04/25/2008 08:51 AM 7,605,248 830_Wel_Applin_04252008.ppt
04/29/2008 07:20 AM 10,745,856 915_Hall_APStrategy.ppt
04/28/2008 05:16 PM 68,608 Aero_Panel_Agenda_v2_04292008.doc
04/30/2008 07:55 AM 199,168 Feedback_Charts.ppt
04/28/2008 09:49 PM 199,168 Kickoff Charts.ppt
03/21/2008 12:20 PM 7,749,779 M0pt9_Pt3283_AlternatingFlow_v2.wmv
13 File(s) 140,775,969 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\DRA
10/06/2008 04:08 PM 20,920 atk-usa-memo.rtf
01/08/2009 03:20 PM 533,428 atk.mod4.PDF
01/05/2009 03:58 PM 272,070 DRA.LF111.pdf
01/07/2009 01:11 PM 256,202 DRA.LF111_Page_1.jpg
01/07/2009 01:11 PM 416,986 DRA.LF111_Page_2.jpg
01/05/2009 03:58 PM 567,623 dra.risk.NF1760.pdf
02/02/2007 11:27 AM 81,920 DRA.riskdesg.doc
01/16/2007 05:08 PM 1,294 DRA.rtf
01/04/2010 05:23 PM 332,800 DRA.template.opd
01/04/2010 05:21 PM 12,649 DRA.template.rtf
01/04/2010 05:17 PM 1,052,579 DRA.template.tif
01/23/2008 12:35 PM 49,152 DRAform.itp
01/22/2008 12:31 PM 272,070 draform.pdf
01/08/2009 09:22 AM 322,048 DRAform111.2009.ppt
01/08/2009 09:21 AM 24,157 DRAform111.2009.rtf
01/07/2009 03:26 PM 372,736 DRAform111.doc
01/08/2009 08:43 AM 4,448,940 DRAform111.last.emf
01/08/2009 09:18 AM 392,343 DRAform111.last.jpg
01/08/2009 08:35 AM 322,048 DRAform111.ppt
01/23/2008 12:22 PM 140,014 DRAriskdesignation2008.pdf
04/30/2007 02:04 PM 64,000 nesc-swales-bio.doc
05/23/2009 12:22 PM 64,937 outwfm.abridged.txt
05/23/2009 12:56 PM 8,015 outwfm.lco.txt
05/20/2009 01:24 PM 7,426 outwfm.rundec.txt
05/22/2009 03:52 PM 7,426 outwfm.txt
10/02/2008 04:31 PM 2,515 RE AVT-154 Advanced Methods in Aeroelasticity.txt
01/22/2008 12:33 PM 553,946 riskdesignationform.pdf
10/02/2008 04:14 PM 2,885 work on aiaa manuscripts.txt
28 File(s) 10,603,129 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\DRA\DRAform111
01/08/2009 08:39 AM 165,537 Slide1.JPG
1 File(s) 165,537 bytes
Total Files Listed:
29 File(s) 10,768,666 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\ET PAL
06/10/2011 09:49 PM ET PAL stuff
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\ET PAL\ET PAL stuff
08/18/2005 09:21 AM 23,715,568 02b. August_04_M25_a0_b0__comprsd.avi
10/28/2005 10:09 AM 102,912 02_Intro_PALRemovalTIM_Rev1.ppt
10/28/2005 10:09 AM 5,130,752 03_2005-10-26_Cable_Tray_Structure_Smith.ppt
10/28/2005 10:09 AM 332,800 04_2005-10-26_ET_Vortex_Shedding_Analysis
10/28/2005 10:09 AM 1,552,896 05_PAl_Ramp_Removal_Loads_sdb01.ppt
11/07/2005 03:22 PM 4,276,224 1_ReqtsReview110205.ppt
07/19/2005 08:39 AM 4,997,482 AIAA-2005-3627.pdf
07/08/2005 03:05 PM 22,346,240 AIAA2005-3627.ppt
08/26/2005 04:03 PM 24,939,008 AIAA_pictures.ppt
11/04/2005 01:59 PM 26,362,880 ERB_11-05v4.ppt
11/10/2003 01:28 PM 16,136,384 mach.avi
08/19/2005 02:02 PM 296,714,240 Movie-0001-launch-ETcamera.mpg
10/28/2005 10:09 AM 3,617,035 NOT_PRESENTED_PAL_Ramp_Removal_Unsteady_
10/11/2005 04:15 PM 5,962,132 PAL_Test_Report_022405.pdf
