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03 Movement goals

Provides an overview of goals that can be used to move NPCs around.

Movement goals

The AI library includes a number of goals designed for

NPC movement. Here's a quick overview: (For more inforamtion about

the goals look in the documentation specific to the goal


  • oAIGoalMoveFollowCircuit - With this goal, you

    provide a set of destinations, such as Room A, Room F, and

    Room Q, and the AI automatically wanders from Room A to Room F,

    to Room Q, and then back to Room A. The path between A and F,

    F and Q, and Q and A is automatically calculated.

    This goal use useful for guards and other NPCs

    with set movments.

  • oAIGoalMoveFollowObject - NPCs using this goal

    will follow an object around, wherever it is in the world.

    It can be used to have monsters chase after fleeing

    characters, for pets, or to produce monsters that

    stalk characters.

  • oAIGoalMoveFollowPath - This goal causes an AI

    to follow an exact path between rooms. All rooms must be connected.

    You probably won't use it; instead, look at oAIGoalMoveFollowCircuit

    or oAIGoalMoveToRoom.

  • oAIGoalMoveFollowPersonalPC - NPCs follows

    whatever PC is assigned to its pPersonalNPCFor property.

  • oAIGoalMoveRandomCircuit - This is like

    oAIGoalMoveFollowCircuit except that the immediate destination

    is randomly chosen from any of the rooms in the list.

    Use this for unpredictable guards who check out

    rooms, but not in any specific order.

  • oAIGoalMoveLeadObject - You can use this goal,

    in conjuction with oAIGoalMoveToRoom, to have the NPC lead

    a character along a path. If the character falls behind or

    wanders off the path the NPC can (optionally) chase the

    character down and ask the character to follow.

  • oAIGoalMoveToAdjacentRoom - This goal is a sub-goal

    of all the movement goals. It causes a NPC to move to a

    room that's adjacent to the one it's in. In the process it

    will open (and unlock doors), and get up if it's knocked down.

  • oAIGoalMoveToObject - The AI will located an

    object (by cheating) and head towards the room that contains

    the object, like oAIGoalMoveToRoom. However, if the object

    moves in the meantime, the object will identify the move and

    adjust its course. Use this for panicked villagers

    looking to find the town's guards.

  • oAIGoalMoveToOrigin - Invoking this goal will

    cause the NPC to return to wherever it was created. This

    is a useful goal for getting fleeing NPCs to return

    to where they belong.

  • oAIGoalMoveToRoom - The AI will walk to the

    specified room.

  • oAIGoalMoveWanderAroundMap - Using this, the NPC

    will wandering around any room it can get to in a map (or

    maps). Use this for wandering animals and monsters that

    have no fixed location.

  • oAIGoalMoveWanderNearby - AI's with this goal will

    wander around the starting room, but never very far from

    it. You can use it for spawned monsters in dungeons that

    should basically stick to their spawning point.

  • oAIGoalWaitForObject - Causes the AI to wait around

    for an object to appear in the room. This is useful for "waiting

    for the cows to come home" or cGuardExitExtra - waiting to make sure

    the exit isn't left unguarded.

Some movement-related goals are used by the movement goals:

  • oAIGoalObjectLock - The AI will lock or unlock

    an object, such as a door or chest.

  • oAIGoalObjectOpen - This causes the NPC to open

    or close a door or container. Optionally, the NPC can unlock

    or lock the container.

  • oAIGoalStandUpSitDown - Causes the NPC to stand

    up or sit down.

  • oAIGoalEmote - Causes a NPC to emote.

04 Combat AI goals

Describes how the combat AI works.

Combat AI goals

The AI that handles combat is a bit tricky, so this section

will be a tad long...

Enemies list

Every AI (derived from cAI) remembers a list of dangerous enemies,

as well as friends that will help in combat. (This list is different

than the like/dislike list also supplied for AI's.)

Characters that a NPC meets are rated from 10.0 to -10.0 on the

enemies list. Values between 10.0 and 1.0 mean that the character

is an enemy that will attack the NPC. .999 and -.999 is a neutral

character whose intentions are unknown. -1.0 to -10.0 is a trusted

friend that will help defend the NPC in combat.

When a NPC first encounters a character, a call

to AIEnemiesListGuess() is called to see if the

NPC considers the character an enemy. The default behavior

for this function is to:

  1. If the AI has pAIEnemyOfAllPCs then the AI will

    automatically be an enemy of any character controlled by

    a player. This is a good setting for a monster.

  2. If the AI was spawned by the same room as another AI then

    it will be a friend with the other AI.

