This version of the document replaces all previous versions. The following table describes the most recent changes to this document.
Revision Date
Summary of Changes
June 2, 2016
Renamed the Activity Sequence Service to Hypermedia Proxy Service.
Updated the topic Overview of released microservices and updated the microservices architecture diagram.
Added topics: Brightspace Assignment Grader Transcoding Service, Brightspace Binder Data Store, and EduDentity Authentication Service.
May 5, 2016
Updated topic Feed Service - added reference to the Content as instant notifications have been enabled through the Feed Service when content overview is created or updated.
Updated section Microservices and the Brightspace Data Platform to illustrate the data being transmitted.
March 11, 2016
Renamed "How microservices work with the Brightspace Data Platform" section to "Microservices and the Brightspace Data Platform".
Added a "Microservices and data" section.
Updated information about data transmission and storage in the following sections: "Caliper Gateway Service", "Distributed Event Framework", and "Microservices and the Brightspace Data Platform".
March 3, 2016
Added the Hypermedia Proxy Service topic.
Updated images and related content to show User Info Service dependency.
Added the "Caliper Gateway Service" and "How microservices work with the Brightspace Data Platform" sections.
Updated the "Distributed Event Framework Service" section to indicate how it interacts with the Brightspace Data Platform.
February 4, 2016
Updated the "User Info Service" section to indicate that personalized course names are stored in the service
January 6, 2016
Added a note to the "Feed Service" section to indicate the type of course information that is no longer transmitted through the Feed Service
December 3, 2015
Added the User Info Service
Provided clarification on Auth tokens, device ID, end-user dates, and what the Feed Service stores
November 5, 2015
Updated data transmission and encryption information in "Dates Service" and "Feed Service" sections
October 1, 2015
Update to indicate that Authentication Service is on by default
September 3, 2015
Added proxy server support for the Authentication Service and clarified dependencies in the Microservices architecture diagram
August 6, 2015
Initial Release
As the Brightspace platform continues to improve and evolve, some of its functionality is now delivered using a pattern known as Microservice Architecture. This architecture involves separating software otherwise bundled together into independent and lightweight components (microservices or simply known as services) that communicate across a network (typically, via https) rather than being bundled directly together. The location of each microservice in the Brightspace Cloud is based on many factors including expected usage patterns, availability, resiliency, and dependencies on other microservices. As a result, some microservices reside in D2L data centers or Amazon Web Services™ (AWS). For the most part, the locations of microservices have no end-user impact on how the Brightspace platform is used. Some Brightspace products also use microservices that store data outside of D2L data centers. For example, the Brightspace Data Platform uses AWS for data storage and the Dates Service uses IBM® Cloudant® for database storage. If applicable, data storage considerations are covered as part of the D2L master agreement (MA) and/or amendments.
Development and operations teams at D2L experience many of the direct benefits of microservices, but that change and renewal also lets us further improve experiences and functionality for our users. These benefits flow from one key idea: narrowly focused system components that exchange functional services with other components via well-defined network API boundaries.
The narrowly focused and separated components give our teams the option to employ a variety of technologies and scalability strategies, rather than settling for those intended for combined application. For example, the Brightspace Data Platform takes advantage of the distributed processing provided by Apache™ Hadoop® clusters when performing its aggregation and analysis. This technique would not be relevant to other Brightspace product areas such as discussion posts.
Additionally, the separation also helps our teams effectively and quickly adapt to new technologies and approaches as they become available. For example, we have been able to create new user interfaces that leverage specialized web-side user interface frameworks and interact directly with microservices. This flexibility allows our teams to develop and refine new workflows for our users using the most effective technology.
Our test-focused staff also can make effective use of this architectural change because they can take advantage of alternatives around testing microservices that emerge because of the formal service boundaries. Our Brightspace Valence developer community can also take advantage of these boundaries, because each of them naturally becomes an API candidate for users looking to develop custom workflows or tools that integrate into the Brightspace platform.
The implementation of microservices and the coordination of development and operations teams has enriched D2L's approach to network infrastructure and deepened our expertise in a variety of more specialized technology platforms.
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