Megan andreas moreno, md, msed, mph

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Research Presentations

Conference abstract presentations

*Indicates Moreno served as primary mentor for project and presentation

  1. *D’Angelo JD, Moreno MA. Facebook Displays as Predictors of Binge Drinking: Introducing a Theory of Reason, Presentation and Action. International Communication Association Conference. Seattle, WA. May 2014.

  2. *Kota R, Selkie E, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying prevalence and types among US female college students: A multisite study. Poster presentation at Cyberbullying: a Challenge for Researchers and Practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2014.

  3. *Selkie E, Kota R, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying and problem drinking among US Female College Students: A Multisite study. Poster presentation at Cyberbullying: a Challenge for Researchers and Practitioners, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 2014.

  4. *D’Angelo J, Moreno MA. Title. International Communication Association Conference. May 2014, Seattle, WA.

  5. *Jelenchick LA, Hawk ST, Moreno MA. Problematic Internet Use in a School-Based Sample of Dutch Adolescents. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Doha, Qatar. December 2013.

  6. *Brockman LN, Moreno MA. Friending adolescents on social networking sites: A novel research tool. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Madrid, Spain. December 2012.

  7. *Jelenchick LA, Moreno MA. The Problematic and Risky Internet Use Screening Scale (PRIUSS): A new tool for assessing problematic internet use in adolescents. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Madrid, Spain. December 2012.

  8. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Snooze the alarm of surf the web?: Daily internet use behaviors among college students.. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Madrid, Spain. December 2012.

  9. *Kota R, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying among college students. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Madrid, Spain. December 2012.

  10. *Kraninger K, Moreno MA. Facebook Deactivation in College Females: An Experimental Study. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Madrid, Spain. December 2012.

  11. *Villiard HR, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook: Advertisemetns generated in response to profile content. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Istanbul, Turkey, December 2011.

  12. *Gannon KA, Eikhoff J, Huang A, Moreno MA. Alcohol use among college freshmen: A longitudinal analysis using Facebook. Excellence in Paediatrics conference. Istanbul, Turkey, December 2011.

  13. *Egan KE, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Students‘ Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at International Pediatric Association meeting, Johannasburg, South Africa, August 2010.

  14. *Egan KE, Moreno MA. Alcohol and Stress: Undergraduate Males’ Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at International Pediatric Association meeting, Johannasburg, South Africa, August 2010.

  15. Moreno MA, Brockman LN, Wasserheit J, Christakis DA. Adolescents’ Sexual Reference Display is Associated with Sexual Intention. Poster presentation at European Society for Sexual Medicine, Lyon, France, November, 2009.

  16. *Brockman, LN, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Online Display of Sexual References is Associated with Interacting with Strangers Online. Poster presentation at European Society for Sexual Medicine, Lyon, France, November, 2009.


  1. *Grant AM, Moreno MA. Social norms and social networking sites: The role of Facebook in predicting alcohol use among first-year college students. Panel presentation at Research Society on Alcohol. Bellevue, WA: June, 2014.

  2. *Arseniev A, Moreno MA. Peer influences on undergraduates’ intention to get drunk by communication format. Panel presentation at Research Society on Alcohol. Bellevue, WA: June, 2014.

  3. *Whitehill JM, Rivara FP, Moreno MA. Patterns in drunk-driving references on Twitter: A Content Analysis. Panel presentation at Research Society on Alcohol. Bellevue, WA: June, 2014.

  4. *Kerr B, Moreno MA. College students’ displays of Facebook alcohol use references and digital communication to parents. Panel presentation at Research Society on Alcohol. Bellevue, WA: June, 2014.

  5. *Yaeger JF,Moreno MA. Age and Setting at First Drink. Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 2014.

  6. *Kelleher E, Giampetro P, Moreno MA. Marfans and social media. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society meeting. Vancouver, BC, May 2014.

  7. *Selkie E, Kota R, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying and Depression among female college students: A Multisite study. Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society meeting, Vancouver, BC, May 2014.

  8. *Pumper MA, Kerr B, Brockman LN, Whitehill JM, Moreno M A. Suicide disclosures on Twitter: Steps toward alternative prevention methods. Society of Pediatric Psychology. March 2014, Philadelphia, PA

  9. Doornwaard S, Moreno MA, van den Eijnden R, Vanwesenbeeck Ine, Bogt T. Dutch Adolescents’ Online Self-Presentation: Sexual and Romantic Reference Displays on Facebook. Society for Research on Adolescence Poster Session, March 20, 2014, Austin, TX.

  10. *Selkie E, Kota R, Moreno MA. Relationship between cyberbullying experiences and depressive symptoms in female college students. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, poster session, March 2014, Austin, TX.

  11. *Breuner M, Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Music to my ears: Connections between club drugs and electronica viewed through Facebook. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, poster session, March 2014, Austin, TX.

