien claims as set out in the complaint, the judgment of foreclosure shall be against a sufficient quantity in value of such farm product or processed product in the possession or under the control of the defendant processor, as may be necessary to satisfy such claim or render judgment and declare forfeited any bond which is deposited in the court by such processor to secure the lawful claims of the plaintiff as determined by the court. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


All actions filed by the commissioner or producers against any processor for the foreclosure of the liens or other security which are provided for in this chapter may be consolidated by the court and all persons that are necessary, to a determination of such action may be made parties to such actions. Any judgment which is rendered shall determine the lawfulness of the amount of each claim as represented by the pleadings. [1975, c. 725, (NEW).]


1975, c. 725, (NEW).


1Violation.  A processor may not remove any farm product that is delivered to the processor or any processed form of the farm product upon which any of the liens that are provided for in this chapter are attached from this State or beyond the processor's ownership or control, except any farm product or processed form of the product as may be in excess of a quantity that is on hand of a value that is sufficient to satisfy all existing liens, provided, that neither this section and the penalties provided in this section or any other provision of this chapter may affect, impede or restrict the rights and remedies of a lienor or holder of a security interest having priority under section 3325 to enforce its liens or security interests against the inventory of a processor and the proceeds and products of the processor and the lienor or security interest holder or any person cooperating or acting in accordance with the request of the lienor or security interest holder may not be in violation of this section.

[ 2001, c. 421, Pt. B, §9 (NEW); 2001, c. 421, Pt. C, §1 (AFF) .]

2Penalty.  A person who violates a provision of this chapter commits a civil violation for which a forfeiture of not less than $100 nor more than $500 may be adjudged.

[ 2001, c. 421, Pt. B, §9 (NEW); 2001, c. 421, Pt. C, §1 (AFF) .]


1975, c. 725, (NEW). 1977, c. 1, §3 (RPR). 2001, c. 421, §C1 (AFF). 2001, c. 421, §B9 (RPR).



There shall be a lien on all colts foaled in the state to secure the payment of the service fee for the use of the stallion begetting the same. Such lien shall continue in force until the foal is 6 months old and may be enforced during that time by attachment of such foal.


Whoever pastures, feeds or shelters animals by virtue of a contract with or by consent of the owner has a lien thereon for the amount due for such pasturing, feeding or sheltering, and for necessary expenses incurred in the proper care of such animals and in payment of taxes assessed thereon, to secure payment thereof with costs, to be enforced in the same manner as liens on goods in possession and choses in action. The court rendering judgment for such lien shall include therein a pro rata amount for such pasturage, feed and shelter provided by the lienor from the date of the commencement of proceedings to the date of said judgment.

Chapter 609: HAY

§3401. CUTTING

Whoever labors in cutting or harvesting hay has a lien on all the hay cut or harvested by him and his co-laborers for the amount due for his personal services and the services performed by his team, which takes precedence of all other claims except liens reserved to the State, continues for 30 days after the last of such services are performed, and may be enforced by attachment.


Whoever presses hay or straw has a lien on all the hay or straw so pressed for the amount due for such pressing, which takes precedence of all other claims except liens reserved to the State and the lien specified in section 3401 continues for 30 days after said pressing is completed, and may be enforced by attachment.


§3411. LIEN

Every individual, partnership, firm, association, corporation, institution or any governmental unit or combination or parts of a partnership, firm, association, corporation, institution or governmental unit maintaining and operating a hospital licensed in the State is entitled to a lien for the reasonable charges for hospital care, treatment and maintenance of an injured person upon any and all causes of action, suits, claims, counterclaims or demands accruing to the person to whom such care, treatment or maintenance was furnished, or to the legal representatives of such person, on account of injuries giving rise to such causes of action and which necessitated such hospital care, treatment and maintenance, except that no entitlement to such a lien may exist against the principal residence of any person in any 12-month period or periods during which that person is eligible for financial assistance under the catastrophic illness program, Title 22, section 3185. Such lien may not be applied or considered valid against anyone coming under the former Workers' Compensation Act or the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992, and nothing enacted by this chapter may be construed so as to give such lien precedence over the claim or contract of an attorney for legal services rendered with respect to the claim of the injured party nor may this lien be applicable to any accident or health insurance policy, or the proceeds from the same, owned by or running to the benefit of the injured person. [1995, c. 462, Pt. A, §25 (AMD).]