11/12/2003 11:26 AM 84,680 PITCH_1.mpeg
11/12/2003 11:27 AM 85,536 PLUNGE_1.mpeg
11/30/2005 06:22 PM 2,126,878 SERB_v7-part1.pdf
11/30/2005 06:24 PM 3,793,453 SERB_v7-part2.pdf
11/30/2005 06:25 PM 3,785,804 SERB_v7-part3.pdf
12/05/2005 05:26 PM 29,219,840 SERB_v7.ppt
12/08/2005 01:03 PM 9,654,302 SERB_v8.pdf
12/08/2005 12:53 PM 29,667,840 SERB_v8.ppt
05/20/2005 09:04 AM 16,007,635 Shuttle_ET_PAL_Ramp_Report.pdf
08/03/2006 09:25 AM 108,509,628 STS-114-LH-ET-Obs-Cam.wmv
11/03/2005 12:28 PM 7,236,096 sts-114_memo-v2.doc
12/06/2005 11:27 AM 2,665,472 T08D9067A_PSD.avi
12/06/2005 11:27 AM 3,785,728 T08D9068A_PSD.avi
12/06/2005 11:28 AM 3,409,408 T08D9069A_PSD.avi
12/06/2005 11:28 AM 3,475,968 T08D9070A_PSD.avi
12/06/2005 11:28 AM 3,411,968 T08D9075A_PSD.avi
30 File(s) 663,106,789 bytes
Total Files Listed:
30 File(s) 663,106,789 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\gaam-rodden-all-than
07/19/2008 12:54 PM 898,013 p45.7-2-08.mod.jpg
07/19/2008 12:53 PM 1,184,610 p46.7-2-08.mod.jpg
03/16/2008 08:23 PM 29,921 RE Comments on our book.htm
3 File(s) 2,112,544 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves
Ballman's NIA seminar
10/06/2010 12:42 PM 1,022,543 MAVRIC gas effects.air-4134a.jpg
10/06/2010 12:53 PM 868,995 MAVRIC torsion mode LCO air-r143a.jpg
10/06/2010 02:09 PM 903,275 SC(2)-0714 frequencies.jpg
videos for duke seminar
3 File(s) 2,794,813 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\Ballman's NIA seminar
10/06/2010 10:14 AM 5,938,176 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set1.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 5,812,736 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set2.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 4,013,568 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set3.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 6,153,728 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set4.ppt
4 File(s) 21,918,208 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\videos for duke seminar
04/02/2005 03:50 PM 31,332,750 agard edited 2nd.mpg
04/02/2005 05:00 PM 44,707,216 airfoil shock oscillations 5.mpg
04/02/2005 04:26 PM 49,082,086 B-2 RPO 2nd.mpg
10/25/1999 04:11 PM 1,886,207 c2.2.mpg
10/25/1999 04:11 PM 1,724,811 c3.1.mpg
02/26/2009 09:11 AM 22,712,320 duke seminarmod.ppt
04/02/2005 05:11 PM 50,147,118 F-15_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/03/2005 08:28 AM 21,671,578 F-18_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/25/2002 08:00 AM 35,629,596 Flutter at a Glance.MPG
H. Mach waves
04/05/2005 02:53 PM 42,683,630 mavric.lcos.mpg
04/05/2005 03:01 PM 22,275,540 mavric.lcos.videoCD.mpg
04/06/2005 02:31 PM 22,380,000 mavric_lco.mpg2.mpg
04/02/2005 03:38 PM 15,125,666 ntf M=0.65,.75,85,875&30inch closure edited2nd.mpg
04/03/2005 09:33 PM 20,258,350 sc014 shock oscillations 2nd.mpg
