Michael Louis Scott June 1997 to Date

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Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 9:30 P.M.:  I received my Compulabel Business Cards http://www.compuforms.com/business.htm via UPS this afternoon at 3 P.M..  Thus it was a very speedy delivery from New Jersey via UPS in less than 36 hours since I ordered them.  I was up at 7 A.M., and I watched the Memorial Ceremony for Ronald Reagan from the U.S. Capitol.  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry jam, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I will now use the Microsoft Home Publishing 2000 program to print out some business or calling cards on my Minolta QMS PagePro 1250W laser printer.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 11:50 A.M.:  I ate a peanut butter sandwich with iced tea.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 11:35 A.M.:  I went out, and I chatted with a couple of neighbors.  It is hot out, and it is suppose to go up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit today, but it is not suppose to last http://www.weather.com/weather/local/06830?lswe=06830&lwsa=WeatherLocalUndeclared .  It is suppose to be cooler for the next ten days.  I checked my mail, and I got my electricity bill that I do not have to pay.  I mentioned to a neighbor that when it is hot like today, one can take 1/8th of a teaspoon of India Hot Curry and put it in 6 to 8 ounces of chilled tomato juice and mix it, and the India Hot Curry helps one not feel the heat, and the tomato juice helps one not taste the curry to much.  If one has not forgotten about it, the tropical weather season will be coming up soon, and it might once again effect points further north http://www.geocities.com/mikelscott/weather.htm .  I saw Dragon Flies last Saturday when I was at Tod's Point, and that is a sure sign of tropical weather.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 11:00 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I drove down by the waterfront.  I took my deck chair out of the back of my Hyundai hatch back, and I sat out for a while on the pier on Steamboat Road.  I chatted with a couple of other waterfront observers.  I can not figure out whether the electricity was off this morning at 1:30 A.M. when it appeared all of the electricity was off in the Belle Haven section of town.  Possibly with the hot weather we have rolling brown outs.  I checked the oil level on my car, and it is still fine.  I still have about 500 miles to drive, before I am due for an oil change.  I next sat out for a while downtown.  I then went by Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I next went by the Greenwich Hospital Thrift shop.  I bought for $10 about a 10 foot by about 5 foot white quilted linen chair throw.  I saw someone wearing a shirt from the Million Dollar Cowboy bar in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.  I mentioned that I thought the original bar of that same name was in Cody, Montana.  However, I think there is also a Cody, Wyoming.  I then returned directly home.  I put the white linen quilted throw on the French reproduction sitting chair at my apartment entrance next to the Danish bar.  It looks quite presentable, and fits well.  I possibly could also use it on the day bed, but I have a nice Navajo blanket on the day bed.  I called up the credit department at Connecticut Light and Power www.cl-p.com at 1-800-286-2828, and they told me if I send a copy of my CTE, Inc. Energy Program grant letter, I would not have to make any more electricity payments until my grant was used up, although it has not been yet received.  I generally like to have some spare funds in the summer when I am more active.  I drank some iced tea.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 6:30 A.M.:  I went through part of my email.  For today http://www.weather.com/outlook/health/allergies/weather/tenday/06830 , and it is suppose to be hot, so I will go out now for a little cooler morning air.  I will now shut down the computer.  Quote of the day, "Every new day begins with  possibilities.  It is up to us to fill it with the things that move us towards progress and peace." Ronald Reagan.  On a computer maintenance note, I actually enjoy warmer weather, but when maintaining computers that generate heat, it is important to keep them cooler with air conditioning on warmer days, so I thus keep my apartment General Electric Profile 15,500 BTU air conditioner with remote control set at 72 degrees Fahrenheit, and on the warmer days, I set it at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 5:40 A.M.:  I took out the six inch square mahogany box with glass ashtray in it from the top left shelf of the bookcase cupboard, and I put it on the maple side table in between the two hurricane glass shades with brass candle sticks and candles in them.  It freed up a little space in my cupboard bookcase for the items that I just bought.  