1967, c. 373, (NEW). 1983, c. 824, §X1 (AMD). 1995, c. 462, §A25 (AMD).

§3412. NOTICE

No such lien shall be perfected unless a written notice containing the name and address of the injured person, as it shall appear on the records of the hospital, the date of the accident, the name and location of the hospital, and the name of the person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations alleged to be liable to the injured party for the injuries received, shall be filed under the name of the patient and under the name of all persons, firms or corporations liable for damages arising from such injuries with the clerk of the municipality in which such hospital is located not later than 10 days after the patient has been discharged from the hospital and prior to the payment of any moneys to such injured person, his attorneys or legal representatives as compensation for such injuries; nor unless the hospital shall mail, registered mail, return receipt requested, a copy of such notice with a statement of the date of filing thereof to: [1967, c. 373, (NEW).]

I Persons alleged to be liable.  The person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, alleged to be liable to the injured patient for the injuries sustained prior to the payment of any moneys to such injured person, his attorneys or legal representatives, as compensation for such injuries and;

[ 1967, c. 373, (NEW) .]

II Insurance carrier.  To the home office, or district office handling the carrier's business within the State, of any insurance carrier which has insured such person, firm or corporation against such liability. The person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations alleged to be liable to the injured patient shall upon written request of the hospital disclose the name of his or its insurance carrier which has insured such person, firm or corporation against such liability.

[ 1967, c. 373, (NEW) .]

III Hospital records available.  For the purposes of determining the reasonableness of the hospital charges, the hospital shall, at the written request of the person alleged to be liable, or his insurance carrier, make available any hospital records which may be pertinent to determining the reasonableness of the hospital charge, but in no event shall they disclose any other records which it may have; including but not limited to, records or reports with regard to the nature of the injury of the patient, the nature of his condition or the state of his recovery.

[ 1967, c. 373, (NEW) .]


1967, c. 373, (NEW).


No release of such causes of action, or any of them, or of any judgment thereon shall be valid or effectual as against such lien unless such lien holder shall join therein, or execute a release of such lien and any person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations, including an insurance carrier, making any payment to such patient or to his attorneys or heirs or legal representatives, or to any other person as compensation for the injuries sustained, after the filing and receipt of such notice, without paying to such hospital the amount of its lien or so much thereof as can be satisfied out of the moneys due under any final judgment or compromise or settlement agreement after paying the amount of any prior liens, shall for a period of one year from the date of payment to such patient or his heirs, attorneys or legal representatives, or other person, as provided, be and remain liable to such hospital for the amount which such hospital was entitled to receive; and any such association, corporation or other institution maintaining such hospital may, within such period, enforce its lien by a civil action against such person or persons, firm or firms, corporation or corporations making any such payment. The assertion, claim or filing of such a lien shall in no way be deemed an election on behalf of the hospital, and the hospital shall retain all its rights to collect from the patient or from any other person legally liable for care, treatment and maintenance of the injured party. [1967, c. 373, (NEW).]


1967, c. 373, (NEW).

§3414. INDEX

Every municipal clerk shall, at the expense of the municipality, provide a book or card filing system to be called the hospital lien docket in which, upon the filing of any lien claim under this chapter, he shall enter the name of the injured person, the name of the person, firm or corporation alleged to be liable for the injuries, the date of the accident and the name of the hospital or other institution making the claim. The clerk shall make a proper index of the same in the name of the injured person and such clerk shall be entitled to be paid a fee of $5 by the lien claimant for such filing, which shall be prepaid. [1977, c. 51, (AMD).]


1967, c. 373, (NEW). 1977, c. 51, (AMD).


This chapter shall apply only to such charges for medical or other services furnished to persons who were injured by reason of such accidents occurring on or after October 7, 1967. [1973, c. 625, §57 (AMD).]


1967, c. 373, (NEW). 1973, c. 625, §57 (AMD).



When a lease of land with a rent payable is made for the purpose of erecting a mill or other buildings thereon, such buildings and all the interest of the lessee are subject to a lien and liable to be attached for the rent due. Such attachment, made within 6 months after the rent becomes due, is effectual against any transfer of the property by the lessee.