  12. *Selkie E, Kota R, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying Behaviors Associated with Depression in Female College Students. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Poster Session, March 2014, Ann Arbor, MI.

  13. *Pumper MA, Selkie E, Whitehill JM, Moreno MA. Discussions of depression on Twitter?: A content analysis study. Depression on College Campuses Conference, Poster Session, March 2014, Ann Arbor, MI.

  14. Cox, ED., Fritz KA, Kristofer W. Hansen, Roger L. Brown, Wiles KE, Fate HV, Young HN, and Moreno MA. “Development and Validation of PRISM: A Survey Tool to Identify Diabetes Self-Management Barriers.”   Pediatric Endocrine Society Presidential Poster Session, May 3, 2013, Washington, DC.

  15. *Koff RN, Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Youth on YouTube: Older Adolescents and User-Generated Substance use Information Online. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  16. *Bush KA, Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Trends in Tobacco and Marijuana Use Among College Freshmen. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  17. Pollock AJ, Moreno M A, Bekx MT, Connor E. Online resources for pediatric Type 1 Diabetes. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  18. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Alcohol Dependence and Facebook: A Retrospective Longitudinal Study. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  19. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Low-risk college drinkers: Changes in attitude, intention and behaviors toward alcohol during the freshmen year. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  20. *D’Angelo JD, Moreno MA. Older Adolescents, Collegiate Drinking and Influence on Facebook. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  21. *Jelenchick LA, Eickhoff J, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. The Problematic and Risky Internet Use Screening Scale (PRIUSS): A New Tool For Assessing Problematic Internet Use in Adolescents. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  22. *Whitehill JM, Rivara FP, Moreno MA. Impaired Driving Among College Students: Alcohol, Marijuana and Nonmedical Prescription Drug Use. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  23. *Kota R, Schoohs S, Moreno M A. How Young is Too Young? College Students’ Views of Youth Facebook Use. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  24. *Goniu N, Jelenchick LA, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Association between internet use and physical activity among college students; An Experience Sampling Approach. Oral presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  25. *Carberry D, Ehlenbach M, Lee-Miller CE, Moreno MA. Emotionally Charged Situations in Pediatric Residency: Using Mixed Methods to Identify Prevalence and Common Themes Towards Program Development. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society, Washington, DC, May 2013.

  26. *Kerr B, Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Facebook Deactivation: Frequency and Associated Factors Among College Students. Poster presentation at Society for Research In Child Development, Seattle, WA, May 2013.

  27. Moreno MA, Stewart MW, Young HN, Cox ED, Zhang C, Eickhoff J. Facebook use during a stressful event: A Pilot Evaluation investigating Facebook use patterns and biologic response. Oral presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  28. Moreno MA, Jelenchick LA. Problematic Internet Use concept map. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  29. *Jelenchick LA, Moreno MA. Problematic Internet Use among Older Adolescents: A Conceptual Framework. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  30. *Kerr B, Moreno MA. Parent Access to College Students’ Alcohol Displays on Facebook. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  31. *Kota R, Shoohs Si, Moreno MA. College Students’ Alcohol Use and the Media: Recalling Counter Alcohol Advertisements. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  32. *Goniu N, Moreno MA. Increased Risk for Anxiety among college students with ADHD. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  33. *Whitehill JM, Moreno MA. College Students’ Preferences for Communication about Depression Disclosures on Facebook. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  34. *Stewart MW, Moreno M A. Changes in Attitudes, Intentions and Behaviors toward Tobacco and Marijuana during students’ first year of college. Poster presentation at the 2013 Social for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, Atlanta, GA, March 2013.

  35. *Peters M, Moreno MA. An Evaluation of Sources of Stress in the Current Education of Pediatric Residents: A Qualitative Study. Poster presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

  36. Moreno, MA., Kota, R, McIntosh, GC., Frohna, JG. PEARLs of Wisdom: Impact of a New Block Conference on Pediatric Residents’ Attendance, Satisfaction, and Learning. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Societies, Boston, Massachusetts, April, 2012.

  37. *Bare KA, Moreno MA. Internet Safety Education in the Clinic Setting: A Pilot Intervention. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Annual Conference, Boston, MA, April 2012

  38. *Jelenchick LA, Eickhoff J, Moreno MA. Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder Symptoms and Problematic Internet Use in Older Adolescents: An Experience Sampling Approach. Accepted for presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

  39. *Brockman LN, Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Hookah Displays on Facebook: Do online hookah references represent tobacco or marijuana use? Accepted for presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

  40. *Yaeger JP, Wagner SM, Howard CiR, Conway JH, Moreno MA. Update on Pediatric Global Health Education: Correlation of Websites and Curricula. Accepted for presentation at the 2012 Pediatric Academic Societies’ Annual Meeting. Boston, MA.

  41. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Perception, Influence and Social Anxiety Among Adolescent Facebook Users. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 2012.

