2004 R305M040032
Improving Teacher Quality to Address the Language and Literacy Skills of Latino Children in Pre-Kindergarten Programs
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Buysse, Virginia
Buysse, V., Castro, D.C., and Peisner-Feinberg, E. (2010). Effects of a Professional Development Program on Classroom Practices and Outcomes for Latino Dual Language Learners. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(1): 94–206.
Castro, D.C., Peisner-Feinberg, E., and Buysse, V. (2010). Language and Literacy Development in Latino Dual Language Learners: Promising Instructional Practices. In O. Saracho and B. Spodek (Eds.), Language and Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education (pp. 65–93). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Castro, D.C., Páez, M., Dickinson, D., and Frede, E. (2011). Promoting Language and Literacy in Dual Language Learners: Research, Practice and Policy. Child Development Perspectives, 5(1):15-21.
Gillanders, C. and Castro, D.C. (2011) Storybook Reading for Young English Language Learners. Young Children, 66(1): 91-95.
Can Literacy Professional Development be Improved with Web-based Collaborative Learning Tools: A Randomized Field Trial
University of Chicago
Bryk, Anthony
Atteberry, A., and Bryk, A.S. (2010). Analyzing the Role of Social Networks in School-Based Professional Development Initiatives. In A.J. Daly (Ed.), The Ties of Change: Social Network Theory and Application in Education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Press.
Atteberry, A., Bryk, A.S., and Walker, L. (2011). Analyzing Teacher Engagement in Literacy Coaching Activities. Elementary School Journal. 112(2): 356-382.
Biancarosa, G., Bryk, A.S., and Dexter, E. (2010). Assessing the Value-added Effects of Literacy Collaborative Professional Development on Student Learning. Elementary School Journal, 111(1): 7–34.
Assessing Teacher Effectiveness: How Can We Predict Who Will Be a High Quality Teacher?
Florida State University
Harris, Douglas
Harris, D. (2008). The Policy Uses and Policy Validity of Value-Added and Other Teacher Quality Measures. In D.H. Gitomer (Ed.), Measurement Issues and the Assessment of Teacher Quality. (pp. 99–130). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Harris, D., and Rutledge, S. (2010). Models and Predictors of Teacher Effectiveness: A Review of the Evidence with Lessons from (and for) Other Occupations. Teachers College Record, 112(3): 914-960.
Harris, D., and Sass, T. (2007). Teacher Training, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement. National Center for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research (CALDER). Working Paper #3. Washington, DC: Urban Institute.
Rutledge, S., and Harris, D. (2008). Certify, Blink, Hire: An Examination of the Process and Tools of Teacher Selection. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 7(3): 237–263.
Professional Development in Early Reading (Classroom Links to Early Literacy)
Purdue University
Powell, Douglas
Related IES Projects: Classroom Links to Vocabulary and Phonological Sensitivity Skills (R305B070605)
Diamond, K.E., Gerde, H.K., and Powell, D.R. (2008). Development in Early Literacy Skills during the Pre-Kindergarten Year in Head Start: Relations between Growth in Children’s Writing and Understanding of Letters. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23: 467–478.
Douglas R.P. and Diamond, K.E. (2011). Improving the Outcomes of Coaching-Based Professional Development Interventions. In D. K. Dickinson and S. B. Neuman (Eds.), Handbook of Early Literacy Research: Vol. 3 (pp. 295-307). New York, NY: Guilford.
Gerde, H.K., and Powell, D.R. (2009). Teacher Education, Book-Reading Practices, and Children’s Language Growth across One Year of Head Start. Early Education and Development, 20(2): 211–237.
Powell, D.R., Diamond, K.E., and Koehler, M.J. (2010). Use of a Case-Based Hypermedia Resource in an Early Literacy Coaching Intervention with Pre-Kindergarten Teachers. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 29(4): 239–249.
Powell, D.R., Diamond, K.E., Bojczyk, K.E., and Gerde, H.K. (2008). Head Start Teachers’ Perspectives on Early Literacy. Journal of Literacy Research, 40: 422–460.
Powell, D. R., Diamond, K. E., Burchinal, M. R., and Koehler, M.J. (2010). Effects Of An Early Literacy Professional Development Intervention On Head Start Teachers and Children. Journal Of Educational Psychology, 102(2): 299-312
Teacher Licensure Tests and Student Achievement
RAND Corporation
Buddin, Richard
Buddin, R. and Zamarro, G. (2009). Teacher Qualifications and Student Achievement in Urban Elementary Schools, Journal of Urban Economics, 66(2): 103–115.
2005 R305M050003
Connecting Primary Grade Teacher Knowledge to Primary Grade Student Achievement: Developing the Evidence-Based Reading/Writing Teacher Knowledge Assessment System
Utah State University
Reutzel, D. Ray
Janice A. Dole (University of Utah)
Reutzel, D. R., Dole, J. A., Read, S., Fawson, P., Herman, K., Jones, C. D., ... and Fargo, J. (2011). Conceptually and Methodologically Vexing Issues in Teacher Knowledge Assessment. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 27(3), 183-211.