The computer system seems to be running just fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 5:10 A.M.:  I did a System Restore to last Saturday June 5, but the Logitech Wireless mouse kept misbehaving.  I put in two new AAA Energizer Alkaline batteries, but it still did not work.  However, the Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard are made in China, and in Asia, the AAA batteries have a longer positive pole.  I have installed little slips of paper in the Logitech Wireless mouse to push out the wire contacts a small fraction, so they make contacts with American batteries.  However, one of the wire contacts had slipped down and was not making contact.  I raised it up with the small pieces of paper behind it, but it went back down when I installed the battery.  I used my small eye glasses screw driver to pry it up further into position, and it is now working just fine.  I have it set to Channel 1, and with the new batteries and the contacts in position, it seems to be working just fine.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/09/04  Wednesday 4:20 A.M.:  I went out after the last message.  I ran Norton Anti Virus 2004 on the primary computer while I was out, but it had frozen up when I returned on a Cache folder.  Still the system ran fine after I rebooted.  Possibly power saving features interfered with the program.  I also had mouse problems after the last message, and when I rebooted without the cable modem turned on, they still occurred.  On my Logitech wireless mouse, I switched from channel 2 to channel 1.  I then cleaned up, and I went out.  I walked the entire length of Greenwich Avenue, and I sat out at various locations.  It apparently was hot today.  I tried using the ATM at the Greenwich Avenue branch of Putnam Trust Bank of New York, but the machine was temporarily out of order.  I chatted with a Scottish fellow that I have chatted with before, and he was watering the hanging plants on Greenwich Avenue.  He told me the United States of America government is permitting Mexican residents to drive on the highways of the United States of America with Mexican driving permits and registration, which I did not know.  He also said that lots of trucks were being stopped on the Merritt Parkway which is limited to cars because the Mexicans or Latinos can not read the signs in English.  He also told me that one can still obtain Balmoral http://www.balmoralcastle.com/ Scotch whisky Balmoral Castle Whisky in Scotland, and his son had brought some back for him on a recent visit.  I chatted with him about the little bit I know about British affairs.  I then completed my walk.  I drove down by the waterfront, and it was unusual, because all of the houses on the waterfront were dark.  Possibly there was a power outage, but the lights are on here.  I then used the ATM machine at Putnam Trust Bank of New York on Mason Street.  I next drove over to Walgreens www.walgreens.com in Old Greenwich, and I ripped out the store circular coupons for the items that I was interested in purchasing.  With the store coupons, I bought six packages of ACT II microwave popcorn for 3 for a $1, three 3.7 ounce tins of Commander sardines in soy oil for 3 for $2, four 6 ounce cans of Geisha crab meat for $1.50 each, three eight ounce cans of Geisha sliced pineapple for .39 each, three 4 ounce cans of Geisha pieces and stems mushrooms for .39 each, three 5 ounce cans of Armour Vienna sausages for .39 each, three 16 ounce boxes of Deerfield Farms baking soda for .39 each, two 7 ounce cans of Barbasol close shave gel with aloe for .99 each,  a two pack of Walgreen AA heavy duty batteries for .39, a 9 ounce can of Walgreen roasted and salted almonds for $2.99 plus .14 sales tax for $20.18 total.  I saved $12.66 with the Walgreen store coupons and $2.60 on Walgreen advertised specials.  I then returned home, and I drank some iced tea.  I will now put away my purchases.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 11:40 P.M.:  I chatted with a relative.  I made and ate my usual salad www.geocities.com/mikelscott/salad.htm .  Instead of tuna fish, I cut two 5/16 inch thick slices of cold eye round of beef, and I cut them into half inch wide strips, and I used them in the salad.  For the cheddar cheese portion, I use 50% Stop and Shop Wisconsin white cheddar cheese and 50% Cabot's www.cabotcheese.com 50% less fat Vermont white cheddar cheese.  I used all of the other regular ingredients.  I had the salad with a glass of iced tea.  Basically when my family first moved here to Greenwich, Connecticut in 1961, one of our family's original friends in Greenwich owned a cheese company in Wisconsin, which they sold to American Home Products now www.wyeth.com which is involved in a lot of products worldwide, however the individual worked for American Home Products, he might have sold the cheese company to Kraft http://www.kraft.com/ which, also has quite a few other food products besides cheese.  