Ifthe investigationresults in a recommendation thata student besuspended or expelled, procedures outlined in board policy and statelaw governing studentsuspension andexpulsiowill be followed.
If the investigation results in a recommendation that an employeebe suspended without pay or terminated, procedures outlinedinboardpolicy, the negotiated agreementorstate law willbe followed.
Records relating to complaints filed and their resolution shall be forwardedto and maintained in a confidential manner by the district
The complainant may appeal the determination of the complaint.
Appeals shall be heard by the district compliance coordinator, a hearing officer appointed by the board, or by the board itself as determined bytheboard.Therequestto appealtheresolution shall be madewithin 20 days after the date of the written resolution of the complaint at the lower level. The appeal officer shall review the evidence gathered by the investigator and the investigator’s report, and shall afford the complainant and the person against whom the complaint is filedan opportunity to submitfurtherevidence, orally or inwriting, within 10 daysafterthe appealis filed. Theappeal officer willissue a written determination of the complaint’s validity and a descriptionofitsresolutionwithin30daysafter theappealisfiled.
Useofthiscomplaintprocedureis not a prerequisite to thepursuit of anyotherremedies including the right to file a complaint with the OfficeforCivil RightsoftheU.S. Department ofEducation, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or the Kansas Human Rights Commission.
About Policy The superintendent shall reportany unresolved complaint about policies to theboard at the nextregularlyscheduled board meeting.
About Curriculum (SeeIF)
Thesuperintendent shall reporta failure to resolve any complaint about curriculum to the boardat the nextregularly scheduledboard meeting.
About InstructionalMaterials The building principal shall report any unresolved complaint about instructional materials to the superintendent immediately after receiving the complaint.
About Facilitiesand Services Thesuperintendentshall reportany unresolvedcomplaintabout faci -l ities andservices to theboard at thenextregularly scheduledboardmeeting.
About Personnel The superintendent or the building principal involved shall report any unresolved complaint about personnel to the board at the next regularly scheduled boardmeeting.