Методичні вказівки до контрольних та самостійних робот з дисципліни "Практика англійської мови" для студентів

Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English paying special attention to the use of past tenses

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Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into English paying special attention to the use of past tenses.
1. Ми дізналися, що наш новий друг був, імовірно, найвідомішим із сучасних художників, що він кинув живопис і, за чуткам зізнався, що ніколи в житті більше не візьме пензель у руки. 2. Коли я снідав, я згадав про роботу, що відкладав протягом деякого часу. 3. У той час, як я готувався до роботи, я почув кроки. 4. Він поцікавився, чи чули ми коли-небудь прo скульптора Джерстона. 5. Усі ці люди хотіли купити мою садову огорожу, тому що вона була пофарбована великим Лотіссом. 6. До кінця другого дня мені пропонували двадцять п'ять тисяч доларів. 7. Він привів мене в кімнату, де виставлялася моя огорожа..
Exercise 12. Translate the sentences, paying special attention to the mean­ing of the words and phrases from the Vocabulary.
1. I had an idea for small hotels, and I persuaded a banker there to finance me. 2. "I want to grade those exams tonight." "Good idea." 3. He unpacked a ridiculous number of books, all with marked passages he could read aloud should he run out of ideas. 4. I pleaded with him to give me some sort of address somewhere to get in touch with him. 5. Look, Danny, I hope we'll stay in touch. 6. Several students dropped by, asked questions that genuinely puzzled them. 7. It's not a crisis exactly, it's more of a puzzle. 8. I was puzzled for several reasons. 9. He was helping Kissinger solve the jigsaw puzzle called world politics. 10- In fact what puzzles me, is why Jastrov's taking Latin in the first place. 11. I'll never say a nasty word about you. 12. "Just keep your eyes and ears open, lad," he explained at the beginning of my first day. 13. His mother couldn't keep from asking why Maria wasn't there. 14. "A woman from Columbia University called me." "Well, could you give me the details on that?" 15. You have to realize that men have been keeping mammals and reptiles in Zoos for hundreds of years. 16. Everyone in the lab knew that Atherton had had some association with Hammond, although the details were never clear. 17. If Mary can put up with just this one visit, it should help to keep the peace. 18. "That's the best atmosphere for getting new ideas," she commented. 19. It was quite dark now and he could hardly make out details.
Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences using "except" or "besides" according to the sense. Note the scheme.

'за винятком, крім except

рім, на додаток доbesides
1. Крім того, що вони сфотографували Бетсі, мене, наш будинок, вони попросили в подробицях розповісти про візит цього відомого художника. 2. Він, здається, не знає жодної іноземної мови, крім англійської. 3. Крім англійської мови, він знає ще французьку й німецьку. 4. Я зайнятий усі дні тижня, крім неділі. 5. Який у вас ще вільний день, крім неділі? 6. Нам не вдалося ні з ким поспілкуватися, крім секретаря. 7. Вони погодились із усіма внесеними доповненнями, крім останнього. 8. Які ще книги Моема, крім роману "Театр", ви читали англійською мовою? 9. Під час подорожі до Парижа, крім музеїв і картинних галерей, ми відвідали й театри.
Exercise 14. Translate the following sentences, using "run out (of)".

1. Що робити? Закінчується пальне. 2. Наш час минає. Треба вживати термінових заходів (urgent measures). 3. Мітчел не міг знайти роботу. Відкладені на чорний день гроші (saved for a raіny day) давно були витрачені. Йому загрожували злидні (starіng іn hіs face). 4. Що нам робити? У нас закінчуються запаси продовольства. 5. Хлопчик непоганий, але дуже впертий. Коли мати втрачає терпіння, вона дає йому гарний ляпанець (to gіve a good slap). 6. Збігай у молочний магазин за рогом. У нас закінчується молоко. 7. Будеш слухати, що тобі говорять? У мене вже терпець урвався. 8. Де знаходиться тютюновий магазин? У мене закінчуються сигарети.

Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences, using a) "keep doing", b) "keep an eye on smb
a) 1. Він продовжував ставити дурні питання. 2. Він раз у разі запитував, коли приїдуть гості. 3. Він продовжує палити, незважаючи на те, що лікарі заборонили йому. 4. Хлопчик увесь час намагався заглянути в зошит свого сусіда по парті. 5. Він безперестанку повторював, що він ні в чому не винний. 6. Продовжуйте розповідати вашу історію.

b) 1. Мати сподівалася на те, що сусіди доглянуть за дітьми під час її відсутності. 2. Догляньте за багажем, а я пошукаю носія. 3. Не зводь очей з молока, а то воно збіжить (boіl over).

Exercise 16. Use emphatic "do"("did") according to the model and trans­late the sentences.
Model: I got a shock when we walked into the room where my fence was exhibited.

1 did get a shock when we walked into the room where my fence was exhibited.

1. I asked him to keep the truth to himself but he told her everything. 2. How did it happen that he failed the examination? He knew the subject well. 3. You won't believe me, but I want to become a doctor. 4. Read the book, it is well worth reading. 5. He said he would give up smoking and he gave it up. 6. Stop arguing.
Exercise 17. Translate the following sentences, using the construction with emphatic "do".
1. Цікаво, чому його ще немає? Він же обіцяв прийти рано. 2. Хоча він і був дуже зайнятий, він все-таки дотримав свого слова й прийшов проводити нас. 3. Неодмінно відвідайте Британський музей, коли будете в Лондоні. Я знаю, що він справить на вас величезне враження. 4. Будь ласка, розкажіть нам усе докладно. 5. Чому вони гніваються на нього? Він же пропонував їм свою допомогу. 6. Він умовив- таки нас прийняти їхню пропозицію.
Exercise 18. Complete the following sentences according to the model. Give the meaning of "won't/wouldn't". Suggest your own examples.

Model: 1. There is something wrong with the door, it (open).

There is something wrong with the door, it won't open.

2. There was something wrong with the door, it (open).

There was something wrong with the door, it wouldn't open.

1. There is something the matter with the car engine, it (run). 2. Give me your pen please, the one I have (write) with. 3. The child was told not to make a noise, but he (obey). 4. We told him to drop smoking as it was harmful to his health, but he (listen). 5. He was trying hard to build up a fire, but the wood (burn). 6. She wanted to write down on paper what she thought and felt, but the right words (come). 7. We asked him to slow down, but he (listen) to us. 8. She was tired and needed a rest, but she (hear) of it. 9. We wanted to know the reason for his absence, but he (discuss) it. 10. I argued with him but he (look) up from his work.
Exercise 19. Translate the following sentences, using "won't/wouldn't".
1. Йому варто було б серйозно зайнятися своїм здоров'ям, але він і чути про це не хоче. 2. Знаючи, що йому одному важко впоратися із завданням, ми вирішили допомогти йому. Але він нізащо не хотів прийняти нашу допомогу. 3, З нею марно було розмовляти на цю тему, вона вперто мовчала. 4. Ця марка ніяк не приклеюється. Дай, будь ласка, іншу. 5. Я нізащо не заговорю з ним перший. 6. Його явно щось хвилювало, але він ніяк не хотів говорити, у чому справа. 7. Його кілька разів попереджали, щоб він не їздив на такій швидкості, але він і слухати не хотів, поки не потрапив в аварію.
Exercise 20. Choose and insert the correct word or verb-adverb combina­tion in the proper form.
journey — travel(s) — trip — tour — voyage

"trip" — journey, especially a pleasure excursion

□ a long trip to the seaside; a holiday (honeymoon) trip to Venice.

"travel" — a long journey especially in foreign or distant places; is often used in plural

□ He is writing a book about his travels.

'Journey"—a travel from one place to another; a trip of considerable length, wholly or mainly by land;

"travel"is indefinite, "journey"\s definite, with its appointed destination

□ a three days'journey;

□ make a journey half-way round the world.

"tour" — a long journey in which a short stay is made at a number of places in sequence; a round of visits; at the end of the tour the traveller usually returns finally to the place from which he started

□ a round-the-world tour

□ We made a tour round the island.

"voyage " — a journey, especially a long one, by sea, along a river

a voyage from London to Australia;

□ go on a voyage.

