Mn tesla Society Electronic Newsletter

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MN Tesla Society

Electronic Newsletter

Email to be put on the list.

The newsletter is published once a month and is

Emailed on the Wednesday before the meeting.


This is the March 2004 Issue.

Meeting Agenda and Location

The meeting will be at Terry Belcher’s place on Sat March 20,2004 from 2p.m. till 6p.m. or so. The meeting agenda has not been confirmed as of this newsletter.

Upcoming Events

Fri & Sat March 26-27,2004 Body Mind Life Expo – Fri 11am-10pm, Sat 9am-7pm. More info
Sat March 27,2004 Midwinter Madness 2004 7:30AM - 1:00PM

Buffalo Civic Center 1306 County Road 134 Buffalo MN 55313

email or phone 763-537-1722
Sat April 24,2004 Amateur Radio Early Response Team Hamfest - Faribault, MN

8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Moose Lodge, 1810 4th Street NW, Faribault, MN

Admission: $3.00 E-mail:

(If you are aware of any event that a member would be interested in please let the editor know or send out an email to the group. If ANY ONE comes across a good deal or anything that we would like EMAIL or call each other. DON”T KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES!!!!!!!)


No updates since the last newsletter except for the newsletter itself. If you see a problem (besides the front page) then let Tom know or find the “email us” part on the website.
What Should a Tesla Member Be Reading Monthly?

Has anyone take the time to look around and seen what magazines are available for the Tesla enthusiast? Where do you get the latest and greatest on the current research going on? Or how about that new book on Antigravity? If you are confused or just not sure of where to look then here is a few suggestions.

Magazine’s – Home Power – The Hands-On Journal of Home-Made Power. Cost $22.50 a year. Yes this magazine does deal with the conventional stuff, but you should start out conventional then convert to non-conventional. In the Feb-March issue it has a article on how to grow crops in the winter outside in a double green house. Something you should know if a disaster happens or just want to be self-sufficient.

Atlantis Rising - Cost $24.95 a year. Good articles on everything from the Ancients to the Modern science of today.

NEXUS - Cost $24.95 – Consists of articles on Science and the background on some Geo Political situations. Some people might like this magazine for its so called Conspiracy leaning or reporting.

After Dark- Cost $39.95 - From the late night talk show Coast to Coast. It deals with the subjects on the show and goes into a few of the things that they don’t dare say on the live broadcast.

Infinite Energy Magazine – Cost $29.95 Highly scientific magazine. Good articles if you can understand the science talk.

Electrifing Times – Cost $13.00 Premier magazine on Electric vehicles and stuff.

Electric Space Craft Journal Cost $26.00 Devoted to those people who want to use Electricity to fly off the planet or in space.

Conspiracy Journal - Cost FREE. Weekly emailed newsletter detailing the latest in science and other things.

Books and Videos – ADVENTURES UNLIMITED outstanding assortment of stuff. Another place to check for these books is at the Mall of America at the Atlantic Warehouse Book Store.

Tesla Coil Project

Nothing has happened with this since last year.

Our President’s Projects for the Future!

So what has become of Terry’s ideal of the Great Experiments / Projects?

Here is the listing of projects Terry decided layout for our organization.

  1. Get Terry’s Classic Electric Car working and on the road.

A- Electric Car, was evaluated and a plan is forming on how to power it

  1. Ramp Magnet motor / device.

A- Dennis Lee demo’s one at

  1. Drip Charger – Bob Bartholomew demo’ed this at a November meeting several years ago. Also see Atlantis Rising magazine for a tidbit article on this. Sort of like Victor Schauberger’s device.

  2. Hydrogen Bomb to raise water- See

  3. Thermo Pile – complete this already started project.

  4. Thermo-magnetic Motor

  5. Ultra Bright LED BANK

  6. Bridge Antenna Switch Charger

  7. Motionless EM Generator

A- Steve Beatty is the lead man on this project – Tom Mc updated Steve on some 1940’s devices from Hans Kohler which were developed during World War and proven to work.

  1. Joe Newman Device

  2. NUAF – Dennis Lee Sundance Generator device.

A- NUAF - Tom Mc checked the internet and found that Dennis still hasn’t installed a generator yet at someone’s place. We did see a short video on this at

  1. Giant Sign – sitting on the floor at Terry’s in front of the fireplace.

  2. Library or at least a listing of resources / books that everyone can contribute to the cause. See Tom Mc for an example.

14. Time
Do you have an interesting project that the club should work on or that your working on currently? Well then why don’t you bring it in for a demo or just let us know some info about it.

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