Task 2: Guide Questions Directions: Read and study the guide questions below. Use a separate sheet of paper to write your answer.
1. How does one determine the product or services to be produced and/or to be provided to the target customers
2. How does one select
an entrepreneurial activity ________________________________________________________
3. When can one say that a certain product has value
4. Does applying creativity to your product
or services important Why ________________________________________________________
5. How can one effectively respond to the needs of the target customer
6. From the
viewpoint of business owner, discuss the importance of scanning the environment and market in generating business ideas.
18 7. Using self-assessment, explain the level of your confidence in formulating a business idea.
________________________________________________________ After all the guide questions are answered
and skills have been mastered, share insights/ideas with your classmates. Discuss your insights,
personal knowledge, and relevant experiences on the topic to make it more exciting and engaging.
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