Teaching Teachers to Teach Critical Reading Strategies (CREST) through an Intensive Professional Development Model
University of Texas, San Antonio
Sailors, Misty W.
Janis Harmon
Sailors, M. (2007). Supporting Teachers Through an Intensive Professional Development Model. In Supporting Student Success. Corpus Christi, TX: CEDER Yearbook.
Sailors, M. (2008). Improving Comprehension Instruction through Quality Professional Development. In S.E. Israel and G.G. Duffy (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Sailors, M. and Price, L. (2010). Professional Development That Supports The Teaching Of Cognitive Reading Strategy Instruction. The Elementary School Journal, 110(3): 301–322.
Examining the Efficacy of Two Models of Preschool Professional Development in Language and Literacy
Education Development Center, Inc.
Clark-Chiarelli, Nancy
Project Website: http://ccf.edc.org/Projects/projDetail.asp?projID=3662
A Randomized Controlled Study of the Efficacy of Reading Apprenticeship Professional Development for High School History and Science Teaching and Learning
Greenleaf, Cynthia
Steve Schneider (WestED) and Joan Herman (UCLA)
Schoenbach, R., Greenleaf, C., and Murphy, L. (2012). Reading for Understanding: How Reading Apprenticeship Improves Disciplinary Learning in Secondary and College Classrooms. John Wiley & Sons.
Embedded Classroom Multimedia: Improving Implementation Quality and Student Achievement in a Cooperative Writing Program
Success for All Foundation
Madden, Nancy A
Madden, N. A., Slavin, R. E., Logan, M., and Cheung, A. (2011). Effects of Cooperative Writing with Embedded Multimedia: A Randomized Experiment. Effective Education, 3(1), 1-9.
Slavin, R.E., Madden, N.A., Chambers, B., and Haxby, B. (2009). 2 Million children: Success for All (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA US: Corwin Press.
Assessment of Pedagogical Knowledge of Teachers of Reading
Regents of the University of Michigan
Carlisle, Joanne F.
Brian Rowan
Carlisle, J.F., Kelcey, B., Berebitksy, D., and Phelps, G. (2011). Embracing the Complexity of Instruction: a Study of the Effects of Teachers’ Instruction on Students’ Reading Comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading, 15(5):409-439.
Kelcey, B. (2011). Assessing The Effects Of Teachers’ Reading Knowledge On Students’ Achievement Using Multilevel Propensity Score Stratification. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 33(4): 458-482.
Enhancing the Quality of Expository Text Instruction through Content and Case-Situated Professional Development
Texas A and M University
Simmons, Deborah
William Rupley (Texas A&M University) and Sharon Vaughn (University of Texas – Austin)
Hairrell, A., Rupley, W.H., and Simmons, D. (2011). The State Of Vocabulary Research. Literacy Research and Instruction, 50(4): 253-271.
Hairrell, A., Rupley, W.H., Edmonds, M., Larsen, R., Simmons, D., Willson, V., and ... Vaughn, S. (2011). Examining The Impact Of Teacher Quality On Fourth-Grade Students' Comprehension and Content-Area Achievement. Reading and Writing Quarterly: Overcoming Learning Difficulties, 27(3): 239-260.
Simmons, D., Hairrell, A., Edmonds, M., Vaughn, S., Larsen, R., Willson, V., Rupley, W.H., and Byrns, G. (2010). A Comparison Of Multiple-Strategy Methods: Effects On Fourth-Grade Students’ General and Content-Specific Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Development. Journal Of Research On Education Effectiveness, 3(2): 121-156.
Identifying the Conditions Under which Large Scale Professional Development Policy Initiatives are Related to Teacher Knowledge, Instructional Practices, and Student Reading Outcomes
Florida State University
Roehrig, Alysia D.
Mary Brownell (University of Florida), Christopher Schatschneider (Florida State University), and Joseph Torgesen (Florida State University)
Roehrig, A.D., Turner, J.E., Grove, C.M., Schneider, N., and Liu, Z. (2009). Degree of Alignment Between Beginning Teachers’ Practices and Beliefs About Effective Classroom Practices. The Teacher Educator, 44: 164–187.
Roehrig, A.D., Duggar, S.W., Moats, L., Glover, M., and Mincey, B. (2008).When Teachers Work to Use Progress Monitoring Data to Inform Literacy Instruction: Identifying Potential Supports and Challenges. Remedial and Special Education, 29: 364–382.
Roehrig, A.D., Bohn, C.M., Turner, J.E., and Pressley, M. (2008). Mentoring Beginning Primary Teachers for Exemplary Teaching Practices. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24: 684–702.
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