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12 Factoids – cFactoid

Factoids make it easy to create a knowledge base for NPCs.

Factoids - cFactoids

TIP: There are easier ways for NPCs to answer questions.

See pAIQuestionsAndAnswers, or AIListenForEnum(), AIListenForIsValid(),

and AIListenForAct().

Factoids, based on cFactoid, make it easy to create a knowledge

base for NPCs. A factoid is an object that stores a question or

statement that the user speaks, such as "Where does King Rehald live?",

along with a response, "Kind Rehald lives in Burandon." Factoids actually store

a lot more information than the question and response, but those

are the basics.

Each faction (cFaction) maintains a list of factoid objects

known by the faction, and which are ultimately known

by the individual members of the faction.

Individuals can also have their own list of factoids, outside

of what they know from any factions they belong to.

Creating a factoid

To create a factoid that handles a simple question and answer:

  1. Create a new object based on cFactoid. The

    object's parent/container should be NULL.

  2. Fill in pFactoidParse with the parse string

    that causes the factoid to be spoken... This is the phrase

    that must be spoken by the player.

  3. At its simplest, pFactoidParse is something like,

    ["Where does King Rehald live?"]. However, this requires that

    the player types in an exact string and doesn't take full

    advantage of the parser's abilities.

    A better solution would be ["`where", oKingRehald], which

    can take advantage of a provided global and become,

    [gFactionWhere, oKingRehald]. The rules in rParserConversation

    convert "Where X?" questions into "`where X". By using

    oKingRehald instead of "King Rehald", the parser interpreting

    the factoid not only knows which object is being referred to,

    but it knows all the object's parse names (from pNameRealParse),

    so the user would be able to type "King Rehald", "Lord

    Rehald", "Sirius Rehald IV", etc.

    pFactoidParse supports multiple sentences too. For more information

    see the documentation.

  4. pFactoidSpeak needs to be filled in with the NPC's

    response to the question, such as ["Kind Rehald lives in Burandon."].

  5. pFactoidSpeak allows the NPC to do more than just speak. It can

    cause it to whisper, yell, emote, or have the narrator speak.

    For more information see the documentation.

  6. For each faction that would know this information,

    fill in the faction's pAIFactoids.

    Obviously, any

    subject of King Rehald would know this tidbit, as well as

    neighbors and educated NPCs around the world. Example:

    oFactionResidentOfBurandon.pAIFactoids = [ThisFactoid]; as

    well as oFactionScholar.pAIFactoids = [ThisFactoid].

  7. Alternatively, if you wish a NPC to know about a factoid independent

    of the factions it belongs to, you need to change the

    NPC's pAIFactoids to include the factoid object.

That's all there is to factoids, at the basic level at least.

The only problem with them is that you'll need to create an

awful lot of factoids for a world populated with NPCs.

Advanced factoid parsing

Factoids can handle more sophisticated parsing that what

I descibed:

  • pFactoidParse can contain several different

    parses, as I already mentioned. To do this, create a list

    of parses, each parse being a sub-list. For example: [ [gFactoidWhere,

    oKingRehald], ["where does", oKingRehald, "(live|reign)"] ].

    You can even append a probability to each parse, just like

    you set a probability in rule set resources.

  • There are several globals for who, what, why, where, how, etc.

    with the names gFactoidXXX, where XXX is replaced

    by "Who", etc. I suggest using to the globals to minimize

    typing mistakes that will be difficult to find.

  • If you need to define additional rules that do not relate

    immediately to the phrase, you can do so by

    setting pFactoidParseSyn. For example, if

    you wished to convert "the lord of the land" to "King Rehald"

    then set pFactoidParseReword to [ ["the lord of the land",

    "King Rehald"] ]

  • pFactoidParseReword is similar except that it

    rewords an entire sentence.

Advanced factoid speech

There are many ways to control what is spoken, and other

NPC reactions:

  • pFactoidSpeak can contain <SpeakScript> resources,

    causing the NPC to whisper, emote, or include narration.

  • You can provide different versions of what gets spoken depending

    upon the NPC's rank within the faction from which he inhereted

    the factoid. This lets the common folk have one version of

    events, while nobility might have another. To do this, create

    a list with sub-lists for each of the alternative phrases.

    Prefix each sub-list by the rank that the NPC needs to be in

    order to speak that version of events.

  • Example: [ ["The king lives up in the palace."], [5, "King

    Rehald reigns from the east wing of the Silver Palance."] ].

    You don't need a number for the first sub-string since there

    is no minimum rank. Any NPC up to rank 5 will speak the first

    phrase. Any one with 5 or above will speak the second.

  • pConvElementConversationState controls what the conversation

    state will be after the factoid has been spoken.

    If you leave this undefined then the state will be set based

    upon whatever objects can be found in pFactoidParse and

    pFactoidPronoun. It also affects what the conversation state

    the factoid will be brought up in.

