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Name: Dragana Varadinac City, Country

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Name: Dragana Varadinac
City, Country: Novi Sad,Yugoslavia
Sent: 9.07 PM - 11/27 2001

I am very impressed by your travelling and I would have some informations about a similar project that our artist Miroslav Mandic had performed in Europe from 1991/2001 by walking every day and making with his steps the "Rose of wandering",an art project that is finished just few years ago.He is 52 at this time ,so it has suprised me that you are very young and still doing this!?Maybe you could answer me as I had left my invitation for you.Thanks!

Name: Erwan
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 5.36 PM - 11/27 2001

Hey Ramon, I just took al lool at all the letmestay stuff we can buy now... I wondered, do the profits of this stuff go back into the project or don't you make any profit at all ?

Name: Erwan
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 5.36 PM - 11/27 2001

Hey Ramon, I just took al lool at all the letmestay stuff we cab buy now... I wondered, do the profits of this stuff go back into the project or don't you make any profit at all ?

Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 4.49 PM - 11/27 2001

Hmmm...Christmas eve...he is going to Spain on the 10th, he might hang around there, although it would be cool for him to do something exciting. If he is in spain and makes sure he is close to the border, then I am sure there are gonna be some friends from Zwolle who will jump in a car or a bus to sing Christmas carols with him!

Name: Munk
Sent: 4.22 PM - 11/27 2001

Ramon already started to hint at where he would be around Christmas... We're now taking bets! Where will Ramon be on Christmas eve?

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 3.51 PM - 11/27 2001

No wonder your stomach is playing you up, seeing some of the food which you have eaten! Some of it doesn't look too appetising to me! Just make sure that it is all cooked properly and be careful of things like shellfish, mayonnaise and more especially hygiene! Your mum will be worried about you.

Take care of yourself Ramon.

Regards as always,


Name: Karen
City, Country: London, UK
Sent: 3.19 PM - 11/27 2001

Hope you feel better soon Ramon, it is difficult having to go on when you are not feeling very well. Take care!

Name: Evie
City, Country: Riga, Latvia
Sent: 2.27 PM - 11/27 2001

What a superb idea is to travel like you do!!! And what I like at most, is your tolerance to different people and different cultures around you. Some day within five years you can come to Latvia too, but you better do it in summer, o.k.

Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dublin, Ireland
Sent: 11.48 AM - 11/26 2001

Ramon! Well done on the 200 days! Are you going to keep going over Christmas, or will you take a day or two off to go home and see your family?

I can see from below that the one and only amazing Jack Sheremetoff has extended an intitation to you to visit Baikal. God, you have to do it! As you know I was there earlier this year myself, and it was Jack who looked after me the entire time I was there. Ask him to take you to Arshan, and to Khuzir on the island in the middle of Baikal. Truly amazing, though perhaps you might need to get sponsorship from Russian railways to go to Irkutsk on the Trans-Siberian train.
Anyway, well done on getting this far, and have fun in Spain.
All the best,

No, I won't go home for a few days during Christmas, but I do know where I will be and what will happen. But I don't know where I'd be on my birthday, December 20. We'll see.
About visiting Siberia? Where should I start? In the east or the west ? And would you know a railway sponsor? Maybe I'll get there through Alaska, :-)

Name: Jack Sheremetoff
City, Country: Russia
Sent: 4.28 PM - 11/25 2001

Greetings from Siberia!

Let me expand the area and invite you to stay-for-a-day in Irkutsk, a nice city located close to an astonishing lake Baikal!

Name: Tom
City, Country: Temecula, California, USA
Sent: 7.45 AM - 11/25 2001

To Brian & Sylvia: Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you for them. I would definitely want to take you up on your kind offer, Brian, if I ever get to Durban. But perhaps I should first wait to see how hospitable you are to Ramon when he visits you. Eh?


Name: Joao Paulo Paglione
City, Country: New York City, USA
Sent: 4.27 AM - 11/25 2001


Today was a fun day of shooting at the Brooklyn Heights promenade. I tried to watch some of your video interviews but would be unable to. Would you consider being filmed when you come to New York City? Let me know . . .