  3. If the AI is the same class as the other AI

    it's an automatic friend too. Thus, if a number of tigers

    are spawned in different rooms of the wilderness, they

    will act as friends.

You can provide your own AIEnemiesListGuess() function for

an AI.

The enemies rating is affected by what the AI sees:

  1. When a NPC is attacked, the attacker is almost invariably added

    to the NPC's enemies list.

    See cAI.PerceiveAttack for the code.

  2. When the NPC see a friend attacked,

    the attacker is likewise added (but not always).

    See cAI.PerceiveAttack for the code.

  3. If a character

    attacks a NPC's enemy, they are (usually) made a friend.

    See cAI.PerceiveAttack for the code.

  4. If an AI starts yelling out for help

    using AICombatCallForHelp(), the

    code in cAI.PerceiveSpeak() may cause any

    AI's that hear the yell to become enemies of the attackers.

You can programatically set and read the enemies' list values

using the following methods:

  • AIEnemiesCalculateTheOdds() - Used by AIs to

    determine if they're likely to win a battle of if their

    enemies are likely to win. It's based on AIEnemiesListUpdate().

    You probably won't need to use this method directly.

  • AIEnemiesListGet() - Returns the enemies rating,

    from 10 to -10, for a character. If the character has never

    been met it returns NULL.

  • AIEnemiesListGuess() - Call this if no rating

    is set. It will return a rating to begin with, or Undefined

    if there's no opinion whatsoever. Calling ToNumber (

    AIEnemiesListGuess()) will always return a number, since

    Undefined will be converted to 0.

  • AIEnemiesListSet() - Sets a new rating for the

    enemy or friend.

  • AIEnemiesListUpdate() - Finds all the characters

    in a room and checks their enemies' list score. If it's

    unknown, then it calls AIEnemiesListGuess() to fill them in.

    This method can optionally return a list of enemies, friends,

    or both enemies and friends.

Perceiving a possible conflict

AI's check for enemies in the room when:

  • The AI walks into a new room.

    This code is on cAI.PerceiveInNewRoom().

  • When a character walks into the AI's room.

    This code is on cAI.PerceiveActorEnter().

  • When an AI sees one character attacking another.

    This code is on cAI.PerceiveAttack().

When danger might just have appeared, the AI code

calls AIPotentialConflict(). This checks for any

enemies in the room.

If there are enemies in the room, the code adds several

goals to the AI's list. The goals used are

in pAIGoalsConflict. If the goal is already in

the AI's list then it is not added a second


Default combat goals

The default goals that are added by pAIGoalsConflict are:

  1. oAIGoalCombatRetreat - This causes the AI to test

    out it's odds of winning every once in awhile. If it thinks its

    odds are still good the AI suspends the retreat goal for another

    10 seconds. If there are not enemies left, the retreat goal


  2. If the goal decides that the character is in danger,

    based on a call to AIEnemiesCalculateTheOdds(),

    then the AI will run away. pAICombatBravery is

    used to determine how much the odds have to be stacked against

    the AI before it runs, as well

    as pAICombatWoundsRetreat to see if

    it will selfishly abandon it's friends when its wounded.

    If pAICombatRunDrop is set to TRUE, the AI will

    drop an item to distract its attackers.

    If pAICombatRunCallForHelp is set to TRUE the

    AI will yell for help as it runs.

    If pAICombatRunForGuard is set to TRUE, the AI

    will run to the nearest guard and ask it for help. (This

    one is particularly useful for villagers, which should run at

    the slightest sign of danger and seek a guard.)

  3. oAIGoalCombatCallForHelp - This causes the NPC

    to call out for help once in awhile. AI's listen

    for calls for help in their PerceiveSpeak() methods.

    If they detect a call, they determine if the calling NPC

    is a friend, enemy, or neutral. If it's a friend, they

    may run to the friend's aid

    if pAICombatCallForHelpRespondsFriends is not 0.

    Likewise, if they hear an enemy calling for help, they may

    decide to join in the kill.

    The pAICombatCallForHelpRespondsEnemies property

    affects this chance.

  4. If you don't wish a NPC to call for help, override

    its pAIGoalsConflict so it doesn't include the goal.

  5. oAIGoalAttackEnemies - This goal causes the NPC

    to attack any enemies in the room. It picks an enemy, by

    various means, and attacks with a weapon. The code also

    has the AI ready a weapon or potentially pick one up.

  6. oAIGoalMoveChaseEnemies - If all the enemies

    in a room are killed, oAIGoalAttackEnemies will finish.