§3452. LAND RENT

In all cases where land rent accrues and remains unpaid, whether under a lease or otherwise, all buildings upon the premises while the rent accrues are subject to a lien and to attachment for the rent due, as provided in section 3451, although other persons than the lessee may own the whole or a part thereof, and whether or not the land was leased for the purpose of erecting such buildings. If any person except the lessee is interested in said buildings, the proceedings shall be substantially in the forms directed for enforcing liens against vessels, with such additional notice to supposed or unknown owners as any justice of the court having jurisdiction of the proceedings orders, or the attachment and levy of execution shall not be valid except against the lessee.



Whoever performs labor or services or furnishes labor, materials or services in the laying out or construction of any road, path or walk, or in improving or beautifying any land in a manner commonly known as landscape gardening, by virtue of a contract with or by consent of the owner, has a lien on the lot of land over which such road, path or walk is laid out or constructed or on the land so improved and beautified, to secure payment thereof, with costs. Such lien may be preserved and enforced in the same manner and under the same restrictions as liens on buildings and lots are preserved and enforced under chapter 603, and is made subject to all the provisions of said chapter wherever applicable.

Chapter 615: LEATHER

§3551. WAGES

Whoever performs labor in any tannery where leather of any kind is manufactured completely or partially, whether such labor is performed directly on the hides and skins or in any capacity in or about the establishment, has a lien for his wages on all leather so manufactured in such tannery for labor performed by him or his co-laborers, which continues for 30 days after such leather is made and manufactured, and until such leather is shipped on board a vessel or taken in a car, and may be enforced by attachment within that time.



Whoever labors at cutting, hauling, rafting or driving logs or lumber, or at cooking for persons engaged in such labor, or in shoeing horses or oxen, or repairing property while thus employed, has a lien on the logs and lumber for the amount due for his personal services and the services performed by his team, and for the use of his truck, motor vehicle or other mechanical equipment, which takes precedence of all other claims except liens reserved to the State. Whoever both shores and runs logs by himself, his servants or agents has a lien thereon for the price of such shoring and running. Such liens continue for 60 days after the logs or lumber arrive at the place of destination for sale or manufacture and may be enforced by attachment.


The officer making such attachment may pay the boomage thereon, not exceeding the rate per thousand on the quantity actually attached by him, and return the amount paid on the writ of attachment, which shall be included in the damages recovered. The action or lien is not defeated by taking a note, unless it is taken in discharge of the amount due and of the lien. Such notice of the action as the court orders shall be given to the owner of the logs or lumber, and he may be admitted to defend it.


Whoever drives logs or lumber by contract with the owner or with any other person has a lien on said logs or lumber for the amount payable under said contract, which takes precedence of all other claims, except liens for labor, for stumpage and for towing, continues for 60 days after the logs or lumber arrive at the place of destination for sale or manufacture and may be enforced by attachment. When the contract is made with any person other than the owner of the logs or lumber, actual notice in writing shall be given to the owner before work is begun, stating therein the terms of the contract. If the owner, at the time said notice is given him or immediately thereafter, notifies said contractor in writing that he will not be responsible for the amount payable or to become payable under said contract, then said contractor shall not have a lien on said logs or lumber so driven.




1997, c. 623, §1 (RP).




1981, c. 456, §A39 (RP).


Whoever labors at cutting, peeling or hauling hemlock bark, or cutting, yarding or hauling cordwood, or cutting, peeling, yarding or hauling pulpwood or any wood used in the manufacture of pulpwood, or at cooking for persons engaged in such labor, has a lien thereon for the amount due for his personal labor and the services performed by his team, which takes precedence of all other claims, continues for 30 days after the contract is completed, and may be enforced by attachment.


