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Name: Jim
City, Country: Dublin Ireland
Sent: 7.00 PM - 8/8 2001

PS Well done on the 100 days, man. Keep up the good work in Scandinavia.

Name: Journo Jim
City, Country: Dubin, Ireland
Sent: 6.58 PM - 8/8 2001

Dear Ramon,

I missed you in Copenhagen airport! When where you there? I was stuck there for four hours on Tuesday afternoon and met one of my neighbours in the departure lounge - aparrently it's voted the best airport in the world, though I don't know why...

Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Copenhagen, Denmark
Sent: 6.20 PM - 8/8 2001

GaBs in Madrid,

I think works out better, you even get to choose! Haha!

Name: GaBs
City, Country: Madrid, Spain
Sent: 4.39 PM - 8/8 2001

Yeahhhhh , men!

I will register

Name: Eline Wagteveld
City, Country: Steenwijk, The Netherlands
Sent: 4.03 PM - 8/8 2001

Great project! Read about you in the HSK (schoolpaper)... Good luck!!

Name: Louise, Martine, Suus
City, Country: Zwolle, The Netherlands
Sent: 4.02 PM - 8/8 2001

Congratulations for your 100 days, RAMON!

Keep up the spirit and we'll try to visit YOU soon!

From your friends in Zwolle, hometown, Holland!

Take care out there! (Don't eat too many Danish cakes!)

Name: Steve
City, Country: Vienna, Austria
Sent: 3.03 PM - 8/8 2001

Vienna waits 4 U!

Name: Backup Team
City, Country: Netherlands
Sent: 1.43 PM - 8/8 2001

We like to thank everyone who invited, helped and supported Ramon for the first 100 day's and make his travel a succes so far. Latest news: Ramon has left the U.K. and is flying to the North. Update very soon..

Name: mum & dad
City, Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 11.28 AM - 8/8 2001

Dear Ramon

Congratulations with your first 100 days.
We thank all the hosts for the hospitality and taking care of our son

Name: Anonymous
City, Country: Global Village
Sent: 11.09 AM - 8/8 2001

Dear Ramon,

I would let you stay at my place forever.

Name: elaine
City, Country: Stonehaven/Scotland
Sent: 9.50 AM - 8/8 2001

I can't believe it! It seems I have missed Ramon on Radio 2 with Steve Wright, according to a couple of messages on the messageboard!!!!!! We had ramon staying here with us, as a result of hearing about him on Steve Wright!!!! I even e-mailed Steve and Miles Mendoza who does the website of the day on his show!!!!! and now I've missed Ramon finally getting on the programme! Please Ramon, if possible put a recording on the site, as Sylvia suggested.

I would also like to acknowledge we enjoyed meeting Ramon, and wouldn't hesitate to have him back again.

Name: Sylvia
City, Country: Scotland
Sent: 7.58 PM - 8/7 2001

Where are you Ramon? Don't keep us in suspense! I missed you on Steve Wright because I was at work all day. Will you be putting a recording on your website for people who were at work all day please?

Name: Paul G
City, Country: Lampeter, Wales
Sent: 5.05 PM - 8/7 2001

Hi Ramon - just heard you on BBC radio 2, made me check this site out and as you have requested, opened my doors for you. Lampeter's a beautiful place, and I'll definitely need the warning as busy guy, but always make time for someone who needs a plce to stay! Safe journeys and travel well!


Name: Julia
City, Country: Stockport, England
Sent: 5.00 PM - 8/7 2001

Hi Ramon,

Just submitted my place as somewhere for you to stay. Hope we get to see you soon and hear about your fab journey and get to know you and you get to know us. I make a wicked Roas Beef dinner y'know :)

Happy Travelling!

Name: Carol
City, Country: Co. Down, N. Ireland
Sent: 2.55 PM - 8/7 2001

Sylvia & Peter, Scotland.

I hope you didn't misunderstand me. I think what Ramon is doing is amazing & I only wish I could do something similar. My criticism was of the reporter in our local newspaper who described Ramon as a confidence trickster. I have absolutely no criticism of Ramon whatsoever. Like yourselves, my family enjoyed his visit immensely and I have written a letter to that effect to my local newspaper describing their reporter as a narrow minded conservative person who's attitude does nothing to promote N. Ireland as a beautiful, and believe it or not, welcoming society. I suggest that you and others e-mail the newspaper (The Mourne Observer) at and share with them your own positive experiences of having Ramon to stay.