  42. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook: Advertisements in response to content. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 2012.

  43. *Koff RN, Pumper MA, Moreno MA. “You Drink!” On You Tube. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 2012.

  44. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. College Resident Advisor Involvement and Facebook Use: A Mixed Methods Approach. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine, New Orleans, LA, 2012.

  45. *Grant AM., Brown BB, & Moreno MA. Drinking to Make Friends: Exploring the Links Between Social Drinking Motives, Alcohol Use, and Positive Social Outcomes. Poster presented at the Research Society on Alcoholism annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 2011.

  46. Moreno MA, Egan KG, Christakis DA. Displayed alcohol on social networking sites. Research symposium presentation. Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, June 2011.

  47. *Gannon KE, Moreno MA. Religion and Sex on Facebook: A Longitudinal Study of College Freshmen. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2011.

  48. McIntosh G, Moreno MA, Frohna JG. Assessing the Need To Transform a Residency Core Curriculum. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2011.

  49. *Jelenchick LA, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Reversing Gender Roles: Social Networking Sites and Problematic Internet Use among Adolescents. Poster presentation at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Meeting, March 2011. 

  50. *Mikulec EJ, Moreno MA, Carrel AG, Allen DB. Adolescents’ Views on Weight Concerns and Technologies to Promote and Improve Fitness. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  51. *Koff RN, Swanson MJ, Moreno MA. Please drink responsibly: Older adolescents recollection of alcohol health marketing messages. Poster presentation at Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine Meeting, March 2011.

  52. *Kolpa E, Moreno MA. Relationship of weight references to mental health and stress references on college freshman facebook profiles. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  53. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Alcohol on undergraduate males’ Facebook profiles. Poster presentation at *Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  54. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Internet safety education. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  55. *Grant AM, Brown, BB, Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Drinking to Make Friends: A Mixed-Methods Approach to Exploring the Links Between Alcohol Use and Social Motives in College Freshmen.  Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Meeting, March 2011.

  56. Moreno MA, Jelenchick LA, Pumper MA, Grant AM, Richardson LP. Depression disclosures on Facebook: Associations with self-report and peer perception. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  57. Moreno MA, Egan KG, Becker T, Brockman LN, Swanson MJ, Christakis DA. Associations between displayed alcohol references on Facebook and Self-Reported Problem Alcohol Use. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  58. Moreno MA, Mikulec EJ, Koff RN, Lederer MA, Carnes ML. Self-promoters and stalkers: gender differenes in SNS use among older adolescents. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine annual meeting, March 2011.

  59. Moreno MA, Brockman LN, Wasserheit J, Christakis DA. Adolescents’ Online Sexual Reference Display is Associated with Sexual Intention. Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  60. *Brockman LN, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Social networking websites: A New Venue for Interacting with At-Risk Teens? Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  61. Moreno MA, Royer H, Swanson MJ, Roberts L. Sexpectations: Male College Students’ Views about Sexual References Displayed on Society Networking Web Sites by Female Peers. Poster presentation at Pediatic Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  62. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Students‘ Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  63. *Swanson MJ, Pierce D, Moreno MA. Investigating Bartenders' Views on Identifying Minors and Participating in Prevention Efforts for Underage Drinking: A Pilot Study. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  64. *Gannon KE, Moreno MA. The Transition to College Life: An Investigation of the Changes in Displayed Health Behaviors on Facebook. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2010.

  65. Moreno MA, Brockman LN, Christakis DA. “Oops, I did it again:” A Content Analysis of Adolescents’ Displayed Sexual References on MySpace. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Medicine Meeting, March 2009.

  66. Moreno MA, Briner LR, Williams A, Walker LH, Christakis DA. Poster presentation at Motivations, Associations and Consequences: A Content Analysis of Adolescents’ Displayed Alcohol References on MySpace. Society for Adolescent Medicine Meeting, March 2009.

  67. Moreno MA, Briner LR, Williams A, Walker LH, Christakis DA. Real Use or “Real Cool:” Adolescents Speak Out About Displayed Alcohol References on MySpace.” Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Medicine Meeting, March 2009.

  68. Moreno MA, VanderStoep A, Zimmerman FJ, Parks MR, Kurth A, Christakis DA. A Randomized Pilot Intervention to Reduce At-Risk Adolescents’ Online Risk Behavior Display on a Social Networking Web Site. Platform presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2008.

  69. Moreno MA, Richardson LP. What are adolescents showing the world about themselves on MySpace? Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2007.

  70. Moreno MA, Breuner CC, Lozano P. Provocative questions in parochial sex education classes: Higher Incidence in Younger Teens. Poster presentation at Society for Adolescent Medicine Meeting, March 2007.

  71. Moreno MA, Wright CJ, McIntosh G, Corden TL, Katcher ML. Resident Competencies Following an Advocacy Curriculum: Acquisition of Skills Versus Knowledge. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2004.