Whoever labors in the manufacturing of last blocks, shovel handle blocks, railroad ties or ship knees, or is engaged in cooking for persons engaged in such labor, or cuts or furnishes wood for the manufacture of last blocks or shovel handle blocks, or furnishes a team for the hauling of last blocks or shovel handle blocks or the lumber from which they are made, or for the hauling of railroad ties or ship knees, has a lien on said last blocks, shovel handle blocks, railroad ties and ship knees, as the case may be, for the amount due him for his personal labor thereon and for the services of his team and for the amount due for wood so cut or furnished for the manufacture of said last blocks or shovel handle blocks, which takes precedence of all other claims, except liens reserved to the State, and continues for 30 days after said last blocks are stored or housed for drying purposes, or for 30 days after said shovel handle blocks arrive at their destination either for shipment or to be turned, or for 30 days after said railroad ties are on the line of a railroad, or for 30 days after said ship knees are delivered in a shipyard. Such lien may be enforced by attachment.


Whoever labors at cutting, hauling or sawing shingle, stave, lath, dowel or spool timber, or in the manufacture of shingle, stave, lath, dowel or spool timber into shingles, staves, laths, dowels or spool bars, or at piling staves, laths, dowels or spool bars, or at bunching shingles or dowels, or at cooking for persons engaged in such labor, has a lien thereon for the amount due for his personal labor thereon and the services performed by his team, which takes precedence of all other claims and continues for 60 days after such shingles, staves, laths and dowels are manufactured, provided the same have not been sold and shipped, or for 60 days after such spool timber or spool bars arrive at the place of destination for sale or manufacture. Such lien may be enforced by attachment. [1973, c. 625, §58 (AMD).]


1973, c. 625, §58 (AMD).



Whoever digs, hauls or furnishes rock for the manufacture of lime has a lien thereon for his personal service, and on the rock so furnished, for 30 days after such rock is manufactured into lime or until such lime is sold or shipped on board a vessel. Whoever labors in quarrying or cutting and dressing granite in any quarry has a lien for his wages on all the granite quarried or cut and dressed in the quarry by him or his co-laborers for 30 days after such granite is cut and dressed or until such granite is sold or shipped on board a vessel. Whoever labors in mining, quarrying or manufacturing slate in any quarry has a lien for the wages of his labor on all slate mined, quarried or manufactured in the quarry by him or his co-laborers for 30 days after the slate arrives at the port of shipment and until it has been shipped on board a vessel or laden in a car. Such liens take precedence over all other claims and may be enforced by attachment within the times aforesaid.



Whoever, under express contract fixing the price to be paid by the other party thereto, sells, erects or furnishes any monument, tablet, headstone, vault, posts, curbing or other monumental work has a lien thereon to secure the payment of such contract price, which continues for 2 years after the completion, delivery or erection of such monument, tablet, headstone, vault, posts, curbing or other monumental work. Such lien may be enforced by an action for damages with an attachment, which shall be recorded within said 2 years by the clerk of the town in which the property subject to the lien is then situated; or such lien may be enforced by complaint setting forth the names and residences of the parties to the contract, the contract price, the sum due, the description and location of the property on which the lien is claimed and such other facts as are necessary to make it appear that such plaintiff is entitled to an enforcement of such lien, and praying for judgment for title and possession of the property therein described. Said complaint, before service thereof and within said 2 years, shall be recorded by the clerk of the town in which such property is situated and a certificate of such record indorsed thereon. The sum alleged to be due shall be deemed to be the damage and after the complaint has been recorded, an action may be commenced upon the complaint in any court of proper venue for a transitory action between the parties. Service shall be made as in other actions. If the plaintiff prevails, he shall recover judgment for title and possession of the property on which the lien is claimed, and for his costs, and a possessory execution may issue. By virtue of such judgment the judgment creditor, if unopposed, may take possession and remove the property described in his execution, otherwise any officer qualified to serve civil process, having said execution, may take possession of said property and deliver the same to the judgment creditor, and shall make his return on said execution accordingly. Said lien may be discharged at any time before final judgment by tendering the plaintiff the amount of the debt and costs.



