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Name: Bret
City, Country: USA
Sent: 7.41 AM - 7/15 2001

What's the rush to get Ramon over to the USA. As I recall, he said it will take some three years to accomplish his project. Doesn't it make more sense to spend the first years around the closest continents. The longer it takes for Ramon to get here, the more offers he will get, hence the more of the States he'll get to see. I can't imagine bouncing from one country to another without being "burned out" I think Ramon has a good pace going and should stick to it. Like you, I'm along for the ride and it's been pretty enjoyable so far. I'm not getting down on you Sandra, because I can clearly see how anxious and excited you are about this project and thats great! So let's let Ramon chart his course, and when he shows up in your area all the better. Promise me Sandra that you'll get Ramon to the Grand Canyon. He just has to see it. I'll try to get my friends in Prescott to sponsor Ramon.


Is not traveling with a laptop by choice? It would seem to really help out in catching up with reports on those long train rides or just idle moments.......Ok, so I've revealed my selfish addiction to your project, and am thinking of ways for you to keep up on this very involved project. So if you would prefer to have a laptop but just can't afford one. ATTENTION!!!! Computer manufactures, Sponsor Ramon!!!!! Thank You Bret

Ok Ramon it's time to send your dad a Birthday e-mail. Looking forward to the next report.

Name: Sandra
City, Country: Tucson, AZ. USA
Sent: 2.38 AM - 7/15 2001

Dear Jay Leno, NBC,

I am wondering when you are going to provide some sponsorship to ""? Ramon has indicated on his website a few times that Jay Leno Show has shown interest.

We (the world following him) wants to get him across the Atlantic. He's stuck in a small loop in Netherlands and Great Britain!!

Jay, get him over here! :-)


Name: Sandra
City, Country: Tucson, AZ. USA
Sent: 1.57 AM - 7/15 2001

Hi Ramon,

I will send your Dad a Birthday greeting. :-)

My Dad has passed away. My Mother lives with me now. I am just teaching her the internet, and have shown her alittle of your site and your travels thus far. She is a WWII British War Bride. Come to Tucson, AZ, we can chat about all that, and show you the Southwest as well. :-) Mom is from Leyland, Lancashire, England, and came to USA after WWII to marry my Dad a year after the war ended.

These are the GOOD stories of traveling the world and learning about the world! :-)


Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Glasgow, Scotland (UK)
Sent: 1.48 AM - 7/15 2001

Sandra, thank you for your writings! And especially about my current life style. I like to do both, relaxing at somebody's home, but I don't regret the nightlives I've seen 'till now. It's just all part of the experience. If I know I can relax a bit afterwards, I don't worry at all.

I really appreciate ANY comments. I hope a lot of people think so open-mindend like you do.

I hope to visit the USA some time ever, and I know Jay Leno hopes I'll visit him too, but 'till now I just have to work on Europe. No-budget travelling, means just waiting for a sponsor... or a ticket. :-)

But I'll just know things will work out fine and I hope I can see a lot on this big big world on the kindness and hospitality of its people. No concerns or worries on my side.

Only my parents worry sometimes, but that's just a parents thing. (By the way, my dad just celebrated his 59th birthday, everybody is welcome to send him a mail at! He'll love that!)

With regards to all,
Ramon Stoppelenburg.

Name: Sandra
Country: Tucson, AZ. USA
Sent: 1.37 AM - 7/15 2001

Thanks Alan McDonald, Charlene, Bret - agree too


Name: Sandra
Country: Tucson, AZ. USA
Sent: 1.26 AM - 7/15 2001

Dear Ramon,

I have been following your journey all along, and I subscribe to your daily email alerts (thank you), but was a bit behind in reading the message board. I am shocked. I read the now infamous June 30th report (I hate to bring it up again) and found it not to be a big deal. It was a "diary" entry, and I am miffed why people got all bent out of shape about a seemingly tired night out, and you wrote about it. Geesh!!!

I won't rehash the events because it has been rehashed well enough already on this message board. It's been two weeks, move on. You said it like it is, and that's what counts, it is YOUR travel experience, and YOUR writings, and YOUR feelings, and YOUR impressions. You are staying for a night (or two, or three), but you are not required as payment for room and board to write "this was an absolutely lovely experience and I loved every second of it!"