1. We were on the Queen Elizabeth, coming back from our first ... to France. 2. In a long ... straw weighs. 3. He had a tedious but easy ... across the Atlantic Ocean. 4. I'd rather see countries with my own eyes than read lots of books on ... . 5. Last year I was on a motor ... . During the twenty-day holiday we visited some six or seven towns. 6. John was off to Milan on a business ... on March 15. 7. It was a ... of over 2,000 miles and took nearly three days.

put out put off put up at put up with put up

"put off" — postpone

□ Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

"put out"a) extinguish, cause to stop burning

□ Be sure to put out the gas (light) before you leave,

b) annoy, worry

□ She was very much put out by the loss of her documents.

"put up " — construct

□ They are putting up several new buildings hi that block.

"put up" (at) — stay, lodge, shelter

□ We can put up at this hotel for a week.

□ I shall be happy to put you up when you come to town.

"put up (with) " — tolerate, stand

□ How do you put up with that noise all day long?

1. I remembered a job I'd been ... for some time. 2. I refuse to ... his carelessness any longer. 3. The firemen worked hard but were not able to ... the fire. 4. The conference was ... until next month. 5. They are tearing down that old building in order to ... a new one. 6. Do you think we'll be able to ... this Youth Hostel?

run out of — run across/into — run against — run down

run over

"run into " a) collide with

□ The bus got out of control and ran into a wall, b) meet unexpectedly

run into an old friend

"run across smb or smth " — meet or find by chance, come across

□ I ran across my old friend Hill in Paris last week.

"run against smb or smth " — come into contact or collision with

□ The ship ran against a rockand was wrecked. "run down " a) be tired, exhausted, ill

□ He is (feels, looks) run down after his examinations,

b) stop working or going

□ The clock has run down.

'run out (ofsmth) " — come to an end, exhaust the supply of

□ We're running out of provisions.

□ Her patience is running out.

"run over" — strike or pass over with a moving car, bus, etc.

He was run over and had to be taken to hospital.

1. It was on the second day that I ... him sitting in a quiet comer on deck. 2. How did the bus driver happen to ... that man? 3. You mustn't hurry along a corridor with your head turned aside or back, otherwise you may ... somebody and knock him down. 4. He's just returned from an expe­dition, that's why he is looking so ... . 5. It seems to me we ... sugar. Will you go and buy half a kilo? 6. I ... Mr. Smith in the park this morning. 7. What's wrong with my watch? It's not working. — I think it... . Wind it up.

give up — give in

"give up " a) stop doing smth; discontinue a habit

□ He gave up painting.

□ You should give up smoking,

b) surrender, sacrifice, part with

give up one's seat to smb (eg, in a crowded bus);

give up a fortress.

□ I give up!

"give in " — stop fighting or arguing, surrender

□ The enemy gave in at last.

□ He has given in to my views.

I give in!

1. We found out that he ... painting. 2. He is not the kind of man who is likely to ... ; he is sure to go on fighting. 3. The plan is unworkable, we've got to ... it ... . 4. She will never ... the idea of working on her own; but for the time being, she may have to ... to the demands of her boss.
Exercise 21. Memorize the following proverbs, sayings and idiomatic ex­pressions and use them in retelling and discussing the text.
I. 1. Art is long, life is short. — Життя коротке, мистецтво вічне.

2. Every man has his hobby-horse. — У кожного свій коник.

3. One good turn deserves another. — За позику віддяка.

4. Tastes differ. —На любов і смак товариш не всяк. Кожний Івась має свій лас.

П. 1. the chance of a lifetime — щасливий випадок, можливість, що надається тільки раз у житті

2. draw (give; paint) a picture (of) — малювати, відтворювати картину ( чого-л.)
Exercise 22. Retell the story according to the following plan using the words and expressions given below.

1. Mr. Gregg meets Lautisse

happen; as follows; on deck; run into smb; alone; give a nasty look; not want to disturb smb; back away; mumble an apology; discover that smb's English is good; approach smb; puzzle over smth; suggest the right word; solve the puzzle; be highly pleased with smb.