Whenever the amount due for the use of any safe or box in the vaults of any bank or safe deposit company shall not have been paid for one year, such bank or company may, at the expiration of such period, notify the person in whose name such safe or box stands on its books, by a notice in writing in a securely closed, postpaid, registered letter directed to such person at his post-office address as recorded upon the books of said bank or company, that if the amount then due for the use of such safe or box is not paid within 60 days from the date of such notice, said bank or company will then cause such safe or box to be opened in the manner provided. At the expiration of 60 days after the mailing of said notice, said bank or company may then cause such safe or box to be opened in the presence of any officer or branch manager of said bank or company, and of a notary public not an officer or in the employ of said bank or company, and the contents of said safe or box shall then be sealed up by such notary public in a package and a certificate of such sealing shall be indorsed thereon, signed by such notary and attested by his seal, and said package shall be distinctly marked with the name and address of the person in whose name such safe or box stands upon the books of said bank or company, and the estimated value thereof. Said package shall then be placed in one of the general safes or boxes of said bank or company, and shall be held subject to redemption by the owner thereof, who shall be required to pay the rent due for said safe or box and all costs and damages attending the opening thereof, together with reasonable charges for the custody of said package by said bank or company, and said bank or company shall have a lien upon said package to secure the payment of such rent, damages and charges.

The contents of an opened safe or box, if unclaimed, must be disposed of according to Title 33, chapter 41. [2003, c. 20, Pt. T, §4 (AMD).]


1977, c. 257, (AMD). 1977, c. 707, §3 (AMD). 2003, c. 20, §T4 (AMD).

Chapter 625: VEHICLES


Whoever performs labor by himself or his employees in manufacturing or repairing the ironwork or woodwork of wagons, carts, sleighs and other vehicles, aircraft or component parts thereof, and parachutes, or so performing labor furnishes materials therefor or provides storage therefor by direction or consent of the owner thereof, shall have a lien on such vehicle, aircraft or component parts thereof, and parachutes for his reasonable charges for said labor, and for materials used in performing said labor, and for said storage, which takes precedence of all other claims and incumbrances on said vehicles, aircraft or component parts thereof, and parachutes not made to secure a similar lien, and may be enforced by attachment at any time within 90 days after such labor is performed or such materials or storage furnished and not afterwards, provided a claim for such lien is duly filed as required in section 3802. Said lien shall be dissolved if said property has actually changed ownership prior to such filing.


1Filing.  A lien described in section 3801 is dissolved unless the claimant files the following documents in the office of the Secretary of State within 90 days after providing the labor, storage or materials:

A. A financing statement in the form approved by the Secretary of State; and [1999, c. 88, §1 (NEW).]

B. A notarized statement that includes an accurate description of the property manufactured or repaired; the name of the owner, if known; and the amount due the claimant for the labor, materials or storage, with any amount paid on account. [1999, c. 88, §1 (NEW).]

[ 1999, c. 88, §1 (NEW) .]

2Fees.  The fee for filing a lien under this section is the same as under Title 11, section 9-1525.

[ 1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §7 (AMD); 1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §30 (AFF) .]

3Inaccuracy.  An inaccuracy in the notarized statement does not invalidate the proceedings unless it appears that the claimant willfully overstated the amount due.

[ 1999, c. 88, §1 (NEW) .]


1983, c. 117, (AMD). 1991, c. 225, (AMD). 1999, c. 88, §1 (RPR). 1999, c. 699, §D7 (AMD). 1999, c. 699, §D30 (AFF).

Chapter 627: VESSELS


All domestic vessels shall be subject to a lien to any part owner or other person to secure the payment of debts contracted and advances made for labor and materials necessary for their repair, provisions, stores and other supplies necessary for their employment, and for the use of a wharf, dry dock or marine railway. Such lien shall in no event continue for a longer period than 2 years from the time when the debt was contracted or advances made.


Whoever furnishes labor or materials for building a vessel has a lien on it therefor, which may be enforced by attachment thereof within 4 days after it is launched; but if the labor and materials have been so furnished by virtue of a contract not fully completed at the time of the launching of the vessel, the lien may be enforced within 4 days after such contract has been completed. He has a lien on the materials furnished before they become part of the vessel, which may be enforced by attachment. The owners of any dry dock or marine railway used for any vessel have a lien on said vessel for the use of said dock or railway, to be enforced by attachment within 4 days after the last day in which the same is used or occupied by said vessel.


The form of writ for enforcing such lien shall be in substance as follows:

"State of Maine. ...., ss.

