Form Spacing Parameters
(appforms.p) * SPACING
* Spacing should be done relative to the active font height in system.
* A "single_space" is simply one font height. The "inter_widget_space"
* should be used as the spacing between widgets in a frame. It is
* three quarters of a font height.
* Spacing variables:
* INTER_WIDGET_SPACE - 3/4 of a font height
* INTER_GROUP_SPACE - Twice the size of a "inter_widget_space"
* SINGLE_SPACE - A font height in inches
* QTR_SPACE - 1/4 of a font height
* HALF_SPACE - 1/2 of a font height
* THREE_QTR_SPACE - 3/4 of a font height
* ONE_AND_HALF_SPACE - 1.5 times a font height
* DOUBLE_SPACE - 2.0 times a font height
* FONT_HGT - Font height in inches
* TEXT_FONT_HGT - Text font height in inches
* SS_FONT_HGT - Spreadsheet font height in inches
* LINE_THICKNESS - Thickness of a separator
* FRAME_1EDGE - Thickness of a frame edge
* FRAME_2EDGE - Thickness of both frame edges
* SFRAME_1EDGE - Thickness of a select frame edge
* SFRAME_2EDGE - Thickness of both select frame edges
* SCROLL_FRAME_1EDGE - Thickness of a scroll frame edge
* SCROLL_FRAME_2EDGE - Thickness of both scroll frame edges
* SPREADSHEET_1EDGE - Thickness of a spreadsheet edge
* SPREADSHEET_2EDGE - Thickness of both spreadsheet edges
* HIGHLITE_1EDGE - Thickness of a highlight border around widgets
* HIGHLITE_2EDGE - Thickness of both highlight borders
* ICON_HGT - Height of an icon
* LOGO_ICON_WID - Width of a logo icon
* LOGO_ICON_HGT - Height of a logo icon
* BUTTON_ICON_1EDGE - Thickness of a button icon border
* BUTTON_ICON_2EDGE - Thickness of a both button icon borders
* LABEL_ICON_1EDGE - Thickness of a label icon border
* LABEL_ICON_2EDGE - Thickness of a both label icon borders
* ITEM_ICON_1EDGE - Thickness of a item icon border
* ITEM_ICON_2EDGE - Thickness of a both item icon borders
* TOGGLE_ICON_1EDGE - Thickness of a toggle icon border
* TOGGLE_ICON_2EDGE - Thickness of a both toggle icon borders
* COLOR_MENU_WID - Width of a color menu
* COLOR_MENU_HGT - Height of a color menu
* COLOR_MENU_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for centering a label next to
* a color menu
* COLOR_MENU_TOGGLE_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for centering a toggle next to
* a color menu
* COLOR_BOX_WID - Width of a color box
* COLOR_BOX_HGT - Height of a color box
* COLOR_BOX_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for centering a label next to
* a color box
* COLOR_BOX_TOGGLE_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for centering a toggle next to
* a color box
* COLOR_BAR_WID - Width of a color bar
* INCREMENTAL_ICON_WID - Width of an incremental button icon
* INCREMENTAL_ICON_HGT - Height of an incremental button icon
* Create an application form. Note that all forms should use the "UL"
* screen position, since the values returned by these variables are
* based on that assumption.
* ui_form_create( "", FORM_X_LOC, @
* FORM_Y_LOC, "UL", @
* FORM_HGT_TALL, "Label", "Icon" )
* Create a medium width form next to an application form, and don't
* cover the command window. Use the "Full" height form.
* ui_form_create( "", FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_SML, @
* FORM_Y_LOC, "UL", @
* FORM_HGT_FULL, "Label", "Icon" )
* Create a centered, half height, medium width modal form.