If there are uncomfortable times, you should be honest about those. That is life, that is the world experience. Write it as a diary, not as a forced edited version, all sugar coated. You are staying with strangers, and you are a stranger to your hosts. There is sure to be some differences. But I feel for you, because I am sure each host, each night, wants to take you out to a pub, a club, etc. At least that is how it seems so far.

Hey hosts, how about after some sightseeing during the day, a dinner at home or a restaurant for dinner, then just come home and "veg out" during the evening?? That's what I would offer. I don't think someone like Ramon who is on the go 24 hrs a day has to be entertained every evening at a pub, bar, or club. A good host may give him a break and some quality down time as well, so he would not have to sleep in until noon or 1 PM. Restore some normal life, he does not have to go out every night!. :-) I am sure he wants to learn about families and also just relax some evenings. No need to make him feel forced to visit the nightlife all the time.

So, when are you coming to Tucson, Arizona, USA, Ramon? Wait until after September! It's too hot now! :-)

Thanks for your reports, pictures, and to all the hosts thus far. I love reading this and following your journeys. I think it is time for you to cross the Atlantic!!


Name: Sylvia, Peter and Richard Beaumont
Country: North Berwick, Scotland, UK
Sent: 12.42 AM - 7/15 2001

Hi Ramon

Thank you for visiting us for a day in North Berwick, our lives are richer for meeting you and it was sad to see you leave so soon. I hope you enjoyed what little you saw of our town, but at least you were able to catch up with your reports.

I have just made up this little poem, sent by email, perhaps you could add it to your North Berwick day!

I hope you will remember us as we will remember you with great fondness.

With much love and Good Luck

Sylvia, Peter and Richard Beaumont

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: Glasgow, Scotland (UK)
Sent: 8.30 PM - 7/14 2001

Mmm, Nina, it wil take ages before I can translate that Korean article word by word... I will just wait the rest of my life until can translate complete pages from Korean into English...

Name: Nina
Country: Panama
Sent: 8.18 PM - 7/14 2001

Have you tried these Korean/English translation sites?

Either that or wonder for the rest of your life what was said about you in the newspaper article.
Also, hope that they said something good about you :-)

Name: Nina
Country: Panama
Sent: 8.05 PM - 7/14 2001

Hello. “if you look backwards, life can be understood”

This may be true for some, but I’ve known some people who still can’t understand their life, from the past or now in the present.
How about this one?
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow; a mystery, and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present".

Can you name senses other than the 6 biological ones? I can think of “intuition” as being a sense and of course “common sense” How about you?

What are the 9 principals?

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: North Berwick, Scotland (UK)
Sent: 3.11 PM - 7/14 2001

Hi Chad,
I don't know what happened, I only unsuscribe mailinglist members if they ask for it. It could have been an error by my mailinglist provider, but I doubt that. You can easily suscribe again.

Regards, Ramon.

Name: Chad
Country: usa
Sent: 10.12 AM - 7/14 2001

Hey Ramon,

why did I get an email saying "congrats" , I had unsubscribed to your "mailing list" I didnt "unsubscribe ....did you?
this is my first time on here , and I know your busy , just wondered ...dont really bother me ,has anyone else had this , it could be a glitch , but we are looking forward to seeing you when you get here Ramon .

Name: LSOM : Leonard Stephen Ondu Majakil
Country: Malaysia
Sent: 7.43 AM - 7/14 2001

Yes and indeed a journalistic question here. (Where is RAMON?)- No clue and no idea, only equation: TIME + SPACE + 6th SENSE + 9 Principles of Living

Ramon, we are learning and improving as time passes by.
Life must go on.
(LSOM : Lets Show Our Move/Manuerve.)

Name: Bret
Country: USA
Sent: 7.10 AM - 7/14 2001

Do I dare mention Deidre, in fear of a backlash, or thrashing for that manner.

Charlene and Alan,
Very well put. If I could do better I would, but I can't, so thank you for your comments. Hopefully this will put to bed the beating of a "dead horse"
I wish the best to Deidre and her quest "not to be bothered anymore" As it will be a blessing to us all.

Do you travel with a laptop?...........(just kidding, joke hahaha) Keep up the great reports, I'm learning lots!!!!

Name: Acadia
Country: USA
Sent: 5.02 AM - 7/14 2001

Good question Ramon. Where ARE you?