To the sheriff of our County of ...., or either of his deputies:

We command you to attach the vessel" (here give such a description of the vessel as will identify it,) "in an action brought by" (name of plaintiff) "of" (plaintiff's place of residence including town and county) "against" (name of defendant) "of" (defendant's place of residence including town and county) "in the Superior Court for said County of ...., in which action the said" (name of plaintiff) "claims a lien on said vessel for" (here describe briefly the nature of the lien) "to the amount of .... dollars and .... cents, and make due return of this writ with your doings thereon. .... Clerk of said Superior Court (Seal of the court) Dated ...."

The action shall be brought in the county where the vessel is.


The plaintiff shall annex to the complaint a just, true and particular account of the demand claimed to be due to him with all just credits, the names of the persons personally liable to him and names of the owners of the vessel if known to him. It shall be verified by the oath of one plaintiff, or of some person in his behalf, that the amount claimed in said account is justly due from the person named in the complaint and account as owing it, and that he believes that by the law of the State he has a lien on such vessel for the whole or a part thereof.


If the vessel at the time is on the stocks, the attachment shall be made by filing in the office of the clerk of the town in which such vessel is, within 48 hours thereafter, a copy of so much of his return on the writ of attachment as relates to the attachment, with the name of the plaintiff, the name of the person liable for the debt, the description of the vessel as given in the writ of attachment, the date of the writ of attachment, the amount claimed and the court to which it is returnable, and by leaving a copy of such certificate with one of the owners of the vessel, if known to him and residing within his precinct, or with the master workman thereon. If the attachment is so made, the officer need not take possession of the vessel before it is launched unless specially directed by the plaintiff or his attorney to do so; but he shall, as soon as may be, afterwards. He may take possession at any time before it is launched; but if he does, he shall not hinder the work thereon or prevent or delay the launching. If at the time of attachment the vessel is launched, it shall be attached like other personal property. Whenever a vessel has been attached and the expense of retaining possession of said vessel is great, or the vessel is liable to depreciate in value by reason thereof, any attaching creditor or an owner of said vessel may bring an action in the Superior Court by complaint praying that said vessel attached may be sold, and said court may order a hearing thereon. Due notice shall be given to all parties in interest of the time and place appointed for said hearing and a hearing on said complaint shall be had before said court. If it appears to said court to be for the benefit of all parties in interest that said vessel should be sold, it shall issue to the officer in possession of the same, or to the sheriff of the county in which said vessel has been attached, an order to sell it at public auction, and shall designate in said order the notice to be given of the time and place of said sale. Said vessel shall be sold pursuant to said order, and the proceeds of such sale, after deducting necessary expenses, shall be held by the first attaching officer or the sheriff, subject to the successive attachments, as if sold on execution. If said parties do not consent to a sale as provided, Title 14, sections 4158 and 4352 to 4355, so far as the same are applicable, shall apply to proceedings under this section.


The summons and complaint shall be served as in other actions on persons named as personally liable for the plaintiff's claim. A copy of the summons and complaint and writ of attachment shall also be posted in some conspicuous place on the vessel attached and mailed to all owners whose identity and whereabouts are known if they have not been named as personally liable.


On all writs of attachment made after the first attachment and while any lien attachment is pending, the attachment and services shall be made by the same officer, or, if he is disqualified, by any qualified officer, by his giving notice thereof to the first attaching officer.


The actions shall be entered on the docket as follows: The person claiming the lien, as plaintiff, the person alleged to be personally liable, as defendant, and the name or other description of the vessel attached. The owners or mortgagees of the vessel, or any plaintiff in an action wherein it is attached for a lien, may appear and defend any action so far as relates to the validity and amount of the lien claim; but no such plaintiff shall so defend until he gives bond, to the satisfaction of the court, to pay the costs awarded against him.


The defendant may offer to be defaulted as in other cases. The owners of the vessel may admit, in writing filed with the clerk, that a certain sum is due the plaintiff as a lien on the vessel. If the plaintiff does not recover a greater sum as lien, he recovers no costs against such owner or the vessel or its proceeds after the admission is filed; but such owner recovers costs thereafter.


The court, except as provided in section 3859, may decide all questions of costs and apportion them as they think proper.


At the request of either party, the following questions of fact shall be submitted to a jury: "What amount claimed in the complaint is due from the defendant to the plaintiff?" and "For how much of such amount has the plaintiff a lien on the vessel attached?" The verdict shall be in answer to these questions. If the parties waive a jury trial, these questions shall be decided by the court on a hearing or report of a referee appointed by the court.