I am jealous that you are going to Spain! It is every ex-pat's dream. You should read a book "Driving over Lemons" while you are there--brilliant!

Good Luck,

Joao Paglione

Joao, if you ever bump into my friends, ask them how I 'Drive Over Oranges'. In February '00 three friends and I drove the long distance from Holland to Madrid and Barcelona in a very old grumpy Peugeot 305. And boy, that story is already worth a book...

Name: carinus
City, Country: stellenbosch, south africa
Sent: 7.24 AM - 11/24 2001

Hei Ramon - the place is East London is found at - not at the URL u posted.

Fix the link please, for the benefit of the owner.

Good luck,


Updated. I had no time to check the URL before publication.

Name: Brett
City, Country: Cape Town, South Africa
Sent: 6.01 AM - 11/24 2001

Dawn... Perhaps I am being "thick" but I do not get the meaning of your post and the URL you give only adds to the mystery. If you are trying to explain or defend your initial attempt to bill Ramon for internet access (which kind of defeats the entire object!) you will have to be less cryptic.

Name: Dawn (faker)
City, Country: Coffee Bay, SA
Sent: 12.53 AM - 11/24 2001

“Okay, I’ll give you credits for four beers,” Dawn said and I was a little bit disappointed. I am not such a freeloader, who wants its drinks and meals for free. I am a guest and I am invited here.

Ha... ha... ?
Just found out that Dawn could never have posted this, it's been done by a joker in the US. The IP-address is known.

Name: Sylvia (past host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 9.15 PM - 11/23 2001

Message for Tom of Temecula.

What a lovely message you posted on this board!
My family were fortunate enough to have Ramon for a day back in July and within minutes of meeting him, it felt as though we had known him for a long time. What you see is what you get, as he is 'just himself'. He is a very warm, friendly, individual and immediately you feel perfectly at ease and comfortable in his company. You instantly feel a great fondness for him and also feel very protective towards him. We wished Ramon could have stayed for much longer, as I am sure that his other hosts felt the same, but knew it wasn't possible as it would then take him 10 years to complete his travels!
You are right in thinking that he comes from a very loving family. I have been in contact with Ramon's parents and they are very warm and caring, just as you thought, and they should be very proud of their son's unique project.

Lots of love to Ramon and we wish you a safe exciting adventure. xx

Name: Sabadoobee
City, Country: 1000 entries
Sent: 3.49 PM - 11/23 2001

I think this in itself is a milestone for your project. Well done from Birmingham, AL.

Unfortunately my messageboard has already started its second generation a long time ago. It can only allow 999 postings. Every new posting will erase the first one on the last page. Don't worry, a backup is made for future use...

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 1.53 PM - 11/23 2001

Tom Huntington in California, this is for you. I have read between the lines in your message. You seem like a wonderful person. If you are ever in South Africa, please look me up. I'd really like to meet you, and show you a small part of this incredible country we have, and that Ramon is experiencing.



Name: Salomé
City, Country: Table View, South Africa
Sent: 11.54 AM - 11/23 2001

I must admit, I am also addicted to -> :-)

Beautiful message Tom, I agree with you totally.
I cannot wait for the reports from Spain. I want to visit S. next year, and will be great to get a sneak preview.
Ramon -> Congratulations ! 200 days!

Name: Tom Huntington
City, Country: Temecula
Sent: 6.17 AM - 11/23 2001

Dear Ramon, I Love You!

I just got your post for Nov. 8 to 12th. I’m glad you’re getting us back up to date with your travels.

On Nov. 9th you wrote:

“The other guests in the house complimented me with my great success and the way that I handle interviews as just another daily thing. And that is strange to hear, every time, because I am just myself and I got to do what I got to do”

You don’t realize what an inspiration you are. It’s not just because you are doing something that many of us would also like to do. It’s not just because you had a creative idea and you are MAKING IT HAPPEN so successfully. It’s not just because you are dedicated to your goals and you consistently devote the time to getting your reports out and meeting with reporters and coordinating with your support crew, etc. etc. etc. (i.e. that you “do the work” that helps make your project happen) ……

It IS all those things that are inspiring (at least for me), but maybe what is even more inspiring, is that you ARE “just yourself” and that comes out clear and authentically in your reports and even in the obvious fun and care shown through your photos.

