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GA Personnel Policy Organization

    • G A p o l i c i e s a p p l y t o a l l e m p l o y e e s .

    • G B p o l i c i e s a p p l y t o l i c e n s e d s t a f f c o v e r e d b y t h e n e g o t i a t e d a g r e e m e n t a n d s p e c i a l e d u c a t i o n , r e l a t e d s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s .

    • GC p o l i c i e s a p p l y t o c l a s s i f i e d / n o n - l i c e n s e d s t a f f .

GAA Goals and Objectives - KSA 72-8205

GAAA Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity

GAAB Complaints of Discrimination

GAAC Sexual Harassment

GAACA Racial Harassment

GAAD Child Abuse (See JCAC and JGEC)

GAAE Bullying by staff (see EBC, GAAB, JDD, and JDDC)

GAAF Emergency Safety Interventions (See JRB, JQ, JQA, and KN

GACA Positions

GACB Job Descriptions

GACC Recruitment and Hiring

GACCA Nepotism

GACD Employment Eligibility Verification

GAD (See GAC) Development Opportunities

GAE Grievances - KSA 72-5424

GAF Staff-Student Relations

GAG Conflicts of Interest (See GBU) - KSA 75-4301 et seq.

GAH Participation in Community Activities

GAHB Political Activities

GAHB Public Appearances

GAI Solicitations

GAI Solicitations by Staff Members

GAI Solicitations of Staff Members GAJ Gifts

GAJ Gifts by Staff Members

GAJ Gifts to Staff Members (See KH, JL)

GAK Records (See JR et seq.) - KSA 72-7801 et seq. GAK Types (See JR et seq.)

GAK Public Use (See JR et seq.)

GAK Disposition (See JR et seq.)

GAM Personal Appearance

GAN Travel Expenses - KSA 75-3201 et seq.; 72-3202 to 72-3204

GANA Expense Reimbursement and Credit Cards (See GAN)

GAO Maintaining Proper Control

GAOA Drug Free Workplace

GAOB Drug Free Schools

GAOC Tobacco Products in Schools Prohibited

GAOD Drug and Alcohol Testing of bus drivers
GAOE Workers Compensation and Disability Benefits

GAOF Salary Deductions

GAR Communicable Diseases

GARA Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Plan

GARI Family Medical Leave

GARID Military Leave

GBH (See GBE) Supervision

GBI Evaluation - KSA 72-9001 et seq.

GBK Suspension

GBN Separation - KSA 72-5435 et seq.

GBO Resignation

Liquidated Damages Release From Contract

GBQA Reduction in Staff

GBR Working Conditions - KSA 72-1106 GBR Work Load

GBR Time Schedules

GBRC In-Service Education (See GBRH and GAN)

GBRD Staff Meetings

GBRE (See GBRD) Additional Duty - KSA 72-5412a

GBRF Students and Parent Conferences

GBRG Non-School Employment

GBRGA (See GBRG) Consulting

GBRGB Tutoring for Pay

GBRH Certified Leaves and Absences

GBRIBA Disability

GBRIBA Maternity

GBRJ Arrangement for Substitutes

GBU Ethics (See GAG)

SN An information category since ethics are usually determined by a profession and not not imposed upon it.

GCA Compensation Guides and Contracts

GCI Evaluation

GCK (See GCH) Suspension

GCRF (See GCRE) Non-School Employment

GCRG Leaves and Absences

GCRG Emergency and Legal

GCRG Illness (Sick Leave)

GCRG Disability (See GBRIBA)

GCRG Military

GCRG Religious

GCRH Vacation Days - KSA 72-1106

GCRI Paid Holidays - KSA 72-1106; 35-107

GCRK Political Activities (See GAHB)

__ _ Notice of Protections Under the Kansas Tort Claims Act

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