Name: Alain
City, Country: Paris, France
Sent: 11.01 AM - 8/7 2001

I saw an article on your web-site in the plane I took to go to Marocco.

I find it a very great idea.
I also travelled for 3 months in South-east Asia. It was a very great
experience for me and I still have nostalgia of it.

Name: Sylvia and Peter
City, Country: North Berwick, Scotland
Sent: 11.34 PM - 8/6 2001

Hello all,

We too welcomed Ramon for a day up here in Scotland, in July, and as most other hosts have said, we really enjoyed his company and found him to be a charming, very open, honest, friendly guy who we wished could have stayed for a week instead of just a day. We found it was very easy to soon become very fond of Ramon and also to become protective of him. I can't believe that anyone who was fortunate enough to have him to stay could say anything negative about him and he would be VERY welcome back here at any time.

His parents are probably a bit worried about him travelling around and staying with people who he knows nothing about,and although they don't know him either, through the website they will have been able to learn so much about Ramon and see by the photos of himself that he is a lovely smiley guy and his parents should be immensely proud of him.

Good Luck Ramon, we will always remember you with great fondness.

Name: Ian Hannaway
City, Country: stockton-on-tees, england
Sent: 10.27 PM - 8/6 2001

Hi all, Ramon stayed with me for 3 days last week and it was a time I will remember always. The experience was worth it's weight in gold and also gives REAL people a chance to show that hospitality and the better side of human nature still exists in this modern world. Ramon is a great guy, and grab the chance to have him stay, it restores your faith in human kind. The negative comments I see here say so much about the people writing them and little about Ramon, they need to get some help rekindle their faith in human nature.

Name: Dan and Karen
City, Country: Ealing, London, UK
Sent: 9.07 PM - 8/6 2001

We just waved off Ramon to the airport today - he's been here for three days. He is neither lazy nor a confidence trickster as described in the post below. I think a better description would be to call Ramon a free spirit - you would have to be to do this project.

Ramon was a good guest and was fun to have around. He has interersting opininons and principles and is very switched on. His character will allow him to learn a lot from his travels. You are welcome back any time Ramon.

Name: Carol
City, Country: Co Down, Ireland
Sent: 3.35 PM - 8/6 2001

Hi Ramon and anyone else reading this, I told you you made the front page of our local newspaper after you stayed with us, well last week, the newspaper's cross channel correspondent, Peter Burns wrote a letter saying how you were nothing but a 'lazy devil' and 'confidence trickster'. He also said that your hosts were 'mugs', taken for a ride. I was highly offended to be described as a mug as I consider myself to be a discerning person and wrote a stinker of a letter to the newspaper in reply. It's due for publication this wednesday so it'll be interesting to see if it'll be included. Anyway, I suggest that any other of you past hosts out there also contact this newspaper by e-mail, their address is and voice your opinions.

The editor invited a response to the letter so he'd be more than surprised if that response came from abroad as this is strictly a local newspaper.
Good luck Ramon. It embarasses me as an Irish woman that your stay in Ealing was tinged by the negative experience of a RIRA bomb. These people are mindless thugs and in no way represent the feelings of the average Irish person.
Good Luck,

Name: Chiara
City, Country: Italy
Sent: 3.44 PM - 8/3 2001

My four cats are waiting for you!

It's very beautiful to think that you'll hold a piece of everybody you meet and every place you see in your mind and bring it all over the world.
I guess you got a real "free" spirit and soul to do all this!
It should be a great example for everybody.
I wish you good luck and a lot of fun.

City, Country: cologne
Sent: 11.24 AM - 8/3 2001

hi roman, realy good idea you have, my english is not the best but let me ask you one question:

have you ever heared from possibility to change flats for 1/2/3 weeks. one person from ireland comes to cologne and Igo to him??it will be to complete my english,enjoy the feeling far from shools etc.
If you find time to answer it will be nice.
many many greatings from sylvia/elsa at cologne

Name: Noemí
City, Country: Argentina
Sent: 2.48 AM - 8/3 2001

Wow Ramón!!!!! congratulations....You have done a lot since the last time I saw your trip....That's good!!

