35 work effort. If there is a shortage of suitably
educated potential recruits, it can be difficult to recruit the right quality of candidate.
Financial Reporting Timetable 133. The timeframe within which the audit needs to be completed can influence financial reporting processes and the way that management and those charged with governance approve the financial statements. The advent of accelerated reporting regimes in many jurisdictions also limits the extent to which the auditor can perform detailed work after the end of the reporting period.
As a result, it has become increasingly necessary for the auditor to place reliance on systems of internal control and perform audit procedures before the period end.
134. The timing for the preparation of financial information is also influenced by the need for listed companies to release earnings estimates or preliminary results at an early stage. In some jurisdictions, auditors are required to agree such releases or perform specific work on them. This has the advantage that the auditor will be comfortable with the financial results before the information is released but adds further time pressure.
135. Reporting deadlines can be less onerous for audits of smaller entities
than for listed entities, thus allowing the auditor to benefit from evidence obtained from events and transactions after the balance sheet date. Furthermore, it is less common for smaller entities to release earnings estimates prior to completion of the audit. However, it is not unusual for smaller
entities to provide annual, monthly or quarterly unaudited financial statements to banks and other providers of capital.