Nat doc 001 Guidance and Information Material Concerning

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icao nat doc 001 air navigation north atlantic
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 This Part of the Document outlines the main requirements and procedures (including specialised procedures) needed to operate in the NAT Region. Some or all of this information will apply to flights operating within MNPS Airspace and RVSM airspace (covered specifically in Part 3).
2.1.2 Aircraft operating in the NAT Region may do so either within or outside MNPS Airspace. For operations within MNPS Airspace, a specific approval from the State of Registry or the State of the Operator is required regardless of the category of the Operator. i.e. State, IGA or Public Transport. This Part of the Guidance Material primarily provides information on flight planning and operation of flights to pilots wishing to operate outside MNPS Airspace. i.e. below FL 285 or above FL 420. Pilots wishing to operate above FL 420 should take particular note of the climb/descent provisions in Part 3.
2.1.3 A number of incidents have occurred due to some NAT IGA flights not being in compliance with basic requirements for navigation and communications equipment on oceanic flights or flights over remote areas. Most of these incidents are potentially hazardous to aircraft occupants and to SAR personnel who are sent to find them. Some have resulted in needless alerting on the part of ATC and inexpensive search activities on the part of the SAR services.
2.1.4 Reduction or elimination of such incidents, which have generally involved flights considerably off-course or which have not reported their position as required, is needed so that unnecessary expenditure of resources is prevented. In support of this, the NAT SPG first published in October 1990 the "North Atlantic International General Aviation Operations Manual". IGA pilots planning to operate across the NAT Region are strongly advised to obtain a copy of the current edition from their State authority or

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