* ui_modalform_create( "", FORM_X_LOC_MED_CEN, @
* FORM_HGT_HALF, "Label" )
* Form Placement - X Location:
* FORM_X_LOC - Normal form X location
* FORM_X_LOC_SML - Normal form X location (same as FORM_X_LOC)
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL - Special form X location (width is 1.5
* times a normal or small form)
* FORM_X_LOC_MED - Medium form (medium width) X location
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG - Large form (large width) X location
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_NX2_SML - Small form next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_NX2_SML - Special form next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_SML - Medium form next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_NX2_SML - Large form next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_NX2_SPL - Small form next to a special form
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_NX2_SPL - Special form next to a special form
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_SPL - Medium form next to a special form
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_NX2_SPL - Large form next to a special form
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_NX2_MED - Small form next to a medium form
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_NX2_MED - Special form next to a medium form
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_MED - Medium form next to a medium form
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_NX2_MED - Large form next to a medium form
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_NX2_LRG - Small form next to a large from
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_NX2_LRG - Special form next to a large form
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_LRG - Medium form next to a large form
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_NX2_LRG - Large form next to a large form
* FORM_X_LOC_2ND_SML_NX2_SML - Small form next to a small form which is
* next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_2ND_SPL_NX2_SPL - Special form next to a special form
* which is next to a special form
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_NX2_SPL_NX2_SML - Small form next to a special form
* which is next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_NX2_SPL_NX2_SML - Special form next to a special form
* which is next to a small form
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_CEN - Small form centered on screen
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_CEN - Special form centered on screen
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_CEN - Medium form centered on screen
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_CEN - Large form centered on screen
* FORM_X_LOC_SML_CEN_AB_COM - Small form centered above the command
* window
* FORM_X_LOC_SPL_CEN_AB_COM - Special form centered above the command
* window
* FORM_X_LOC_MED_CEN_AB_COM - Medium form centered above the command
* window
* FORM_X_LOC_LRG_CEN_AB_COM - Large form centered above the command
* window
* FORM_X_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_1 - X offset for cascade position 1
* FORM_X_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_2 - X offset for cascade position 2
* FORM_X_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_3 - X offset for cascade position 3
* FORM_X_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_4 - X offset for cascade position 4
* FORM_X_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_5 - X offset for cascade position 5
* Form Placement - Y Location:
* FORM_Y_LOC - Y Location for form under Main Menu
* FORM_Y_LOC_HALF_CEN - 1/2 Height form centered on screen
* FORM_Y_LOC_QTR_CEN - 1/4 Height form centered on screen
* FORM_Y_LOC_3_8THS_CEN - 3/8 Height form centered on screen
* FORM_Y_LOC_5_8THS_CEN - 5/8 Height form centered on screen
* FORM_Y_LOC_3_QTRS_CEN - 3/4 Height form centered on screen
* FORM_Y_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_1 - Y offset for cascade position 1
* FORM_Y_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_2 - Y offset for cascade position 2
* FORM_Y_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_3 - Y offset for cascade position 3
* FORM_Y_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_4 - Y offset for cascade position 4
* FORM_Y_LOC_OFFSET_CASCADE_5 - Y offset for cascade position 5
* Form Widths and Heights:
* FORM_WID_SML - Width of a small form
* FORM_WID_SPL - Width of a "special" form (1.5 times
* a small form)
* FORM_WID_MED - Width of a medium form (medium size)
* FORM_WID_LRG - Width of a large form (large size)
* FORM_HGT_TALL - Height of a tall form (Main Menu to
* bottom of screen)
* FORM_HGT_FULL - Height of a full form (Main Menu to
* top of Command Window)
* FORM_HGT_HALF - Half of a full form
* FORM_HGT_QTR - One Quarter of a full form
* FORM_HGT_3_8THS - Three Eighths of a full form
* FORM_HGT_5_8THS - Five Eighths of a full form
* FORM_HGT_3_QTRS - Three Quarters of a full form
* Form Margins:
* FORM_L_MARGIN - Inside Left Margin for widgets in form
* FORM_R_MARGIN - Inside Right Margin for widgets in form
* FORM_T_MARGIN - Inside Top Margin above first widget
* FORM_B_MARGIN - Inside Bottom Margin below last widget
* FORM_B_MARGIN_NO_BUTTON - Inside Bottom Margin below last widget
* when last widget is not a button
* FORM_2H_MARGIN - Both horizontal margins
* FORM_2V_MARGIN - Both vertical margins
* FORM_2V_MARGIN_NO_BUTTON - Both vertical margins (when last widget
* is not a button)
* Form Borders (the colored areas outside the form):
* FORM_L_BORDER - Left Border of the form
* FORM_R_BORDER - Right Border of the form
* FORM_T_BORDER - Top Border of the form (including the label)
* FORM_B_BORDER - Bottom Border of the form
* FORM_T_BORDER_NO_LABEL - Top Border of the form without a label
* FORM_2H_BORDER - Both horizontal borders
* FORM_2V_BORDER - Both vertical borders (with label)
* FORM_2V_BORDER_NO_LABEL - Both vertical borders (without label)
* FORM_X_ISFRAME - Compensation for X location of forms
* if they are 'user placed' rather than
* appforms placed
* FORM_Y_ISFRAME - Compensation for Y location
* FORM_Y_ISFRAME_NO_LABEL - Compensation for Y location for forms
* with no label
* Create the Application Action, Object, Method menus and place the
* separator underneath them.
* ui_optionmenu_create( form_id, "callback", @
* ui_optionmenu_create( form_id, "callback", @
* ui_optionmenu_create( form_id, "callback", @
* ui_separator_create ( form_id, "", 0.0, @
* AOM Menu Placement:
* AOM_MENU_X_LOC - X Location of the AOM menus (margin included)
* AOM_MENU_LABEL_LEN - Label length for AOM menus (language dependent)
* ACTION_MENU_Y_LOC - Y Location for the Action menu (margin included)
* OBJECT_MENU_Y_LOC - Y Location for the Object menu (margin included)
* METHOD_MENU_Y_LOC - Y Location for the Method menu (margin included)
* AOM_SEPARATOR_Y_LOC - Y Location for separator under the AOM menus
* APP_FORM_FIRST_Y_LOC - Y Location for the first widget in an
* application form
* Create a frame in an application form. Assume this is the first
* widget in the form and that the frame contains a three line listbox
* with a label and a databox with a label. Then locate the Y position
* for an unframed databox under the frame. Note that the frame's label
* must be considered in determining the next widget location as does
* the thickness of the frame edges.