  72. Wright CJ, Moreno MA, McIntosh G, Corden TL, Katcher ML. Development of an Advocacy Program for Pediatric Residents. Poster presentation at Pediatric Academic Society Meeting, May 2003.


  1. *Brockman LN, Christakis DA, Moreno MA. Friending adolescents on social media: a feasible research tool. Presented at Children’s Health Services Research Symposium. Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.

  2. *Goniu N and Moreno MA. Comparison of Internet Distraction Among College Students With and Without ADHD. Poster presentation at the UW System Symposium, Kenosha, WI, April 2012.

  3. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. The rural healthcare provider: Barriers and Benefits to their practice. . Poster presentation at the UW System Symposium, Kenosha, WI, April 2012.

  4. *Stewart MW, Moreno MA. Attitude Changes Towards Tobacco and Marijuana in Students’ First Year of College. Poster presentation at UW Systems Symposium. Kenosha, WI, April 2012.

  5. *Bare KA, Moreno MA. Online Safety Education: A Pilot Intervention, Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  6. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. The use of social network sites in healthcare research: Here and abroad. ,Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  7. *Peters M, Moreno MA. An Evaluation of Sources of Stress in the Current Education of Pediatric Residents: A Qualitative Study. Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  8. *Yaeger JP, Wagner SM, Howard CR, Conway JH, Moreno MA. Update on Pediatric Global Health Education: Correlation of Websites and Curricula. Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  9. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook: Advertisements in response to content Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  10. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. College Resident Advisor Involvement and Facebook Use: A Mixed Methods Approach Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Conference, Madison, WI, October 2011

  11. *Jelenchick LA, Grant AM, Koff RN, Moreno MA. Exploring the influence of media use on adolescent mental health. 2011 Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting. Madison, WI

  12. *Jelenchick LA, Moreno MA. Assessing problematic Internet use in US college students. 2011 Midwest Society for Pediatric Research Annual Meeting. Madison, WI

  13. *Mikulec EJ, Goniu, N, Brockman LN, Moreno MA. Urban, Suburban, and Rural: Adolescents’ Use and Preferences for Fitness Promotion Technologies Across Communities. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Madison, WI, October 2011.

  14. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Association between depression and alcohol use in college students. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, October 2010.

  15. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Adolescents’ display of depression on Facebook: The Key to Diagnosis? Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, October 2010.

  16. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Gender differences in status updates indicating depression. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, October 2010.

  17. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Alcohol and Stress: Undergraduate Males’ Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Iowa City, Iowa, October 2010.

  18. *Grant AM, Moreno MA. Drinking to Make Friends. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research, Iowa City, Iowa, October 2010.

  19. Moreno MA Brockman LN, Wasserheit Judy, Christakis Dimitri A. Adolescents’ Sexual Reference Display is Associated with Sexual Intention. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research. October, 2009.

  20. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Freshmen’s Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research. October, 2009.

  21. *Gannon KE, Moreno MA. Display of Risk and Protective Helath Behaviors on Incoming Freshmen Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Midwest Society for Pediatric Research. October, 2009.


  1. *Sulakvelidze N, Moreno MA. Improving Alcohol Interventions on UW's Campus: The College Student Perspective. Presented at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium as a poster. Seattle, WA, May 2014. 

  2. Yi Annie, Moreno MA. Social Media Information Consumption and Relay: Analysis of Legalization of Marijuana on YouTube. Presented at the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium as a poster. Seattle, WA, May 2014. 

  3. *Kelleher E, Moreno MA. Adolescents’ displays of depression and stress on social media websites: Their call for help. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  4. *Kelleher E, Giampietro P, Moreno MA. The use of social media in adolescents’ with Marfan Syndrome and related connective tissue disorders. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  5. *Kota R, Schoohs S, Turkstra L, Benson M, Moreno MA. Cyberbullying among college students. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  6. *Pollock AJ, Moreno MA, Bekx MT, Connor En. Online resources for pediatric Type 1 Diabetes. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  7. *Stewart MW, Moreno MA. Changes in Attitudes, Intentions and Behaviors toward Tobacco and Marijuana during students’ first year of college. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  8. *Goniu N, Moreno MA. Increased risk of anxiety among college students with ADHD. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  9. *Peck E, Moreno MA. Tobacco use among adolescents: Contributions of social media. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  10. *Wachowski LA, Moreno MA. A Failure to Communicate? Older adolescent females’ views in response to males’ sexpectations. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  11. *VanNingen A, Rifkin A, Moreno MA. Assessing the effectiveness of resident quality improvement projects: Using acute otitis media as an example. Oral presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  12. *Schoohs S, Moreno MA. College student alcohol use and the media: Recalling counter alcohol advertisements. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  13. Magnuson K, Shadman KA, Moreno MA, Holz D. Improving the efficiency, effectiveness, safety and patient satisfaction of admissions for medical stabilization of patients with an eating disorder. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  14. *Bush K A, Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Trends in Tobacco and Marijuana Use Among College Freshmen. Oral presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  15. *Carberry D, Ehlenbach M, Lee-Miller C, Moreno MA. Emotionally Charged Situations in Pediatric Residency: Using Mixed Methods to Identify Prevalence and Common Themes Towards Program Development. Poster presentation at University of Wisconsin Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2013.