14 File(s) 381,616,868 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\videos for duke seminar\H. Mach waves
03/09/2006 09:48 AM 1,102,822 53. Mach wave memo.pdf
04/07/2006 11:31 AM 4,816,058 54. Hess et al- SC(2)-0714 experment aiaa 87-0035.pdf
03/10/2006 02:24 PM 689,114 55. Ng and Rosson- wake measurements-SC(2
)-0714 experiment JofA-march 86.pdf
03/09/2006 09:56 AM 707,406 56. Bartels and Edwards- shock oscillatio
ns on SC(2)-0714, nasa tm 110272.pdf
03/09/2006 09:58 AM 2,877,491 57. Daley and Dick- airfoil schlieren fot
os naca tn 3607.pdf
5 File(s) 10,192,891 bytes
Total Files Listed:
26 File(s) 416,522,780 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves
Ballman's NIA seminar
10/06/2010 12:42 PM 1,022,543 MAVRIC gas effects.air-4134a.jpg
10/06/2010 12:53 PM 868,995 MAVRIC torsion mode LCO air-r143a.jpg
10/06/2010 02:09 PM 903,275 SC(2)-0714 frequencies.jpg
videos for duke seminar
3 File(s) 2,794,813 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\Ballman's NIA seminar
10/06/2010 10:14 AM 5,938,176 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set1.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 5,812,736 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set2.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 4,013,568 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set3.ppt
10/06/2010 10:15 AM 6,153,728 HIRENASD_Seminar_9_13_10_Set4.ppt
4 File(s) 21,918,208 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\videos for duke seminar
04/02/2005 03:50 PM 31,332,750 agard edited 2nd.mpg
04/02/2005 05:00 PM 44,707,216 airfoil shock oscillations 5.mpg
04/02/2005 04:26 PM 49,082,086 B-2 RPO 2nd.mpg
10/25/1999 04:11 PM 1,886,207 c2.2.mpg
10/25/1999 04:11 PM 1,724,811 c3.1.mpg
02/26/2009 09:11 AM 22,712,320 duke seminarmod.ppt
04/02/2005 05:11 PM 50,147,118 F-15_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/03/2005 08:28 AM 21,671,578 F-18_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/25/2002 08:00 AM 35,629,596 Flutter at a Glance.MPG
H. Mach waves
04/05/2005 02:53 PM 42,683,630 mavric.lcos.mpg
04/05/2005 03:01 PM 22,275,540 mavric.lcos.videoCD.mpg
04/06/2005 02:31 PM 22,380,000 mavric_lco.mpg2.mpg
04/02/2005 03:38 PM 15,125,666 ntf M=0.65,.75,85,875&30inch closure edit
04/03/2005 09:33 PM 20,258,350 sc014 shock oscillations 2nd.mpg
14 File(s) 381,616,868 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\mach waves\videos for duke seminar\H. Mach waves
03/09/2006 09:48 AM 1,102,822 53. Mach wave memo.pdf
04/07/2006 11:31 AM 4,816,058 54. Hess et al- SC(2)-0714 experment aiaa
03/10/2006 02:24 PM 689,114 55. Ng and Rosson- wake measurements-SC(2
)-0714 experiment JofA-march 86.pdf
03/09/2006 09:56 AM 707,406 56. Bartels and Edwards- shock oscillatio
ns on SC(2)-0714, nasa tm 110272.pdf
03/09/2006 09:58 AM 2,877,491 57. Daley and Dick- airfoil schlieren fot
