Preliminary AdoptionProcedures The superintendentwill beresponsiblefor developing thebudget cover letter. It is recommendedthat theletterincludea restatementofthe goals and
objectivesofthedistrict anda list ofbudget priorities. A detailed breakdown of lineitem expenditureswill beincludedin theletter. Fund expendituresand line categories will also be explained in terms of how the budget meets the goals and objectives of the district and enhances completion of priority programs.
Recommendations All recommendationsof thesuperintendent andstaff willbepresentedto theboard nolaterthan theregularboard meeting in July.
HearingsandReviews Allbudgetreports,coverletters and copies of the draft budget will be made available to interestedpatronsafterbeing made availableto the board.
Encumbrances All encumbrancesshall bemade by thesuperintendent.
Approved:6-11-07;01/10;10/11Returnto Section D Index