  16. *Trainor ME, Moreno MA. First drink dilemma: Associations between age and context of first alcohol experience and problem alcohol use. Shapiro Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison. October 2012.

  17. *Krueger L, Moreno MA. Understanding motivations and desired interventions for displayed references to mental health problems among college students on Facebook. Shapiro Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison. October 2012.

  18. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. The use of social network sites in healthcare research: Here and abroad. Oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  19. *Schoohs S, Moreno MA. Facebook and the college student: A stress creator or stress reliever? Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  20. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. The rural healthcare provider: Barriers and Benefits to their practice. Oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  21. *Stewart MW, Moreno MA. Attitude Changes Towards Tobacco and Marijuana in Students’ First Year of College. Undergraduate Research Symposium. Madison, WI, April 2012.

  22. *Davis, A, Moreno MA. Healthy texts, healthy you? Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  23. *Klunk S, Moreno MA. Twitter: A viable source for health and news information? Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  24. *Wachowski LA, Moreno MA. Implications of body image and Facebook. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  25. *Goldish JA, Moreno MA. The relationship of stress, anxiety and depression with academic achievement among college students. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  26. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. The influence of Facebook on Alcohol consumption of college freshmen. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April 2012.

  27. *Goniu, N and Moreno MA. Comparison of Internet Distraction Among College Students With and Without ADHD. Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April 2012.

  28. *Bare KA, Moreno MA. Online Safety Education: A Pilot Intervention, Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2012.

  29. *Jelenchick LA, Eickhoff J, Moreno MA. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Problematic Internet Use in Older Adolescents: An Experience Sampling Approach. Department of Pediatrics Research Day, April 2012.

  30. *Kota, R, Moreno MA. The Prevalence and Nature of Cyberbullying Among College Students. Poster presentation at Population Health Sciences Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, March 2012.

  31. *Mara SW, Moreno MA. Influence of Self-Acceptance Campaigns on Adolescents. Poster presentation at Doctoberfest: Health and the Future. Madison, WI, October 2011

  32. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook: Advertisements Generated in Response to Profile Content. Presented in poster format at the Wisconsin Promoting Health Conference on June 8, 2011.

  33. * Mara SW, Moreno MA. Influence of Self-Acceptance Campaigns on Adolescents. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium. Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  34. *Davis A, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook? Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April, 2011.

  35. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Views of depression references by peers. Oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April, 2011.

  36. *Koff RN, Swanson MJ, Moreno MA. Please drink responsibly: Older adolescents recollection of alcohol health marketing messages. Oral presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, April, 2011.

  37. *Schanker J and Moreno MA. Internet Addiction: Social networking sites and college students. Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  38. *Klunk S, Moreno MA. Facebook as a coping mechanism. Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  39. *Steger S, Moreno MA. Is sexual content consuming primetime media? Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  40. *Zubella H, Moreno MA. Facebook and self esteem among college freshmen. Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  41. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Fitness on Facebook: Advertisements Generated in Response to Profile Content. Presented in oral format at the Undergraduate Research Symposium in Madison, WI on April 12, 2011.

  42. *Bare KA, Moreno Megan. Online Safety Education for Parents and Children, University of Wisconsin Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April 2011

  43. *Goniu Natalie and Moreno, Megan. Media’s and Parent’s Influence on Adolescent Nutritional Habits. Poster presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium, Madison, WI, April, 2011.

  44. *Villiard HA, Moreno MA. Association between depression and alcohol use in college students. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2010.

  45. *Pumper MA, Moreno MA. Adolescents’ display of depression on Facebook: The Key to Diagnosis? Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2010.

  46. *Kacvinsky LA, Moreno MA. Gender differences in status updates indicating depression. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2010.

  47. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Alcohol and Stress: Undergraduate Males’ Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2010.

  48. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Online Safety Education. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2010.

  49. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Alcohol references on undergraduate males’ Facebook profiles. University of Wisconsin School of Nursing Research Fair, April 2010.

  50. Moreno MA, Brockman LN, Wasserheit Judy, Christakis Dimitri A. Adolescents’ Sexual Reference Display is Associated with Sexual Intention. Platform presentation at Center for AIDS Research, University of Washington, Dec 2009.

  51. *Egan KG E, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Freshmen’s Facebook Profiles. Population Health Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, August 2009.

  52. *Selkie ES, Moreno MA. New Uses of Technology for Public Health. Poster presentation at Public Health Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. May 2009.