When I last visited Key West, Florida in February 1982, when it was minus 24 degrees Fahrenheit below zero in New York City, I met a man named Steve Bahl whom owned Fennimore Cheese http://www.fennimorecheese.com/ in Wisconsin, which supposedly had a million head of Dairy cows.  Steve looked like Adolph Hitler or Tennessee Williams, but he talked like Tennessee Ernie Ford.  Steve lived above a funeral parlor on Simonton Street near Caroline street in Key West, and he seemed to be escaping the colder weather in Wisconsin, which was probably colder than New York.  I recall Steve seemed to know some of my family from the Midwest, and he seemed to know we are somewhat established.  Thus there is more than one cheese connection in our family.  I will now shut down the computer, and I will clean up, and I will go out for a walk.  CIO     

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 9:25 P.M.:  I logged on to Connecticut Light and Power www.cl-p.com and this month's bill which I have not received yet, does not show that I have been credited with the $535 CTE, Inc. Energy Program that the grant letter that I received from them on January 12, 2004 says that I would be receiving.  I called up Connecticut Light and Power at 1-800-286-2000, and the told me I should call the Connecticut Light and Power credit department at 1-800-286-2828, which is opened week days from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. except 4:30 P.M. on Friday.  I put the grant letter on the dining room table to have available for when I get around to calling.  Possibly I will be awake at 8 A.M. tomorrow morning, so I will make the call then.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 8:55 P.M.:  After the last message, I chatted with a neighbor.  I went to bed, and I was up at 4 P.M..  I ate breakfast of oatmeal, toast with strawberry preserves, orange juice, vitamins, supplements, and coffee.  I went back to bed until 8 P.M..  I watched some television.  I picked up some mail.  I changed my three calendars from May to June.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 6:25 A.M.:  I will now shut down the computer, and I will go to bed soon.  I just noticed when I read the Greenwich Time www.greenwichtime.com that my mouse froze up because of the Java script they put in their web pages, and I had to restart.  Everyone knows that IBM has a lot of too cleaver people in this area whom know quite a bit about computers.  However, as if I do not need to remind IBM, individuals and groups affiliated with business relationships with IBM worldwide can always terminate their agreements should IBM not continue to maintain a professional level of conduct.  I am NOT implying that IBM has put bad code in the Greenwich Time web pages.  What I do know for sure is that because of IBM's notoriety within the computer field, they also attract all sorts of hostile individuals and groups into this area seeking to reek havoc for their own private or personal gain or curiosity.  Thus I do not think the professionals at IBM would be bothered with hacking, but I am sure they have attracted those into the area, whom would take advantage of the situation.  Even today, when my right monitor would not turn on, it might imply that someone had accessed my computer and started it up differently than I normally start it up, which would have caused the right monitor not to function until I reset it.  I have frequently seen evidence of someone tampering with my computer equipment, but realistically with a cable modem open to anywhere in the world and since the systems are so complex, it just as easily could be someone from half way around the world.  As I said before hacking tricks tend to start happening when the children start to get out of school on vacation.  Perhaps we should make the children learn a higher level of professional responsibility, but it could be some other factor like my neighbors next door whom also have computers might be using a wireless mouse and their frequency interferes with my frequency.  With the internet and personal computers, we are talking about thousands of variables, so nothing is absolutely certain.  However, with the cable modem turned off, the problem does not happen, so it would imply that someone outside my immediate environment is accessing my system through the cable modem internet service.  Well time for bed.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 5:55 A.M.:  Of course the weather we experiencing just about now is the same weather that we had about four years ago during the third week of May, so some groups that travel with the weather or so possibly an individual or members of that same group when that incident happened are now in this area traveling north.  I just ate a piece of cheese cake with iced tea.  Generally when one has predator hunters in an area like this during certain times of the season, one also learns to keep predator wolves around, so you better check in with Grey Wolf or White Wolf.  