* Since this is an application form, the first Y location is the
* variable "app_form_first_y_loc".
* height = FRAME_T_MARGIN + @
* ui_frame_create ( form_id, "", @
* y_loc, @
* height, "Label" )
* ui_listbox_create ( frame_id, "callback", @
* 3, "Listbox Label", @
* selection_type, sort_flag )
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN + @
* ui_databox_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_frame_loc, 0.0, @
* "Databox Label", value, @
* TRUE, datatype, num_vals )
* y_loc = y_loc + @
* height + @
* ui_databox_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_loc, 0.0, @
* "Second Databox Label", value, @
* TRUE, datatype, num_vals )
* Create two single width frames in a medium form that is
* next to a small application form. These frames will be
* at the top of the form. Their heights are the same as
* in the above example.
* ui_form_create( "", FORM_X_LOC_MED_NX2_SML, @
* FORM_Y_LOC, "UL", @
* FORM_HGT_FULL, "Label", "Icon" )
* ui_frame_create ( form_id, "", @
* height, "Left Label" )
* ui_frame_create ( form_id, "", @
* height, "Right Label" )
* Frame Widths and Heights:
* FRAME_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width frame
* FRAME_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width frame
* FRAME_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width frame
* FRAME_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width frame
* FRAME_LABEL_HGT - Height of the label above a frame
* Frame Margins:
* FRAME_L_MARGIN - Inside left margin for widgets in the frame
* FRAME_R_MARGIN - Inside right margin for widgets in the frame
* FRAME_T_MARGIN - Inside top margin above first widget
* FRAME_B_MARGIN - Inside bottom margin below last widget
* FRAME_2H_MARGIN - Both horizontal margins
* FRAME_2V_MARGIN - Both vertical margins
* Frame Placement:
* FRAME_X_LOC_COL1 - X Location for a frame in column 1
* (same as "form_l_margin")
* FRAME_X_LOC_COL2 - X Location for a frame in column 2
* FRAME_X_LOC_COL3 - X Location for a frame in column 3
* Unframed Widget Placement:
* UNFRAMED_L_MARGIN - Left margin for an unframed widget
* UNFRAMED_R_MARGIN - Right margin for an unframed widget
* UNFRAMED_X_LOC_COL1 - X Location of an unframed widget in column 1
* UNFRAMED_X_LOC_COL2 - X Location of an unframed widget in column 2
* UNFRAMED_X_LOC_COL3 - X Location of an unframed widget in column 3
* Create a select frame in an application form. Put two select databoxes
* in the select frame. Then compute the Y location for the next widget.
* Note the use of the supplied Y locations for the select databoxes as
* well as the height of the select frame.
* ui_selectframe_create( form_id, "callback", @
* y_loc, @
* "Select Frame Label", @
* recycle_flag )
* ui_selectdatabox_create ( sel_frame_id, "", @
* SDBOX_Y_LOC1, 0.0, @
* "Select Databox One", @
* value, TRUE, datatype, @
* prompt )
* ui_selectdatabox_create ( sel_frame_id, "", @
* SDBOX_Y_LOC2, 0.0, @
* "Select Databox One", @
* value, TRUE, datatype, @
* prompt )
* y_loc = y_loc + SFRAME_LABEL_HGT + @
* Select Frame Widths and Heights:
* SFRAME_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width select frame
* SFRAME_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width select frame
* SFRAME_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width select frame
* SFRAME_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width select frame
* SFRAME_LABEL_HGT - Height of the label above a select frame
* SFRAME_1SDB_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 1 select databox with a label
* SFRAME_2SDB_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 2 select databoxes with labels
* SFRAME_3SDB_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 3 select databoxes with labels
* SFRAME_4SDB_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 4 select databoxes with labels
* SFRAME_5SDB_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 5 select databoxes with labels
* SFRAME_HGT_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for making select frames with
* more than 5 select databoxes with labels
* SFRAME_1SDB_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 1 select databox without a label
* SFRAME_2SDB_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 2 select databoxes without labels
* SFRAME_3SDB_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 3 select databoxes without labels
* SFRAME_4SDB_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 4 select databoxes without labels
* SFRAME_5SDB_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select frame with
* 5 select databoxes without labels
* SFRAME_HGT_NO_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for making select frames with
* more than 5 select databoxes without labels
* Select Frame Margins:
* SFRAME_L_MARGIN - Inside left margin for select databoxes
* SFRAME_R_MARGIN - Inside right margin for select databoxes
* SFRAME_T_MARGIN - Inside top margin for select databoxes
* SFRAME_B_MARGIN - Inside bottom margin for select databoxes
* SFRAME_2H_MARGIN - Both horizontal margins
* SFRAME_2V_MARGIN - Both vertical margins
* Select Frame Placement:
* SFRAME_X_LOC_COL1 - X Location for a select frame in column 1
* (same as "form_l_margin")
* SFRAME_X_LOC_COL2 - X Location for a select frame in column 2
* SFRAME_X_LOC_COL3 - X Location for a select frame in column 3
* Create a scroll frame in a form.