  53. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Freshmen’s Facebook Profiles. Posters in the Rotunda, Madison, WI, April 2009.

  54. *Egan KG, Moreno MA. Prevalence of Stress References on College Freshmen’s Facebook Profiles. Poster presentation at Undergraduate Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April 2009.

Invited research presentations
International conference presentations

August 2014 Dec@de conference: “Problematic Internet Use,” Singapore

August 2014 Dec@de conference: “Depression disclosures on social media sites,” Singapore

June 2013 Online, donc I am, University Lausanne “Social media and Adolescent Health,” Lausanne, Switzerland

Dec 2012 Excellence in Paediatrics Conference, presentation: “Problematic Internet Use,” Madrid, Spain

Dec 2011 Excellence in Paediatrics Conference, presentation: “Social networking sites and adolescent health,” Istanbul, Turkey

Nov 2009 European Society for Sexual Medicine, roundtable presentation: “Adolescence: The mass media and the web,” Lyon, France

National conference presentations

June 2014 Research Society on Alcoholism panel session, “Social media and alcohol research,” Bellevue, WA

May 2014 American Psychological Association Presidential Plenary, “Social media and adolescent health: A tale of 4 depression studies,”

San Francisco, CA

May 2014 Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, plenary session: “Problematic Internet Use, Harm or Hype?” Vancouver, BC

Feb 2013 University of Michigan Center for College Student Depression Annual Conference, “College Students’ Communication about Depression on Social Media,” Ann Arbor, MI.

May 2012 Society for Prevention Research Pre-Conference, “Social Media and prevention science”, Washington, DC

Oct 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics, presentation: “Social networking sites and adolescent health,” Boston, MA

Oct 2011 Pediatric Research in Office Settings presentation: “Social networking sites and adolescent health,” Boston, MA

May 2010 Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, plenary session: “Children, Adolescents and the Media,” Vancouver, BC

National Institutes of Health and Institute of Medicine presentations

Sept 2014 Wednesday Afternoon Lecture Series, “Adolescent Health and Social Media,” Bethesda, MD

Feb 2014 NIDA brown bag presentation, “Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook,” Bethesda, MD

April 2013 Institute of Medicine panel presentation, “Social networking sites and Adolescent Health: An Overview,” Washington, DC

August 2012 NIDA Prevention Research Seminar: “Adolescent health and social media,”

Bethesda, MD

Sept 2010 NIAAA workshop: Exploring the potential of social networking sites for interventions, presentations: “Alcohol representations on Facebook” and “Intervention possibilities”

March 2010 Staff Training in Extramural Programs workshop: Blogspot and Facebook and Twitter, Oh, My!

The Potential of Social Networking Tools for Public Health Research. “Exploring Mental Health using Facebook,” Bethesda, MD

Jan 2010 Exploring Interconnections workshop hosted by NIDA, “Adolescent health and social networking

web sites,” Bethesda, MD
Keynote speaker presentations

August 2014 Dec@de conference, “Social media and Internet Safety,” Singapore

Jan 2010 University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Shapiro Research Symposium, “Considering Research: Adolescent Health and Social Networking Sites,” Madison, WI

Oct 2009 UW Law School Children’s Justice Project Symposium, “Adolescence 2.0: Social Networking Sites and Adolescent Health.” Madison, WI

August 2009 Waunakee School District Tech Conference, “Internet Safety,” Waunakee, WI

Invited academic audience presentations: International

June 2013 Institute universitaire de medicine sociale et preventive (IUMSP), “Problematic Internet Use in Adolescents”, Lausanne, Switzerland

April 2013 Astrid Lindgren Children’s Hospital, presentation: “Adolescent Health and Social Media: New opportunities and new challenges,” Stockholm, Sweden
Invited academic audience presentations: National

April 2013 University of Wisconsin Madison Grand Rounds, “Research: An Unexpected Journey,” Madison, Wisconsin

May 2012 New York University College of Nursing Grand Rounds, “Risky business? Adolescent sexuality and social networking sites,” New York, NY

Jan 2012 Columbia University Center for HIV, Grand Rounds, “Risky business? Adolescent sexuality and social networking sites,” New York, NY

Feb 2010 Ohio State University Law School: 2010 Symposium on Youth and Social Media, “Social Networking Web Sites: Issues of Health and Safety,” Columbus, Ohio
Invited academic audience presentations: Local and regional

July 2014 Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center, “Marijuana, I-502 and college students,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

June 2014 Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, “Manuscript Writing Groups,” Seattle Children’s Research Institute, Seattle, WA

April 2014 Ethics Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, “Munchausen’s by Internet,” Seattle, Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

April 2014 Western Regional International Health Conference, “Digitizing the deed,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

May 2013 Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development, “Social media and adolescent health: 2013 updates,” Seattle Children’s Research Institute Seminar Day, Seattle, WA