You don’t realize that so many people are not “just themselves.” Many people (maybe even most people) don’t even know “who they are” much less feel comfortable and at ease “just being themselves.” Many of us grew up in families and environments where we were not ACCEPTED and LOVED for being ourselves, for “being who we are.” Many (maybe even most) of us grew up in families where we were ridiculed or punished (some of us in very subtle ways and some of us in very gross ways) for “being real” and authentic, and we learned how to pretend in order to survive and get some semblance of love and acceptance (or at least less abuse). We learned how to adopt or play a role, usually at very young ages, so that by the time we got to be teenagers and young adults, we had become very divorced from our “real selves.”

For those reasons, your authenticity and obvious acceptance of yourself is so refreshing and inspiring. It is actually very unusual. I imagine you must have had very loving, accepting parents (or at least above average in the love and acceptance realm).

I know you don’t need any advice to just keep being yourself and keep doing what you gotta do, but PLEASE KEEP DOING IT. It is inspiring and if you do nothing else in your life other than be an example to others for them to “just be themselves” you will have led a great and worthy life.

Thanks for sharing your life and “just being yourself” with us!

Tom from Temecula, California

Name: Micky D
City, Country: America
Sent: 4.47 AM - 11/23 2001

First it was ostrich, and now it is lambneck.

This is getting worse by the minute.

McDonalds (where's the beef?)

What a pity Micky D, that you don't seem to open yourself up to other cultures or something else than McDonald's food. Be careful, it characterises you and foreigners will even charactarise all the Americans like you. But if you love Mac-food so much, I can pass you on to this this site. Enjoy the meal...

Name: Joan
City, Country: USA
Sent: 3.48 AM - 11/23 2001

Hello Everyone,

Happy Thanksgiving to the USA, and to the world.

Ramon, thanks for the updates. Many of us have been wondering where and how you are. Believe it

or not, you and your travels have become a part of our daily lives. We miss you!! I log on from work,
I log on from home, looking for your daily reports.

Keep safe, have fun. Hope you get caught up soon, but I am sure it's a bit of a relief in a sense also for you, to be away from the computer for a bit. But the catching up will take some time. We are patient, just don't get stressed out over not being able to write reports daily, we understand. (But we sure do miss them! :-) You have become a part of our daily routine now, at least for me.)

Take care, best regards,

Name: Brian
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 6.20 AM - 11/22 2001

Hi Tom

Yep, you are quite right. It seems strange that people care about each other even when they don't know each other.

But then, we are all human. We all have emotions and feelings. The trouble is that the media portrays a negative, uncaring, malicious world to us, so we get the impression that everyone else is bad, and that we are odd for caring.

Au contraire! People do care for each other. Most people are just too scared to say so, in case they appear to be going against the grain, as laid out by the media.

Ramon's project is showing the world that this is true. Read the messageboard, look at the reports. It is very clear that we are a good bunch of people, here in South Africa, and all over.

Ramon, keep it up, you are doing something for the world that no-one else is willing or able to do. I am looking forward to hosting you, presumably next week. My cell phone is charged, it just has to ring...

All the best


Name: hélène
City, Country: france
Sent: 5.56 PM - 11/21 2001

Where are you Ramon ? Still in South Africa or in Spain ? I really like reading your daily reports.It's more pleasant than watching TV programs about countries. It's live ! Thank you a lot.

Name: Munk
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 12.47 PM - 11/21 2001

There's no reason to be concerned about Ramon. He always manages to survive somehow. Besides, him being late delivering reports occasionally is nothing new. Aks his former teachers at the School for Journalism in Zwolle... :)

Name: Tom
City, Country: Temecula, California
Sent: 6.54 AM - 11/21 2001

Dear Ramon:

I was worried that something unpleasant might have happened to you. I am glad to find that you are just experiencing a respite from civilization. I look forward to hearing of your further adventures. I am glad you are fine!