* Scroll Frame Widths and Heights:
* SCROLL_FRAME_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WORK_WID_SINGLE - Working width of a single width
* scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WORK_WID_SPECIAL - Working width of a special width
* scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WORK_WID_DOUBLE - Working width of a double width
* scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_WORK_WID_TRIPLE - Working width of a triple width
* scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width scroll frame
* databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width scroll frame
* databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width scroll frame
* databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width scroll frame
* databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_LABEL_HGT - Height of the label above a
* scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_1DBOX_HGT - Scroll frame height with 1 databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_2DBOX_HGT - Scroll frame height with 2 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_3DBOX_HGT - Scroll frame height with 3 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_4DBOX_HGT - Scroll frame height with 4 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_5DBOX_HGT - Scroll frame height with 5 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_HGT_INCR - Scroll frame height increment
* SCROLL_FRAME_1DBOX_WORK_HGT - Scroll frame work height for 1 databox
* SCROLL_FRAME_2DBOX_WORK_HGT - Scroll frame work height for 2 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_3DBOX_WORK_HGT - Scroll frame work height for 3 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_4DBOX_WORK_HGT - Scroll frame work height for 4 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_5DBOX_WORK_HGT - Scroll frame work height for 5 databoxes
* SCROLL_FRAME_DBOX_WORK_HGT_INCR - Scroll frame working height increment
* SCROLL_FRAME_SLIDER_WID - Width of the slider on the right
* of a scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_SLIDER_HGT - Height of the slider at the bottom
* of a scroll frame
* Frame Margins:
* SCROLL_FRAME_L_MARGIN - Inside left margin for widgets in
* a scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_R_MARGIN - Inside right margin for widgets in
* a scroll frame
* SCROLL_FRAME_T_MARGIN - Inside top margin above first widget
* SCROLL_FRAME_B_MARGIN - Inside bottom margin below last widget
* SCROLL_FRAME_2H_MARGIN - Both horizontal margins
* SCROLL_FRAME_2V_MARGIN - Both vertical margins
* Create two buttons in a small form. The button on the left is a
* default button. Use "half" size buttons.
* ui_button_create ( form_id, "callback", @
* y_loc, @
* 0.0, "Left Button", @
* y_loc = y_loc + BUTTON_Y_OFFSET
* ui_button_create ( form_id, "callback", @
* y_loc, @
* 0.0, "Right Button", @
* y_loc = y_loc + BUTTON_Y_OFFSET + @
* Button Widths and Heights:
* BUTTON_WID_FULL - Width of a wide button on a small form
* BUTTON_WID_HALF - Width of a medium button on a small form
* BUTTON_WID_THIRD - Width of a small button on a small form
* BUTTON_WID_FULL_NT - Width of a non_troughed wide button on
* a small form
* BUTTON_WID_HALF_NT - Width of a non_troughed medium button on
* a small form
* BUTTON_WID_THIRD_NT - Width of a non_troughed small button on
* a small form
* BUTTON_HGT - Button height
* BUTTON_DEFAULT_HGT - Default button height (includes top and
* bottom borders)
* BUTTON_HGT_NT - Button height of non_troughed button
* BUTTON_DEFAULT_BORDER_WID - Default button border width
* BUTTON_DEFAULT_BORDER_HGT - Default button border height
* Button Location Offsets:
* BUTTON_IN_FRAME_X_OFFSET - X offset for placing buttons inside
* frames using the X Positions defined
* below
* BUTTON_1XTRA_WID - X width for one trough for user placement
* of troughed buttons.
* BUTTON_2XTRA_WID - X width for two troughs for user placement
* of troughed buttons.