To those who have opinions about Ramon's journey (pro or con)I must add my two cents here. I have learned that all people cannot like all others. Ramon is bound to have some rub him the wrong way just as he is bound to do the same to some of his hosts. That is part of the adventure isn't it? He hasn't put up a list of requirements for hosts, save for an internet connection, so who knows if everyone will be compatable when the time comes. I hope that all will at least wish him godspeed. :o)

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
Country: mmm, where am i?
Sent: 3.07 AM - 7/14 2001

Today I am featured in a Korean newspaper ( Is there anyone that can provide me an English translation by email? I am unfortunately not really skilled in my Korean language... :-)

Thanx, Ramon.

Name: Charlene
Country: USA
Sent: 7.55 PM - 7/13 2001

I KNOW Ramon wasn’t your guest. He was your friend’s guest. But you go on about it as if he had been your guest too, you were talking about give and take and hospitality, plus you added a few insults about him. If you find this whole thing stupid and upsetting, then why did you start up with it? Yes, I think you better forget about it before you go nuts.

Name: Robert
Country: Belgium
Sent: 2.04 PM - 7/13 2001

Well Deidre, you really know how to go on, don't you? You don't like this project, you've said it a couple of times, so get out of here then!

Name: Deirdre
Country: Ireland
Sent: 1.27 PM - 7/13 2001


Is this intentional or do you REALLY keep missing the point???!!

Ramon was not my guest, I just happened to be in the company and felt I had a right of response. To be quite honest I find this whole thing stupid and upsetting and I really could not be bothered anymore - it's really something I'd prefer to forget about so off with you Ramon and enjoy the rest of your trip.

Name: Jackie
Country: Donaghadee, Northern Ireland
Sent: 1.17 PM - 7/13 2001

It was great to watch Ramon travelling on Ulster Television, where to and why etc. rather than watching local M.P.s like Paisley and Adams, etc.

Sent: 12.55 PM - 7/13 2001

LSOM, please just write your name.

Name: LSOM
Country: Malaysia
Sent: 5.01 AM - 7/13 2001

To whom it may concern,

"Without computers one cannot escape from ignorance and stupidity." (KIM JONG IL has been quoted as warning)
What's common sense here is not common sense in Pyongyang. Kim Jong Il loves to surf the web, while his people can barely stay afloat. Does anyone out there have Kim Jong Il's e-mail address? Maybe you could send him a message.

To NINA of Panama,

Lets begin with the '20 years from now game' by Mark Twain. Please response.

Thanks for the corner and safe journey.

Name: Karen
Country: USA _ TEXAS
Sent: 4.02 AM - 7/13 2001

I have to agree with Charlene and Alan! Southern hospitality is famous around here, of course, we are also raised to be very concious of our guests comfort. There are plenty of people like us out there, and I think (for the most part) that Ramon is meeting plenty of them!

I for one certainly appreciate Ramon really telling us about his visits and not "sugar-coating" anything. It isn't going to be all wines and roses! Keep on keepin' on Ramon and best wishes -

Name: Laurens
Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 3.48 AM - 7/13 2001

I totally agree with your Brendan Behan quote on July 9! Keep the spirit, Ramon

Name: Charlene
Country: USA
Sent: 10.56 PM - 7/12 2001

From the several messages written by you and Fiona on this messageboard.

It makes me see very clearly now that Ramon has done nothing wrong but tell the truth.
The big problem with both of you, is that it embarrasses you that he wrote the truth on his report.
On his website it says “I will stay with you and write about it” and that’s just what he did. But since it doesn’t sound good to you, you want him to remove it. I hardly see that Ramon was taking advantage of your hospitality.
He spent more time out of your home than in it. When you all finally got home in the wee hours of the morning, he had to go up and stay in Niamh’s room.

Alan MacDonald, you couldn’t have said it better. I was also raised to treat guest in the best way possible. Usually when you invite someone to your place, a host gives more than he/she takes, that’s the ideal of being a good host. To expect a guest to reciprocate equally does not make sense. I don’t see where the barter/give and take system has anything to do with all this such as Deirdre has mentioned.

Ramon, there are many nice people like Alan MacDonald in this world.

Name: Alan MacDonald
Country: Waterford, Ireland
Sent: 6.16 PM - 7/12 2001


[Preface -> This is all /my/ personal opinion, I am not preaching!]

I have to say, when Ramon came along, that I was delighted that he was staying with me. I was more worried that he might find fault with me or my hospitality than that he might be 'taking advantage'.

I mean, my place is not exactly large, and I didn't have an internet connection 'on site', it was at a friends house.