I have learned at night White Wolf security is fairly reliable, since a wolf is good at sniffing out potentially hostile intrusions.  Of course there are more dangerous animals, but wolves are good at working around people.  Well for all I know, the local activity in this area seems slower than normal, so possibly with all the news stories about terrorist threats in this area, people are avoiding this area for better or worse.  Of course it could be just because it is colder than normal for this time of year recently.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 5:25 A.M.:  I have observed the waterfront on Steamboat Road for the last 20 years, since I moved down to Steamboat Road in June of 1984 and lived there for five years.  In 20 years, I have seen just about everyone from around the world down by the waterfront depending on the seasons.  I can recall about two years ago, we had a group of Ecuadorian Headhunters fishing on the pier in July and August, and although I saw them every day, I did not try to pick up casual conversation with them.  I suppose some of the indigenous Indians also return to this area was there traditional Happy Hunting Grounds.  I recall during the third week of May about four years ago, while I was walking south from the parking lot at the southwest picnic area of Tod's Point, someone took a shot at me with a rifle from the waterfront or it appeared to be that.  I reported it in my notes at the time.  I was walking south from the parking lot, and as I was walking underneath the main limb that over hangs the path, a large section of bark fell off the lower side of the limb.  I did not think much of it, but I sat out at about the second picnic bench watching the birds on the waterfront.  As I returned back down the path, I noticed stuck on a galvanized nail about a foot up from the base of the same tree, there was a 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch florescent orange target marker.  I immediately departed the scene, and I informed an under cover police officer whom was stationed in the southwest parking area.  My old 1976 White Volvo was parked behind some bushes at that location, so I was probably not identified with my car.  Whatever, the case I told the gate guard, the Riverside Shopping Plaza post office, the group of police officers playing baseball in Bruce Park, the fishermen at Grass Island, some of the staff at the Indian Harbor Yacht Club, and the Greenwich Library reference librarian.  I am not sure what the purpose was for using me for target practice, but I was much thinner thin, and I was wearing my size 38 Brook Brothers Leather bomber jacket from New Zealand with my olive green Australian bush hat, so I might have been mistaken for someone else at the time whom would have weighed about 170 pounds.  I also called the Greenwich Police Department when I got home.  There was no feed back or inquiry by law enforcement at the time.  However on my own investigations in the same area shortly there after, I did noticed the clamming signs at Tod's Point in the same southwest picnic area had rifle shot holes in them.  It is hard to tell how someone could fire from an opposite shore, unless they were on a boat.  I was warned by one of the local veterans at Grass Island, whom looked like Buddy Epson that, "There Ain't No More Kentucky Wind Anymore", which implied the modern weapons are extraordinarily accurate.  Whatever, the case that same day, there was Ku Klux Klan rally in Connecticut as I recall in either Hartford of Wallingford, and I recall seeing a lot of traffic more than usual in the area.  Current President Bush was on the campaign trail, and that evening he appeared on the news from Kennebunkport, Maine, so possibly he might have been traveling through this area on his way to Kennebunkport.  Since I have a vague resemblance to him particularly at a distance, someone might have staked out this area.  I do not think I was the intended target, since I am one of the most commonly seen people in the Greenwich, Connecticut area.  Whatever, the case it was during that time when people from down south were traveling up north, so possibly I might look like someone from down south associated with this area that people might not like.  Of course when my hair is longer, I also look a little bit like Donald Trump too.  Whatever, the case the bullet holes in the clamming signs at the beach were real, the florescent orange target market at the base of the tree was real, and the large section of bark falling off the base of the tree limb over hanging the park was real.  Thus I feel a little bit more comfortable sitting around the police station downtown in my free time.  Of course the wealthy people in this area can also afford expensive weaponry, so possibly one of their children got into their father's gun rack.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 4:05 A.M.:  Basically as a teenager, I was not too big, so I was not into contact sports.  