* BUTTON_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a non-highlighted
* button next to a highlighted button
* BUTTON_Y_OFFSET_NT - Y offset for placing a non-highlighted
* button next to a highlighted button
* BUTTON_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the right
* of a button
* BUTTON_DEFAULT_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the right
* of a default button
* BUTTON_LABEL_Y_OFFSET_NT - Y offset for placing a label to the right
* of a non_troughed button
* Button X Positions:
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC1 - Wide button on the left
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC1 - Medium button on the left
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC2 - Medium button on the right
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC1 - Small button on the left
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC2 - Small button centered
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC3 - Small button on the right
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC1_COL2 - Wide button on the left of column 2
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC1_COL2 - Medium button on the left of column 2
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC2_COL2 - Medium button on the right of column 2
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC1_COL2 - Small button on the left of column 2
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC2_COL2 - Small button centered of column 2
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC3_COL2 - Small button on the right of column 2
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC1_COL3 - Wide button on the left of column 3
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC1_COL3 - Medium button on the left of column 3
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC2_COL3 - Medium button on the right of column 3
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC1_COL3 - Small button on the left of column 3
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC2_COL3 - Small button centered of column 3
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC3_COL3 - Small button on the right of column 3
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC1_SPL - Wide button centered on a special form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC1_SPL - Medium button on the left of a special form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC2_SPL - Medium button on the right of a special form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC1_SPL - Small button on the left of a special form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC2_SPL - Small button centered of a special form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC3_SPL - Small button on the right of a special form
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC_CEN - Centered wide button on a small form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC_CEN - Centered medium button on a small form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC_CEN - Centered small button on a small form
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC_CEN_MED - Centered wide button on a medium form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC_CEN_MED - Centered medium button on a medium form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC_CEN_MED - Centered small button on a medium form
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC_CEN_LRG - Centered wide button on a large form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC_CEN_LRG - Centered medium button on a large form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC_CEN_LRG - Centered small button on a large form
* BUTTON_FULL_X_LOC_CEN_SPL - Centered wide button on a special form
* BUTTON_HALF_X_LOC_CEN_SPL - Centered medium button on a special form
* BUTTON_THIRD_X_LOC_CEN_SPL - Centered small button on a special form
* Create a framed databox with a label above the databox. Then
* compute the Y location for the next widget inside the frame.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_databox_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_frame_loc, 0.0, @
* "Databox Label", value, @
* TRUE, datatype, num_vals )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* Create a framed databox with a label to the side. Use the
* default label length for a single column databox and compute
* the databox width.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* wid = DBOX_WID_SINGLE - @
* ui_databox_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* wid, @
* "Databox Label", value, @
* FALSE, datatype, num_vals )
* Databox Width and Height:
* DBOX_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width databox
* DBOX_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width databox
* DBOX_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width databox
* DBOX_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width databox
* DBOX_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a databox with a label on the top
* (even if the label is blank)
* DBOX_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a databox with a label to the side
* DBOX_LABEL_LEN_SINGLE - Default label length for a single width databox
* (used when "label_above" is false)
* DBOX_LABEL_LEN_SPECIAL - Default label length for a special width databox
* DBOX_LABEL_LEN_DOUBLE - Default label length for a double width databox
* DBOX_LABEL_LEN_TRIPLE - Default label length for a triple width databox
* DBOX_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the right of
* a databox with "labelabove" false.
* Create a form centered under the main menu that has a file
* widget inside the a frame. The file widget is placed at
* ( 0.0, 0.0 ) inside the frame (a top margin is not needed).
* The height of the file widget includes a bottom margin
* and therefore can be used as the height of the frame that
* contains the file widget. The file widget has 5 lines in
* the list boxes.
* x_loc = WINDOW_CEN_X_LOC - 0.5 * ( wid + FORM_2H_BORDER )
* y_loc = WINDOW_CEN_Y_LOC - 0.5 * ( form_hgt + FORM_2V_BORDER )
* form_id = ui_form_create( "", x_loc, y_loc, "UL", @
* wid, form_hgt, @
* "Form Label", "" )
* frame_id = ui_frame_create( form_id, "", @
* FILE_5L_HGT, "" )
* file_id = ui_file_create( frame_id, "", @
* 0.0, 0.0, @
* "Filter Label", @
* "Filter Mask", @
* "Files Label", @
* "Directory Label", @
* "Files Label", @
* "Selection Label", @
* "Default Selection", @
* "Left Button Label", @
* "Right Button Label" )
* File Width:
* FILE_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width file widget
* FILE_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width file widget
* FILE_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width file widget
* FILE_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width file widget
* File Height:
* FILE_1L_HGT - Height of a 1 line file widget
* FILE_2L_HGT - Height of a 2 line file widget
* FILE_3L_HGT - Height of a 3 line file widget
* FILE_4L_HGT - Height of a 4 line file widget
* FILE_5L_HGT - Height of a 5 line file widget
* FILE_6L_HGT - Height of a 6 line file widget
* FILE_7L_HGT - Height of a 7 line file widget
* FILE_8L_HGT - Height of a 8 line file widget
* FILE_9L_HGT - Height of a 9 line file widget
* FILE_HGT_INCR - Increment for making bigger file widgets
* Create a label inside a frame and then compute the y location
* of the next widget inside the frame.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_label_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* "A Label" )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* Label Height:
* LABEL_HGT - Height of a label
* LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset of label
* LABEL_HGT_TIGHT - Height of a label when showing multiple
* labels
* INFO_INDENT - X location of information label
* INFO_INDENT_COL1 - X location of information label in column 1
* INFO_INDENT_COL2 - X location of information label in column 2
* INFO_INDENT_COL3 - X location of information label in column 3
* Create a framed three line listbox with a label above the listbox. Note
* that the widths and heights include the vertical and horizontal sliders.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_listbox_create ( frame_id, "callback", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* 3, "Listbox Label", @
* selection_type, sort_flag )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* To determine the height for a six line listbox, add the variable
* Listbox Width and Height:
* LBOX_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width listbox
* LBOX_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width listbox
* LBOX_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width listbox
* LBOX_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width listbox
* LBOX_1L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 1 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_2L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 2 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_3L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 3 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_4L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 4 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_5L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 5 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_8L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 8 line listbox with a top label
* LBOX_HGT_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for computing a listbox height that
* has more than 5 lines in it
* LBOX_1L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 1 line listbox with no label
* (label is blank)
* LBOX_2L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 2 line listbox with no label
* LBOX_3L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 3 line listbox with no label
* LBOX_4L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 4 line listbox with no label
* LBOX_5L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 5 line listbox with no label
* LBOX_8L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 8 line listbox with no label
* LBOX_HGT_NO_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for computing a listbox height that
* has more than 5 lines in it
* LBOX_SELBTNS_HGT, LBOX_SELBTNS_WID - Height and combined width of
* (Un)Select All buttons
* Create an option menu with a label to the side. Then set the
* Y location for the next widget. Assume this is an unframed widget.
