This section investigates the steps the country has taken to ensure accessibility for persons with specific needs to electronic books and eLearning platforms.
The status of the educational environment accessibility policies is lower among the EU countries than among the non-EU countries, with medium levels. Among the EU countries more policies on accessibility to eLearning platforms have been implemented than for electronic books and accessibility information in eLearning, while in the non-EU countries there is higher development of policies on accessibility to electronic books.
Figure . Status of educational environment accessibility policy in EU and non-EU countries
Source: Own elaboration, 2011. Unit: Percentages
Figure . Status of educational environment accessibility policy, by country
Source: Own elaboration, 2011. Unit: Percentages
Denmark and the Netherlands score the highest, followed by Spain, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Czech Repubic and USA. In the EU, more countries have adopted policy instruments to promote or ensure accessibility to eLearning platforms than to electronic books and accessibility information in eLearning. Ireland, Sweden, Greece and Italy appear not to have adopted any policy instruments to ensure or enhance eAccessibility in the educational environment.
Scoring for policies to ensure accessibility to electronic books is based on the following three questions:
Are provisions to ensure that e-books can be rendered in alternative formats in public education in place?
Are provisions to ensure that e-books can be rendered in alternative formats in public libraries in place?
Are provisions to ensure that commercial e-books can be rendered in alternative formats in place?
The possible answers to the three questions were: No / Weak statement or narrow scope / Wide scope or strong statement.
Denmark scored the highest on policies to ensure accessibility to electronic books, followed by USA and the Netherlands. Several EU countries appear not to have adopted any policy measures in this domain: France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Scoring for policies to ensure accessibility to eLearning platforms is based on the following question:
Are provisions to ensure accessibility to eLearning platforms in public education in place? (No / Weak statement or narrow scope / Wide scope or strong statement).
Spain, Denmark and United Kingdom have provisions with wide scope or strong statement to ensure accessibility to eLearning platforms in public education; while Portugal, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Australia, Canada and USA appear to have adopted more modest provisions in this domain. In the remaining countries no provisions are found.
Scoring for policies to ensure accessibility information in eLearning is based on the following three questions:
Are e-book reader manufacturers required to provide accessibility information to persons with specific needs?
Are eLearning providers required to provide accessibility information to persons with specific needs?
Are universities required to provide information about accessibility of eLearning for persons with specific needs?
The possible answers to the three questions were: No requirements or assumed role / Only voluntary, assumed role / Required by law, regulations or by licence or contract.
The United Kingdom scored the highest on policies to ensure accessibility information in eLearning, followed by the Netherlands. Other countries, such as Portugal and Spain, appear to have adopted more modest policy measures.