Dec 2013 Grand Rounds, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Adolescent Health and Social Media,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Sept 2012 Seminars in Pediatrics Regional Conference: “Social media 2012: Challenges and Opportunities,” Madison, WI

May 2010 University Health Services, “Facebook and College Student Health,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Feb 2010 Grand Rounds, Department of Pediatrics, “Sexy Media Matter,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Dec 2009 Department of Pediatrics Faculty Meeting, Research Nugget Presentation, “Facebook and Mental Health,” Madison, WI

Dec 2009 COR Adolescent Group Meeting: “Sex, Drugs and Depression,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Sept 2009 BIRCWH Advisory Meeting: “Adolescents’ Sexual References on Facebook,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Sept 2009 Seminars in Pediatrics Regional Conference: “Adolescence 2.0: New media and adolescent health care,” Madison, WI

Sept 2009 Alcohol and Our Learning Environment Symposium, “Alcohol research using Facebook,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

July 2009 UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention: “Exploring adolescent health risk behaviors using social networking web sites,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

July 2009 AQORN: Access, Quality and Outcomes Research Network: “New Approaches to Adolescent Health,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Feb 2009 Grand Rounds, Department of OB/GYN, “Exploring adolescent health behaviors using Social Networking Web Sites,” Meriter Hospital, Madison, WI

Feb 2009 BIRCWH 10th Anniversary Gala: “Exploring adolescent health behaviors using Social Networking Web Sites,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Nov 2008 BIRCWH Advisory Meeting: “Adolescents and Social Networking Web Sites,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

August 2008 COR Adolescent Group Meeting: “Adolescents and Social Networking Web Sites,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

June 2004 Grand Rounds: “Intakes Conference: The Unstructured Morning Report”

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Invited community audience presentations

Sept 2014 Seattle Gynecological Society fall symposium, “Social media and adolescent sexual health,”

Seattle, WA

July 2014 Science Café community talk series, “Adolescent Health and social media,” Seattle Science Center, Seattle, WA

May 2014 Research In Action community talk series, “Adolescent health and social media: Overview of the intersection of health and technology,” Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

August 2011 Waunakee School District Tech Conference, “Internet Safety Interventions,” Waunakee, WI

August 2010 Waunakee School District Tech Conference, “Internet Safety II,” Waunakee, WI

June 2010 Boys and Girls At Risk: “Social media and social networking sites”, UW Extension program, co-presenter with Mike Swanson, Madison, WI

Nov 2009 Bethel Lutheran Church parents’ group: “Adolescents and social networking sites”, Madison, WI

August 2010 Waunakee School District Tech Conference, “Internet Safety” Waunakee, WI

April 2009 TEMPO: Madison Women’s Leadership Group meeting: ““Exploring adolescent health risk behaviors using social networking web sites,” Madison, WI

April 2009 Wednesday Night at the Lab: “Exploring adolescent health risk behaviors using social networking web sites,” Madison, WI

April 2009 PLATO UW extension program: “Exploring adolescent health risk behaviors using social networking web sites,” Madison, WI

Feb 2009 Wisconsin HIV Statewide Action Planning Group regional meeting: “Exploring adolescent health risk behaviors using social networking web sites,” Madison, WI

Community presentations regarding book

Feb 2014 King County Library System Teen Librarians

Feb 2014 Mercy Children’s Hospital Department of Bioethics

Bioethics grand rounds: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Tweetchat: Adolescents’ ethics online

Feb 2014 Holy Family School

Student presentations: Internet safety

Parent presentation: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Feb 2014 Roosevelt High School

Parent presentation: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Jan 2014 University of Wisconsin-Madison Stevens Point College of Professional Studies

Intersection of research and practice: Developing Sex, Drugs “N Facebook

Community presentation: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Jan 2014 Madrona K8 school

Staff presentation: Social media and adolescent health

Student presentations: Internet Safety

Parent presentation: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Nov 2103 Facebook chat: Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook

Nov 2013 Mercer Island Parent Teacher Association: “Drinking, Drugs and Facebook,” Mercer Island, WA

Oct 2013 Exchange Club of Highline: “Sex, Drugs ‘N Facebook,” Burien, WA

Classroom guest lectures regarding research

Sept 2013 Epidemiology seminar: Social media and adolescent health, University of Washington,

Seattle, WA

May 2012 Journalism 201: Introduction to Mass Communication: “Problematic Internet Use,” University of

Wisconsin, Madison, WI

April 2012 Communication Disorders 900: Adolescent Brain and Behavior: “Adolescent Health and Social

networking sites”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

April 2012 Journalism and Mass Communication 176: Media Fluency for the Digital Age: “Adolescent

health and social networking sites”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

March 2011 Population Health Sciences 650033: Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health,

“Adolescent sexual behavior and media influence”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

March 2010 Population Health Sciences 650033: Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health,