Good Luck!

Name: Genevieve Hautcoeur
City, Country: Ottawa, Canada
Sent: 1.15 PM - 8/2 2001

I have been following you from the beginning and I am so happy for you! :-) Congratulation for your 3 month; hope to see you soon in North America! (maybe at the Jay Leno's Tonight show...)

All the best for you, take care

Name: Heiner Stegmann
City, Country: Bad Essen, Germany
Sent: 8.29 AM - 8/2 2001

Good luck and lots of fun for u and your trip. We´re waiting for u in germany to bring u to the next stop over.


Name: C. L. Chin
City, Country: Beijing, CHINA.
Sent: 7.40 AM - 8/2 2001

One of our ultimate concerns is for journalism that is free yet fair, probing yet credible and authoritative in content yet open to many voices.

So far so good.

All the best to you Ramon.

Name: Miek
City, Country: Zwolle
Sent: 3.23 PM - 8/1 2001

Hi Ramon,

3 months already! By the way Zwolle did not change at all! Today there was an other 'Blauwvingerdag'....

Always nice to hear from a friend that nothing happens in my hometown Zwolle.

To all others: Blauwvingerdag is our anual Groundhog Day, it will always be the same thing every year. When you ever get to Zwolle, take this tourist tour...

Name: Andreas Korner
City, Country: Dusseldorf, Germany
Sent: 11.18 AM - 8/1 2001

Congrats with your first 3 months!

Name: Marlies Keessens
City, Country: Rotterdam echwel, Nederland
Sent: 5.07 AM - 8/1 2001

Hey Ramon, after over two weeks of silence you were back on Dutch radio again! (eventhough it's on 5.50 in the morning) I hope DJ Giel Beelen will keep you throughout the summer, because I really enjoy your project and don't want to miss your real life talks anymore. Radio 3FM Rules!

Thanks Marlies, for your compliments. It's great to be back on air...

Name: LSOM
City, Country: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Sent: 5.00 AM - 8/1 2001

Its exactly 12.00 noon here. Congratulation and thanks

for the 3 months' report.
Do take care.

Name: Udno Likajam
City, Country: Manila, Philippines
Sent: 4.36 AM - 8/1 2001

Hi Ramon,

I have been following your shadow since 3 months ago and it is getting better and better. Congratulation!


Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Amersham, UK
Sent: 12.57 AM - 8/1 2001

Read's weblog (date: July 31st) about how he spent last Sunday with me as he gave me a lift from Lincoln to Nottingham... picture rated as to be seen with parental guidance...

Name: Nick Snelson
City, Country: Bedford
Sent: 10.39 PM - 7/31 2001

Hi Ramon, Hope you made it to your next destination safely and enjoyed your small stay with me. My mum and Dad are sorry they missed you but hope you have fun on the rest of your journey. T2UL. Nick

Name: Dranoel Nephets
City, Country: Agra, India
Sent: 5.03 AM - 7/31 2001

Keri, I kinda curious how you're going to make up to living in that seems to be a huge invisible oven. In some part of the world, its getting hotter and hotter. No thanks to a few ignorants and greeds.

Ramon, I agreed that withdrawal symptoms are prematurely taking effect - only for time being, but I'll stay as it's part of the project atmosphere.
Keep going young man!

Thanks Dranoel (nice name), for putting the withdrawal symptons in the right statement. Imagine how my reporting might become if I'd be in some tropical bush-bush...

Name: Keri
City, Country: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Sent: 12.10 AM - 7/31 2001

Nope! I'm NOT kidding!!! Phoenix, AZ is VERY hot during the summer. One summer the temperature hit 122 F! But, while we DO have hot summers, which last about 3-4 months, the rest of the year is BEAUTIFUL!!! :) Kinda makes up for having to live in what seems like a giant oven for a few months!

Name: Brian
City, Country: South Queensferry UK
Sent: 8.42 PM - 7/30 2001

Hello Ramon

Hurry up and get on with your reports! We are getting withdrawal symptoms because we have not had much in the way of reports to read for a few days! Have you not had anything very interesting to do since leaving Bonnie Scotland! Come back soon!

Brian, don't push me. Not everybody has Internet and not always do I have the time to update. God only gave us 24 hours in a day....