Upon ascertaining the amount, judgment shall be rendered in his favor against the defendant as in other personal actions, for the amount found not to be a lien on the vessel, with such costs as the court awards. A separate judgment shall be rendered in his favor against said defendant and the vessel attached for the amount decided to be a lien, with such costs as the court awards. Separate executions shall be issued thereon.


When judgment is recovered in any action on which a vessel was attached, the court may issue an order to the attaching officer to sell it at auction, and to pay the proceeds thereof into court after deducting the expenses of sale and for taking care of the vessel while under attachment. Such officer shall sell it as other personal property is sold on execution. The purchaser shall hold it free from any prior claim.


If such proceeds are more than all the judgments recovered against such vessel and the amounts claimed in the undecided actions, the court may order the judgments, as fast as they are recovered against said vessel, to be paid from said fund until all such actions are terminated and all judgments satisfied. The court may, on complaint, order the balance, if any, to be paid to the persons legally entitled thereto.


If such proceeds are not enough to pay in full the judgments recovered and the claims still undecided, the court may order the money to remain until all the actions are terminated, and then divide pro rata; or it may direct a sufficient amount to be retained to pay on the undecided claims their proportion and divide the residue ratably among the judgments recovered, and if, after all the actions are terminated, and the judgments recovered subsequent to the first division have received the same proportion as prior judgments, there is any sum remaining, it shall be divided among the judgments pro rata, and in such division the court shall make such orders as will prevent the enforcement of a double lien and will secure the just rights of all.


If the vessel has been already attached by a sheriff or his deputy when a writ of attachment is issued for such lien claim, such writ of attachment shall be served by such officer. If attached by a constable, he shall give up to the officer having the lien writ of attachment the possession and the precept upon which he attached it with his return of the facts thereon. The attachment shall hold subject to the legal priorities of the lien claim.


A vessel attached for a lien claim may be attached by the same officer in the ordinary manner in an action against the owners thereof, and such attachment shall be valid, subject to the legal priorities of the lien attachments.


When a vessel attached for liens and also in the ordinary manner is sold by order of the court and the proceeds are more than sufficient to satisfy the lien judgments, the surplus shall be paid to the officer to be held upon the writs of attachment not founded on the lien claims.


The court, like a court in admiralty, may make all orders necessary for carrying out this chapter according to their true intent and meaning.



1Lien established.  A person, partnership or corporation engaged in one or more of the following activities has a lien on the item that the activity involves for a reasonable compensation for any labor or materials expended on that item:

A. Making, altering, repairing or cleaning any watch, clock, jewelry, electric motor, major and traffic appliance, small motor not to exceed 20 horsepower, radio, electronic equipment, musical instrument, furniture, photograph, artwork, sports equipment and photography equipment; and [1991, c. 41, §1 (NEW).]

B. Cleaning, repairing or pressing clothes. [1991, c. 41, §1 (NEW).]

[ 1991, c. 41, §1 (NEW) .]

2Lien priority.  A lien under this section takes precedence over all other claims and incumbrances.

[ 1991, c. 41, §1 (NEW) .]

3Exemption from attachment.  The item that is subject to a lien under this section is exempt from attachment or execution until the lien and the cost of enforcing it are satisfied.

[ 1991, c. 41, §1 (NEW) .]


1987, c. 63, §1 (AMD). 1991, c. 41, §1 (RPR).


The lienholder shall retain any item subject to a lien under section 3951 for a period of 6 months, at the expiration of which time, if the lien is not satisfied, the lienholder may sell the item at public or private sale, after giving 30 days' notice in writing to the owner, specifying the amount due, describing the item to be sold and informing the owner that the payment of the amount within 30 days entitles the owner to redeem the item. The notice may be given by mail addressed to the owner's place of residence if known, or if the owner's place of residence is unknown, a copy of the notice may be posted by the holder of the lien in 2 public places in the town, village or city where the item is held. [1991, c. 41, §2 (AMD).]


1987, c. 63, §2 (AMD). 1991, c. 41, §2 (AMD).