    The next goal in line causes the NPC to chase after enemies

    in neighboring rooms, just in case some of the enemies

    ran away. It finishes when no more enemies

    are left in any neighboring rooms.

  7. oAIGoalLootDeadBodies - Once all the enemies

    are gone, this goal will have the NPC loot all the dead bodies.

    It picks up the most valuable items first. It will hold onto

    them for 30-60 minutes, after which point they're automatically

    deleted. That means that characters who are killed by NPCs have

    30-60 minutes to find the NPC and kill it, or they won't

    get their gear back.

  8. oAIGoalMoveToPreCombat - Finally, after all the

    bodies have been looted, oAIGoalMoveToPreCombat causes the

    NPC to return to the room it was in before combat began.

    Once there, this goal finishes and the AI continues its

    normal routine.

Default goals

When a NPC is first created, it automatically adds the following

goal, as specified in pAIGoalsFirstActions.

  • oAIGoalObjectEquipAll - Causes the NPC to equip

    any weapons and armor that it has. This ensures it will be

    ready for combat when the time comes.

List of other combat-related goals

Of course, you can

change pAIGoalsConflict and pAIGoalsFirstActions to

whatever goals you wish.

Some other combat-related goals that I haven't discussed yet


  • oAIGoalAttackEnemy - Has the NPC take a swing

    at an enemy. This is called from oAIGoalAttackEnemies.

  • oAIGoalCombatAim - Call this to have the

    NPC change his aim (body part) location to a specific value.

  • oAIGoalCombatAimChoose - Call this to have the

    NPC change his aim (body part) location automatically, based on

    various personality properties.

  • oAIGoalCombatDefend - Call this to have the

    NPC change his defense location to a specific value.

  • oAIGoalCombatDefendChoose - Call this to have the

    NPC change his defense location automatically, based on

    various personality properties.

  • oAIGoalCombatEnemy - Call this to have the

    NPC change target a new enemy, based on a passed-in parameter.

  • oAIGoalCombatEnemyTargetChoose - Call this to have the

    NPC change his targeted enemy, based on

    various personality properties.

  • oAIGoalCombatDodgeParry - Call this to have the

    NPC change his dodge/parry to a specific value.

  • oAIGoalCombatDodgeParryChoose - Call this to have the

    NPC change his dodge/parry, based on

    various personality properties.

  • oAIGoalCombatRetreatCallForHelp - This goal

    causes the NPC to keep calling out for help until the goal

    is killed. It's added and killed when the NPC retreats

    in oAIGoalCombatRetreat.

  • oAIGoalObjectEquip - The NPC will equip

    or unequip a single

    object. It's called by oAIGoalObjectEquipAll.

  • oAIGoalObjectGetDrop - The combat AI uses this

    goal to pick up weapons it wishes to equip, to loot bodies,

    or to drop treasure in the hopes of distracting an attacker.

  • oAIGoalObjectGetWeapon - The AI will pick up

    a weapon from the ground (or a dead body) if it's better than

    its current weapon, and if it's usable by the NPC. This

    is used by oAIGoalAttackEnemies if the AI's weapon breaks

    or gets dropped.

Combat AI properties

Many of the combat-related goals rely on properties that affect

how the AI reacts in combat:

  • pAICombatAttackEnemySpeed - How rapidly the AI attacks

    compared to the ideal attack speech for his weapon.

  • pAICombatAttackEnemySpeedVar - Amount of variation in

    the AI's attack speed.

  • pAICombatAimLocation - Location where the AI tends to aim for.

  • pAICombatAimSwitch - Likelihood of the AI aiming for

    a different body part.

  • pAICombatDefendBodyPart - Preferred defence location.

  • pAICombatDefendJustHit - How likely it is that the AI

    will defend a body part that was just hit.

  • pAICombatDefendSwitch - Likelihood of changing defence locations.

  • pAICombatEnemyTargetAttacker - Likelihood that the AI

    will attack the last character that attacked it.

  • pAICombatEnemyTargetSame - How likely the AI will keep

    attacking the same enemy and not switch.

  • pAICombatEnemyTargetWeaker - Causes the AI to

    attack weaker opponents in preference to stronger opponents.

  • pAICombatEnemyTargetWounded - Likelihood that the AI

    will attack the most wounded character.

Extra tips

  • Because each NPC will have their own combat tactics, you might

    wish to provide a AIGoalOverride() method that

    overrides some standard combat goals,

    such as oIAIGoalCombatDefendChoose, with a custom goal. For example:

    You could use this to make the NPC only defend one part of his


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