os naca tn 3607.pdf
5 File(s) 10,192,891 bytes
Total Files Listed:
26 File(s) 416,522,780 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files
06/10/2011 10:06 PM COMSOL33a
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a\.comsol
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a\.comsol\ver33
07/05/2007 11:37 AM 217 history.m
06/27/2007 09:11 PM 3,113 knownmodes_511.ini
07/15/2007 12:22 AM 5,085 preferences.ini
3 File(s) 8,415 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a\models
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a\models\Acoustics_Mod
0 File(s) 0 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nasa laptop files\COMSOL33a\models\Acoustics_Mod
07/11/2007 12:15 AM 47,922,468 2nd.avi
07/11/2007 07:28 AM 47,603,176 3rd.avi
07/11/2007 12:39 PM 48,068,344 4th_pt13=2.avi
07/05/2007 10:58 AM 65,129 lanzon.1.mph
07/11/2007 10:20 AM 311,626 lanzon.10.mph
07/06/2007 08:04 PM 74,607 lanzon.3.mph
07/06/2007 05:18 PM 67,464 lanzon.4.mph
07/08/2007 08:49 PM 579,690 lanzon.5.mph
07/09/2007 02:35 PM 515,468,286 lanzon.6.mph
07/10/2007 08:09 PM 592,445 lanzon.7.mph
07/10/2007 08:43 PM 79,117 lanzon.8.mph
07/10/2007 09:11 PM 316,817 lanzon.9.mph
07/14/2007 03:49 PM 1,410,048 lanzon.9.ppt
07/05/2007 10:59 AM 9,301 lanzon1.mphtxt
07/06/2007 07:31 AM 6,709 lanzon2.mphtxt
07/06/2007 07:37 AM 6,449 lanzon3.mphtxt
07/06/2007 05:18 PM 9,131 lanzon4.mphtxt
07/14/2007 06:07 PM 47,607,740 nolanzon.asym.0.0002.not.avi
07/14/2007 06:10 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.0.002.x=0-y=3.tif
07/14/2007 06:15 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.0.002.x=12.8-y=-4.6.tif
07/14/2007 06:14 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.0.002.x=7.4-y=0.tif
07/14/2007 05:20 PM 47,967,980 nolanzon.asym.2.avi
07/14/2007 05:21 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.2.x=0-y=3.tif
07/14/2007 05:23 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.2.x=12.8-y=-4.6.tif
07/14/2007 05:22 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.asym.2.x=7.4-y=0.tif
07/14/2007 04:34 PM 47,722,576 nolanzon.sym.1.avi
07/14/2007 04:39 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.sym.1.x=0-y=3.tif
07/14/2007 04:42 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.sym.1.x=12.8-y=-4.6.tif
07/14/2007 04:40 PM 1,440,728 nolanzon.sym.1.x=7.4-y=0.tif
07/03/2007 07:18 AM 4,264,882 open_pipe_jwe1.mph
07/11/2007 11:56 AM 1,440,728 pt13=2-x=-3.6-y=0.tif
07/11/2007 11:52 AM 1,440,728 pt13=2-x=0-y=.3.tif
07/11/2007 11:54 AM 1,440,728 pt13=2-x=0-y=3.0.tif
07/11/2007 12:06 PM 1,440,728 pt13=2-x=12.8-y=-4.6.tif
07/11/2007 12:04 PM 1,440,728 pt13=2-x=7.4-y=0.tif
35 File(s) 830,324,177 bytes
Total Files Listed:
38 File(s) 830,332,592 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc
11/09/2007 04:13 PM 1,538,452 120S31A101_MFOML_STRETCH-for_cfd_v1_0.zip