“Adolescent sexual behavior and media influence”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Academic presentations and works-in-progress during training

March 2008 Fellow’s Research Day: “A Randomized Pilot Intervention to Reduce At-Risk Adolescents’

Online Risk Behavior Display on a Social Networking Web Site.” Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA

March 2007 Fellow’s Research Day: “What are adolescents showing the world about their health risk

behaviors on MySpace?,” Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center, Seattle, WA

Feb 2007 K30 Grant Program Work in Progress session: “What are adolescents showing the world about

their health risk behaviors on MySpace?,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Nov 2006 Child Health Institute Work in Progress session: “Adolescent sexual risk behaviors,” Child

Health Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Education Administrative Responsibilities
2010-2012 Associate Residency Program Director

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2009-2010 Promotions Committee Member

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2009-2012 Residency Advisory Committee

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2008-2012 Residency Candidate Interviewer

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2009-2012 Adolescent Medicine Resident Rotation: Rotation Director

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

    1. Pediatric Advocacy Committee: Co-chair

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2001-2003 Wisconsin Pediatric Residents’ Advocacy Day: Co-Director

University of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Program

2001-2003 Medical Student Pediatric Interest Group: Resident Leader

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Classroom instruction

Fall 2010 Freshmen Interest Group, Inter-disc-LS-106, Adolescents, Health and Media

School of letters and science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Research teaching presentations
Fellowship presentations

July 2014 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “How to write your first paper”

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

April 2014 Leadership Education in Adolescent Health (LEAH) seminar series, “Adolescent Health and Social Media,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

March 2014 Department of Psychiatry, Child Psychiatry Fellows lecture series, “Depression and social media,” Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, WA

Jan 2014 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “How and why to present at a research conference”

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Sept 2013 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “Work/life balance: Living the myth,”

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

July 2013 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “Fellowship survival skills,”

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

June 2013 Harborview Injury Prevention Trainee lecture series, “Work/life balance: Living the myth,” University of Washington, Seattle, WA

March 2013 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “Building a research team,”

University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Sept 2011 NRSA Fellowship lectures series, “Fellowship survival skills,” University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

Sept 2010 NRSA Fellowship lectures series, “Fellowship survival skills,” University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

March 2010 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “Fellowship survival skills,” University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

March 2009 NRSA Fellowship lecture series, “Fellowship survival skills,” University of Wisconsin-Madison

Madison, WI

Resident presentations

June 2014 Pediatric resident conference, “Adolescent Health and Social Media,” Seattle Children’s Hospital

Seattle, WA

April 2012 Pediatric resident research week conference, “Presenting at a national meeting,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

April 2011 Pediatric resident research week conference, “Presenting at a national meeting,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Feb 2011 Pediatric residents, “Research skills 101,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

Sept 2010 Pediatric residents, “Incorporating research into the residency experience,” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI
Classroom and university guest lectures

May 2012 Health Occupations Students Association: Alcohol Awareness Event: “Clinical and Research

Approaches to Alcohol Misuse,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

May 2012 Genetics Counselor Training Program, “Social media and adolescents,” University of Wisconsin,

Madison, WI

Feb 2011 Physician Assistant Program, “Adolescent Development,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

August 2010 Physician Assistant Program, “Adolescent Development,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Oct 2009 Family Medicine 701: Perspectives in Clinical Research, Small group session leader: “Pharmacotherapy trials,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Nov 2009 Family Medicine 701: Perspectives in Clinical Research, Small group session leader: “Health disparities,” University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Adolescent health presentations

International conference presentations

Dec 2013 Excellence in Paediatrics Annual Meeting: Featured speaker. “Eating Disorders in Primary Care.” Doha, Qatar

April 2013 Swedish Paediatric Society Conference, presentation: “The Adolescent Brain,” Karlstad, Sweden
National conference presentations

March 2014 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, plenary Hot Topic session, “Keeping up with the Zuckerbergs, Social media update,” Austin, TX

March 2014 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, workshop, “From Fox News to Facebook, Working with the Media to Promote Adolescent Health,” Austin, TX

March 2014 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine conference, workshop, “Getting Them and Not Letting Them Go: Longitudinal Studies,” Austin, TX

Sept 2013 American Academy of Pediatrics Montana Annual Meeting: Featured speaker. Talks included: “Social networking sites and adolescent health,” “Substance use and Adolescents.”

Big Sky, MT

Nov 2012 American Academy of Pediatrics California Annual Meeting: Featured speaker. Talks included: “Social networking sites and adolescent health,” “Adolescent Development,” “Taking a sexual history with adolescent patients,” and a workshop “Difficult scenarios in pediatrics.”

Las Vegas, NV

May 2009 Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, workshop presentation: “Difficult scenarios in pediatrics”, Baltimore, MD

March 2007 Society for Adolescent Medicine Annual Meeting, workshop “Difficult patient scenarios”

Denver, CO

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