* ui_optionmenu_create( form_id, "callback", @
* y_loc, @
* "Label", FALSE )
* y_loc = y_loc + OPT_MENU_HGT_NO_LABOVE + @
* Option menu Placement:
* OPT_MENU_LABEL_LEN - Default label length for an option menu
* with a label to the side
* OPT_MENU_HGT_LABOVE - Height of an option menu with a label
* on the top
* OPT_MENU_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of an option menu with a label
* on the side
* OPT_MENU_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the
* right of a select databox with
* "labelabove" false
* Create a framed select databox with a label above the select databox.
* Then compute the Y location for the next widget.
* y_sframe_loc = SFRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_selectdatabox_create ( sel_frame_id, "", @
* y_sframe_loc, 0.0, @
* "Select Databox Label", @
* value, TRUE, datatype, @
* prompt )
* y_sframe_loc = y_sframe_loc + @
* Create a framed select databox with a label to the side. Use the
* default label length for a single column select databox and compute
* the select databox width.
* y_sframe_loc = SFRAME_T_MARGIN
* wid = SDBOX_WID_SINGLE - @
* ui_selectdatabox_create ( sel_frame_id, "", @
* y_sframe_loc, @
* wid, @
* "Select Databox Label", @
* value, FALSE, datatype, @
* prompt )
* y_sframe_loc = y_sframe_loc + @
* Select Databox Width and Height:
* SDBOX_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width select databox
* SDBOX_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width select databox
* SDBOX_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width select databox
* SDBOX_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width select databox
* SDBOX_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a select databox with a top label
* SDBOX_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a select databox with a side label
* SDBOX_Y_LOC1_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 1 in a selectframe
* (select databox has a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC2_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 2 in a selectframe
* (select databox has a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC3_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 3 in a selectframe
* (select databox has a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC4_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 4 in a selectframe
* (select databox has a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC5_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 5 in a selectframe
* (select databox has a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for creating the Y location for than
* than 5 select databoxes with labels in a select
* frame
* SDBOX_Y_LOC1_NO_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 1 in a selectframe
* (select databox does not have a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC2_NO_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 2 in a selectframe
* (select databox does not have a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC3_NO_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 3 in a selectframe
* (select databox does not have a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC4_NO_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 4 in a selectframe
* (select databox does not have a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_LOC5_NO_LABOVE - Y location of select databox 5 in a selectframe
* (select databox does not have a label above)
* SDBOX_Y_NO_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for creating the Y location for than
* than 5 select databoxes without labels in a
* select frame
* SDBOX_LABEL_LEN_SINGLE - Default label length for a single width select
* databox (used when "label_above" is false)
* SDBOX_LABEL_LEN_SPECIAL- Default label length for a special width select
* databox
* SDBOX_LABEL_LEN_DOUBLE - Default label length for a double width select
* databox
* SDBOX_LABEL_LEN_TRIPLE - Default label length for a triple width select
* databox
* SDBOX_LABEL_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the right
* of a select databox with "labelabove" false.