Hey! Isn't that cool? There are people all over the world who haven't even met you who CARE ABOUT you. That's awesome. I care about you. Take care of yourself.


Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Port St. Johns, South Africa
Sent: 11.10 PM - 11/20 2001

Finally found myself an internet cafe in the middle of the jungle on the Wild Coast of South Africa. Have to do some major updating tomorrow ("You got to work, boy" as they say it here). Check out the latest press release in the Daily Dispatch, South Africa:
"A crazy Dutch hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"

Name: Backup Team
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 1.24 PM - 11/20 2001

Ramon is still doing fine and will update the reports very soon. Like he told before he is having difficulties with the internet-connections in the part of South Africa where he is traveling now but from the daily phone-calls with him we can assure you that the new reports will be well worth reading again. So please be patient. Thank you all for youre support!

Name: martina
City, Country: milan,italy
Sent: 11.00 PM - 11/19 2001

hi ramon!milan is waiting for you!come to visit us.see you soon!!!good luck!

Name: Osama Bin Laden
City, Country: Some cave, Afghanistan
Sent: 10.42 PM - 11/19 2001

When are you coming to visit me Ramon?

Name: Pamela Swanson
City, Country: Lake Havasu, AZ, USA
Sent: 12.29 AM - 11/19 2001

You're invited to my home in Lake Havasu where you can see the American home of the London Bridge if you ever get to America. P Swanson

Name: Sylvia (ex host)
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 9.12 PM - 11/17 2001

Hi Ramon
Pleased to hear that you are OK, I was getting worried not having seen any reports for a few days! Congratulations on 200 days of fascinating travel.

Looking forward to seeing your next reports and pictures.
Best Regards

Name: J Boucke
City, Country: USA
Sent: 8.42 PM - 11/17 2001

Your photos allow us all to share in the normal day to

day, and yet some have shown views of wherever you are I never would have guessed. Your road views are so appropriate. how many times do we travel down roads, but only take photos of the tourist stops. I have seen roads. I have seen peoples' streets they live on and their houses. We have seen kitchens. These are what tell us about people.

Your honesty keeps me coming back everyday to check for a new report because it is a real person who is meeting real people and then sharing the normal as you call mundane existence of day to day. I use sometimes your thoughts or experiences for discussions with the students I teach.

The views of other people in the world about Sept 11 and events following have been food for thought.

I have been to other blogger sites and this medium of the internet creates this openness of communication that as an older person gives me such joy over the goodeness and humanness of us all. Your story of the youthful energy at the backpackers hotel in SA the other day contrasted to when you stay with older folks or working singles or those in different lifestyles.

Hope these words send you energy to push on from one who envies your willingness to be out exploring the unknown.

J (one letter, no period, representing nothing more than J) Boucke

Name: Kite
City, Country: Rome, Italy
Sent: 3.59 PM - 11/17 2001

You just should come to see the most beautiful country of the world... ;-)! Rome is waiting to welcome you!!!

Ciao Ramon!!!

Name: bill mione
City, Country: port colborne ont. ca
Sent: 3.34 PM - 11/17 2001


Name: Wolf Fischer
City, Country: Austria
Sent: 1.45 PM - 11/17 2001

Hi, Ramon!

Greetinx from the Alpes (-10° Celsius in the morning)

The northern hemisphere is getting colder each day.... Don't hurry up! Spend a longer, extended time in South Africa - don't stress you up, man! In cause if you enter a firm after this "Round The World Tour" remember you've only 5 small weeks for all holydays per year! So, when can you went next time so cheap and so young to South Africa? Who makes the rules :-)

All the Best!

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Coffee Bay, South Africa
Sent: 11.49 AM - 11/17 2001

Ramon here, doing fine on the East Wild Coast of South Africa. I am staying at places where the use of the internet is very rare, just like hot showers or sun cream... But everything is okay, hope to give you updates soon.

By the way, the mailinglist from Coollist doesn't seem to work anymore. A new solutions to keep you updated on new reports is coming up soon.


Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 12.49 AM - 11/17 2001

Where are you Ramon? We have had no reports for a few days, hope you are OK!

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