11/10/2007 04:21 PM 228,352 Acoustics_-_HS_DE_Feb_Close_HiMR_6DOF_v1_0.ppt
11/10/2007 04:39 PM 22,313,976 ADAC2A_0.9_0_cp_v1_0.dat
11/09/2007 04:29 PM 22,313,976 ADAC2A_1.2_4_cp_v1_0.dat
11/09/2007 04:23 PM 22,313,976 ADAC2A_1.4_0_cp_v1_0.dat
11/09/2007 04:19 PM 22,313,976 ADAC2A_1.4_4_cp_v1_0.dat
aeroacousticfiles-from dave
09/10/2007 05:49 AM 4,637,184 AeroSci_SOD_15-min-08-27-2007v3.ppt
12/03/2007 11:29 AM 1,283,072 AS_Telecon_12-03-2007.ppt
08/13/2009 01:05 PM 13,658,112 AS_Telecon_2009-08-12.ppt
10/06/2008 04:08 PM 20,920 atk-usa-memo.rtf
09/10/2007 05:06 PM 1,906 basscode-Monday September 10 @ 200 p.m..htm
12/03/2007 12:42 PM 713,177 Blaha_-_WT_Invst_of_Fluct_Press_on_0.1-sc
12/03/2007 12:42 PM 1,120,984 Chevalier+Robertson_-_Press_Fluct_from_Al
12/03/2007 12:30 PM 29,156,003 Chevalier+Robertson_-_Unstdy_Press_+_Scal
12/03/2007 12:22 PM 663,044 Chyu_-_AIAA-1968-0077-291_v1_0.pdf
12/03/2007 12:19 PM 2,331,418 Coe_-_Centaur+Able_Veh_-_TM_X-503_v1_0.pdf
12/03/2007 12:19 PM 1,747,174 Coe_-_FX_of_Varns_in_Lnch-Veh_Nose_on_Std
12/03/2007 12:20 PM 469,362 Coe_-_Scaling_+_Spatial_Correl_of_Surf_Pr
12/03/2007 12:21 PM 2,148,565 Coe_-_Stdy+Fluct_Press_at_Transsnic_on_Hm
12/26/2008 01:03 PM 25,600 cost proposal extension.doc
03/20/2008 12:10 PM 6,212,608 Cx_Interim_Brief_03-20-2008-final.ppt
03/19/2008 10:18 AM 5,074,944 Cx_Interim_Brief_03-20-2008.ppt
11/09/2007 04:31 PM 9,698,304 DAC2-Rev4__Trajectories_with_graphs_v1_0.xls
06/11/2008 12:43 PM 32,256 draft finding(s).doc
E. IBLM Viscous Formulation
12/03/2007 11:44 AM 26,112 External_Pressure_Field_Predictions_Team_
H. Mach waves
09/10/2007 05:03 PM 2,655,232 Hixon_BASS_NESCv2.15min.ppt
12/03/2007 12:21 PM 679,178 Laganelli_-_Predn_of_Fluct_Press_in_Att_+
12/03/2007 12:01 PM 1,617,995 Lowson_-_Aero-Ind_Press_Flctns_on_Spc_Veh
12/03/2007 12:01 PM 2,310,673 Lowson_-_Predn_of_Inflt_Fluct_Press_on_Sp
09/10/2007 05:50 AM 2,208 NASA Aerosciences State-of-the-Discipline.txt
12/03/2007 01:03 PM 10,507,132 NASA-TN-D-1633__1963_v1_0.pdf
12/03/2007 12:59 PM 20,038,953 NASA-TN-D-3748_1966_v1_0.pdf
09/10/2007 05:46 AM 6,772 nesc-RE Scheduled Telecon.htm
09/10/2007 05:45 AM 1,737 nesc-telecon-Monday September 10 @ 200 p.m..txt
03/29/2008 12:40 PM 201 oslolinks.rtf
pbma downloads
11/10/2007 04:21 PM 350,369 PL-07-23_07-040-I_Launch_Vehicle_Ascent_A
12/03/2007 12:17 PM 79,487,964 Plotkin+Robertson_-_Predn_of_Space_Shttle
01/21/2008 12:39 PM 34,816 Reno travel authorization form.doc
01/21/2008 01:02 PM 22,016 Reno Travel Expense Form.XLS
reports 4-22-09
12/03/2007 01:08 PM 2,706,944 Rev_1_PL-07-23_07-040-I_External Pressure
Field Predictions_Nov 14_2007_Rev 1.doc
12/03/2007 12:00 PM 4,841,807 Roberston_-_Stdy_to_Def_Unstdy_Flwflds_+_
12/03/2007 11:59 AM 4,873,547 Robertson_-_Predn_of_In-Flt_Fluct_Press_i
12/03/2007 11:55 AM 55,264,649 Robertson_-_WT_Invstn_of_FX_of_Re_+_Mdl_S
12/03/2007 12:24 PM 7,603,519 Speaker_-_Spec+Spc-Tim_Correl_of_Fluct_Pr