* Create a slidebar inside a frame and then compute the y location
* of the next widget inside the frame. The slidebar has a label
* as well as min/max labels above the displayed values.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_slidebar_create ( frame_id, "callback", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* "Slidebar Label", value, @
* num_digits, TRUE, "Min", "Max", @
* TRUE, 0, 10 ) @
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* Sliderbar Width and Height:
* SLIDER_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width slidebar
* SLIDER_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width slidebar
* SLIDER_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width slidebar
* SLIDER_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width slidebar
* SLIDER_HGT_COMPLETE - Height of slidebar with min/max labels,
* the values shown and a label below the
* slidebar
* SLIDER_HGT_MINMAX - Height of slidebar with min/max labels only
* SLIDER_HGT_VALUES - Height of slidebar with values only
* SLIDER_HGT_LABEL - Height of slidebar with label only (values
* not shown and no min/max labels)
* SLIDER_HGT_MINMAX_VALUES - Height of slidebar with min/max labels and
* values shown (no label)
* SLIDER_HGT_MINMAX_LABEL - Height of slidebar with min/max labels and
* a label below slidebar (values not shown)
* SLIDER_HGT_VALUES_LABEL - Height of slidebar with values shown and
* a label below the slidebar (no min/max
* labels)
* SLIDER_HGT_BAR_ONLY - Height of just the slidebar
* SLIDER_LABEL_Y_LOC_MM_VAL - Location of label to side of slidebar when
* the slidebar has both min/max labels and
* values
* SLIDER_LABEL_Y_LOC_MINMAX - Location of label to side of slidebar when
* the slidebar has only min/max labels
* SLIDER_LABEL_Y_LOC_VALUES - Location of label to side of slidebar when
* the slidebar has only values
* SLIDER_LABEL_Y_LOC_BAR_ONLY - Location of label to side of slidebar when
* the slidebar has neither min/max labels
* nor values
* Create a spreadsheet in a form.
* Spreadsheet Widths and Heights:
* SPREADSHEET_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width select frame
* SPREADSHEET_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width select frame
* SPREADSHEET_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width select frame
* SPREADSHEET_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width select frame
* SPREADSHEET_LABEL_HGT - Height of the spreadsheet label (to be
* subtracted from the following heights
* in the case that a label is NOT used)
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_1ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 1 row
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_2ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 2 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_3ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 3 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_4ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 4 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_5ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 5 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_6ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 6 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_7ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 7 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_8ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 8 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_9ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 9 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_10ROW - Height of a 2D spreadsheet with 10 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_2D_INCR - Height increment for 2D spreadsheet
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_1ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 1 row
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_2ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 2 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_3ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 3 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_4ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 4 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_5ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 5 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_6ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 6 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_7ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 7 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_8ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 8 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_9ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 9 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_10ROW - Height of a 3D spreadsheet with 10 rows
* SPREADSHEET_HGT_3D_INCR - Height increment for 3D spreadsheet
* Create a framed two row switch with a label. Note that the
* number of rows is a function of the "num_cols" variable and the
* number of items created for the switch.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_switch_create( frame_id, "callback", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* num_cols, "Switch Label", @
* alwaysone_flag )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* Switch Height:
* SWITCH_1R_HGT_LABEL - Height of a 1 row switch with a label
* SWITCH_2R_HGT_LABEL - Height of a 2 row switch with a label
* SWITCH_3R_HGT_LABEL - Height of a 3 row switch with a label
* SWITCH_4R_HGT_LABEL - Height of a 4 row switch with a label
* SWITCH_HGT_LABEL_INCR - Increment for creating a switch height with
* more than 4 rows in it
* SWITCH_1R_HGT_NO_LABEL - Height of a 1 row switch with no label
* SWITCH_2R_HGT_NO_LABEL - Height of a 2 row switch with no label
* SWITCH_3R_HGT_NO_LABEL - Height of a 3 row switch with no label
* SWITCH_4R_HGT_NO_LABEL - Height of a 4 row switch with no label
* SWITCH_HGT_NO_LABEL_INCR - Increment for creating a switch height with
* more than 4 rows in it
* Create a framed three line textbox with a label. Note that the
* widths and heights include the vertical and horizontal sliders.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_text_create ( frame_id, "", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* 3, "Textbox Label", @
* "This is text", editable_flag )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* To determine the height for a six line textbox, add the value
* Textbox Width and Height:
* TBOX_WID_SINGLE - Width of a single width textbox
* TBOX_WID_SPECIAL - Width of a special width textbox
* TBOX_WID_DOUBLE - Width of a double width textbox
* TBOX_WID_TRIPLE - Width of a triple width textbox
* TBOX_1L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 1 line textbox with a top label
* TBOX_2L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 2 line textbox with a top label
* TBOX_3L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 3 line textbox with a top label
* TBOX_4L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 4 line textbox with a top label
* TBOX_5L_HGT_LABOVE - Height of a 5 line textbox with a top label
* TBOX_HGT_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for computing a textbox height that
* has more than 5 lines in it
* TBOX_1L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 1 line textbox with no label
* (label is blank)
* TBOX_2L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 2 line textbox with no label
* TBOX_3L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 3 line textbox with no label
* TBOX_4L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 4 line textbox with no label
* TBOX_5L_HGT_NO_LABOVE - Height of a 5 line textbox with no label
* TBOX_HGT_NO_LABOVE_INCR - Increment for computing a textbox height that
* has more than 5 lines in it
* Create a toggle inside a frame and then compute the y location
* of the next widget in the frame.