2. Lautisse invites Mr. Gregg to his cabin

win the prize; a wallet made of pigskin; be beside oneself with joy; celebrate; introduce oneself as ...; discuss things over a glass of brandy; finally; promise not to breathe a word; give one's real name; make no im­pression on smb; not know a thing about smth.

3. The Greggs learn the truth about their fellow-traveller

talk smth over with smb; be puzzled; make up one's mind; find out smth; consult the ship's librarian; a few innocent questions; drop a name; be surprised to learn that ...; the world's greatest living painter; give up painting; not touch another brush as long as he lived; be delighted; seize the chance; invite smb around for a drink.

4. Lautisse comes to spend a weekend with the Greggs

get to be real friendly; suggest; arrange to spend a weekend with smb; arrive on the noon train; drive; ask if smb wants to do anything in particular; be eager to please smb; have one wish only; sit and relax; show smb about (around); be attentive to smb's wishes.

5. The fence is given a fresh coat of paint

rise early; remember a job; build a fence with one's own hands; one's pride and joy; need a fresh coat of paint; get out a bucket half full of white paint; hear footsteps; decide to postpone the job; seize the brush from smb's hand; show firmness and determination; get on with the job; work fast; be impatient to finish smth; be happy in one's work; do a good job on the fence; have nothing to do but to return to one's papers; let one's guest have his own way.

6. The papers get hold of the story

not hear of or from smb; give an interview; mention smth; (the story) appear in the papers; a reporter; a photographer; rush; be eager to learn every little detail; take notes; take pictures; not miss anything; show particu­lar interest in smth; mark a turning point in one's life.

7. Bargaining over the fence

publicity; give smb a funny feeling; an eventful week; lots of visitors; at first; be at a loss; take smth for a joke; find smth impossible to understand; express one's point of view openly; be worthless as a work of art; make smth clear to smb; a genuine Lautisse; be worth a lot of money; be offered large sums; finally; need time to think smth over.

8. Mr. Gregg really has something to sell

get good advice from smb; talk smb into doing smth; hold an exhibition; be unable to keep from laughing; be cut up into sections; come straight to the point; at the bottom corner; a signature; in black paint; fail to understand smth; offer an explanation; make a great noise; get a good laugh out of smth; shortly before; repay smb for his kindness; play a joke on the public; sell within a month's time.

Exercise 23. Tell the story in the words of:

a) Mrs. Gregg; b) Lautisse; c) a newspaper reporter.

Exercise 24. Give a character sketch of:

a) Mr. Gregg; b) Mrs. Gregg; c) Lautisse.

Exercise 25. Topics for discussion and essays.

1. What attracted Lautisse in the Greggs.

2. Say what particular features of the American national character and life-style the story is meant to illustrate.

3. Write up the story as it might have appeared in the newspapers under the headline: LAUTISSE PAINTS AGAIN.

4. Tell the life story of your favourite painter (writer, composer).
Exercise 26. Fill in with Present Simple or Present Continuous
June: Hi, Mum!

Mum: Hello, June. Where 1) (you/call) from?

June: I 2) _____ (be) at work at the moment. My boss 3) ___ (have) lunch with his wife now. He 4) __ (often/take) her to lunch on Tuesdays.

Mum: Well, why 5) __ (you/phone) ? Is there anything wrong?

June: No, I just want you to know that I 6)__ (come) home next Saturday.

Mum: What time 7) __ (your train/ arrive) in Leeds?

June: It 8) __(leave) London at 11 o’clock and 9) __ (arrive) in Leeds at 2 o’clock.

Mum: See you on Saturday then.
Exercise 27. Underline the correct item.

  1. I see/am seeing that the situation is out of control. 2. The sausages are tasting/taste delicious. 3.Do you enjoy/ Are you enjoying this party? 4. You haven’t said a word all morning. What are you thinking/do you think about? 5. He has/is having a Siamese cat. 6. These flowers are smelling/smell nice. 7. I don’t know/am not knowing where she keeps the keys. 8. Why are you feeling / do you feel your pockets? Have you lost anything? 9. Why do you smell/are you smelling the milk? Do you think it has gone off? 10. Anna is Italian. She is coming/comes from Italy.11. That dress looks/is looking nice on you. 12. Paul listens/is listening to a new record in his room. 13. If you don’t look/aren’t looking at that comic book, I’d like to see it. 14. Joan weighs/is weighing 50 kilos. 15. Mary is/is being very naughty these days.