03/23/2008 12:44 PM 15,814 SS VTfiles.rtf
07/10/2008 09:46 AM 16,896 TEAMs NESC ETCrev (2).xls
46 File(s) 363,081,875 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\aeroacousticfiles-from dave
08/02/2007 04:20 PM 9,652,224 Aero-Induced Surface Fluctuating Pressures - 3.ppt
08/02/2007 04:21 PM 5,997,056 Aeronoise_TIM_final_standalone_r2.ppt
06/18/2007 02:28 PM 10,507,132 NASA-TN-D-1633_ 1963.pdf
06/18/2007 02:51 PM 20,038,953 NASA-TN-D-3748_1966.pdf
06/10/2011 10:08 PM Wilby Memos
4 File(s) 46,195,365 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\aeroacousticfiles-from dave\Wilby Memos
11/01/2006 06:43 PM 670,208 M179-01.doc
11/01/2006 06:43 PM 124,416 M179-02.doc
11/01/2006 06:44 PM 39,424 M179-03.doc
11/01/2006 06:44 PM 65,024 M179-04.doc
11/01/2006 06:45 PM 29,184 M179-05.doc
11/01/2006 06:45 PM 833,024 M179-06.doc
11/01/2006 06:46 PM 310,272 M179-07_Revision_A.doc
11/01/2006 06:47 PM 33,280 M179-08.doc
11/01/2006 06:47 PM 164,864 M179-09.doc
11/01/2006 06:47 PM 106,496 M179-10.doc
11/01/2006 06:48 PM 397,824 M179-11.doc
11/01/2006 06:48 PM 1,009,152 M179-12.doc
11/01/2006 06:49 PM 148,480 M179-13.doc
11/01/2006 06:49 PM 410,624 M179-14.doc
04/18/2007 06:13 PM 40,448 Mabey_Analysis.xls
01/16/2007 04:28 PM 3,193,757 ZIPPED_WILBY_MEM0S.zip
16 File(s) 7,576,477 bytes
Total Files Listed:
20 File(s) 53,771,842 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\E. IBLM Viscous Formulation
03/08/2006 05:25 PM 584,441 18. Edwards-A short history of IBLT.pdf
10/03/2006 10:51 AM 2,507,590 19. howlett_tp2731.pdf
10/03/2006 10:55 AM 1,670,472 20. howlett_tp3197.pdf
03/08/2006 05:23 PM 198,377 21. Howlett-boundary layer closures.pdf
01/04/2005 09:30 AM 835,679 22. Edwards-AIAA-93-0777.pdf
07/30/2002 03:18 PM 1,206,519 23. bennet&edwards.aiaa.1998_2421.pdf
12/03/2007 01:39 PM 22,305,792 24. palmdale workshop 3-06-v2.edited.ppt
04/02/2005 04:50 PM 31,332,750 agard edited 2nd.mpg
04/02/2005 06:00 PM 44,707,216 airfoil shock oscillations 5.mpg
04/02/2005 05:26 PM 49,082,086 B-2 RPO 2nd.mpg
04/02/2005 06:11 PM 50,147,118 F-15_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/03/2005 09:28 AM 21,671,578 F-18_WUT_tail buffeting 2nd.mpg
04/25/2002 09:00 AM 35,629,596 Flutter at a Glance.MPG
04/05/2005 03:53 PM 42,683,630 mavric.lcos.mpg
04/05/2005 04:01 PM 22,275,540 mavric.lcos.videoCD.mpg
04/06/2005 03:31 PM 22,380,000 mavric_lco.mpg2.mpg
04/02/2005 04:38 PM 15,125,666 ntf M=0.65,.75,85,875&30inch closure edited2nd.mpg
04/03/2005 10:33 PM 20,258,350 sc014 shock oscillations 2nd.mpg
18 File(s) 384,602,400 bytes
Total Files Listed:
18 File(s) 384,602,400 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\H. Mach waves
03/09/2006 09:48 AM 1,102,822 53. Mach wave memo.pdf
04/07/2006 11:31 AM 4,816,058 54. Hess et al; SC(2)-0714 experment aiaa 87-0035.pdf