* y_frame_loc = FRAME_T_MARGIN
* ui_toggle_create ( frame_id, "callback", @
* y_frame_loc, @
* "Toggle Label" )
* y_frame_loc = y_frame_loc + @
* Toggle Height:
* TOGGLE_HGT - Height of a toggle
* TOGGLE_Y_OFFSET - Y offset for placing a label to the side
* of a toggle
* Language variables:
* ENGLISH - "English"
* GERMAN - "German"
* SPANISH - "Spanish"
* FRENCH - "French"
* KANJI - "Kanji"
* LANGUAGE - Current language (see above)
* HANDEDNESS - Determines whether forms appear on right of left side
* of screen
* Screen variables:
* PIXEL_WID - Width of a pixel (in inches)
* PIXEL_HGT - Height of a pixel (in inches)
* SCREEN_WID - Width of logical screen (in inches)
* SCREEN_HGT - Height of logical screen (in inches)
* Basic layout variables:
* MAIN_MENU_X_LOC - Main menu X location
* MAIN_MENU_Y_LOC - Main menu Y location
* MAIN_MENU_WID - Main menu width
* MAIN_MENU_HGT - Main menu height
* MAIN_MENU_L_EDGE - Left edge of main menu (incl border)
* MAIN_MENU_R_EDGE - Right edge of main menu (incl border)
* MAIN_MENU_T_EDGE - Top edge of main menu (incl border)
* MAIN_MENU_B_EDGE - Bottom edge of main menu (incl border)
* MAIN_MENU_SWITCH_Y_LOC - Switch Y location
* MAIN_MENU_ICON_Y_LOC - Icon Y location
* MAIN_MENU_ICON_HGT - Main Menu Icon Height
* MAIN_MENU_ICON_WID - Main Menu Icon Width
* MAIN_MENU_LOGO_ICON_WID - Main Menu Logo Icon Width
* MAIN_MENU_HEART_ICON_WID - Main Menu Heartbeat Icon Width
* MAIN_MENU_HEART_ICON_HGT - Main Menu Heartbeat Icon Height
* MAIN_MENU_MARGIN - Main menu switch margin
* MAIN_MENU_ICON_MARGIN - Main menu margin between icons
* MAIN_MENU_HEART_MARGIN - Main menu margin between last icon and
* heartbeat icon
* MAIN_MENU_HEART_X_LOC - Heartbeat icon X location
* MAIN_MENU_HEART_Y_LOC - Heartbeat icon Y location
* COMMAND_WINDOW_X_LOC - Command window X location
* COMMAND_WINDOW_Y_LOC - Command window Y location
* COMMAND_WINDOW_WID - Command window width
* COMMAND_WINDOW_HGT - Command window height
* COMMAND_WINDOW_NUM_ROWS - Number of history rows in the command window
* COMMAND_WINDOW_L_EDGE - Left edge of command window (incl border)
* COMMAND_WINDOW_R_EDGE - Right edge of command window (incl border)
* COMMAND_WINDOW_T_EDGE - Top edge of command window (incl border)
* COMMAND_WINDOW_B_EDGE - Bottom edge of command window (incl border)
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_X_LOC - Graphics window X location
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_Y_LOC - Graphics window Y location
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_WID - Graphics window width
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_HGT - Graphics window height
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_L_EDGE - Left edge of graphics window (incl border)
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_R_EDGE - Right edge of graphics window (incl border)
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_T_EDGE - Top edge of graphics window (incl border)
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_B_EDGE - Bottom edge of graphics window (incl border)
* SHOW_SPREADSHEET_NUM_ROWS - Number of rows in the show spreadsheet widget
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_WID_QTR - Quarter width graphics window
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_HGT_QTR - Quarter width graphics window
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_X_LOC_UL - Quarter size graphics window upper left X loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_Y_LOC_UL - Quarter size graphics window upper left Y loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_X_LOC_UR - Quarter size graphics window upper right X loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_Y_LOC_UR - Quarter size graphics window upper right Y loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_X_LOC_LL - Quarter size graphics window lower left X loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_Y_LOC_LL - Quarter size graphics window lower left Y loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_X_LOC_LR - Quarter size graphics window lower right X loc
* GRAPHICS_WINDOW_Y_LOC_LR - Quarter size graphics window lower right Y loc
* GRAPHICS_CEN_X_LOC - Center of graphics area X location
* GRAPHICS_CEN_Y_LOC - Center of graphics area Y location
* WINDOW_CEN_X_LOC - Center of area beneath main menu X location
* WINDOW_CEN_Y_LOC - Center of area beneath main menu Y location
* MAIN_MENU_SWITCH_COLS - Number of columns for main menu switch
* ENABLE_MAIN_MENU_SWITCH - Hidden code to enable the main menu switch
* without having to open a database
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