At age 18, I only weighed about a 125 pounds http://www.geocities.com/mike2scott2003/mls1968.jpg , so when I came back to Greenwich, Connecticut in December 1983, I was up to about 145 pounds at age 33, which was a very healthy weight.  However, sitting in front of the computer for 14 years, although I am somewhat expert at the internet and personal computers, I currently weigh 210 pounds, so I am grossly overweight and out of shape.  I keep trying to lose weight, but from what I can tell, my system must be slowing down, since although I do not eat too much, I have not managed to lose weight.  In about the first two years back in Greenwich, I went from 145 pounds to 230 pounds, and about the time I went to Europe for the Winter Olympics in 1992, I was back down to 165 pounds.  However, I still hope that sooner or later I will lose some weight, if only to have it easier on my joints with arthritis.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 3:35 A.M.:  I ordered a box of a hundred sheets of Avery Style 5371 10 white laser business cards per sheet for a 1000 cards total from this site http://www.compuforms.com/business.htm .  They cost $14.62 with free UPS ground shipping from five different locations and in my case from New Jersey.  When I tried to transfer additional funds from my Bank of New York Savings Account to my Bank of New York Checking Account over the internet, it said that I had exceeded my maximum amount of debits.  I called up the Bank of New York 1-800-CALL-BNY, and they explained to me that I am only allowed six online or telephone debits from my savings account a month, and the rest of them have to be in person at the bank or ATM.  I had enough funds in my Master Card Checking Debit card to cover the purchase, so it went through.  They also explained to me on my Exxon gasoline purchase this past Sunday, the system works by charging one's account a dollar to verify the transaction and then in two to three days the amount of transaction is posted to one's account.  CIO     

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 2:15 A.M.:  I went through my email.  I chatted with a night security official at another location.  CIO 

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 1:45 A.M.:  Of course when I originally walked over to Pennsylvania Avenue from the Hilton, and I walked up Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol, I spotted the trouble makers in the crowds, so on the way down Pennsylvania Avenue in line with the Presidential limousine, I had about a one mile running start to knock down the six 500 pound men.  Thus any physics major could tell one that velocity and a small amount of weigh can upset a much larger weight.  I was going through some personal items, and I noticed a made in China lap watch that was not working.  I put in a new 2025 lithium battery in it, and it still does not work.  I left the new battery in it.  Maybe it will reset itself sooner or later with power.  CIO

Note: <888> 06/08/04  Tuesday 12:45 A.M.:  I was able to finance my political activity because being Scottish and Dutch, I tend to be very frugal.  When I graduated from Lake Forest College www.lfc.edu in June 1972, when I returned to our house outside of Boston, my father gave me a Rolex watch similar to a chronometer http://www.rolex.com/ .  It was silver with a small blue and a small red square, and I never wore it, although it was meant for marine use.  I left it in the drawer in my desk.  Somehow over all of the years of moving it from Greenwich, Connecticut to Greenville, South Carolina, to Norwich, Vermont to Philadelphia and to New Canaan and back to Philadelphia, it disappeared.  At the time I got it, I think it cost $750, so if you look at Rolex's web site, one can see how expensive they are today.  I thought about it recently because I have seen a tall younger fellow wearing the same watch driving a Ferrari.  It sort of makes me think about those old stories that people wearing Rolex watches are usually retired from other more important duties.  Still, I guess I could try to search out from Rolex if they have a record of the watch's number, since each Rolex watch has a unique number.  I recall my father spent a great deal of time in Europe, so more than likely it was purchased in Europe.  If Rolex has a record of the watch, and its current owner, one would be able to figure out how it came to be in someone's else ownership.  I just left it in my desk drawer, and one day it was not there anymore.  Also my 1954 Schwinn bicycle with Bendix brakes in mint condition disappeared in the same moves along with my Superman comics and Harry Truman autograph and World War I brass infantry compass.  Thus when one tries to be politically involved one frequently seems to lose personal belongings, and one seems to get gradually poorer versus private enterprise.  CIO

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