After satisfying the lien and the reasonable costs and expenses accrued, the residue must be disposed of according to Title 33, chapter 41. [2003, c. 20, Pt. T, §5 (AMD).]


1979, c. 641, §1 (RPR). 2003, c. 20, §T5 (AMD).


§4001. SALE

Whoever has a lien on personal property in that person's possession which is not covered by Title 11, Article 9-A may enforce it by a sale thereof in the manner provided for in the contract creating such lien, if in writing, or as hereinafter provided for in this chapter. [1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §8 (AMD); 1999, c. 699, Pt. D, §30 (AFF).]


1999, c. 699, §D8 (AMD). 1999, c. 699, §D30 (AFF).


The person claiming the lien may file, in the Superior Court in the county where he resides a complaint briefly setting forth the nature and amount of his claim, a description of the article possessed and the names and residences of its owners, if known to him, and a prayer for enforcement of his lien.


Actions to enforce any of the liens before named have precedence over attachments and encumbrances made after the lien attached and not made to enforce a lien, and may be maintained although the employer or debtor is dead and his estate has been represented insolvent. His executor or administrator may be summoned and held to answer to an action brought to enforce the lien. The complaint must show that the action is brought to enforce the lien; but all the other forms and proceedings therein shall be the same as in other actions.


If the names of the owners are set forth in the complaint, service shall be made as in other actions.

§4005. -- UNKNOWN

If the identity or whereabouts of the owners are not known, notice shall be given by publication as in other actions where publication is required.


In all lien actions, when the labor or materials were not furnished by a contract with the owner of the property affected, such owner may voluntarily appear and become a party to the action. If he does not so appear, such notice of the action as the court orders shall be given him and he shall then become a party to the action. Any person interested in the article as owner, mortgagee or otherwise may appear and defend. Questions of fact at the instance of either party shall be submitted to a jury on an issue framed under the direction of the court.


If, in the opinion of the court, the article on which the lien is claimed is not of sufficient value to pay the plaintiff's claim with the probable costs of suit, the court may order the defendant to give bond to the plaintiff, with sufficient sureties approved by the court, to pay such costs as are awarded against him, so far as they are not paid out of the proceeds of the articles on which the lien is claimed.


After trial and final adjudication in favor of the plaintiff, the court may order any competent officer to sell the article on which the lien is claimed, as personal property is sold on execution, and out of the proceeds, after deducting his fees and the expenses of sale, to pay to the plaintiff the amount and costs awarded him, and the balance to the person entitled to it, if he is known to the court, otherwise into court.


Money paid into court may be paid over to the person legally entitled to it, on motion and order of the court. If it is not called for at the first term after it is paid into court, it must be presumed unclaimed and disposed of according to Title 33, chapter 41. [2003, c. 20, Pt. T, §6 (AMD).]


1979, c. 641, §2 (AMD). 2003, c. 20, §T6 (AMD).


In any such action, judgment may be rendered against the defendant and the property covered by the lien, or against either, for so much as is found due by virtue of the lien. If the amount due exceeds the amount so covered, then a separate execution shall be issued to the plaintiff against the defendant for such excess and the plaintiff may discontinue as to any defendant. The court may apportion costs as justice requires.


All liens named herein may be discharged by tender of the sum due made by the debtor or owner of the property or his agents.


A security interest perfected in accordance with Title 11 has priority over any lien created or referred to by this Title unless the person claiming the lien has possession of the goods subject to the lien. [1965, c. 306, §3 (NEW).]


1965, c. 306, §3 (NEW).


1Removal within 60 days.  Unless a specific time period is otherwise provided, a holder of a lien against property issued pursuant to the laws of this State shall remove the lien within 60 days of satisfaction or discharge of the lien by the debtor or owner of the property or agent of the debtor or owner.

[ 2015, c. 210, §1 (NEW) .]

2Liability.  A holder of a lien, other than the State, a municipality or other governmental entity, who fails to remove a lien as provided in subsection 1 is liable to the debtor or owner of the property for reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred to cure the lien as a result of the failure to remove the lien.

[ 2015, c. 210, §1 (NEW) .]

3Application.  This section does not apply to a financing statement or other record governed by Title 11.

[ 2015, c. 210, §1 (NEW) .]


2015, c. 210, §1 (NEW).

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