Exercise 28. Fill in with Present Simple or Present Continuous
Sue: What 1) __ (you/do) now?

Mark: I 2) __ (look) through these old film magazines. Look, here’s an old picture of Jack Nicholson.

Sue: Oh, I 3) ___ (think) he 4)__ (look) awful! And his suit 5) ___ (not/fit) him properly.

Mark: Yes, I 6) __ (agree). And he 7) __ (appear) to be really angry. I wonder what he 8)___ (think) about.

Sue: He 9) __ (be) in that new film that’s on at the Odeon now, isn’t he?

Mark: Yes, I saw it last night. He 10)__(look) very different now. He 11)__ (weigh) a lot more.

Sue: I 12) __ (hope) it’s a good film. I 13) __ (see) it tonight. Stuart 14) __(take) me. Actually, he 15) __(be) very nice to me these days.

Mark: He probably 16) __ (want) to borrow some money.

Sue: I 17) __ (see). That explains it.
Exercise 29. Fill in: yet or already
Mike: Haven’t you cleaned the bathroom 1)__ ?

Chis: Stop complaining! You’ve 2)__ asked me that three times today. Why is it so important?

Mike: I’ve 3) __ told you. My parents are coming to stay this weekend.

Chris: Well, don’t worry! They haven’t come 4) __ , have they? Anyway, it’s not my turn to clean the bathroom. I’ve 5) __ done it this month.

Mike: That’s not true. You’ve been living here for nearly a year and I haven’t seen you do any cleaning 6)___.
Exercise 30. Fill in: since or for

John and Nora have been married 1) __ 20 years. They have been living in New York 2) __ 1989. John has been working on Wall Street 3) __ four years and he has made a lot of money 4)__ he started working there. Norma hasn’t worked 5)__ they moved to New York but she has been writing a book 6) __ the past two years. She has had a lot of spare time 7)__ their son left home four years ago to work in France.

Exercise 31. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

Dear Linda,

I’m glad to hear you that you are enjoying yourself in Australia. Things at home are the same as usual. Your father 1)__ (work) very hard. Susan 2) __ (just/pass) her driving test. Alex 3) __(not/write) for weeks, probably because he 4__ (study) very hard for his exams. Uncle Tom 5)__ ( build) a shed in the garden. I think it will be ready next month. Mr Brown 6)_(not/feel) well recently. He 7)__ ( visit) the doctors four times this month. The dog 8)__(have) three puppies. Mrs Smith 9)_(not/open) her new shop yet. The decorators 10)__( paint) it for weeks. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia. 11)___( you/see) the famous Opera House yet? Tina sends her love. Write to me soon.

Love, Mum

Exercise 32. Fill in with Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Arthur: I 1) __ (search) for a house for a week now but so far I 2)__(not/find) anything suitable.

Sandra: Why 3) __(you/want) to move?

Arthur: Well, the people living next to me 4)___ (be) the main problem. They 5)___(always/argue), especially at night.

Sandra: Oh dear! 6) ___ (you/ever/complain) to them?

Arthur: Yes, but they 7)__(keep on) making noise. I 9)__(not/be able) to sleep well lately, and I 10) __(feel) sleepy all week

Sandra: How awful!
Exercise 33. Fill in with Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

Robinson Crusoe has been struck on a desert island for the past six months. Here is a letter he wrote and put in a bottle:

Dear Anybody,

I 1)__(be) on this island for six months now. It is a miracle that I 2) __(survive) for this long. I 3)__(eat) fish and fruit since I got here. Fortunately, I 4)__(not/see) any dangerous animals yet. When I arrived here the weather was fine, but it 5)__(rain) continuously for the past two weeks, so I 6)__(build) a shelter out of sticks and leaves, which is really quite cosy. My main problem is loneliness, as I 7) __(not/speak) to anyone for so lon g. Recently I 8) ___(talk) to myself, but it isn’t very interesting. Please help me.


Exercise 34. Fill in with Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous

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