But as far as I am concerned, he didn't 'take advantage'. He was a great guest, interesting to talk to. I entertained and took care of him as best as I could, and sent him on his way. I vastly enjoyed the whole time.

But, I did it in my own way. I didn't bring him to pubs, because I'm not a pub goer. There is nothing wrong with pubs, it's just I don't do that much. I do visit pubs with my friends every now and then, but I don't really go that often. I'm much more of a stay-at-home, or visit cinema type of guy, and I'm assuming that that's part of what Ramon's journey is about. Meeting other people and seeing the differences in how people live. So we had a party at my place, some good friends came over, I cooked Jambalaya, we watched a few DVD's, (after a mad voting session on what to watch, talk about herding cats *grin*), had a few drinks, and had a good time.

The bottom line on all this as far as I am concerned is the concept of 'hospitality'. The needs of the guest are very important, and as much as possible should be done to make them welcome and comfortable. I freely admit I have what some people would consider archaic views on this, the whole concept of the 'honoured guest'. You have to always be conscious of their needs, and make sure that you take care of anything they need.

I dunno, I'm just like that. It's the way I was raised.

Please don't anyone take this up the wrong way, this is just my own opinion, and how /I/ do things.



Name: Melinda
Country: USA
Sent: 3.09 PM - 7/12 2001

Ramon, Your slacking! I can see all these wonderfully interesting pictures, but no story. You gave the excuse that you don't have time, but I think that you should make the time to place things on the website. That's the idea right, for you to stay at people's houses and then write about the stay on the internet?

Can't wait for you to come visit the states. Hope you find time.

Name: Deirdre
Country: Ireland
Sent: 12.29 PM - 7/12 2001

For Charlene,

Sorry I didn't see your message before responding to James. If you must know - that was my first message as I had been away and not viewing the site so please forgive me if I too just wanted to put my say on record! But I hope you will also take my point in my last message to James. And by the way it's not about losing ground - the more dirt you throw etc - how about you shouldn't give it if you can't take it back!!

Name: Deirdre
Country: Ireland
Sent: 12.25 PM - 7/12 2001

For James in the Netherlands aswell.

I would be quite willing to let it go but if Ramon can trash us like he did and leave his comments on the website - is it fair that he continues to delete our comments because he doesn't like what we say. People new to the site will read what he wrote about us but not what we had to say in return - so either he deletes what he said or leaves our comments there also. I think this is only fair but no doubt this comment will be deleted the minute he sees it aswell. Child!

Name: James
Country: Netherlands
Sent: 10.08 AM - 7/12 2001

The more I hear from Deidre et al, the more I support Ramon. It seems clearer and clearer that she is the one with the problem, and not Ramon. I can not believe that it has carried on this long ! Give it a rest and let the other hosts have their say !!

Ramon - I hope you are having a great time ! Regards
from all of us back home. (And no I have never met Ramon in person).

Name: LSOM
Country: Malaysia
Sent: 7.36 AM - 7/12 2001

Specially to NINA of PANAMA,

"Life can be understood by looking backward but it must be tried by looking forward".

Thanks, keep up your good works.

LSOM as always.

Name: Charlene
Country: USA
Sent: 12.37 AM - 7/12 2001


AGAIN?? Boy you don’t know when to stop. You said you were a grown up and that you can handle it. Things were said and done 11 days ago and you’re still at it.
Remember: The more dirt you throw, the more ground you lose.

Name: Deirdre
Country: Ireland
Sent: 10.59 PM - 7/11 2001

Hi, I am the other one from that night in Cork when Ramon was so tired he almost fell asleep on the street. Just a few points (rather than pints!!) It WAS in fact the beginning of my night out as I had left a retirement do earlier and joined the others at the race track at around midnight so the drink in the Long Valley was in fact my first drink - so sorry Ramon!!! Also, I can understand Ramon being tired but I do have a couple of issues. I love the concept of travelling around the worlds experiencing different people and cultures and availing of their hospitality and food but consuming alcohol and smoking others cigarettes and then behaving like a spoiled child when you've had enough fun and want to go home is not good enough. For centuries people have lived by the barter/give and take system but Ramons journey does not seem to be about meeting different people and cultures but more about how to meet and take advantage of people's good will and generosity.

I don't mean to sound harsh but I think for the trip that is involved a person of a different mindset to Ramon would be required to make it sucessful. Personally I have no problem with what he said about me - I'm a grown up and I can handle it, just like I can handle walking the streets of Cork City - NEW YORK IT'S NOT!!!!

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