Name: Brian Cox
City, Country: Durban, South Africa
Sent: 4.37 PM - 7/30 2001

Hi all

Keri, those temperatures are in Celcius. 20 degrees C = 68 Degrees F, and 30C = 86F. For the rest, 115F = 46C! Keri, you must be kidding! It can't be that hot! I s'pose, you are in a desert... Durban gets to upper 30's in summer, with humidity that makes it feel like 45 to 50 C, so I know how you feel. We get it in Feb/Mar for about 3 weeks. (Ramon, try to get here before then...)

Ramon, I really hope you teeth sort themselves out soon. How do you eat when you have painful teeth? For days after a filling my teeth hurt like hell. I have pity on you, but I know you'll make it, because you are strong!

Keep on going, Ramon.


Name: Keri
City, Country: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Sent: 4.13 PM - 7/30 2001

I'm not sure what those temperatures you all have been saying are in Fahrenheit, but here in Phoenix the temperature lately has been right around 115 Fahrenheit. Now that is HOT!!! :)

Name: juut
City, Country: The Netherlands
Sent: 11.25 AM - 7/30 2001

Hey, Ramon!

First of all I wish you good luck with your dentist-stuff and so on. Take care and get well soon! I am curiously waiting for all those reports.
And I've got a question: do you have any idea about how many km you have been travelling so far?

ale the best,


How many kilometers? Well, I don't know that. Maybe Ludo's map helps out. Just look at it here

Name: Sieto van der Heide
City, Country: Leeuwarden, Netherlands
Sent: 10.35 AM - 7/30 2001

Well Ramon, the weather here in Holland has been good for the last few days! (24/26 degrees C)

Personally, I have been inside most of yesterday afternoon, because of the Grand Prix of Hockenheim, but after that it was the perfect weather for a bike-ride :)

By the way; a little question: has the '/' problem been solved already? (did my e-mail help?)

Name: Angklong Dandai
City, Country: Chiengmai, Thailand
Sent: 4.38 AM - 7/30 2001

Kindly furnish us reasons why we should trust an internet journalist. Then and only the genuine viewers would follow you everywhere. Right now I better be gone as the heatwave has reached to this corner of the world.

What is internet journalist? Happy journey.


Name: Ramon Stoppelenburg
City, Country: Nottingham, UK
Sent: 8.58 PM - 7/29 2001

It's holiday season out there! Where is everybody? It must be as hot as here everywhere! Sweating my head off right now...

Anyway, those who really want to read reports and look at the pictures of the last days really have to wait a while, because the last few days I couldn't use an (or a steady) internet connection.

So with a few days behind in reporting, I hope one of my next hosts have some spare time to have me hooked on the web for a while...

Name: Per & Tonje Johnsen
City, Country: Inverness, Scotland
Sent: 2.36 PM - 7/29 2001

Ramon has left the building.

We had Ramon staying with us for 2 days. Ramon requires 200 gram bread, 4dl milk, 350 gram chicken with assorted vegetables and rice/potatoes for optimum performance. At least 8 hours rest is recommended. Ramon is easy to clean and realtively self-entertaining.
We recommend people to try out Ramon for a day or so yourselves, as there is no money-back guarantee. The satisfaction guarantee is still valid, though.

Regards, Per & Tonje

Name: Samuel Fernandez
City, Country: Curitiba, Brazil
Sent: 10.36 AM - 7/29 2001

Dear Ramon,

Whats a life you are having! Do come to Curitiba - the most ecological city of 2.4 million people.
Be healthy always and see you someday.


Name: Preston
City, Country: Granbury, TX, USA
Sent: 11.54 PM - 7/28 2001

Been following you from the beginning of your excelent adventure. A first cyber traveler indeed, Ramon!!! And cutting a swarthe through the middle of life as it is lived on this planet. Marco Polo, hehehe.....for our times. Be glad you are not in Texas right now, it is hot hot hot. Norway sounds wonderful, if indeed that is your next destination. I will be following!

Hope to see you some day, Buddy!!!!


Name: birgit
City, Country: canarian islands
Sent: 11.07 PM - 7/28 2001

i supose, you are going to see swesen or norway?? its a good time to go there (in summer). maybe in winter you visit the canarian islands?

good luck

Name: Tom
City, Country: New Zealand

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