  • pFactoidEmotionsSet will change the NPC's emotions

    when they speak the factoid. For example: Asking a mother about

    her lost child might make her sad.

  • pFactoidLikeSet affects how much the NPC's like/trust

    of the PC changes after the PC asks the question. For example:

    A slanderous comment about King Rehald might go over well with

    some factions, but poorly with others.

  • pFactoidMemorySet can be used to set a

    memory in the faction's or NPC's memory (using AIMemorySet()).

  • NOTE: Every time a NPC speaks a factoid, it remembers that it

    spoke the factoid. The system does this to ensure that NPCs

    don't speak the same factoid over and over, particularly

    for questions. (See below.)

  • When factoids are spoken they try to keep track of pronoun

    meanings just in case the player uses "he" or "it" in the

    next sentence. If pFactoidPronoun has any objects,

    they are used for pronouns. If the list is empty,

    pronouns are derived from any objects listed

    in pFactoidParse.

  • pFactoidConvTree will cause a conversation tree

    to be started immediately after the factoid has spoken.

    For more information about conversation trees, see the

    cConvTree tutorial.

  • pFactoidQuestionFill lets the NPC's speaking of

    a factoid spur on some other memories/comments that it

    will add to the conversation if given a chance. Just fill

    pFactoidQuestionFill with a single factoid object, or a list

    of factoid objects. See below for more information about


  • Some factoids allow the NPC to change the conversation's

    direction by using a question from the question list, while

    other factoids require that the NPC wait for the player

    to speak next. For example: If a factoid were, "The King lives

    up in the palace.", the NPC might append a question/statement from

    the question list, such as "I visited the palace once.". However, if

    the factoid ended in a question then NPC would have to

    shut up and wait for the PC to respond, such as "Do you want

    to know where the king lives in the summer or winter?".

    To prevent the NPC from asking a follow-on question,

    set pFactoidWaitForResponse to TRUE. Leave it

    undefined to allow a follow-on question.

  • If these properties don't meet your requirements for the

    factoid, you can always write your

    own FactoidAct() method, which is called

    when the factoid is to be spoken.

Advanced factoid limits

Even though a NPC is a member of a faction that knows a factoid,

the individual NPC may not know the factoid. Or, the NPC may

not be willing to divulge the factoid to the PC:

  • pFactoidSpeak can be used to limit the factoid's

    knowledge to faction members of a specific rank. [ [5, "The king's

    first name is Alendre."] ], limits the factoid to only

    NPCs with a 5 or higher ranking in their faction. [ ["The emperor

    has no clothes.", [4] ], causes all the peasants to realize that

    the emperor has no clothes, but anyone with a 4 or higher rank

    won't know the factoid.

  • pFactoidEmotionsRequired will cause the NPC to

    only speak the factoid when he/she is very happy, very sad,


  • pFactoidFactionsRequired ensures that the NPC

    will only speak the factoid to PCs who are a member of a specific

    faction. (Or not a member.)

  • pFactoidHoldRequired will prevent the NPC from

    speaking the factoid unless the PC is holding a specific object,

    such as a piece of jewelry that idenfifies the PC as a friend.

    (Or the reverse.)

  • pFactoidLikeRequired causes the NPC to only

    speak the factoid if the NPC's like/trust for the PC is within

    a given range.

  • pFactoidMemoryRequired tests a memory of the

    NPC or the NPC's faction (see AIMemoryGet()) and uses it

    to determine if the factoid will be revealed. For example: If

    the PC hasn't declared allegiance to the king (which caused

    a memory to be stored), then he won't be told about many factoids.

  • pFactoidRaceRequired will only let the NPC

    speak a factoid if the PC is of a specific race. (Or not

    of a specific race.)

  • If you wish to impose other tests, you can write

    your own FactoidValid() method with your

    own test. For example: You may wish a factoid discussing

    a rumor about a werewolf to be spoken in the week preceding

    a full moon.

Using factoids as conversation questions

Factoids can also be used for conversation questions that

are added using AIConversationQuestionAdd(). There

are two ways to add a factoid to the list of questions in

a conversation:

  1. If the NPC speaks on factoid, that may bring up other

    memories/thoughts that is will express later, using

    the question mechanism. To do this, set

    the factoid's pFactoidQuestions to the questions/factoids

    that will come to the NPC's mind.

  2. If a factoid has pFactoidQuestionFill set then

    it will automatically be added as a question when the conversation


In both cases, factoids will not be

added as factoids if the fail to meet the critera for

the factoid (such as pFactoidLikeRequired), or the factoid

was already spoken to the PC by the NPC.

You can set the question priority by

using pConvElementPriority. As

with an question, the priority

is also affected by how well the factoid's state matches

the current conversation state. The state

is set using pConvElementConversationState. If

left blank, a state will be generated from any objects

listed in pFactoidParse and pFactoidPronoun.

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