03/10/2006 02:24 PM 689,114 55. Ng and Rosson; wake measurements-SC(2
)-0714 experiment JofA-march 86.pdf
03/09/2006 09:56 AM 707,406 56. Bartels and Edwards; shock oscillatio
ns on SC(2)-0714, nasa tm 110272.pdf
03/09/2006 09:58 AM 2,877,491 57. Daley and Dick; airfoil schlieren fot
os naca tn 3607.pdf
5 File(s) 10,192,891 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\invoices
07/25/2007 12:09 PM 39,424 Invoice#1.doc
05/28/2008 10:22 AM 38,912 Invoice#10-really-11.doc
03/19/2008 11:27 AM 40,448 Invoice#10.doc
05/28/2008 12:23 PM 39,936 Invoice#12.doc
06/20/2008 02:37 PM 38,912 Invoice#13.doc
07/10/2008 04:33 PM 38,912 Invoice#14.doc
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05/03/2009 04:25 PM 38,912 Invoice#15.doc
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10/15/2007 11:58 AM 39,424 Invoice#4.doc
11/09/2007 11:36 AM 37,888 Invoice#5.doc
12/03/2007 02:30 PM 38,400 Invoice#6.doc
01/04/2008 10:40 AM 39,424 Invoice#7.doc
02/01/2008 02:15 PM 39,936 Invoice#8.doc
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05/28/2008 10:24 AM 248,320 Timesheet#10-really-11.xls
03/19/2008 11:31 AM 247,808 Timesheet#10.xls
05/28/2008 12:20 PM 248,320 Timesheet#12.xls
06/20/2008 02:31 PM 7,994 Timesheet#13.pdf
06/20/2008 02:33 PM 248,320 Timesheet#13.xls
07/10/2008 04:48 PM 910,776 timesheet#14.jpg
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08/13/2007 10:02 AM 247,296 Timesheet#2.xls
08/22/2007 11:54 AM 854,293 Timesheet#3.jpg
08/22/2007 11:49 AM 247,808 Timesheet#3.xls
10/15/2007 11:57 AM 247,296 Timesheet#4.xls
11/09/2007 11:33 AM 247,296 Timesheet#5.xls
12/03/2007 02:49 PM 248,320 Timesheet#6.xls
01/04/2008 10:43 AM 247,808 Timesheet#7.xls
02/01/2008 02:19 PM 247,808 Timesheet#8.xls
03/17/2008 09:12 AM 247,808 Timesheet#9.xls
05/28/2008 02:54 PM 866,613 timesheet12.jpg
07/01/2008 02:30 PM 645,140 timesheet13.jpg
39 File(s) 10,920,304 bytes
Directory of F:\John_workfiles\nesc\pbma downloads
02/01/2009 02:28 PM 44,544 1-16-09_External_Pressure_draft_Meeting_Minutes.doc
02/01/2009 02:26 PM 42,496 12-12-08_External_Pressure_draft_Meeting_Minutes.doc
03/12/2008 09:54 AM 497,664 AresandSaturn.3-11-08telecon.ppt
02/12/2008 01:02 PM 1,268,224 AS_Telecon_12-03-2007 (2).ppt
02/25/2008 06:22 PM 193,536 CFD-based_p'_Predictions_22Feb08_Telcon_v2.ppt
02/01/2009 02:21 PM 1,462,784 Const_MJS_Jan1609.ppt
03/12/2008 09:48 AM 2,115,072 Cx_Interim_Brief_03-13-2008_v1_0.ppt
02/08/2008 11:54 AM 30,720 GIT-Feb1_Const.ppt
02/08/2009 11:56 AM 512,664 GoogleEarthSetup.exe
03/02/2008 02:19 PM 13,413,048 Google_Earth_BZXV.exe
02/20/2008 11:47 AM 429,568 NASA_Aerosciences_Perspective_on_Proposed
02/08/2008 11:55 AM 719,408 NASA_Feb_1_telecon_Auburn_update_final.pdf
02/25/2008 06:56 PM 3,071,324 NASA_Feb_22_telecon_Auburn_update_final.pdf
02/01/2009 02:27 PM 407,552 NASA_Jan_16_09_telecon_AU-update.ppt
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